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Hammerhead / Tomahawk / Scout Drone - not much bang for your buck ?

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I tried the Hammerhead this morning and I was quite surprised to find that whilst it manages to take out the Command Centre of the target island it leaves everything else intact. Seems a touch pointless if you still need to fight your way through the island defenses to get to rebuild the island - you may as well just take your units there and level it conventionally. I would have expected it to have some sort of blast radius (say 500m) in which it would destroy everything that is unshielded, would make much more sense as it is a NUKE after all.

The Tomahawk also seems to suffer from lack of power for a one shot missile, would really have expected it to have the power to level the smaller compounds - it seems to have the ability to kill a couple of defenders next to where it impacts, but little else.

Finally, the scout drone - would be much better if it were either reusable or you could carry say three of them, single use and the ability to carry only one seems counter intuitive .. ..

Just my 2 cents, other opinions ???


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I only played the campaign mode so far, so cannot speak for the Hammerhead.

As for the Tomahawk I have to agree.

When I first saw it I thought the Tomahawk was a Cruise missile for use with the carrier, and not a missile for use on the Manta.

I used it once and found it weak in firepower considering its size and that you can only carry one.

Personally I would have liked to see it as a counterpart to the Hammerhead, for use with the carrier, only with a conventional warhead instead of a nuke.

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Personally, I like the hammerhead as it is. It eliminates the command center, which is the goal. A true nuke would be insanely overpowered - simply turn up, blow up the island, and rebuild the command center. Bugger off someplace else and repeat.

This way, it isn't an automatic win button. If it was, I'd expect the hammerhead to be *much* more expensive. As it is, you can still take your manta, fly in a walrus, and rebuild the comm center. Avoiding the enemy AI isn't too tricky for this.

I have yet to use the Tomahawk, however, and the Scout Drone being one-shot seems wrong to me. Definitely agree on there being multiples in the hold - I don't want it to be free, but I do want to be able to do it more than once per supply run, particularly as you can have two backup mantas and two backup walruses onboard at any time.

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Personally, I like the hammerhead as it is. It eliminates the command center, which is the goal. A true nuke would be insanely overpowered - simply turn up, blow up the island, and rebuild the command center. Bugger off someplace else and repeat.

This way, it isn't an automatic win button. If it was, I'd expect the hammerhead to be *much* more expensive. As it is, you can still take your manta, fly in a walrus, and rebuild the comm center. Avoiding the enemy AI isn't too tricky for this.

I have yet to use the Tomahawk, however, and the Scout Drone being one-shot seems wrong to me. Definitely agree on there being multiples in the hold - I don't want it to be free, but I do want to be able to do it more than once per supply run, particularly as you can have two backup mantas and two backup walruses onboard at any time.

I just think it needs to do more damage than just the Command Centre itself, needs a blast radius (possibly 500m is too far) - possibly make it more expensive as well. Even better make it so you have to aim it, either by selecting a point on the map OR fly it in by TV control as per the Harbinger in the original (although that was Walrus launched and not a Nuke)- that way you need to find the command centre to kill it OR you have wasted your expensive NUKE... Ditto if you launch it at a shielded command centre...


---------- Post added at 18:03 ---------- Previous post was at 17:58 ----------

Just noticed in the manual :::::

This nuclear missile is a deadly weapon that assuredly

destroys the target and its surroundings on detonation.

To be used with caution.


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I don't know what kind of broken Tomahawks you guys have been using, but I've taken out command centers with them on several occasions (yes, with a single shot). :D

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I don't know what kind of broken Tomahawks you guys have been using, but I've taken out command centers with them on several occasions (yes, with a single shot). :D

While i havent used it to take out command centers, i have found Tomahawks to be great tools for taking out those pesky scramblers. so as MaddogX said, there might be something wrong with your Tomahawks.

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I have used the tomahawks in Campaign mode only so far.

No matter how I do it I cannot 1 shot a command center with the Tomahawk, it just dont have the firepower.

So I would like to know what kind of Tomahawks you are using that can do that, unless you are hitting the target at some weak spot.

Only weapon I found that can 1 shot a command center are the bombs, never had the Hammerhead available other than for the campaign mission on Fulcrum.

As for using them on the Scramblers, I dont know why I never thought of doing that, they are perfect for that

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...as you can have two backup mantas and two backup walruses onboard at any time.

Didn't know that, brilliant

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I have used the tomahawks in Campaign mode only so far.

Strategy mode here. That might be it. :)

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Didn't know that, brilliant

After a few seconds the unit is replaced on the carrier after being destroyed, when stocking up keep an eye in the middle section it tells you how many of any particular item you can store on the carrier, I think 2 hammerheads can be on the carrier.

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Has anyone found a way to dock the scout drone yet? (Max one in store and one-shot use seems wrong, must be a way to dock it...)

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Has anyone found a way to dock the scout drone yet? (Max one in store and one-shot use seems wrong, must be a way to dock it...)

No it is a one shot. Hopefully they will change that or allow more than one .. ..


