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Do Bohemia provide any servers ? I dont want to call some one sir so I can fly

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Had this games for 4 months now and enjoyed it finished all the campaigns and played flashpoint back in the day. Got the hang of the vehicles and the command system etc. Started playing MP a week ago and so far my impression of the community is its very clicky and off putting.

All the servers i can find have restrictions on who and what people can fly and some other strange restrictions. I can understand this on the whole as games would be flooded with new players who don’t take the time to learn to fly before they play MP.

But the problem is despite numerous requests I find your left at the base for up to 20 min just waiting for a ride to the AO. And they are helicopters just sitting in the base doing nothing are have clan members sitting in them while they are away from the game. And new players are restricted from flying them.

And its a waste of time trying to get a lift in any arma to the AO as the click kicks in and pilots pick there friends up etc and I don’t want to spend 20 min to drive to a AO and get there and its been taken .

So it takes me to my heading do Bohemia provide any servers were there are no restrictions on who can fly what and no admin playing god ? I am not really interested in joining a clan and if I wanted to follow a military command I would still be in the army. I just want t pick the game up now and then and enjoy all it has to offer online .

And having read through a number of posts from new players who made mistakes in there postings and the subsequent response from some of the moderators. I can fully understand why so many people are put off MP. Despite this Its a great community and its good to see a developer that interacts with its players .Just not a great setup for new players are players who don’t want to join a clan .

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The big thing is understanding that servers in ArmA2 are generally not cheap to run. Communities and groups vary on how they run their servers. Missions even of the same type in themselves can vary greatly between servers, as well as the rules and expectations established by the group and/or individual running it. To answer your question though, Bohemia does not host servers.

In general the popular servers will require individuals to be in their voice servers (namely Teamspeak3). Many communities tend to run ACE and ACRE. Military Gaming for example generally just requires that there be the need in the server (ie not having 4 pilots flying around when you have 4-6 guys on the ground). Flying and other assets are there to support and there is a clear balance just as in real life. We only require that users also have ACRE and are connected in our teamspeak. Our missions are actually scripted to detect this and those who are not are via scripting keep from piloting aircraft.

Beyond that however anybody is welcome to fly as long as those two simple things are meet. Obviously a minimum of ACE Mod is required for our servers, ACRE and our approved client side addons are completely optional, though ACRE does give players more opportunity. We generally allow new players the opportunity to get into flying fairly quickly, though we recommend players spend a short time getting familiar in our server if its their first time coming by. We tend to only go down the route of having admins restrict individuals from flying or using other vital assets if they show a major disregard by not supporting the ground troops, getting short down often, or just plain crashing often.

Best way is to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and assume they are mature, professional, respectful and fun to play with. If they are not then we start using the leash a bit as necessary. If you are interested in coming by and seeing if you like the way we go about it you are more than welcome to. If you do not have the ACE and/or ACRE Mod our members and even regular players will be more than happy to help you on our teamspeak or forums. We are not a group which requires or even bugs community users to join our organization (which is not a military reenactment group which most milsim groups tend to be at varying degrees). We admin our servers based only on the posted use policy on our site as well as a little common sense for admin instructions.

Edited by Alderman

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Thanks for taking the time to reply i appreciate it and its give me a better understanding of it all .So there are no servers which are ran by Bohemia and realy the only way to access flying etc is by joining a clan. All your reasons make perfect sense as to why this is in place for people who pay for there own servers.

Its a shame they dont at least provide one server for new players to have some fun on and learn the robes etc .And with all these new players on dayz it would help as a stepping stone in to arma .A massive open world and a vast amount of vehicles to use and yet its restricted for new players online who dont clan up.

And as much as i enjoy coop MP i really wanted to find a server were I play against other players but I have yet to find one server were you can do this .I just dont understand why people dont play against each other more you could have some great tank battles etc , used to play Dragon Rising MP PVP and it was good fun apart from the hit detection problems )

Again thanks for the reply and it looks like I will have to bite the bullet and clan up )))

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But you are aware, that your own PC is thought to be a server any time you want it?

Just go on "Multiplayer", hit "new" and "internet" and open any mission you like and it works fine ... People can join and you can kick'em like Beckham ..... ;-)

Don't undertake to host slots for more than 6 cogamers - I strongly recommend, because your own PC as a Server will otherwise make the game laggy. Certainly the number of possible co-gamers vary depending on your connection and PC.

