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Snake Man

Vietnam: The Experience

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Hey Snake Man, when does your VTE PMC server get busy these days? Or has everyone jumped ship to ARMA 3 VTE?

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Dunno, maybe its summer time and people go outside to do stupid stuff :)

Been also thinking that because I'm just editing and not playing... it could have some effect (if server is empty nobody joins. Often I'm alone there and then people join), although I must applaud you guys who have been playing in our server a lot. But yeah, without making empty promises... I'll try to stop by at the server bit more this weekend and next week.

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Yea summer time is time to be be out, don't disagree. But if there is certain time span, a certain day the server is populated. I'd make more of an effort then. Looking forward to the updates. Thanks

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Well "evening european" time is usually when I try to check it out, but I'll see lot of the US guys joining there also late night european time, so dunno. I try to avoid joining morning/day time european time as usually that's the most quiet there.

You can always contact me on IRC for setting up MP sessions.

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Do i have to first download v 1.5.25 and 1.5.26 and in the end 1.5.27. Or in last update there are also changes from the previous versions?

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If you have v1.5 version, then you need upgrade to v1.5.25, then to v1.5.26 and finally to this just released one.

If you have fully working v1.5.26 install, you can patch directly to the just released .27 (notice that you need to have the xdelta3.exe from .26 upgrade still present, so its good idea not to delete the old upgrade archives).

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Thanks for the heads up on the server "in business" times.

Q: regarding the xdelta patching, I tried it last time and some error came up saying 2 files were missing. I use sixupdater so wasn't sure if I needed to do xdelta thing or just wait for six updates. Anyway I updated using sixupdater later. Still appears to work ok though. Should I just continue using sixupdater and ignore xdelta updates (as efficent as it is)?

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Q: regarding the xdelta patching, I tried it last time and some error came up saying 2 files were missing.

Yep, please read through the detailed description in PMC Tactical forums VTE Frequent Delta Patching Upgrades, its all explained there.

I use sixupdater so wasn't sure if I needed to do xdelta thing or just wait for six updates.

Naturally you only need one, either you manually upgrade from the normal releases or you use Play withSix, although I just checked and its still listing the older version so if you don't want to wait, upgrade using the normal releases.

Edit: Play withSix now has VTE v1.5.27, thanks for Sickboy! Enjoy.

Edited by Snake Man

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We were playing multiplayer all day/night at sunday, was very nice with many people joining without any organizing. Maybe I do need to organize some real event :)

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not a new campaign are available?

great work!

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Is there any way to use the radio on the RTO class to call for support?

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Hey snake i down again under the mod but when I open the ejcutador second patch will not let me install it there will be some possibility that patch up again but in winrar?

thanks in advence:)

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Is there any class names with pictures, I have no idea what the class names listed on the sight are for if I can't see what the aircraft it spawns is

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Is there any class names with pictures, I have no idea what the class names listed on the sight are for if I can't see what the aircraft it spawns is

If you get Loki's Lost Key you can see the classnames for all of the vehicles and weapons as well as their icon next to them.

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