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RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 0.1.6 Released!(Updated)

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Red Hammer Studios is quite pleased to announce the first release of RHS: Armed Forces of The Russian Federation. Version is the opening salvo to bring you an accurate representation of the Russian military. Don't let the 0.1 designation fool you, you will find a great selection of additions to the Armaverse. From scratch-built, beautifully sculpted new infantry models to a large selection of transport and combat vehicles, weapons, new UI and some SP and MP missions to keep you busy. Head over to the documentation to see a full list of all things included.








Arma 2: Combined Operations 1.60+




(armedassault.info) http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=1&cat=addons&id=1968

(armaholic) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17400

(SIX Updater) http://stats.six-updater.net/mods/show/bde4f510-e2d7-11e1-8b82-001517bd964c

Also RHS: AFRF is available on Play withSIX :D

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OCTOBER 19, 2012


We are proud to bring out a public BETA of 0.1.5 (build 1359) which brings about a few new things. First of all, a few bug fixes of the original release. Secondly, we’ve added two new vehicles: original BIS models that have been retextured and had decals added. And the most important update is this release is considered ACE mod “playableâ€. This means that the mods should be able to play along side each other. Read more about all this in the documentation and head over to the downloads page to get the new release!

Release Log:

[+] Added URAL-4320 Open/Closed

[+] Added UAZ-469

[+] Added ACE compatibility to all vehicles

[#] Fixed bad light on some BMP-2 turrets

[#] Fixed BMD-2 Russian Stringtable spelling errors

[#] Fixed bad damage on GAZ-66 wheels

[#] Fixed some mission briefing errors in Russian translation

[^] Loading screens are now in rhs_ui.pbo and thus will not show up if it is removed

[^] AK-74M now has zeroing

[^] Adjusted T-80 reload sound volume at distance

[^] 9M113 ATGMs now take longer to reload (~60s)


OCTOBER 23, 2012


A few days after the release of 0.1.5 we decided to follow up with version 0.1.6 which fixes some important issues noticed by our fans. We felt that these were critical not to delay until 0.2. Here you can see the changelog:

[#] Fixed URAL and UAZ decal MP multiplicity bug

[#] Fixed T-80 gunner sights

[#] Fixed BMD-2M gunner sights

[^] ATGM flight velocity now more realistic

[^] Heavyweapons inheritance improved

[^] BMP-2 2A42 now can be zeroed

[^] BMP PKT boxes now hold 2×1000 rounds

[^] 9M113 ATGMs reset to reload at 30s

Head over to our downloads page to grab a fresh copy or if you just downloaded 0.1.5 then get the small patch!



King Nothing and Red Hammer Studios have teamed up to bring you an AFRF-only version of his famous Forgotten Few SP/MP dynamic campaign! Make sure to grab it from our downloads section!

Edited by Soul_Assassin

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Good work guys, thanks for the effort.

Those infantry and weapons look outstanding.

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Alex is perfectly on time as usual, thanks mate.

Also thanks to everyone involved with this project, and to everyone supporting RHS and AFRF.

If you like the mod and want to help make it even better and bigger everyone who has something to add is welcome, be it GUI designer, Graphic Artists, Modellers, Missionmakers, Mapmakers... if you think you can help us dont hesitate to PM me or Soul Assassin.

And now guys enjoy the mod and i hope i see some kickass screenies later today :)


And for those who missed my teaser this morning in the Wip thread:



And some extra screens i took when making the teasers:





Edited by Shadow NX

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Congrats on your new release, will have to try later when im home from work :)

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Congratulations for the release, by one of the most dedicated and talented modding team :)

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one of the best modding team ever!

Great work,downloading!

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Hands down, best community unit addon in Arma 2. Quality to rival BAF. Really excellent work!

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Nice - checking this out now - thanks for all your work and providing the mod to the community guys!

EDIT - Just played with these - outstanding quality of work! I am as we say in the UK 'Gobsmacked'!!

Edited by Jedra

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After a quick run around have to give a congrats and thanks again.

By far the best stuff made for this engine.

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Awesome! This is better then ACR and its free!

Heres to hoping they port this to ArmA3 :rolleyes:

Edited by zamani532

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Itegrate this into the ACE Mod Please.

No. Not everyone wants god damn ACE and ACE already has their own RU faction.

Stay independent please..

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Before this breaks out into ACE wars please read the following statement:

We are planning an update that will allow "playability" with ACE, meaning that things like armor and ammo values are added to be compatible with ACE while unaffecting those playing vanilla. This would mean that you would be able to run both mods alongside each other rather than assimilate one mod into the other completely.

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I'm not talking about assimilation folks. Some RHS Stuff is already in ACE and the rest could be integrated as well. But your plan to release ACE configs is perfectly ok as well^^

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I'm completly out of words,

in fact I'm so hyped up that I'm constantly misstyping and at the same time having this feeling of 'something big is coming!' awesome work guys! Now if only Combat! would release something we would finaly have the 'good old times' of the two giants of modding again :D

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And the nice thing is were only at 0.1.xxx, the thing will grow a lot over the months and new content is already in the works.

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Heres to hoping they port this to ArmA3 :rolleyes:

Yes we will be continuing/porting stuff for ARMA3

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LoL At first I thought that I clicked the "WiP" section by mistake=) Downloading! (await screenies and possibly some video from me)

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I just downloaded and tried it,OMG, amazing stuff, it should be the best Russian MOD I've ever seen, whatever soldier, AK74M or armors, all high quality, even better than BIS one. Thanks a lot for your hard work and sharing. Thumbs up!

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Thank you

More amazing and quality stuff to come for 0.2 :)

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