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ARMA 2: OA beta build 93666 (1.60 MP compatible build, post 1.60 release)

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[93664] Fixed: Damage of buildings synchronization in MP after JIP (https://dev-heaven.net/issues/25659, https://dev-heaven.net/issues/23915, https://dev-heaven.net/issues/18492)

[93657] Fixed: Target is no longer stored in the long-term target list when forgotten for the second time (https://dev-heaven.net/issues/27895)

[93654] Improved: Tone mapping

[93652] New: Scripting functions visiblePositionASL and nearestBuilding position

[93648] New: Scripting functions ASLToATL and ATLToASL to convert between coordinate systems.

[93624] Changed: Scripting function weaponDirection returns a primary weapon direction when empty string is used as a weapon name.

[93622] New: Scripting function eyeDirection.



SUMA: Lazy evaluation forms for both 'or' and 'and' using code as the right side argument are available in 93640.


Improved Image Tone Mapping:




SUMA: 93648 changes terrainIntersect to ASL and adds ASLToATL and ATLToASL conversion functions.


93651 additional fix for Player-made map markers disappearing in MP under certain circumstances https://dev-heaven.net/issues/32160

BE Support Status = ENABLED, Enjoy ! ...

Edited by Dwarden

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BE supported now

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Awesome stuff! :)

However the stars need to be toned down now. In a dark night sky, when zoomed in, some of them are really huge!

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  MadDogX said:
Awesome stuff! :)

However the stars need to be toned down now. In a dark night sky, when zoomed in, some of them are really huge!

Maybe they moved the planet closer to the stars? :P

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  Sickboy said:
Maybe they moved the planet closer to the stars? :P

Or maybe the Armaversum just got smaller. :D

In any case, it's only a minor visual issue, but it would be nice to see it fixed. As an amateur astronomer, I prefer my stars as pinpoints in the sky, not discs. ;)

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  JuggernautOfWar said:
What does this do?

read updated first post

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This improved tone mapping sounds great! Are there any people willing to take before/after shots? I'm away from my ArmA computer for a few days.

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Yeah, I would like to see some before/after screens of tone mapping as well (none in the other thread either AFAIK...)

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Hey everybody,

thank BIS for all the hard work improoving the game continously. I am encountering a problem on our server, that the synchronization of the damaged environment uses up a lot of ressources. (So far less than 10 players have been on the server)

Is it my fault for using the default server config from JMan @ KH? No offense to him, but do I need to trimm down the bandwith that each player has so connecting to the server doesn't kill the players performance? I know this is not the place to ask for server settings but we only have this problem since the new beta and that was my first guess for a workarround / fix.

Any help is very much appreciated! Thank you!



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  MavericK96 said:
Yeah, I would like to see some before/after screens of tone mapping as well (none in the other thread either AFAIK...)

Why you do not grab a screen from previous beta and the current beta and do not share it. There seem to so many people requesting this and as it is quite simple to make I guess this is to the community to contribute.

Note that sole reason is to give scenes more contrast (so far majority of screenshots released has increased contrast outside of the game, this should make it less necessary).

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I just have to say that I absolutely love the improved tone mapping, it looks fantastic!

Edit: A bug I've been noticing, when aiming down iron sights, when you hit 'zoom-in toggle' you can zoom in, but it won't zoom back to normal when you try it again. The 'zoom-out toggle' functions properly. It appears to be a bug in vanilla as well as the latest beta.

Edited by Cereth

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