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Is ofp  mp dead?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HARDMAN @ June 26 2002,22:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">And BTW, u are all TWATS, I AM THE HARDMAN!<span id='postcolor'>

Statements like this aren't funny, nor smart. Yellow Card for you, sir.

This forum is quite proud of its friendly nature and near non-existance of flames and personal insults. People inciting and promoting these things will be removed.

One more offending sentence like this and your posting rights will be removed for 24 hours. The next offense after that and you are out.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">This forum is quite proud of its friendly nature and near non-existance of flames and personal insults<span id='postcolor'>

r we talkin about the same forum? wink.gif

OK maybe it's true, since the forum got real mods,

at least you mods realize a flame war early enough

to stop it.

However, without offence to anyone, ppl should be patient

expecially on forums, where n00bs and vets r crashing together.

And btw - what is a HARDMAN?

In my german language (i'm from Austria) a hardman seems

to be a guy, who took to much Viagra biggrin.gif

~S~ CD

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I've got news for some of you who think that people here are mean spirited in general. This is the friendliest forum I have ever seen, and that is saying a lot. The only other forum I have seen that is this friendly is Sword Forum International.

I come from Through the Looking Glass, the unofficial Thief forum. They are incredibly informed, and they are better with grammar and spelling, but there is too much of an "in crowd" mentality throughout their community.

The Operation Flashpoint gaming community is also the friendliest I have seen, with the exception of the Red Baron 3D multiplayer. Go to Counterstrike or Soldier of Fortune, and you will enter a stupid world where the primary words in the standard vocabulary are "fuck" and "gay" and where everyone appears to be named "faggot." At least, they seem to think that that is everyone's name.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Ex-RoNiN @ June 27 2002,01:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HARDMAN @ June 26 2002,22:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">And BTW, u are all TWATS, I AM THE HARDMAN!<span id='postcolor'>

Statements like this aren't funny, nor smart. Yellow Card for you, sir.

This forum is quite proud of its friendly nature and near non-existance of flames and personal insults. People inciting and promoting these things will be removed.

One more offending sentence like this and your posting rights will be removed for 24 hours. The next offense after that and you are out.<span id='postcolor'>

Ah, so youve met the Hardman. Coincidentally, you have also just met the extent of his vocabulary tounge.gif

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Yeah fortunately OFP as it is attracts a more sensible crowd, who can wait 30 mins, enjoy a great game.

Join in progress will open the floodgates for all those stupid people that are described above. The forums generally reflect our online community, currently it's pretty damn good.

Unfortunately all the numbers on other game servers indicate is there are a hell of a lot more stupid people in the world than there are OFP players. :/


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at least i would have people to play while i wait for the regulars to show, and dammage your the admin if we got jip maybee a password on the server would keep em out if u wanted a serious game. We're gettin new net code with resistance, the big features left that people would like to be conquered r JIP and multiple people shootin from vechicles, we would be able to play rts longer than 30mins before we reassign cause we got people waitin. MPs great and can only get better.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Lt_Damage @ June 27 2002,09:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Btw.. YOU ARE THE HARDMAN! YOU ARE A MORON! biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Very good, I wish I'd thought of that tounge.gif

Yeah, the numbers are kind of dissapointing for well adjusted, mature gamers. But I think part of that is Codemasters fault. They dont do enough publicity for BIS or OFP. They dont buy TV slots, they dont do a large amount of print ads (at least not in the US, which I dont need to mention is a huuuuuuge gaming market). hell, alot of the sales are word of mouth, and while it is impressive that this many people have found out from their buddies, it reflects a poor job done by the publisher. You know, Playboy did an article about the best wargames out there a few months back, and guess what games were mentioned? MOHAA, GR, and RTCW. Guess what game wasnt mentioned at all? OFP. Why? Not because Playboy didnt like it, but because they didnt know about it. Many guys I know say that the games clerks at big gaming stores like EB and Best Buy etc havent even heard of OFP, and when asked to reccomend a action type wargame, they point to GR or MOHAA. Once again, not because theyre better than OFP, but because noone has told them otherwise.

