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[SP/MP] Dynamic Whole Map ArmA3 Missions by SaOk

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Is the vehicles moving around on their own an arma issue or the mission?

For example i tend to set up a Rearm/Fuel/Repair station with one of each vehicle at my base and whenever i leave and come back they are all moved around or even completely gone and its the same with every vehicle, they also teleport with you when you fast travel which is also a bit annoying. Also civilian vehicles spawning all over airfields etc can be a hindrance.

Damn timewarp i thought i used a lot of mods :p

I experience this disappearing vehicle problem a lot as I too will setup FOB's to use for rearm and repair. It sometimes will go even a step further and one or all of the support trucks will randomly explode on resuming a save, or even as I leave the area after I place them.

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Its close to unplayable now, Unitcounter is in the top right of the pic...


I´m just wondering why in Elektro is so much activity, was not even close to there....

That is a lot of units. Have you put down a lot yourself? Or are most just spawned by the mission?

If I understand the way SoAK does it, spawned units are units near you in a radius of a few KM. I have a feeling it's ~2 km, but unsure.

SoAK, can you please talk a little about how you do this? How far away from the player do units stay spawned?

I would think that the reason why there are so much activity near Elektro is because there are forces of both sides there. To me this is a war that is all over the map, not just where I am, and that I think is cool...

The real question is weather that is feasible in the current implementation. I don't know because SoAK hasn't really said anything about how battles outside where the player is, are simulated.

I experience this disappearing vehicle problem a lot as I too will setup FOB's to use for rearm and repair. It sometimes will go even a step further and one or all of the support trucks will randomly explode on resuming a save, or even as I leave the area after I place them.

As I understand it, and correct me if I'm wrong SoAK, it happens because once you leave an area (I believe ~2 km away, maybe less), units (incl. vehicles) and items (wall, etc.) despawn to save FPS. As you reenter the area (or reload a mission), it all spawns in again. As things spawn in, if they are on a slope, they tend to move a bit from where they originally were. When they have moved enough, they bump into things and may explode. That is a game thing, not a mission thing. Sometimes things even double spawn, which makes them explode. That I think is a mission thing, but not sure about it.

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If you used the count vehicles in that too, it could be that there is some vehicles/objects or particle-/sound-sources not getting deleted right or fast enough. I take look into it.

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Hi there SAok! Finally i downloaded and played your campaign sp mission of wla. Im close the end of this mission, few base of red are still in Altis, the war is almost finished.

I have a serious of bug report and suggestion for implement your mission, not included the last part that i still dont play, crash often occurs and the troups are heavy barricaded in their base then i need to work a bit more for free the island. By the way, the issues i found are a long list and i m sure you can do a lot for implement your mission. If is so, should be great.

Here the list:

Issues and bugs:

- Create/Return HC doesn't seems works.

- Change color for prestige points (green should be better against the sky color)

- Bar gate of enemy post don't open for ai friendly when captured, and seems all the bargate you place are locked for everyone but not for you. This result in tank that need avoid the street and your teammate ai that crash in the bargate.

- Special buildings like military offices or cargo stole only point but doesn't really works. Need some detailed instruction on which one really works and some test on the other that doesn't works.

- From where spawn the enemy units? Sometime i placed checkpoint everywhere and i found enemy units with tank and mrap behind my lines. No parachute, just appeared behind my lines. Should be more realistic if the enemies can spawn only in the town and in the base they control. In the suggestion for gameplay i add some idea that you could use.

- UAV is invisible (darter). If one unit assemble it, it fly away... XD I locked it under some stairs to control it :) but if one of your unit assemble it, it disappears. There are no point for refuel/repair the UAV. UAV is totally useless in this way.

- Script for defend base and base under attack reduce a lot the fps

- After the first missions, the soldier that come for reinforcements in your team or for checkpoints you build are naked :S After the first capture of a camp they become fully equipped. Is horrible have teammate naked :S

- The mission that soldier assign you (create a checkpoint on a road) not marked on map. Same for the hidden vehicle that i am still looking for and i am near the end of the campaign.

- H for help and hint sometimes doesnt works. This should be a problem of memory leak and not of scripting, anyway i report it.

- There are some issues on loading the ammobox on truck. Sometime disappear, sometime dont move on ground or destroy your truck in the movement, need some implementation on script.

- Change Fatigue from wla menu doesn't works. Can only remove the dress and we have another naked soldier :S

- Too much spam of supply drop markers. Should be removed when picked up or after a while.

- AI are so dumb, overall when drive. I know is basically Bethesda program, but cannot do nothing for this? ^^

- The game won't start anymore at certain point. This happens overall when i need ctrl-alt-canc the game. If i die and i close the game, seems there are no problems. This happens sometime when you made an user savegame too. Gladly there is the resume function.

- Item of preview in construction must be transparent and not solid, or destroy everything they touch.

