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[SP/MP] Dynamic Whole Map ArmA3 Missions by SaOk

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Tnx for the info, i'll do my best to keep you informed for the coming days. I expect to play a crapload this weekend, nothing else to do anyway. So a good way to do some long-term testing.

Also, i'll look into that debug system, makes it easyer for me to give you reports.

It'll get better n better through time, but building something massive like this, is'nt a thing you do in a couple of days :P

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You can call support crate drops, buy supply vehicles from airfields and randomly there is friendly support zone on map (currently these get destroyed usually quickly). Also if you have mechanic, he could repair some of the damage.

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New WLA SP version 1.51 is here (dropbox, withSix, steam and very soon in Armaholic and MODDB). Player may now pick up objects from houses (with Shift+8), related tasks added for that (hunger, thirst, sickness), added task for tiredness, found valuable objects also give prestige, remade crate loading to trucks (dialog+new custom key), new civ task +optimizations, tweaks, fixes

The player related new tasks give only bonuses to keep those optional. May add some effects too later which can be turned off.

Edited by SaOk

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Lol! another update dude!? awesome!

Did u check the mine field option SaOk??

In last update everything was working cool... Btw, in the initial config of the mission, there are some options listed like this

FPS < 30

FPS < 20

FPS < 10


What they do?

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Will check it next time when in editor. The FPS setting disables traffic, animals, lowers amount of civilians and some other things when FPS gets under the set gap. I use the 40 setting myself. The lower settings are good for weaker computers where FPS never goes very high, but player still wants to see traffic. Over to that there is of course default gaps for those features, that FPS setting is to keep the frames more stable.

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IDK if is the game or what, but i have a pretty decent rig

Asus Crosshair Formula Z

Micro FX8

8 gb RAM

AMD Shapphire Dual x R270x 2gb ddr5

Can play with all maxed out @1080p but mi FPS never goes over 40... i can change some settings but the fps stay @ 30~35... i use the "fps < 40 option" too but didn't know how it works untill now lol...

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Great mission, one of the best I've played in the Armaverse. :)

Couldn't find the answer here or on steam forum, it seems the save (0-0-0) doesn't work anymore since last update. Does anyone know if its a bug or feature.

I only use shacktac HUD mod, no any ai mod or else.

Thx in advance.

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Thanks, :) the crates are loaded now with Shift+9 when there is truck and any crate nearby. For me the 0-0-0 save have worked normally while playing non-workshop version.

Edited by SaOk
Wrote wrong key combination, its 9 not 8

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Is it possible to force enemy AI to spawn from any player in your own group? I like to stand off and move my troops in.

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Yes, just forgot to update the readme. :) Enemy spawning follows player and friendly UAVs only to keep FPS good. But I will try to improve the virtual battle system more so player could command the teams on map to capture wanted locations. Purchased support could also appear virtually on map when far from player. Will work on it soon after planning on the features for it some more. Need to make sure the mission dosent turn to be only commander view where player moves everything as massive mass to clean the island.

Edited by SaOk

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Ok, savegame issue was due to @alive, which I had loaded as well. Just a FYI.

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SaOK, I am playing now and I got annoyd by the constant yelling of "Out Of Ammo" on my soldiers.

But, when I checked, it happens to my AT units, cause when they spawn, the have a basic launcher. I change that with the guided, Titan Compact launcher. With the AT-missles. But, when I fast-Travel, the start yelling again. And I kept an eye on it.

For some reason, when you have done a fast-travel, they keep the Titan, but the ammo changed to the basic PCML missles.

Can you look into that? Or is that a tough thing to do?

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That low-ammo reporting is most likely game issue, soldiers that have much of the needed magazines report low ammo. That happens when cloning the soldier that is needed to prevent command ignoring bug. Cant fix that, but will make bug tickets for BIS at some point. ;) Some of the backpacks, vests and fatigues have default loadout which is giving trouble when cloning units. I will try to find fix for that soon.

Tested the minefield function - yes its broken after added optimizations. For some reason the AI now also ignore to lay the mines even muzzles and mags should be right. Trying to get that working soon.

Have been adding new command system. Player can now click the zone markers on map and give waypoints for them. I think I will lock the green zones to stay near their camps, but once NATO forces arrive player could order those blue "zones" more freely.

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And you are making this better and better SaOk! ty for cheking the mine field system! hope u get it ready not very soon lol(im making an exelent campaing on last update hahaha, hey the AI now is really hard ¬¬ did u chage something? they retake camps REALLY easy.. sometimes they come, kick my face with a tank+APC and good bye camp lol dont like it but is challenging)

Btw i see this every time i open menues, VAS menu and every in game menu of this mission...


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Hey SaOK,

Why is it that on the WORKSHOP, your Stratis mission is at a higher level of "Most Popular" than Atlis, when in fact you're doing more work on Atlis and stopped doing for Stratis?

Strange, yes?

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WLA got some negative votes during first weeks from unresponsive AI bug, stutters and probably released it too early with limited features/tasks/story too. Those votes matter so much, since amount of favorites arent counted, that its nearly impossible to get up from there unless the mission would turning into very popular phenomenon (like DayZ). But probably not. Would expect conversions for other maps getting higher if there would proper cinema/story and tasks from start.

But dosent matter, I continue working on WLA as the main project, time to time exporting the core to another projects (Zub (2), Iron Front, WLS, maybe WLW and other).

Edit: The dialog error is from changed listbox scrollbar config. I updated it to follow the DEV-version config. The harmless error will be gone with next official patch.

I will work on the camp attacking event later more, made it before virtual battles but now would need to remake it to be more fluid with the feature.

Edited by SaOk

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I have played a long afternoon on the latest version. I have to say, no more slowdowns for me so far. And I build a few badass camps with big protection.

I think it got solved in some way.

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Another report... the tasks to retake captured camps doesn't finish after i complete them... i have 4 task to retake diferents camps on my task list, they're still there even after i capture those camps, in adition to that, map markers "assault beging here" stay there for ever too, dont hate me SaOk im just trying to help ya :P

Almost forgot to mention, mini tasks to find object for a little ammount of PV are working great and they are pretty inmersive too, i can't enter a city looking for objects without a heavy fight lol

Edited by mith86arg

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I will check the markers, worked before but there could be some new bug.


New WLA SP version 1.55 in here (dropbox, steam, withSix, soon in armaholic too). Added first version of map commanding function - you are able to give waypoints for friendly zones on map. Write _nul = [] execVM "USZonesArrive.sqf"; in debug console if wanting more teams on map without completeing NATO task. Some other tweaks and fixes.

See the briefing (map view - M) section for map commanding. Basically left click team and for waypoints keep shift down when clicking on map.

Didnt yet fix the minefield function, cant currently see what is wrong. Testing it more soon.

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i'll stay playing the last update this time :P.. hey SaOk, dont modify the VP earned for finding objects please :P i feel like playing fallout new vegas now hahahaha

ty for your work and time, really!

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