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also ever heard of interstate, it destroyed the interstate series people expected sumthing good they got crap but it had jip, the net code was hopeless but it had people online every day all the time still going today no patches or support at all but it still going it was my 2nd game to get me in to multiplayer first being battlezone. Being exposed to BZ i82 i76 and df series was what made me luv ofp people said 1.0 was bad online i didnt notice ive been used to worse.

Check out the gunfighters if u wanna see what i mean


They've made sum good ofp maps but they still into i82.

Strange isnt it.

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How right u r, i went to dod forums to c that thread bout gfx and his mg42 almost none of them knew what ofp was, if it wasnt for the odd magazine i picked up i would never know bout it hardly, there was a small preview in a pc gamer i think that i just noticed there were al these preivies on rtcw moh saying there going to be the biggest things out MoH is bout as popular online as ofp right now has even more lag and things like campers etc. All these games get heaps of hype ofp had almost none from my view resistance is hyped but only we r hyped bout it.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HARDMAN @ June 26 2002,22:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ehhh, u call a game that have 349 ppl conected fo a ALIVE game? take a look  here

It's the browser for DeltaForce:LandWarrior, shitty game but it have it's own fan players that have followed  the game since Delta Force 1.

The company provides about 15 dedicated servers with up to 32 players in each, that makes 480 players only on company provided servers, not to talk about the public servers maintained by players.

This is just a small example, not to talk about the other *bigger* games out there that have more than 10 000 players a day

OPF is one of the beter games ever released, but it lacks an important thing that i think every on-line game needs, and that is THE ABILITY TO JOIN ON THE RUN, not having to wait like 30 minutes for a game in progress, or the players allready in progress to cancel the game just to get in a late player

those are my thoughts on the game.

And BTW, u are all TWATS, I AM THE HARDMAN!<span id='postcolor'>

I think your right about DFLW being crappy, but it isnt the join in prgress that makes it big, it is the company provided dedicated servers.

The dedicated servers are expensive, and so few people can afford to put them up. That is what this game lacks. If codemasters would provide 24/7 32 man servers, there would be a ton of fun all daylong, and you wouldnt have to go on GS or ASE, to search for a server, just to play MP.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SGT KAMAI USMC @ June 19 2002,03:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">FIRST OFF

Not everyone can afford to host a good server that can handle more than 20 peolpe, and the picky and high requirements of the game! And less than 20 in a game is boring. If Codemasters hosted servers hint hint, it would probably boost a lot of support for the game. A small investment by them could reap serious benefits.


Thank god there is no JOIN in progress, AND THANK GOD there is no OFP overcrowding!

It is great that some of the less skilled, and patient people have gone on to different games. With the exception of the occasional n00bs that truly enjoy and want to learn the game, and the regs on squads and in tourneys, this game was headed down the crapper in mp. Especialy when the impatient CS, SOF, RS rejects come in yelling gogogo, and I hate this game its boring, or I dont want to wait.

The lame Counter Strike, and SOF nerds can get bored and leave for all I care. The combat sim element of this game is what I find apealing about it. Not the mindless action games the youngsters with no patience play!

Keep on going BIS, more serious gamers will stay with your products if they maintain this originality, and I think with more advertising, and exposure you cant go wrong. This game has pretty much been entirely word of mouth since the start, and look how far it got. Now put commercials on TV lol.

Seriosly though, there are 2 cable channels that come to mind, and they seem to avoid talking about good games on thier game review shows. I guess nintendo pays them off a lot of money huh?


GET BOOKED ON THE SHOWS!!!<span id='postcolor'>

just in case you missed it the first time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep on going BIS, more serious gamers will stay with your products if they maintain this originality, and I think with more advertising, and exposure you cant go wrong. This game has pretty much been entirely word of mouth since the start, and look how far it got. Now put commercials on TV lol.

there are 2 cable channels that come to mind, and they seem to avoid talking about good games on thier game review shows. I guess nintendo pays them off a lot of money huh?



Keep on going BIS, more serious gamers will stay with your products if they maintain this originality, and I think with more advertising, and exposure you cant go wrong. This game has pretty much been entirely word of mouth since the start, and look how far it got. Now put commercials on TV lol.

there are 2 cable channels that come to mind, and they seem to avoid talking about good games on thier game review shows. I guess nintendo pays them off a lot of money huh?



