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[CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

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Thanks a lot for the support GreigPil, I can see this is your first post, so the fact that it was to share that you enjoyed BoTB makes me happy! If you liked BoTB, I think you'll really like LoK.

Edited by h34dup

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There was an awesome feature on Operation Medusa and Rusty Bradley and Co.'s involvement in the Battle for Panjwayi on TV! National Geographic's Inside the Afghanistan War has some solid interviews and footage. Really surprised to see how close everything in the campaign has aligned with what is in the documentary - I'm on the right track in terms of fidelity to the story, good to see.



Anyone else catch this? Pretty well-done documentary overall, but especially recommend this if you want to get pumped for the CAMP!

EDIT: More video from Operation Medusa

Edited by h34dup

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damn, I thought you had a news about the campaign (was hoping for the release ^^)

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Well, ask and ye shall receive. I did the final round of screen shot grabbing, the LoK gallery is now filled with shots from the next few missions. I also tried grabbing some movies from the intros I did, but the format from Fraps seems corrupted and is obnoxiously limited anyway suggestions of free alternatives could help see some trailers released.

In the meantime, I'm going through each mission and trying to really finalize everything, things are going well and work on the intros/outros is going fast than expected, but still a lot of work ahead.

Here are some screens from Mission 2 - Bingo Red One (As a private in the ANA's 3rd Kandak, participate in training exercises at Firebase Maholic and a combat patrol near the site of a deadly ambush on the Canadians)






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Thanks Wiki, here are some more screens. This time, from my rework of Mission 5 - The Notebook - stealthy recon night patrol.







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Do you think you could give us one full working Mission with intro/outros and voices?

Some women are Pr#ck teasers.

You sir, are a User Missions teasers.

I don't know which is worse.:p

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Do you think you could give us one full working Mission with intro/outros and voices?

Some women are Pr#ck teasers.

You sir, are a User Missions teasers.

I don't know which is worse.:p

Mission 1 has all of these things, Missions 2 & 3 could be close if I have voice stuff. Patience though, my friends, we are getting close! I really truly appreciate the words of support guys, I think this is going to be a lot of fun for you guys to play when it's ready.

In response to Col Stagler's observation -- I definitely didn't know what I was getting myself into with this project, but it's been such an awesome experience revisiting my game-making hankering. Although I love my job these days, my dream job has always been doing stuff like this, so I get the best of both worlds, I just wish there was more time in the day!

Anyway, here are some more screens:

From Mission 4 - Cat and Mouse - Exiting the Red Desert, as "Taz" an ANA Commando and "a ranger born in an Afghan's body," the 3rd Kandak is sent north to scout out the southern Panjwayi valley


From Mission 12 - Today is Not Your Day - as Sgt. Dave, help create "white space" around your defenses atop Sperwan Ghar by doing stuff like raining .50 cal fire on this compound


From Mission 13 - The Dragon's Back - the climax of the battle for Sperwan Ghar, one last hurrah with all the guys together on the same team


From Mission 13 - Your comrades in Talon 26 got cut off while on patrol, you need to fight your way to them before they get overrun. Fortunately, you have artillery support from 10th Mtn Div's Comanche Co.


From Mission 14 - Epilogue - Months later, it is time to rebuild. Explore the former AO and try to help the civilians reclaim their lives.


From Mission 14 - I've recreated Firebases Sperwan Ghar and Masum Ghar based on what few photos I could find.


Edited by h34dup

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All loading screens are complete and in-game. Need to address the Overview images and descriptions too.

Also, I've rounded out MOST of the remainder of the script and transferred it to the individual missions, just need to script the radio messages now - and get voice acting underway for round 2.

This is an official "public" request for volunteers for voice acting, there are a bunch of cameos I would like to give people the opportunity to be a part of the campaign. I will be reaching out to Laqueesha, KommieKat, and Krytosss and SavageCDN as well as the people KommieKat suggested earlier in this thread.

New voice "cameos" (just a couple of lines max, should be very easy to record) include: Canadian Infantry (3 different soldiers), US 10th Mtn Division, US Artillery Pit, 2 NATO Apache Pilots (can be euro accent!), Ben (a sharpshooter on Bruce's US SOF team), Smitty (Rusty's intel sgt), and a couple others. Also have a couple main character voice scripts (substantial amount of lines) which still need to get done. I may do these myself, we'll see.

Anyway, we are getting closer! At this rate, the Camp will be out in Early/Mid Dec.

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This is an official "public" request for volunteers for voice acting, there are a bunch of cameos I would like to give people the opportunity to be a part of the campaign. I will be reaching out to Laqueesha, KommieKat, and Krytosss and SavageCDN as well as the people KommieKat suggested earlier in this thread.

I was just kidding about that. I seriously doubt they have the time or will to help out ( though that would be totally cool if they did ).

I'd be happy to help out. Let me know what to do.

You should seriously consider Rejornorst and AZcoder. Those guys have got some good voices.

And semi-consider Wiki. He can come off as French-Canadian.

nettrucker as a 1st generation Italian-American.

tom3kb as a 1st generation Polish-American...............

Just some ideas to throw at ya...

Edited by Kommiekat

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Cool, a sizable flurry of PMs have been sent out to a bunch of people. If I didn't reach out to you this week or this morning, and you want in, just post here or send me a PM!

The campaign's release will really depend on how long it takes for me to get the voice acting done and included, first-iteration intros/outros are taking less time than I thought, it won't be hard to have something together for the beta release, but the full-voice work will make this a much stronger experience, so time is of the essence!