You are then able to kick etc. play like a young god ... ;-)

Edited by Herbal Influence

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I do not recommend to host a game directly through the ingame MP screen. If a quadcore CPU is in use, i encourage to start a dedicated server locally on the players machine.

Reason is simple:

- if hosted through MP screen, client and server are one and the same instance. Additional network load will make the clients performance even worse than in SP. It is one thread (literally, still multithreaded, just simplyfying) , containing client and server routines.

- dedicated server run locally on means, client and server are separate instances, therefor two threads (literally again) which can make better use of a quadcore system, using almost 100% of the CPU resources.

The required server exe is delivered with ArmA 2 so no additional downloads required. Although for easier set up, i recommend Tophe's tool for server set up: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11655

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Sorry, but as I said: With my old hardware it's no problem to host a game with up to 6 gamers. And for a beginner, like the threadopener, it's a wonderful thing that Bohemia Interactive offered since 2001 ...

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Stop playing on servers that require you to be in a clan to do certain things then!

There are plenty of servers that don't have rules like that. Look for any CTI (Warfare) server.

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It depends where you join as I have requirements on the server I am handling as fixing the maps that every pilot is required to be on TS and that there is enough ground people and your capable flying because resources ain't unlimited every map :)

Feel free to hit me up if you want IP to the server so you can fly a bit as I wouldn't mind having you there flying if you just wouldn't screw it up basically - Crashing every single vehicle and being a dick head.

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So to sum it up:

-You can host a mission yourself and set all the rules to test things out with others.

-You can join games where there usually are less strict rules (except the one of being respectful). Try some Domination server maybe?

-You can join a team later on if you want to get that tight brotherly feeling. :)

The choice is yours. This game lets you do anything you want.

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Again , thanks for all the positive feedback .And i never realised i could host my own game i will give it a try. But as Myke stated it is very demanding and depended on your Cpu .

And as for some posters saying find games with no restrictions i cant find these games and i dont want to play with just 4 are five players i want a game that is vibrant .

The best server i have found so far is the 7th cav tactical realism server, its often full and AI is a challenge but again is restricted.

The tools are in place to create your own game but on the whole its my believe that its over complicated and time consuming .And there are many players out there who far various reasons cant enter in to team chat , be it a baby asleep in next room, are a moody light sleeping partner are maybe they are just not comfortable with it are maybe they have speech problems etc .

And while I am in no way comparing the two games, even console games such as BF3 MP the majority of the players on the whole make good use of vehicles with no team chat etc.

So I would imagine it should not be such a problem with Arma players, any one who invests the money in a decent pc and the time needed to learn to play this game , should be the kind of players that is team orientated. And yes your always going to get sadsacks who go out of there way to spoil a game but they also effect clan servers from what i have seen.

I just dont see a reason why the developers cant host two are three servers each with a different game mode and no restrictions. Surely the extra players it would attract would pay for itself in the long run .And with all these extra people on DayZ who dont use team chat and are new to Arma it would be a ideal stepping stone .And more players mean more money for the Bohemia and more money for development so every one wins .Well that just my armchair general business plan )))) Sure its not as simple as that ).

Again thanks for the feedback and who knows there might be a complaint thread about me before long "Specta3 tyrant server admin plays god" lol ))))

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LOL ... just kick everyone who doesn't say/chat a "Hello!" when joining your missions on your PC.

There are so many autist-like gamers ... unbelievable. I warn three times to explain whether they are robots or natural persons and off they go .. !

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Based on over 10 years of running an OFP/Arma/Arma2 community server and having dealt with "Too Many to count" newcomers to the game, if you want to take up the role of something important like for example a pilot, this is really how you should go about it.

1) The most important thing, is that you can communicate with the mission commander or admin, either by VOIP or by (Even Better) hopping onto their voice comms server. So immediately when you log onto their server ask for their Teamspeak IP. This will indicate to the admins that you belong to the top few percent of "Teamworking" public players. By being on their voice comms server you will also be far more aware of what is actually going on.

2) Listen in to commands from the group leader or mission commander and try to do as he asks, if for whatever you cannot do that, let him know.

The server admins will then gain confidence in you and are therefore more likely to allow you to take whatever role you want.

Look at it from the point of view of the 10 or 20 players who regularly play on that server, if you were one of them would you want to trust a new kid on the block that doesn't respond to voip or sidechat, which predominantly is what most public's fail to do

Hope that helps.....

