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Personally i can't see what's wrong with Vilas models, without him most of the mods in Arma2 wouldn't exist.

@GossamerSolid if you want a T55 with ERA armour im working on one for my Nogovan Units. :)

Sure thing man, I'd love that unit. Thanks a bundle!

Which reminds me, I'm sending you the C-130 PSD file RIGHT NOW. I totally forgot to re-send it to you, don't be shy to remind me in the future :)

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No, T-55AM Merida and similiar like T-55AM2B use composite addon armor codenamed BDD (layers of steel plates in resin like material encased in steel boxes or modules). While T-55 with ERA can be designated as T-55AV or T-5AMV, V was allways added to tanks not designed in the first place to have ERA (while tanks from base designed to have ERA never had V in designation code), and means more or less Vzrivnoy, in Russian it means explosive, and is obviously connected to Explosive Reactive Armor, however in Russia (and Ukraine) ERA is called Dynamic Protection, Dinamichyska Zashita/ДинамичеÑÐºÐ°Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ‚Ð° in Russian or DZ in short.

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So I thought I'd give a quick list of what you can AT LEAST expect for the next version (I'm not giving a release date though as I probably won't meet the date I set :))

+ Mig-29

+ 2S1

+ 2S3

+ T-80BV

+ T-64BV

+ T-62A

+ UH-60L (Along with FFAR and FFAR/Hellfire variants)

+ Some more infantry loadouts

+ Initial PRSZ army

The Mig-29 isn't going to be in "final" state when it gets released, but it's definetly more than playable.

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I dont think the T-80BV or T-64BV. Just T-64A cause in real life the T-64BV is only used by Russia plus Chenarus is supposedly a extremely poor country.

I would say maybe the T-80B and T-64A. To be realistic about the T-80B Remove The ATGM Rockets.

maybe the M48A4 Patton can be added in future updates as well as the M113A3 SLAT?

M48A4 Patton Picture: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRvAiGxzFR68J8c8shyEsttwGPvWVlD9ckwp3zE7_WbP7wm6Vcqew4N5E5lqw

M113A3 SLAT Armor: http://media.defenseindustrydaily.com/images/LAND_M113A3_Modified_in_Iraq_lg.jpg

Edited by TheOmegaX

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Sweet. Can't wait to mess arou d with the new vehicles....especially the MiG-29 You still plan on doing the MiG-21, Su-24 and the Mi-8 with rockets?

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Sweet. Can't wait to mess arou d with the new vehicles....especially the MiG-29 You still plan on doing the MiG-21, Su-24 and the Mi-8 with rockets?

I have the Mi-8 with rockets added, forgot to write it down on the list.

I have an SU-24 MLOD so it'll be making its way in eventually and I'll try to get the MIG-21 when possible.

I dont think the T-80BV or T-64BV. Just T-64A cause in real life the T-64BV is only used by Russia plus Chenarus is supposedly a extremely poor country.

I would say maybe the T-80B and T-64A. To be realistic about the T-80B Remove The ATGM Rockets.

maybe the M48A4 Patton can be added in future updates as well as the M113A3 SLAT?

M48A4 Patton Picture: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRvAiGxzFR68J8c8shyEsttwGPvWVlD9ckwp3zE7_WbP7wm6Vcqew4N5E5lqw

M113A3 SLAT Armor: http://media.defenseindustrydaily.com/images/LAND_M113A3_Modified_in_Iraq_lg.jpg

Chernarus has significant oil assets in the alternate universe that PCDF takes place in, so it has more expensive equipment.

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I dont think the T-80BV or T-64BV. Just T-64A cause in real life the T-64BV is only used by Russia plus Chenarus is supposedly a extremely poor country.

I would say maybe the T-80B and T-64A. To be realistic about the T-80B Remove The ATGM Rockets.

Both T-80BV and T-64BV were rather wide spread across Soviet Union.

In real life T-64BV's are retaired by Russia because these tanks were developed and builded in Kharkiv (Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau) placed in todays Ukraine, so currently logistic base is placed in Ukraine and biggest user of these tanks is Ukraine. I do not see a reason why Chernarus being part of SU in past, would not inherit some of these after SU fall, while only design bureau that survived collapse of SU in Russia is UVZ (Uralvagonzavod) that is original produced of T-72 and T-90 series, and have also made investitions to old Omsk production plant to place there repair and modernization facility for T-72 and T-80 tanks.

