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I'm looking for Proponents and Opponents of the DAYZ mod.

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The fact that DayZ is a Open-World Survival Horror game validates it to the mainstream beyond anything made from the mil-sim community. The only game that it can be compared too is IMO Dark Souls, this game puts the player into a extremely hostile environment, and rewards your patients with objects that help protect you. It really has less to do with Zombies and more about fear of losing everything. The zombies just put alittle more bite to that fear. The persistent world is also similar to the world of Dark Souls, you see ghosts of real players all the time doing what you are doing, they can and will invade your world to steal your soul. Dark Souls was critically acclaimed and went on to be profitable. It was developed by FROM SOFTWARE, who like BIS, is more interested in delivering a great experience, than raking in money wearing suits.

FROM SOFTWARES development concepts..

-High degree of difficulty.

-The objective is to give players a challenge that is rewarding when met.

-Difficulty as something anyone can overcome through observation, strategy and choice

-Aiming to provide freedom for the player character

-Demon's Souls "learn from your mistakes" theme remains the base for the game.

-Implementation of a seamless map, that was not realized in Demon's Souls

-The analogy for the game is: "Something spicy, but that anyone can enjoy"

-Whilst happy that the game had international appeal, no special intentions to cater to their tastes :cool:

-From Software does not feel confident designing based on market data, so they will instead compete by creating a great game.

-Players will die repeatedly, From Software bets its pride on it.

What i like about it is, that it is more about surviving than anything else. Even though much is made about dying with games like dayz, arma, darksouls, you actually spend more time alive than you would in a average session of lame COD. And if it's made right you will learn to survive through observation, strategy and choice.

I guess that is my long winded reason for why it could have mainstream appeal. And should be bought up by BIS, and developed for the next-gen of consoles. I have had so many great ArmA moments with friends and every time I thank BIS for thoughs, something like DayZ could ensure the future of BIS. So as a mod it has mostly pros, but it should be developed into a huge PRO.

Edited by PlacidPaul

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I fail to see the fears of many people here - that somehow the game will become more about DayZ than ArmA. It's pure speculation and rather unimaginative. One large benefit I do see from "DayZ-centric" development, is that CQB is bound to improve. No-one can tell me that ArmA cannot benefit by improved CQB development :) it's one glaring weakness of the engine, and is necessary for DayZ to improve. Therefore I should say that DayZ-centric development will benefit ArmA enormously.

I have no doubts that ArmA will remain ArmA-centric, but will benefit from DayZ-centric development :)

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I fail to see the fears of many people here - that somehow the game will become more about DayZ than ArmA. It's pure speculation and rather unimaginative. One large benefit I do see from "DayZ-centric" development, is that CQB is bound to improve. No-one can tell me that ArmA cannot benefit by improved CQB development :) it's one glaring weakness of the engine, and is necessary for DayZ to improve. Therefore I should say that DayZ-centric development will benefit ArmA enormously.

I have no doubts that ArmA will remain ArmA-centric, but will benefit from DayZ-centric development :)


To my certain knowledge, at least some keen new players who have joined the forum only found ArmA because of DayZ. Ofc, some total jerks joined as well (although a couple of cheaters' whining threads were hilarious). There is nothing exceptional about that, jerks and cheaters have joined & got banned long before DayZ appeared.

I do not see any downside to the DayZ phenomenom. Fears that the mil-sim aspects of the game will disappear seem unfounded; whatever was the driver, the recent spate of new commands has resulted in rapid community developments that are making gameplay very much more realistic.

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and is necessary for DayZ to improve.

Why should the ArmA series only see improvements/changes because it's necessary for DayZ? You sort of counter your own argument.

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IMO the success of DayZ was unexpected to everyone. Not even Dean Hall or BIS could have foreseen what actually happened. I personally welcome it and I can't see, for the time being, negative things. I personally never purchased a game only to play a mod version of it, for being honest, but DayZ shows that there are people who are doing it. I see more of a benefit rather than a downfall.

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Why should the ArmA series only see improvements/changes because it's necessary for DayZ? You sort of counter your own argument.