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One in stock of a 1 shot item seems too limited in my opinion.

Would be nice to be able to carry a few (5 maybe?) so I can send out a new one if I need to.

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Its normal if you take out a command center that the units don't change allegiance. It even tells you so in the mission where you learn how to regen a command center. Its not too bnad actually, you can ship over a manta with a builder walrus using the hook once you have cleared a route, and once the Command center is built the units change sides and you have a fully build island. Otherwise when you leave the island all the units and buildings are destroyed and the Island has to be rebuilt from scratch. Of course if you dont care about that, then nuke the cammand center, sail off, come back and plant it.

The other thing as well is that the island immediately becomes neutral which breaks all the links to it, which can cripple the enemies production.

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Totally agree. I just posted a new topic about this. A nuclear weapon is by definition a very destructive piece of weaponry. Assuming this is not a megaton device and is merely a few kilotons then based on the size of the island this would still wipe out all enemy units. If you are going to have the mother of all weapons with soo much energy to wipe out an island such as a nuclear weapon then this needs to be adjusted accordingly. The destructive force on this weapon is more like a fire cracker! Come on developers be realistic! What should happen is that the carrier needs to be stationed a kilometer or two from the island and have some targeting in place. A camera onboard to track the nuke would make a very nice addition!! The weapon should also have consequences in that while it can take out the entire island it requires a certain time before this island can be occupied due to radiation fallout. Make the weapon more costly to build to make it worth it OR just remove the nuclear weapon as personally I just dont see the point in this weapon.

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Tomahawk needs more range and splash damage. Ideally first person guidance (and rename it to Harbinger and put it on Walruses instead) :P

Hammerhead needs arbitrary targeting (click point on map, see kaboom).

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..... also the scout either needs to be more elusive to enemy AA, since they get killed very easily. You are better off scouting in a Manta...


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..... also the scout either needs to be more elusive to enemy AA, since they get killed very easily. You are better off scouting in a Manta...

Benefits with the scout drone is that it detects installations (and puts them on the map) from a greater distance than a Manta. They can also operate outside telemetry range.

In my experience they normally last long enough to even map a 'deadly' island before the Mantas get them eventually. Manged carefully and kept a little out of range from where the enemy mantas fly around I actually think they are fairly well balanced. I also sometimes use them to lure out enemy mantas to my carrier to be gunned down. :)

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Benefits with the scout drone is that it detects installations (and puts them on the map) from a greater distance than a Manta. They can also operate outside telemetry range.

In my experience they normally last long enough to even map a 'deadly' island before the Mantas get them eventually. Manged carefully and kept a little out of range from where the enemy mantas fly around I actually think they are fairly well balanced. I also sometimes use them to lure out enemy mantas to my carrier to be gunned down. :)

Didn't realise that they worked outside Telemetry range, that makes them more useful. Guess that they need a little more handholding than I expected.........


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So, I'm assuming that your game actually lets you launch hammerhead missiles. It would be nice if mine did. My inventory says I have 2/2 on board (Strategy game) but the carrier says N/A on board. So I can't launch and see how terrible it is.

Also, to hell with this forum. My tax return doesn't need as much damn verification. It's almost as frustratingly broken as the game. BI disappoints me, greatly.

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Benefits with the scout drone is that it detects installations (and puts them on the map) from a greater distance than a Manta. They can also operate outside telemetry range.

In my experience they normally last long enough to even map a 'deadly' island before the Mantas get them eventually. Manged carefully and kept a little out of range from where the enemy mantas fly around I actually think they are fairly well balanced. I also sometimes use them to lure out enemy mantas to my carrier to be gunned down. :)

I find that an unarmored Manta at high altitude can reconnoiter almost all island defenses with only minimal damage. Skirt the complexes, jam on the AB when you start to get tagged, oh and bring flares. Just wish I could paint it black and pretend its a Blackbird.

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When you have no armour or equipment on a unit it will move zippyfast and can evade lotsostuff.

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When you have no armour or equipment on a unit it will move zippyfast and can evade lotsostuff.

If you fly very low and in hot spots switch on afterburner (turets canot follow you and missiles canot follow), you can flyower recon entire island with minimal damage unless scramblers in use.

But that requires flying practice. Never used scout drone due to manta use above.

tomahawk is huge overkill for taking out scramblers and sheld busters. 4 rockets do the trick. And with a bit of practice you can take them with one flyover aswll. And I expected some special applications for tomahawk (maybe carrier turrest or something) for its price.

Never used hammerhead in my campaign and 1 strategy game. Reading comments im surprised that its so weak, in campaign movie it looks bad-ass blast over extended area.

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Never used scout drone due to manta use above.

I've made the experience that the scout drone ist useful if you want to destroy the command center with your carrier-shell and the center is not visible from seaside. So the scout drone flyes to a good spotting-point (top of a hill) and guides the shell-shots from the carrier.

This is sometimes very good if the enemy command center is good-protected (deadly island) and/or covered by mountains. Naturally it depends on the situation and is no "general-strategy".

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