In reality T-80B have 9K112 Kobra complex as T-64B so both can fire 9M112 GLATGM's, so why to remove this capability from tanks?

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Cause Chenarus is a extemely poor country.

And The Russians Hate Chenarus and the wont sell top of the line weapons

thats like russia selling america weapons while at war...

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Cause Chenarus is a extemely poor country.

And The Russians Hate Chenarus and the wont sell top of the line weapons

thats like russia selling america weapons while at war...

Chernarus is poor in regular arma 2, it's not in PCDF's universe.

Also who says Chernarus is buying from Russia, there are tons of post-USSR countries that have remaining Soviet equipment.

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So I thought I'd give a quick list of what you can AT LEAST expect for the next version (I'm not giving a release date though as I probably won't meet the date I set :))

+ Mig-29

+ 2S1

+ 2S3

+ T-80BV

+ T-64BV

+ T-62A

+ UH-60L (Along with FFAR and FFAR/Hellfire variants)

+ Some more infantry loadouts

+ Initial PRSZ army

The Mig-29 isn't going to be in "final" state when it gets released, but it's definetly more than playable.





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Here Are the Armor & Air I think should be added (Some have already been added)

I just made up how many they have in service lol


BTR-60PB (Already Added) 89 in service

BMP-1 (WIP?) 48 in service 3

M113A3 (Already Added) 115 in service

M113A3 SLAT 45 in service

M48A4 Patton 50 in service 19 pending

T-34/85 (Already Added) 18 in service

T-55A (Already Added) 49 in service 11 pending

T-55AM Merida 13 in service

T-62A (WIP?) 41 in service

T-64A (WIP?) 34 in service

T-64BV 7 in service 3 stolen

T-72M1 21 in service

T-80B 13 in service 2 pending

2S1 (WIP?) 11 in service 2 pending

2S3 4 in service

2K12E Kvadrat 7 in service 6 pending 250 rockets 80 rockets pending


UH-1Y Huey 50 in service

S-70A <----- Black Hawk with Maverick Rockets 24 in service

AH-1S Cobra 12 in service

Mi-8MTV-3 <--- This Variant has Rockets) 64 in service

F-4A Phantom

F-14D Tomcat 101 in service

Su-24MK Fencer 71 in service 20 pending

Su-34 Fullback (Already Added) 3 in service 2 stolen

MiG-21MF 41 in service

MiG-27D 24 in service

MiG-29B-12 (WIP?) 18 in service 8 pending

An-2T Colt 89 in service 49 in civil use

An-12B Cub 32 in service 12 in civil use

2K12: http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3245/2895766184_2601160b4e.jpg


This is all the stuff you should add.

I will give you South Zagorian Armored and Aircraft Pretty soon

---------- Post added at 20:59 ---------- Previous post was at 20:55 ----------

Heres my role play After NATO Pulls out the give Chenarus biliions of dollars to buy or upgrade there army...

Edited by TheOmegaX

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I'll underline what's added in already (in my version)

I'll bold what I have an MLOD for

I'll italics what I've already asked for/going to ask for

[u]BTR-60PB (Already Added) 89 in service[/u]
[b]BMP-1 (WIP?) 48 in service 3 [/b]
[u]M113A3 (Already Added) 115 in service[/u]
M113A3 SLAT 45 in service
M48A4 Patton 50 in service 19 pending
[u]T-34/85 (Already Added) 18 in service[/u]
[u]T-55A (Already Added) 49 in service 11 pending[/u]
[i]T-55AM Merida  13 in service[/i]
[u]T-62A (WIP?) 41 in service[/u]
[b]T-64A (WIP?) 34 in service[/b]
[b]T-64BV 7 in service 3 stolen[/b]
[u]T-72M1 21 in service[/u]
[b]T-80B 13 in service 2 pending[/b]
[b]2S1 (WIP?) 11 in service 2 pending[/b]
[b]2S3 4 in service[/b]
[i]2K12E Kvadrat 7 in service 6 pending 250 rockets 80 rockets pending[/i]