Um, who says Arma will "only see improvements/changes because it's necessary for DayZ"? (my emphasis). The devs were bashing out betas at a high rate before DayZ was even launched - check the forum.

I don't see any of the new commands as specific to DayZ, for example, and never having played DayZ I have no idea - and care less - whether they are even particularly relevant to that mod.

Maybe one of the reasons changes are happening at a faster rate now might be that BIS has the money to hire more devs? - as they have been doing, & AFAIK they are still recruiting. Sure, a lot of that money came from the DayZ sales boost, but that doesn't mean that all development will be for whatever is "necessary for DayZ". It's the same engine, FFS. I couldn't give a fish-fart what the driver was for BIS in the recent developments, the game is getting very significantly better in mil-sim terms.

I hope BIS will make improvements that support or improve DayZ specifically, if it keeps people buying the game (= money needed for BIS to support & accelerate development), and leads to even a small percentage discovering the mil-sim aspect & this community.

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I was merely questioning what he said, not what BIS has done/is going to do. He mentioned that it was a glaring weakness in the engine that was necessary for DayZ to improve. It's been a glaring weakness in the series for ten years, and we've been asking for improvements for the entire time. For it only to surface because of DayZ (and I'm speaking hypothetially/musing etc, not factually - I'm pretty sure that BIS are well aware of what improvements are needed for ArmA in general) would be somewhat of an affront. Anyway, I digress, I was playing devil's advocate, if you will, just spinning it from another angle, rather than being anti ;)

And on that note, I've been here for ten years, I'm well aware of how BIS operates in terms of patches, betas, improvements :)

(I hope I'm making myself clear. I'm trying to write this through the haze of last night, and the screaming children outside)

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I was replaying the mini campaign "Eagle Wing" today. Know i understand why people love Dayz so much: Survival, good atmosphere and scavenge

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I fail to see the fears of many people here - that somehow the game will become more about DayZ than ArmA. It's pure speculation and rather unimaginative. One large benefit I do see from "DayZ-centric" development, is that CQB is bound to improve. No-one can tell me that ArmA cannot benefit by improved CQB development :) it's one glaring weakness of the engine, and is necessary for DayZ to improve. Therefore I should say that DayZ-centric development will benefit ArmA enormously.

I have no doubts that ArmA will remain ArmA-centric, but will benefit from DayZ-centric development :)

Ivan has said himself they are already tailoring towards DayZ. Of course this benefits everyone, but it's only the beginning. I love DayZ, but I love ArmA much more. Without ArmA, there would not have been DayZ. I hope Bohemia Interactive realizes that.

I’m going to spend the next four weeks in Chernarus. Partly in the virtual one, partly in the real one. We just decided to address some obvious issues which are related to the environment, to provide Dean with a better maps.
I’ve mentioned to our lead programmer, just some classified information, we’d like to expand the Chernarus theme in the Arma 3 engine, partly because of Dean’s zombies, partly because it’s a good map and we know it.

I think that all the fixes we've been seeing and maybe even perhaps the Czech DLC are arriving because of DayZ. This is good, but as I said, it's still only the beginning.

Edited by Nicholas

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2) Zombie animations/mechanics are fundamentally flawed due to the ArmA 2 engine. Zombies and players are expected to make quick snap movements and be able to quickly dispatch close-quarters zombie threats, but the ArmA 2 engine was never really built for that kind of thing, and thus you get clunky mechanics and difficulty in controlling/aiming at zombies due to the way they move. A lot of this could be solved if the zombies did not move so fast, which leads me to my next point...

That's why Dayz is great. It will push Bohemia to fix the engine so it is more pvp/cqb friendly

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Ivan has said himself they are already tailoring towards DayZ. Of course this benefits everyone, but it's only the beginning. I love DayZ, but I love ArmA much more. Without ArmA, there would not have been DayZ. I hope Bohemia Interactive realizes that.

I think that all the fixes we've been seeing and maybe even perhaps the Czech DLC are arriving because of DayZ. This is good, but as I said, it's still only the beginning.