Thanks to everyone who has been following, the project is nearly ready for you guys to jump into. Of course, once its out, the work will continue on updates and bug fixes, as well as the bonus SP scenarios I promised!

Stay tuned.

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hi headup.

couldn't you release your campaign in 0.9 or 1.0 WITHOUT voice acting and then add them in v1.1 or higher?

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hi headup.

couldn't you release your campaign in 0.9 or 1.0 WITHOUT voice acting and then add them in v1.1 or higher?

Potentially, perhaps. But if I still have work to do before the camp is ready to go, and I can get a decent portion of the voice stuff in there from helpful and responsive community members like you, then it won't necessarily hold up the release too much. There may be a couple of empty lines without voice in there, but I figure it's worth a try to get this done while I'm working on other stuff like intros/outros, and ensuring all the essential elements are in the missions like task hints, modules, weapon selection in Descriptions, etc.

I initially planned to do this project without voice stuff, but thanks to those who have already participated, they proved that it's not that big an obstacle when you delegate properly and stay on top of people.

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Wiki has an interesting idea but the problem with that is you may lose players because if they've played the Camp in what ever beta version you send out, they may have the " been there what's next to play" attitude. I mean why go back to something when there is so much out there........(I think. Maybe. Hmm. I don't know for sure what I'm talking about here).

So, imho, sending out a fully completed satisfied mission of the camp as a teaser may be best. You may also get some noteworthy feed back about it, otherwise, take your time and continue to finish it and send it out whole and complete to your satisfaction.

Of course there is also the beta testing step you can take by selecting a few people to help out with critique.

I think Wiki would be a good choice on that. Better to get Camp mission makers like him, tom3kb and nettrucker and anybody else.

SaOK has a keen eye, but I imagine he's got his head stuck in the editor most of the time.............:)

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I was just kidding about that. I seriously doubt they have the time or will to help out ( though that would be totally cool if they did ).

I'd be happy to help out. Let me know what to do.

You should seriously consider Rejornorst and AZcoder. Those guys have got some good voices.

And semi-consider Wiki. He can come off as French-Canadian.

nettrucker as a 1st generation Italian-American.

tom3kb as a 1st generation Polish-American...............

Just some ideas to throw at ya...

Appreciate the recommendation :D

Unfortunately at the moment I have a lot on my plate D:

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Wiki has an interesting idea but the problem with that is you may lose players because if they've played the Camp in what ever beta version you send out, they may have the " been there what's next to play" attitude. I mean why go back to something when there is so much out there........(I think. Maybe. Hmm. I don't know for sure what I'm talking about here).

So, imho, sending out a fully completed satisfied mission of the camp as a teaser may be best. You may also get some noteworthy feed back about it, otherwise, take your time and continue to finish it and send it out whole and complete to your satisfaction.

Of course there is also the beta testing step you can take by selecting a few people to help out with critique.

I think Wiki would be a good choice on that. Better to get Camp mission makers like him, tom3kb and nettrucker and anybody else.

SaOK has a keen eye, but I imagine he's got his head stuck in the editor most of the time.............:)

I agree, to an extent: I am doing everything I can to make sure the Campaign will be stable, bc it's true people will play it for the first time and likely call it a day whether they finish it or not. You should see the checklist I have of all the things that must be in-place for the initial release. The other thing I've found is that even if the voice acting isn't studio-quality, it helps immerse the player, much more so than without. I get distracted and miss the story when I can't divert my eyes to read the chat, and story is important in this Camp especially. Thankfully, I've got some great backup on the voice front! I will take a bit of time tomorrow to split the script up into the individual characters and start sending them out.

I've thought about releasing the first mission, but for some reason there is an issue that irks me with the taste of action you get in it, plus I have some last-minute additions to make.

Testing, however, may be an option pretty soon. I dunno, there are just all these loose ends I'm tying up I feel like once they're addressed it'll be release time. I did get some valuable feedback much earlier in the project from Wiki. We could see how things go once I get voice stuff underway.

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Personally, I think only releasing a finished product is best. Maybe I'm just tired of the release strategies of the majority of game publishers, though.

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yeah, release the campaign in v1.0 without voice action, then relese a DLC for each voice acted mission lol!

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yeah, release the campaign in v1.0 without voice action, then relese a DLC for each voice acted mission lol!

Eww, haha.

Huge thanks go out to Laqueesha, he has completed two hefty rounds of voice acting for LoK, getting the lines turned around and to me in less than 24 hrs in both cases, and with excellent quality too! Seriously, hats-off to him, and to the others who are helping me out. With the voice stuff squared away, I'll be able to focus on tightening up the final mission details and then the intros/outros... a final audit, maybe some pre-release testing for those who have helped, and then release time! The ETA is still late this month, or early/mid December!

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I am waiting for the dialogs lines you want me to record.

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I am waiting for the dialogs lines you want me to record.

Haven't forgotten mate, not to worry-- I'll get 'em to you tonight most likely. Only a few lines for now (unless you want to try and help me do some Afghan accents, I have yet to get in touch with my buddy who is from Afghanistan to help with the Afghan voice roles).

I spent about 2.5-3 hrs last night chopping up the master script and PM'ing the more involved voice roles to Kommiekat, Laqueesha and AZCoder, as well as checking in with SavageCDN. In all, there will be something around 500+ different lines for the voice actors.

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Really looking forward to this one.

Lemme know if you need a voice-over, be it French or British.

I've already worked as a voice for a few missions and campaigns.

BTW any chance of a COOP version of this campaign?

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