UH-1Y Huey 50 in service
S-70A <----- Black Hawk with Maverick Rockets 24 in service
AH-1S Cobra 12 in service
[u]Mi-8MTV-3 <--- This Variant has Rockets) 64 in service[/u]
[b]F-4A Phantom[/b]
[b]F-14D Tomcat 101 in service[/b]
[b]Su-24MK Fencer 71 in service  20 pending[/b]
[u]Su-34 Fullback (Already Added) 3 in service 2 stolen[/u]
[i]MiG-21MF 41 in service[/i]
MiG-27D 24 in service
[u]MiG-29B-12 (WIP?) 18 in service 8 pending[/u]
[u]An-2T Colt 89 in service 49 in civil use[/u]
An-12B Cub 32 in service 12 in civil use

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Cause Chenarus is a extemely poor country.

And The Russians Hate Chenarus and the wont sell top of the line weapons

thats like russia selling america weapons while at war...

Chernarus may have found lucrative pockets of gas and oil. Perhaps we're seeing a rapid expansion due to a change in its economic fortunes.

Chernarus is poor in regular arma 2, it's not in PCDF's universe.

Also who says Chernarus is buying from Russia, there are tons of post-USSR countries that have remaining Soviet equipment.

+1 :icon14:

I'm working on my World Invasion addon set/mod (whichever way it goes). Seeing as I start with Chernarus. I would very much like to use your addons when I'm finished. Keep up the great work. It's one of my favourite projects here. Love the camo colour too!

Edited by Mach2Infinity

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i appreciate its the Arma-verse and its your mod but i feel the blackhawks and tomcats are out of place. i would say most former USN tomcats have been recycled or what ever you do with old planes and/or in no way air worthy. the mig-29 is a decent fighter for cherna to use

the blackhawks with rockets too, if you already have MI-8/17 with rockets i dont see why you would buy a different helicopter

like i said, its just how i feel and i dont want to take anything away from your work :)

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i appreciate its the Arma-verse and its your mod but i feel the blackhawks and tomcats are out of place. i would say most former USN tomcats have been recycled or what ever you do with old planes and/or in no way air worthy. the mig-29 is a decent fighter for cherna to use

the blackhawks with rockets too, if you already have MI-8/17 with rockets i dont see why you would buy a different helicopter

like i said, its just how i feel and i dont want to take anything away from your work :)

Completely understood, everybody is entitled to their opinion on things and I appreciate it.

I'm not really trying for complete accuracy or to have it seem realistic.

I guess if units seem really out of place, I could make them in a seperate optional PBO (F-14 for example) and that way whoever wants them ingame can use them optionally.

EDIT: Also if you'll notice, I merely said I have an F-14 MLOD, not that I planned to put it into CDF colours :p

EDIT 2: The UH-60 series was put in before anybody mentioned the fact that I should put the Mi-8 rockets in, so I guess I'll just leave it up to the mission designer to decide whether they are using more russian equipment or american equipment.

Edited by GossamerSolid

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You See That the S-70A or the Black Hawk with rockets has guided missles while the Mi-8MTV-3 has non-guided missles

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You See That the S-70A or the Black Hawk with rockets has guided missles while the Mi-8MTV-3 has non-guided missles

yea my point is, if i had MI8's first, i personally wouldn't buy a whole new fleet of helicopters just for a guided missile, i'd upgrade what i have to fire guided missiles etc.

unless the mi8 fleet was falling into disrepair

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Well, the more things you have the more powerful the nation or group is.

they said france was powerful in 1939 ;)

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Alright I need some input from you guys.

I have a really quick texturing job done for the PRSZ Vehicles. Keep in mind that this isn't final, so don't say "Oh that looks like shit, seems like you put no time into it" because that is the point at this stage.

I need help mainly with the colours (how many colours should be on their camo pattern and what colours should they be? Hex colour codes would help out a lot as well).

Right now they are using a two colour camo and I got these colours from the Chedaki SU-25 skin basically.


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Shouldn´t the camo be a little more greenish?

Could you provide a hex colour code for me to look at?

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