Um, a bit too selective emphasis in each of those quotes IMNSHO - because it is your emphasis, not Ivan's. To correct a glaring omission, for readers' benefit here is the link to the original article:


The whole article gives a somewhat different picture to that from your (mis-)quotes. Readers might, for example, like to consider Dean's response to Dslyecxi's (?) question "Do you feel like Santa Claus when you’re doing that?". I don't read that or anything else in the article to justify your assertion "they are already tailoring towards DayZ" - indeed the word "tailoring" does not appear at all. Where else did he say that, or did you just make that up to bolster a pretty shoddy argument?

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Um, a bit too selective emphasis in each of those quotes IMNSHO - because it is your emphasis, not Ivan's. To correct a glaring omission, for readers' benefit here is the link to the original article:


The whole article gives a somewhat different picture to that from your (mis-)quotes. Readers might, for example, like to consider Dean's response to Dslyecxi's (?) question "Do you feel like Santa Claus when you’re doing that?". I don't read that or anything else in the article to justify your assertion "they are already tailoring towards DayZ" - indeed the word "tailoring" does not appear at all. Where else did he say that, or did you just make that up to bolster a pretty shoddy argument?

I worded that wrong and I think you misunderstood. I didn't mean to say that Ivan specifically said they are tailoring to DayZ. But some of the stuff he says indicates that the recent fixes that we've been seeing are tailored towards DayZ.

All these beta patches they've been releasing have come about to help tailor to the MP portion of ArmA II, thanks to DayZ. I would say they are tailoring the game for DayZ. But, as I said, all the adjustments they've made thus far have benefited the whole community.

It's only the beginning.

Edited by Nicholas

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I worded that wrong and I think you misunderstood. I didn't mean to say that Ivan specifically said they are tailoring to DayZ. But some of the stuff he says indicates that the recent fixes that we've been seeing are tailored towards DayZ.

All these beta patches they've been releasing have come about to help tailor to the MP portion of ArmA II, thanks to DayZ. I would say they are tailoring the game for DayZ. But, as I said, all the adjustments they've made thus far have benefited the whole community.

It's only the beginning.

"All these beta patches..." Again, a generalisation in terms of supporting a rickety argument.

There have been major changes that improve the core game functions that are not specifically aimed at DayZ, nor even at MP (though they will benefit both as much as they do SP mil-sim, because they are core changes).

And what on earth does "It's only the beginning" mean? The beginning of what?

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And what on earth does "It's only the beginning" mean? The beginning of what?

Beginning of DayZ. Beginning of the end of ArmA. Who knows. That's for you to decide. ;)

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All Bohemia is doing is removing some of the stumbling blocks that are in the way of Rocket developing his mod smoothly.

Other modders will benefit from these same fixes, the only real difference is that they are getting a higher priority then normal.

Give us some examples of where Bohemia has abandoned dealing with Arma issues in favor of DayZ and maybe you're argument that it's having a negative effect would hold more water

instead of being the typical sky is falling cries when new people join the community.

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There have been major changes that improve the core game functions that are not specifically aimed at DayZ, nor even at MP (though they will benefit both as much as they do SP mil-sim, because they are core changes).

Well, that's why I stated this: "But, as I said, all the adjustments they've made thus far have benefited the whole community." So far everything they've introduced has benefited the whole community. But I personally think that all these recent beta patches we've been seeing are tailored towards DayZ and Ivan somewhat confirmed my thoughts.

I never said it was bad, did I? No.

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Beginning of DayZ. Beginning of the end of ArmA. Who knows. That's for you to decide. ;)

Everything is pointing towards a standalone product in the future. Rocket has even said it's what he'd like to see in the future.

Bohemia is getting tons of extra money in sales so they can hire people to work on DayZ and Arma at the same time.

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Everything is pointing towards a standalone product in the future. Rocket has even said it's what he'd like to see in the future.

Bohemia is getting tons of extra money in sales so they can hire people to work on DayZ and Arma at the same time.

I'm aware of that. If DayZ was released as a standalone product, I can tell you now that I would pre-order it in a heartbeat. It is an awesome mod that I would love to see expanded on much more. I'm sure Bohemia Interactive can find a team to work on DayZ. They already have a dedicated team working on Carrier Command: Gaea Mission as far as I know.

