suchey 0 Posted June 29, 2002 this is just an idea, but I noticed that quite a few dedicated servers (including the one which I run) are reluctant to use add-ons due to the fact that the many players would not have them and thus be auto-kicked from the game. I know that resistance addresses this issue somewhat by telling the player what add-on they are missing, but it still doesnt remedy the fact that players without them will not be able to play and still need to go hunt down these add-ons on the web piece by piece... Here is my suggestion...perhaps BIS could pick the cream of the crop add-ons and place them on their site as a single self installable 'mulitplayer-pack' file...this file could contain some of the best weapons, units, vehicles, etc etc...not only would this server to give a common set of add-ons for servers to provide additional content with, but it would also provide a central location for finding the single pack. Multiplay will stay fresh with new 'toys' and BIS would be able to show off the editability of the engine. You could even take this a step further by instituting a monthly update...each month could feature a new unit or weapons add-on that BIS finds to be high quality. This would also remove the concerns of "was this item available in the games time-frame" question as multiplay doesnt need to strictly adhere to the 1985 timeline...although I suppose it doesnt make much of a difference anyway since missions would need to be created for them anyway and a server or player could choose to use the missions or not depending on their preferences. The reason I suggest this is that there are a TON of great add-ons out there which arent being used in multi-play because of the confusion attached to players having the proper downloads for play on a particular server. If there was a central pack of all the good add-ons it would help to set a standard for the add-ons used in servers on the web. Just an idea...anyone agree or disagree?? Post below. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyCat 131 Posted June 29, 2002 Suchey, I think it's a great idea to have standard packs of the best OFP add-ons available! If BIS/CM isn't up to this task I'm sure we as a community can do it. I think Kyllikki already have some packs intended for their own squad members and it may be a good start (with their approval of course). Maybe the add-on packs could be categorized by islands just like Kylliky started with their "Vietnam Pack 1.0"? Anyway I like the idea of unified add-ons very much! Below is the URL to Kyllikki's web if you want to take a look... /Christer (a.k.a KeyCat) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mister Frag 0 Posted June 30, 2002 The MOTD for your server should always include a URL to a page with information about the server, the missions, and any addons required by them, preferrably with links for the downloads. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyCat 131 Posted June 30, 2002 Sure thats one way but I think a few "unified add-on packs" would benefit OFP multiplayer and probably attract more players to this great game. /Christer (a.k.a KeyCat) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suchey 0 Posted June 30, 2002 the url and add-ons used in a server being posted in the message of the day is great, however, the more you add, the longer the list...and who is going to remember all the urls, or which add-ons they were? Having standard packs would eleviate this and enable servers, map designers, and players the ability to use the add-ons without as much hassle. In my oppinion, adding 'new toys' to ofp can greatly extend the life of the game both online and off. However, its the online part thats hard to get right with so many servers running so many different add-ons. If it could be standardized as mentioned above, players would simply need one 'official add-on pack' every so often to add content to the game. The only way I can currently see this working correctly is if BIS steps in and actually takes the bull by the horns. Having an officially endorsed BIS add-on pack would give the pack the immediate acceptance and ease that it really needs to work. I also think it would be a great tool for them in that they can acknowledge the hard work of the top add-on makers in this well as show off the ability to customize the game. Who knows...perhpas a community member could do this...I just see it as being alot quicker and easier if BIS actually sanctioned it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyCat 131 Posted June 30, 2002 Agree that the best would be if BIS/CM put thogether one (or more) officially add-on packs out of the best available. To get over problems with selecting them and being accused for being biased etc. they could pick lets say 30-40 of the best and then make a poll here and/or on their web where we all just vote for the 10 best add-ons in the first pack. Just some ideas... Anyway lets wait and see if BIS/CM respond to this thread. /Christer (a.k.a KeyCat) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harnu 0 Posted July 1, 2002 Only addons I've found to be really good (to me atleast) are Stachel's stuff. Kegetys winter kolejueve. (I can never spell that island right). ANd whoever made that INT Skoada race car. I haven't d/l'ed a lot of addons. But from the ones I have, those are the only ones I like. But one car I really wan't in OFP is that 1967 Shelby GT500 (or 350) Mustang. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyCat 131 Posted July 1, 2002 I've found a few more great addons than that, for example everything Marfy and Kegetys released is top notch and there are a few other great add-on makers whos name escapes me. Anyway I can't make out if you like or dislike the idea of unified add-on packs Harnu??? /Christer (a.k.a KeyCat) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harnu 0 Posted July 1, 2002 I wouldn't mind new vehicles and such in patches. But they should only come with them, so nothing extra HAS to be downloaded to play on server. And nothing major. Don't wanna change the game too much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suchey 0 Posted July 2, 2002 SO what are everyones views on Add-Ons in Multiplayer servers??? Ive seen reports that using add-ons can really slow the stream of players...but on the other hand...there is really some nice stuff that could be put to good use in some player vs. player missions...its a shame that there isnt a good distribution method for some of these add-ons as it doesnt seem that the piece by piece approach is providing a very good outlet for the mutliplayer side of things. As players, it seems most folks simply find a new server if they get bumped from a game for not having the proper add-ons. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lt_Damage 0 Posted July 2, 2002 I have put together 3 ADDON packs for Gameplanet's Dedicated Server which are grouped together according to Island. GPJUNGLE Includes the best addons I could find suited to Jungle Everon by Ebud, pack includes the Island and is a self installing zip with all documentation needed to get it working. GPWINTER Same as above but with many of the best snow camo units and vehicles and includes the Winter Kolugev Island by Kegetys. GPDESERT Same as the top two but with many of the best desert camo units and vehicles and includes Desert Malden by Selectthis. The MOTD of the server states where to obtain the addons and that website has full support details for players so they have a contact if they are unable to install correctly. As missions are sorted by the New addon islands, we can choose a normal addon-free mission with ease by simply choosing one of the original islands. This maintains a stable environment for all players. Regards, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HellToupee 0 Posted July 2, 2002 but people like me dont dl em dammage 30megs each because we dont have to its called lazy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyCat 131 Posted July 2, 2002 To me this shows there is a need for "unified add-on packs" but for it to be successfull and not end up with each server admin have his "own versions" I think they must be put thogether by a "democratic process" (i.e voting) by the OFP on-line community (i.e us). Preferable this process is led by BIS/CM and Lt_Damages and others packs could be very a good start! If BIS/CM doesn't see how important this is for OFP's future maybe a body of selected OFP figures could handle the process (just like the RPG/SPx patches in the Falcon 4 world)? May I suggest BIS/CM to respond with a simple... YES, we are interested to do this but needs a little more time. or NO, we do not have the time/resources to pull it off. Thanks! /Christer (a.k.a KeyCat) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lt_Dan_Sweden 0 Posted July 13, 2002 Great idea; a addon-pack. I started a topic regarding this problem in april or may regarding the problem, suggesting alternative solutions in the "Addon-handling" for the Resistence. Cant find that topic with the louse search tool... I ll get to the point know. I belive you should not base that packet on top-20 voting. I think all addons that pass a QUALITY control should be included; yes even if it means that the pack will be above 250 Mbytes. Two solutions: One file This solution demads that the tha addons be bundled into a single big file. Cons: Wil require huge downloading capacity of server. Money? Bundle Scripting By using a .BAT file or similar, with links with included addons, and locally instaling them would be a solution. Example of Bundlescripting First you have to download manually Army.0, Army.1, Army.2, Army.3 and Army.4 Then you have to run a file ARMY.BAT. It has the following content Copy /b Army.0+Army.1+Army.2+Army.3+Army.4 Army.exe Rename Army.exe ArmyOpsRecon.exe If you could do this process in one-click, via scripting, get all files in list, IF file is *.ZIP the extract file, and after that COPY *.PBO to ADDONS Of course both ideas require a community to do maintain the Script with updates, and verify that links in script work over time, and of course do that strict quality control, maybe with a little help from a community. Sign me up if this becomes a reality, I'm willing to do some work. Lt_Dan_Sweden Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Major Fubar 0 Posted July 13, 2002 Addon packs are an excellent idea for mutliplay...and yes, it should be concesus (vote) of the community which addons are to be included. Maybe one way around huge file downloads is splitting the packs into sub-packs: vehicles, terrain, units, weapons for example. Just a thought... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hit_Sqd_Maximus 0 Posted July 14, 2002 Fraghaus has one for d/l here go to the download section and then go to ofp. Most of the popular addons out there for 1.46 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyCat 131 Posted July 14, 2002 Thats the main problem! As it is now Kyllikki has one addon pack, Gameplanet has one, Fraghouse has another one to download (and there are probably lots more around) I haven't checked them all but they are probably very similar to each other but yet different! Thats why we need "unified addon packs" that it's accepted and used by ALL big servers. Personally I don't like the idea of one huge addon pack. I vote for several smaller splitted in some smart way... I also vote for only high quality add-ons (i.e no beta versions etc.). It's my understanding that Suma who is active on this forum still is on a well earned vacation, maybe we should wait and see if he comments and if BIS/CM is interested taking the lead on this. This would be the best/easiest way to get the "unified addon packs" accepted by the server admins and the rest of the community! We can still keep this thread alive by kicking ideas back and forth. Thus showing BIS/CM that this is an important thing for OFP's multiplayer longevity. Just my 0.20 SEK /Christer (a.k.a KeyCat) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nagual 0 Posted July 19, 2002 Overall, widely available MP addon packs is a good idea, a good solution to the problem. I know that Lt's packs have exposed players in oz to quality addons that they might not normally download (or even know about), which is a good thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suma 8 Posted July 19, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">If BIS/CM doesn't see how important this is for OFP's future maybe a body of selected OFP figures could handle the process (just like the RPG/SPx patches in the Falcon 4 world)? May I suggest BIS/CM to respond with a simple... <span id='postcolor'> Here is the answer on behalf of BIS: NO, we do not have the time/resources to pull it off. If you want Codemasters to answer, I think you have to send them an e-mail with this question, as I doubt they are reading this forum regulary. I see that doing this would be beneficial for OFP multiplayer and if serveral major server admins would be able to agree on some standard addon pack, it would be really nice for users. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KaRRiLLioN 0 Posted July 19, 2002 I think that OFPEC would be an ideal place to have the standardized addon packs available. Maybe we could come up with some sort of volunteer judge program so players could judge which ones to include, etc. It would also have to be categorized so that you could have the 1985 stuff all together etc. and that way the timelines could be kept straight. If this gets good enough, maybe it will take off. Who knows! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted July 19, 2002 OFPEC don't have the bandwidth for such a thing as far as I'm aware. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suchey 0 Posted July 20, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Suma @ July 18 2002,22:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Here is the answer on behalf of BIS: NO, we do not have the time/resources to pull it off. If you want Codemasters to answer, I think you have to send them an e-mail with this question, as I doubt they are reading this forum regulary. I see that doing this would be beneficial for OFP multiplayer and if serveral major server admins would be able to agree on some standard addon pack, it would be really nice for users.<span id='postcolor'> If BIS is not available to actually do the leg work on this idea, perhaps they could give loan their 'stamp of approval'. One of the major issues with creating this pack is wide spread approval and availability. Should this idea ever become implimented I think having the 'BIS stamp of approval' would be a HUGE help in wide acceptability of the pack. Adding the pack to the downloads section of the official site (perhpas labeling it unofficial add on pack#1, etc), for example, would ensure that all players would be able to access the pack readily while touting the 'approved by BIS' would help to ensure that players finding it on other fan sites would be more apt to accept it as a 'standard'. I dont know the legal ramifications of this, but BIS would 'endorsing' rather than creating the pack themselves. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted July 20, 2002 I think for Bis' sake it would be a bad idea if they put any kind of their own recognition to the addon pack. We get enough grief with people abusing Bis because of something wrong with Red Hammer, if an addon pack had any kind of mention of Bis and there was something wrong with it then that would increase the ranting. OFPN could prolly host them but I don't know if anyone on the staff has the time to create the thing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suchey 0 Posted July 22, 2002 your probably right placebo...Im sure that even the slightest mention of BIS being involved would bring about quite a few of the more 'challenged' players requesting technical support, etc for it from BIS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites