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ARMAG_CQB_Building_Pack W.I.P.

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Hello guys

I wanted to present you some buildings i m working for some time.

My goal was to mainly create more 'special' buildings suitable for CQB.

I did lots of compromises -lot of work- to make them performance friendly-while keeping the quality in good (imo) standards.

As the title says..it's still WIP..so even more will be made in time -and in the end we 'll have:

1) More buildings to play around

2) Destroyable windows/doors

3) A.I. pathfinding compatible

Some pictures from O2:

The Office




Gen.House with garage under




Greek kiosk_classic






Edited by GiorgyGR
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looking good man ... i've got a garrison script ready to take full advantage of these :)

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Damn these are nice.

Any chance you'd be willing to do accurate editor .paa's so I can place them accurately, like MBG_Killhouses did? :D

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@Generally: Thanks guys :)

@Cards525: It was somewhere on my long-toDo-list but since you mentioned it..i 'll make sure i will :)

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Looking good. ARMA is lacking in departamento de CQB, I hope this'll spruce things up. :)

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Yup. MBG_Killhouses are real nice for PVP, but the fact the AI sees through the walls kinda spoil the whole thing.

Those look real pretty too, good luck with them!

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Yup. MBG_Killhouses are real nice for PVP, but the fact the AI sees through the walls kinda spoil the whole thing.

Those look real pretty too, good luck with them!

..ehm..are you sure?

I haven't tried to test A.I in MBG build.pack-but i believed MBG would have the appropriate LODS assigned.

Of course..this opens another issue.

The more lods used for each model are raising it's size in your HDD-but again i doubt that MBG would forgot to make a View_geometry lod.

Anyway..knowing that 'space' (in your HDD//and mine's) is not an issue in 2012 my models will cost some extra mb's :)

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Yeah AI with MBG is..interesting. Like I'll walk into a room only to find they all killed themselves because they tried throwing grenades at me..through a wall

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..ehm..are you sure?

I haven't tried to test A.I in MBG build.pack-but i believed MBG would have the appropriate LODS assigned.

Of course..this opens another issue.

The more lods used for each model are raising it's size in your HDD-but again i doubt that MBG would forgot to make a View_geometry lod.

Anyway..knowing that 'space' (in your HDD//and mine's) is not an issue in 2012 my models will cost some extra mb's :)

Well i have no quarrel with Mondkalb;)

I wouldn't invent such stuff. Though now we're talking about this it's possible this problem occured cause of a conflict with another mod. It's been some time i have not put any AI on this map, and i should try again with vanilla AI.

Edit: Well let's close this discussion, this not being the topic here, but a quick visit in the killhouses thread confirms i'm not the only one seeing this. At best this is a reminder for you: try and make sure the AI doesn't see through walls;)

Edited by BlackMamb

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These look really nice, great work.

I use a mix of pbo’s from a few ai mods, they handle buildings very well, could it be possible for the buildings to be ai friendly, as below..

This test vid shows ai unit positioning only ( inside buildings)..

It would be great for buildings of this type and quality your making here to be able to allow ai to do this. I know that ‘@phaeden’ with his ‘MCAGCC 29 Palms’ terrain, also has some very interesting buildings, I have tried the smaller ones and they work a treat for ai (inside, on rooftops etc), but he’s looking at the larger ones as I have only found the one so far that allows the ai to inhabit the buildings this way.

Thanks, I am looking forward to these :)..

Edited by ChrisB

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This looks great, looking forward to it.

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These are looking nice mate. Good work.

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Great job with the buildings. They are the addons that I miss the most. I would gladly include them with one of my map projects if they will be complete and bug-free.

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