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So... would we be defined as a 'cult following'? If so, maybe we should try to get the word out.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SGT KAMAI USMC @ June 27 2002,22:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think your right about DFLW being crappy, but it isnt the join in prgress that makes it big, it is the company provided dedicated servers.

The dedicated servers are expensive, and so few people can afford to put them up. That is what this game lacks. If codemasters would provide 24/7 32 man servers, there would be a ton of fun all daylong, and you wouldnt have to go on GS or ASE, to search for a server, just to play MP.<span id='postcolor'>

few things ping, u need a good ping to have smooth game and also no one would join the server if it wasnt jip i got a local server lotas maps well run 32 people or moew i think.

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I,personally would like a few things cleared up....


From what I gather,from firsthand Experience,OFP:RES. is NOT backwards-compatible with ANY pervious version of OFP.

Does this mean that ALL maps,ADDONS,MODS,ISLANDS created for v1.46 are moot?? What about he people that have made KILLER OFP maps.. (i.e: KaRRiLLion's RTS series)

are they going to have to go back,and RE-DO them jsut so that they will be able for use in RES.?


I have heard rumors that once you install OFP:RES. you will NOT be able to reinstall it... (I know,I know... sounds stupid...but I had to ask if it holds water)


ok... RES. is NO going to have VON.... this is perhaps the most important factor in a MP game.... (not Co-Op b/c it doesn't matter if there is a side-channel)

WHY do you think that games like CS...and DoD are STILL kicking ass in the online FPS MP gaming community? their STUNNING graphics?? their AWESOME levels?? HA!!!! nope... it is the VON,guys.... we are getting our asses handed to us on a plate,by games with LESS depth,and crappy engines...


bugs... I have read Reviews from gamers who have RES. and they say that their are STILL huge amounts of bugs... and LAG too... remeber a little game called World War 2 online??

it came out and had to be patched a half-dozen times before it was even PLAYABLE... hell... it is STILL in dire need of a few hundred fixes... is this the same fate that OFP will suffer?

a dozen required patches? I would GLADLY wait 6 months for a new game (i.e: RES.) to be COMPLETED,and FULLY tested...

than to have to get 20 patches to make it playable...

and one last thing.......

IF BIS was to host 3 servers... 1 1.46... 1 1.60.... and 1 RES.

I got a 20 dollar bill says the 1.46 would KICK the other two's ass....ANY day.... ANY time....

If 1.60MP Test Had not come out... EVERYONE in here... would be kicking back... enjoying 1.46... and implementing addon packs that add new vehicles... new islands.... new everything.... and NOT having to complain about RES....

just my .02........

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FubarGrn @ July 03 2002,18:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">From what I gather,from firsthand Experience,OFP:RES. is NOT backwards-compatible with ANY pervious version of OFP. Does this mean that ALL maps,ADDONS,MODS,ISLANDS created for v1.46 are moot?<span id='postcolor'>

No, most missions (those that didn't use any inofficial addons) should work fine. Others (with many inofficial addons, addons that weren't declared, etc.) will probably need reworking. Also many addons for OFP will probably not work well with OFPR (muzzle flash bug now also without HWTL, maybe other issues). But that's only to expect if you have a new engine.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Second: I have heard rumors that once you install OFP:RES. you will NOT be able to reinstall it... (I know,I know... sounds stupid...but I had to ask if it holds water)<span id='postcolor'>

Not true. I just reinstalled OFP and OFPR (because of OFP not OFPR - you can't patch OFP without messing up OFPR). Worked fine. I think I didn't even restart in between.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Third: ok... RES. is NO going to have VON.... this is perhaps the most important factor in a MP game.... (not Co-Op b/c it doesn't matter if there is a side-channel)<span id='postcolor'>

Well, haven't tried it yet, but VON seems to be implemented - at least the key combination works (shows the icon - also Suma had stated during the netcode beta test that this would be implemented again), and the new Preferences program still offers the possibility to configure VON.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Fourth: bugs... I have read Reviews from gamers who have RES. and they say that their are STILL huge amounts of bugs... and LAG too...<span id='postcolor'>

Well, haven't met one Bug yet. The game itself runs smooth, though the hardware requirements are a bit higher than they were with the original game (well, you don't get better graphics and more detailed landscape without cost - there's no such thing as a free lunch). The game still has some minor issues, but it hasn't failed me once since I installed it the first time.

Personally I'd rate it rock stable, but as is normal with the multitude of different system configurations out there, there are others who ran into problems. Most people don't seem to have any problems and many who have them have either not enough memory (300MB ram seems to be the absolute minimum) or insist on running it at maximum detail (because they could do that in OFP, too) while their system isn't capable of coping with the increased detail options of OFPR.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FubarGrn @ July 04 2002,06:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I,personally would like a few things cleared up....


From what I gather,from firsthand Experience,OFP:RES. is NOT backwards-compatible with ANY pervious version of OFP.

Does this mean that ALL maps,ADDONS,MODS,ISLANDS created for v1.46 are moot?? What about he people that have made KILLER OFP maps.. (i.e: KaRRiLLion's RTS series)

are they going to have to go back,and RE-DO them jsut so that they will be able for use in RES.?


I have heard rumors that once you install OFP:RES. you will NOT be able to reinstall it... (I know,I know... sounds stupid...but I had to ask if it holds water)


ok... RES. is NO going to have VON.... this is perhaps the most important factor in a MP game.... (not Co-Op b/c it doesn't matter if there is a side-channel)

WHY do you think that games like CS...and DoD are STILL kicking ass in the online FPS MP gaming community? their STUNNING graphics?? their AWESOME levels?? HA!!!! nope... it is the VON,guys.... we are getting our asses handed to us on a plate,by games with LESS depth,and crappy engines...


bugs... I have read Reviews from gamers who have RES. and they say that their are STILL huge amounts of bugs... and LAG too... remeber a little game called World War 2 online??

it came out and had to be patched a half-dozen times before it was even PLAYABLE... hell... it is STILL in dire need of a few hundred fixes... is this the same fate that OFP will suffer?

a dozen required patches? I would GLADLY wait 6 months for a new game (i.e: RES.) to be COMPLETED,and FULLY tested...

than to have to get 20 patches to make it playable...

and one last thing.......

IF BIS was to host 3 servers... 1 1.46... 1 1.60.... and 1 RES.

I got a 20 dollar bill says the 1.46 would KICK the other two's ass....ANY day.... ANY time....

If 1.60MP Test Had not come out... EVERYONE in here... would be kicking back... enjoying 1.46... and implementing addon packs that add new vehicles... new islands.... new everything.... and NOT having to complain about RES....

just my .02........<span id='postcolor'>

well after playing the BEATA 1.60 i can say it kicks 1.46s arse, theres a mission alpha landing when we do that 1.46 its a warpy ride in the boats the ai run on the spot ai shoot u with weapons on their back and then dissapear the tanks appear in frount of u and fire 100 times, in 1.6 it was like single player no lag both games we had pings all under 200 mostly round 100ms. Its bugs with nat and xp by what ive seen r fixed in ofpr.

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I´m afraid that without adressing of major issues in the near future, OFP will slowly vanish.

After checking OFP:R and realizing that main issues couldn´t be solved, like physics, clipping i.e., i gave up on the multiplayer part of it, as with a little lag thrown in these problems only add up to the general online sluggishness.

Without a solid playability feeling, it´s more a fight against game-issues online than against the opponent.

Last online game that made me almost bite my keyboard i had first been trapped behind a wobbling .050cal mg. The action menu was constantly flickering in an out with options rapidly changing, so i couldn´t get the menu point to disembark.

After that we tried some sniping from inside an building with shattered windows, just to fall through the wall to the outside

resulting in serious injuries so we could only crawl around.

I still love it in singleplayer though, no compatibility issues and i can mod the game to my personal liking.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Satchel @ July 05 2002,01:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I´m afraid that without adressing of major issues in the near future, OFP will slowly vanish.<span id='postcolor'>

Yes, BIS/CM must now focus on getting the new sockets code working top-notch else there is a chance that people moves on! OFP have come a looong way since 1.00 and it would be a shame to not have a big healty on-line community to this great game.

Haven't tried the new 1.75 very much but by reading your message I understand that some MP problems persists.

Also want to stress the importance of "unified add-on packs" for dedicated servers around the globe, see separate thread here. If you think the idea is good please let BIS/CM know by adding your comments!

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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