Maruk even stated himself that working on multiple projects in parallel is needed to sustain the company. I think DayZ would be a great project for them to invest time and money into.

Unlike in the early years of the massive success of the original OFP, we rely on sales of new projects in order to sustain the company. Part of the reason is that the original game was made by a team of eight, whilst something of Arma 2's scale required a team nearly ten times bigger. So unless we focus on much smaller games there is no way we can sustain development unless we are able to work on multiple projects in parallel.

I personally hope they pursue DayZ as a standalone game and that the development of both DayZ and ArmA can still benefit from each other. Like Take On Helicopters and ArmA.

Edited by Nicholas

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Theres also the sh#$load of free advertising they are getting on Youtube and PC Gamer's almost daily articles about DayZ and Arma 3.

Even more money they can pour into development instead of pricey ads.

The success of DayZ might also work to remind the AAA developers that releasing modding tools is a good thing

for sales of the base game like it was for DOOM and Half-Life.

Maybe we'll see Bohemia manage a hostile takeover of EA in the future? :)

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For several reasons I support this mod.

1) I find it fun to play

2) It is bringing in additional revenue to Bohemia Interactive, an independant game developer I really like.

3) It is attracting new players who may also be interested in the Arma franchise. More players = more people to have fun with.

4) It might get others interested in modding themselves and I think that is good for the gaming/Arma community

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I approve of DayZ even if it's not my cup of tea simply because it has brought so many "comedians" to our beloved forums. Haven't seen so many whine\ragegasm threads appear so frequently in like forever! :D

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I approve of DayZ even if it's not my cup of tea simply because it has brought so many "comedians" to our beloved forums. Haven't seen so many whine\ragegasm threads appear so frequently in like forever!

Well there's a new one.

I think one of the main reasons people are somewhat against dayz is simply because they are afraid. Afraid of change and what it could mean. I mean we have a one of a kind game and we don't want anything to happen to it. Some fanboys look at Dayz and think it might mean the end of arma... and in some ways it is understandable. It wouldn't be the first time a "tactical shooter" took a turn for the worst. The question is, is there good reason to be afraid that Dayz will corrupt arma? I personally think that, because of their involvement with vbs and because of the type of developers they are, the odds of Dayz corrupting arma are slim to none in which case there are only positives that can come from dayz. But I guess there are those that disagree or would rather not take that gamble.

Edited by -Coulum-

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Hello there;

While my opinion isn't exactly in the format proposed by the OP, allow me to affirm that I've mostly bought for DayZ..

That is, until I tried the singleplayer. I immediately fell in love with this simulator, this was what I was looking for all the time and I'm baffled at the fact that I didn't buy it earlier to be honest.

I'm still learning the plethora of features available and I'm on my second play through of the campaign. I haven't had the courage to hit multiplayer yet though.

Can't wait for ArmA 3 here ^^ you guys got a new fan!

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Hello there;

While my opinion isn't exactly in the format proposed by the OP, allow me to affirm that I've mostly bought for DayZ..

That is, until I tried the singleplayer. I immediately fell in love with this simulator, this was what I was looking for all the time and I'm baffled at the fact that I didn't buy it earlier to be honest.

I'm still learning the plethora of features available and I'm on my second play through of the campaign. I haven't had the courage to hit multiplayer yet though.

Can't wait for ArmA 3 here ^^ you guys got a new fan!

If you like simulation, you can try one of the many MILSIM communities It's quite popular for Arma 2. Sometimes it's COOP (human team vs AI) and other times Team vs Team. It's pretty hardcore compared to all of these arcade shooters and even vanilla Arma 2, but it's a great experience. There's tons of other mods as well incase this is not your cup of tea.



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If you like simulation, you can try one of the many MILSIM communities It's quite popular for Arma 2. Sometimes it's COOP (human team vs AI) and other times Team vs Team. It's pretty hardcore compared to all of these arcade shooters and even vanilla Arma 2, but it's a great experience. There's tons of other mods as well incase this is not your cup of tea.



That was amazing to be honest! Thanks! :)

Edited by Placebo

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