- Vehicle and weapon placed in the checkpoint you create blow up if the marker of the checkpoint is not yet appeared on map. Is like the item respawn again after the marker is placed on map, and find the other element present and go in collision, resulting in a big explosion or in the death of the static weapon.

- Mission for fix the vehicle and back it to base is not marked on map.

- In the help for call support need more detailed instruction on how works the chopper transport.

- All terminal uav are transparent in the case.

This is all i found like issues in my gameplay. Sorry for my english :) I know is not possible do everything with scripting, but if you can do anything for solve these issues the gameplay will be a lot better. About gameplay, now a list of suggestion for make it more interesting. These are just suggestions, based on the past arma and on my personal opinion of strategic game. Is up to you to implement it or not, but i hope you will :D


- Add some submarine task like in stratis

- Add some uav mission like assassination of high value target (if alarmed the target escape, then need coordination of UAV and units for avoid this)

- When the airfields are unlocked and captured, give the possibility to buy ai with jet and chopper to guard it or to use it in the operations.

- Add a support crate for pilots with parachute for halo missions. Same for diving.

- The place where spawn the units is really important for make the gameplay a lot strategic. Vehicles should spawn only from factories, with electric central under control. Weapons from storage. Units from piers. From town only civilian soldiers, with weak weapons linked at their speciality. Air support from airfield.

- To receive a support you need an antenna in the builiding the support come from. Then for example, if you need units from the pier it need an antenna or you cannot communicate with it. Same for factories, town, etc.

- In the airfield you should insert a script for repair/resupply the vehicles. This is not really necessary, cause it works reeally strange. If you leave a chopper in the airfield, when you go back there after a while you find it refueled and resupplied. Is like the reparation and rearm happening in the while is the vehicle there, similar to realism. You need only buy another vehicle and use it, and go back at base for use the other one resupplied when yours is out. By the way, need some instructions in the briefing about this.

This is my big list Saok :D I not finished the campaign like i said, but i think there will be not problems on the outro scenes and on the last scripts. If there will be i will report you. For the moment, if you can do this implementation i listed up i think the gameplay should become amazing :D Good work with your mission and ty for the fun you let us to have :D

---------- Post added at 21:22 ---------- Previous post was at 21:20 ----------

If you have any need to contact me reply in this thread or feel free to write me at mauriziopalescandolo@gmail.com.

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SaOk[FIN], once again, thank you for this scenario. I have several hundred hours in it and the previous post pretty much covers any of my issues with the WLA. Regardless of them, I really do enjoy it.

My main question is, how do I run WLA with mods? In game clicking on shift+1 and on the mods at the bottom does not seem to be the path to add @outlw_magRepack_v3.1.0, @MP5K or what ever.

I use Play withSIX (PWS) to launch Arma and WLA. I know how to create a "collection" to include mods when in MP. How, or does, that translate to SP? Do I have to stop using PWS and put all the mods in the startup?

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Also, when I am commanding various squad I have color coded, I thought it used to be possible to take command of one of the troops in the selected squad to "lead them" in the task I have for them. Is that still possible? Or am I dreaming?

Again, thank you for a wonderful scenario and for the continued work on it, I appreciate it.


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Thanks all for the much feedback, will pay attention those while updating the mission. Next mission update will have more tweaks done to see if the performance would stay more stable.

Optional submarine, UAV and diving task would be definitely nice to have. And checking the bugs and other suggestions too.

The mods need to be enabled when starting the game. You can use the collections in PWS (start the game via right clicking the collection with all wanted addons listed), old -mod parameter or the new game launcher to active mods. Only then the possible mod classname content will show in the shift+1 menu.

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Googles (like tactical glasses) that I add to units, disappear, typically after reload of saved mission. They get reset to its unit defaults.

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Maybe not a mission bug. We experienced the same issue with several other missions. Dunno if the Arsenal is integrated in this mission, but this seem the only common on our side.

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I have code to save glasses too, but for some reason it dosent seem to work always or at all. May try to work on it more at some point.

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Maybe not a mission bug. We experienced the same issue with several other missions. Dunno if the Arsenal is integrated in this mission, but this seem the only common on our side.
I have code to save glasses too, but for some reason it dosent seem to work always or at all. May try to work on it more at some point.

I have a feeling it is being reset back to a default unit identity that has basic weapons and equipment defined. If SaOk hasn't made any class identities like that, then it is probably a game thing. Why it reset after reload(/respawn) and if it is related to arsenal, I don't know, but it is something that happened even before arsenal was integrated into the mission. But I would be surprised if there isn't a solution to it somehow.

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New SP WLA Update. More tweaks and fixes (including. chopper transport works again and disabled angry village fires and made some other tweaks if performance would stay more stable).

Edited by SaOk

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What is the latest version for MP and also are the optional sound mods still valid on the first page? I would love to have my unit give it a test run. I am a learning mission maker so maybe I could help debug anything if you would want.