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The reason people restrict the use of air assets and the like is that they are valuable and there aren't too many of them. Although there may be some well-intentioned newbies around trying to get the hang of the game, many people who try to jump in aircraft and fly off with them are trolls looking to ruin others' games. Rules about flying and the like are in place to ensure a calmer and more fun experience for the majority of players. If you want to be able to fly something, getting on TS3 and talking to the people on the server with your own voice can really help.

Don't be whiny about it though. If you ask and they say no, just wait a while before you ask again. Or just ask whoever's flying to tell you if they sign off. People who play this game are generally nice and reasonable, and most don't tend to have a grudge against newbies. We were all new at some point.

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Stop playing on servers that require you to be in a clan to do certain things then!

There are plenty of servers that don't have rules like that. Look for any CTI (Warfare) server.

Correct, you'll find that most clan-based servers will have rules like these. Most commonly these rules are found on clans that attempt to operate under some form of para-military style game play and organization. Most regular groups of gamers won't have the same standards.

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it can be a little frustrating for newcomers to search all these servers just to find out after 10 mins roughly what the mod is all about and what they can do and leave, and join the next one..

they can do this for hours, make a list on paper, discuss all the facts with friends .. make a power point presentation.. and play a week later (exaggerating here, but I feel for the newbs)

but normally they just want to go online and fight a little bit with strangers and find out the cool and deep stuff later...

It cant hurt to have one or two BI Servers up with some standard settings dunno.. Or maybe a List of servers - what they play, what mods needed, and what rules.. a list a newcomer can quickly understand..

to the OP: Warfare Servers are a good start.. try WASP when youre from Europe...

Edited by tremanarch

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Correct, you'll find that most clan-based servers will have rules like these. Most commonly these rules are found on clans that attempt to operate under some form of para-military style game play and organization. Most regular groups of gamers won't have the same standards.

Well I tried CTI and other servers as advised and again seem to spend most of my time just getting to the op , and spawning miles away from any available arma .Again it was just a frustrating experience ).I always play for the objective and I prefer being on foot but it would be nice to have the chance to use some arma in battle with out having to go through such a long process to get there. And I said before we are not all able to use team speak for one reason are other and we dont all want to join a clan. And I don’t understand why the devs cant see this market and just make a few servers with no admin and no mods at least it would help spread out most of the clowns who just want to mess around on clan servers. Say some think simple like reducing the map and making it a more action packed game without restrictions on players.

There is room for those that want to play a military sim and those who want a more action packed game i think. The game has so much more to offer than the likes of BF and yet it all seems to restricted and clicky in MP.They should find ways to increase the number of players playing PVP as well as co-op.And a newbie server with no restriction and more action would be a good place to start. I tried to get a friend on steam in to this game on MP and he thought the same as me and give up sooner than me .

Nothing much else I can add to this thread as at the end of the day we all have are own opinions and MP setup is a reflection of the community and they play the way they want.

Glad I bought ArmaX and I recommend it to all I know and I loved the single player and some co-op but the MP is just to frustrating and time demanding and restricted for my likening , will get my MP fix else were. Again thanks for all the positive feedback and its a great community and I am surprised I never got my head bit off by a admin for this post at some point )))))) Guess its just not my cup of tea and don’t worry I will close the door on my way out )))

P.S Nice touch that some one made the effort to come on the server I was on the first day I made this thread ,And type in game “can I please fly I am a pilot but I don’t have a mic†, )))) Made for a good laugh

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I know "The Art of Warfare" or TAW's server is usually running a Domination. I believe their only restraint on the use of Fixed and Rotary Winged Aircraft is the use of TS3 and being on their server.

Also {OP4}'s Domination only restraint on the use of Aircraft is Teamspeak use.

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Again as with our server you are not required to "clan up" and join our organization to fly on our servers. Military Gaming for example again promotes a larger ratio of public players instead of having 95% of our player base be members. Basically we focus on the community aspect a bit more. As mentioned by others there are plenty of servers like that. Again however some servers use reasonable (or unreasonable) limits to keep gameplay fun and enjoyable for the majority.

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There are too many arseholes out there that think they are in the military with this game. I'm not calling a spotty 17year old knob sir ! Just ignore their servers - there are plenty of other decent servers out there.

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