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Boeing/SOAR MH-47E Release v1.3

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Ye me and a mate made a video a while back so just waiting for him to show up so i can get the link

Ok thanks :D

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If you watch from about 1:40 you'll see what i mean

Ah I see what you mean, the way the blades rotate on the angle.

Thanks for the video, I shall also try and look into this :D

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To honor your hard work, and yurapetrov's as well, your choppers will be added as main air transport asset on our upcoming Public Server #2 with modified PatrolOps. We are planing to bring it up on 1. of September. I hope the fastroping issiues will be fixed by then ;)

Visit us if you got some time to play a little on our Public Server #1.


Edited by audiocustoms

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To honor your hard work, and yurapetrov's as well, your choppers will be added as main air transport asset on our upcoming Public Server #2 with modified PatrolOps. We are planing to bring it up on 25th of August. I hope the fastroping issiues will be fixed by then ;)

Visit us if you got some time to play a little on our Public Server #1.


Awesome, thanks! :D

I shall certainly find time to hop onto your #2 Server when It's up and play a few rounds piloting the Chinook? :p

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Somebody maybe already asked this question... Example, MH47 driven by AI, RHIB attached already.. i'm just a soldier inside cargo of the chopper... group leader for example... When MH47 reach it's position, me with my teammates fast roping inside the boat, AI detach the boat and fly away... Something like in the movie "Act of valor". It's possible to do something like this?

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o.k. at last how to see vehicle or boat already attached on ropes at the begining of the mission, AI chopper, of course?

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o.k. at last how to see vehicle or boat already attached on ropes at the begining of the mission, AI chopper, of course?

There's no way to start the mission with a boat already attached unfortunately. You physically have to fly it first and attach the boat, that's the only way.

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shame... it would be nice to start mission like that...

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Hi konyo,sorry for bother you! It's passed some times since july preview; any news/teaser about the new model for A3 for us? Can't wait, so excited :rolleyes:

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Hi konyo,sorry for bother you! It's passed some times since july preview; any news/teaser about the new model for A3 for us? Can't wait, so excited :rolleyes:

Hi Ramuis, I don't have any new's on it what so ever I'm afraid. It hasn't been worked on since that last picture was taken & I'm not sure if it will see ArmA3 anytime soon. Sorry.

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There's no way to start the mission with a boat already attached unfortunately. You physically have to fly it first and attach the boat, that's the only way.

You couldn't attach and detach it using scripts to simulate but not actually use the load system?

I'm finalizing a SP campaign showcasing the UKSF, and the MH-47E will be used in 3 missions with the 160th SOAR providing Airlift and Transport support. In one of the missions, I have them dropping off a pair of Jackals, the Jackals are attached directly to the choppers in their inits, along with some ropes attached to the chopper as well. When the script says, the Jackals are detached, and the ropes deleted.

My question that I couldn't find an answer to is, if I want to animate the cargo ramp closed using a similar script as what's used in the vanilla Chinook, for example:

this animate ["CargoRamp_Open",0]

What is the proper code to do this with the MH-47E?

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this animate["Ani_Ramp",0];


this animate["Ani_Ramp",0.4];


this animate["Ani_Ramp",1];

should work with all but the (fixed ramp) version. Let me know if you have problems...

panther 42

Edited by panther42

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this animate["Ani_Ramp",0];


this animate["Ani_Ramp",0.4];


this animate["Ani_Ramp",1];

should work with all but the (fixed ramp) version. Let me know if you have problems...

panther 42

Yes, that worked for me - thanks for the rapid response, panther42!

Konyo, you should consider adding the above to either the Readme or the first post.

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Also, in case anyone happens to be wondering and cant find it in the thread (like me), the classname for the 160th SOAR pilot should be "dk_160thsoar_pilot"

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Hi guys, sorry if this has been raised before, but how do i delete the loadmaster (guy laying face down)? he's cluttering up the inside of the chopper a bit! :-) Id also like the hatch to be closed from the start if possible?

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Absolutely loving this mod! I'm having trouble getting the attach ATV system to work, I've tried adding 


if ((count crew _x) == 0) then {
_x addAction [("<t color="#33FFFF"">" + ("Attach ATV") + "</t>"),"attachatv.sqf];
_x lock false;
} foreach entities "ATV_US_EP1";
to my init.sqf, and adding the attachatv, attachatv2, detach, and ejectatv sqfs to the mission folder but I dont get the prompt to attach ATV, also tried adding 
nul = ATV addAction ["Attach ATV","attachatv.sqf"];
to the inits of the atv themselves and I still dont get the attach option.

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