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Thanks for offering, but have been receiving much feedback already from COOP. Havent just found time to update it lately. But updates soon again and much more hopefully from november. The custom voices should work in COOP too, included almost all voices that are in SP for MP too. But the civilian voices are still broken since one game bug. Issue can be voted here:


Seeing the FPS issue in SP version. Working on it. There is too much vehicles/physx objects piling sometimes and not removed quick enough. Trying to improve it much very soon.

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Roger that I up voted on that problem, and thanks for getting back to me, just to make sure the links on the front page are the up to date ones for your project?


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New WLA SP update. More fixes and tweaks (including for performance, more coming).

The front page links are up to date, but rarely withSix or steam might have short delay if they uploading have been down. Dropbox links are always up to date.

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So how would I go about adding in weapons, gear, units, etc from a mod pack I have? Rhq m4 & m16 for example. I tried placing them in crates through the mission editor but that just screwed the mission's cutscene up and the mission never really started. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance. I've spent more time playing this mission than I have doing anything else in Arma 3. Keep up the good work!

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So how would I go about adding in weapons, gear, units, etc from a mod pack I have? Rhq m4 & m16 for example. I tried placing them in crates through the mission editor but that just screwed the mission's cutscene up and the mission never really started. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance. I've spent more time playing this mission than I have doing anything else in Arma 3. Keep up the good work!

You should be able to add them from the Gear option (shift+1). Here you find a gear shop. However I have noticed that not all items seem to show up.

SaOk: AGM earplugs is a good example of a mod item that never shows up in the gear shop.

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I've download the latest update (from yesterda) and when I'm pressing "Customize Gear" or "Settings" it just doesnt doing anything...

btw I've replaced the file with my old file so I'll be able to continue my save, is that wrong?


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Some bugs to look at:

  • Mission settings doesn't get saved properly. After restarting the mission using an old saved game, they are reset to default, not what it was selected to be. E.g. "player needs" was disabled, but after restart/reload, it was enabled again.
  • In relation to putting down objects, like walls (e.g. Military Wall) from shift+c and using the button to extending it. If you "undo obj" and use the extend button again, it places the new object (wall) relative to the removed object, not the one before. This wasn't like that before latest update.
  • The names of the units a not consistent. They change between respawns and also after using continue old saved game at mission restart.
    • Also the names of active units seems to be messed up. E.g. "Player ID" is also McKay. James is now shown as Thomson but is still named James. Northgate is now shown as Murphy but is still named Northgate. Etc. The extra names is different each time.

Feature request:

  • Make it possible to move placed objects, such as walls, sandbacks, etc.
  • Make it possible to delete placed objects, such as walls, sandbacks, etc.

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I have a little report about own vehicles moved or disappearing...

I read about the spawning back when you return from a distance greatoer than 2 Kms...

I Dunno what scaling in measures Arma 3 is using and how they store the position of each vehicle ( if they do ), but in Flight Simulators coding usually a double is used to deal with math precision, to have enough precision in positioning, and you could fly away a lot and return, of course objects too far are removed and their positions stored in memory, and when you return everything is still there, this has to be coded in the game of course, and I believe SaOk can do nothing about it...

However, to me happens as it was not a spawn problem, but like a number of vehicles problem... I mean :

I had 1 tank, one AMV, one Hunter and usual truck in my base...

Decided to get one Quad for next mission, and went into nearest village to buy it...

When I returned to the base, the Hunter was magically gone, and the willage was no more than 500 Meters away from the base...

I restarted from last save, and this time I bought 2 Quads... guess what...? when I returned, the Hunter and AMV where gone, no more in the base or around... disappeared...

I made some missions, without getting vehicles, far more aways than 2 Kms from base, and when returned, apart being moved by the spawn, all vehicles were still there...

So, I wonder if there is something limiting owned vehicles for some reason... for sure I have a lot of Power on this machine, and still had no FPS problem, so, do not think this is tied to fps saving...

Another thing I noticed since I started a saved mission using 'restart', is that, apart having become Jackson from my player ID, all team names seems misplaced, like, it says green instead of red, blue instead of green...

Reported direction are most of the time wrong, and, even if a target/object is about few meters away, they are reported as 1 click or worst...

is there a way to force back the mission to get my Player ID...?

Thanks for reading and for the great mission SaOk...

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Any way to change to hotkeys? I want to use the virtual arsenal anywhere mod by the hotkey for it (U) is already binded to something in the mission.

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Any way to change to hotkeys? I want to use the virtual arsenal anywhere mod by the hotkey for it (U) is already binded to something in the mission.

I think it would be better to ask the Creator of the ArsenalMod to change his one hotkey before you ask here? I think this would be the better solution, dont you think?

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Why does the responsibility fall to that mod maker?

He already changed it once after complaints

It's neither mod makers fault, but they should probably establish some rules for all mods so that this sort of thing stops happening

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