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Hello everyone, I've been scouring armaholic, youtube, and BI forums to try and fix this problem I am having with my ACE Spectator. I hope someone here can help me or has seen this issue before.

So I have followed the guide set out by Rifling Matters located here -

I have Description.ext with:

respawn = "bird";

placed in the file.

I have onPlayerRespawnAsSeagull.sqs with:

[true] call acre_api_fnc_setSpectator;

_this call ace_fnc_startSpectator;


placed inside.

Finally I have init.sqf with:

//////ACE WOUND/////

ace_wounds_prevtime = 60;

ACE_NoBlackout = true;

ace_sys_wounds_noai= true;

ace_sys_tracking_markers_enabled = false;

publicVariable "ace_sys_tracking_markers_enabled";

ace_sys_wounds_withSpect = true;

publicVariable "ace_sys_wounds_withSpect";

inside it, so that I have a revive timer of 60 seconds for my mission.

Upon being shot, a player will be placed inside spectate and a revive timer will start counting down at the bottom of the screen. During this time ACE spectate works perfectly. Once the timer reaches 0, the player is then pulled out of spectate, and placed inside their dead body staring at the grass/sky until the end of the mission.

I feel that somewhere my mission is not re spawning the player as a bird, and thus they are not permanently allowed to spectate. I am at a total loss on how to fix this. I've tried numerous permutations of the script to get it to work, and been all over the forums. I hope someone here can help me.

Easy fix;

in onPlayerRespawnAsSeagull.sqs script, on the bottom, add this:

ace_wounds_prevtime = nil;

Problem should be solved

Kind regards,


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Unfortunately, yes. For whatever reason, they have refused to add bipod deployment to this particular rifle. You'll need to keep a sandbag with you at all times or use another weapon.

thanks for the advise :)

guess i'm gonna spend lotta time carrying some sandbag just to rest this rifle on it lol XD the sway is just unbearable...

well i'm good at using extreme long range rifle like Tac 50 & M107 but i kinda wanna get good at shooting a .338 LM, trying to stretch its capability up to 2000 m \m/

just like i did with .308 (M24, M40, M110), i maxed it out to beyond 1000 m :yay:

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How would I use the ACE Nuke? I am writing a Wasteland mission that uses ACE. I want to create an event that spawns a nuke that trails down from the sky and goes off in defined areas as a mission. Then, after the nuke goes off, the area is contaminated via the BTK Gas mask script. Now, the players must be wearing a mask to enter the area safely.

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I thought ACE nuke was removed a while back?

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Hi !

Got a problem here!

When ai is on prone position doesn't open fire against enemy. They only open fire if i give em order to crouch.

I'm using arma 1.62 patch, no beta version..

Tnx mate

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Has anybody figured out how to get map gps markers back without needing the fcbc2 stuff? It's incredibly detrimental to my group from a command standpoint to be unable to see them any longer.

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Has anybody figured out how to get map gps markers back without needing the fcbc2 stuff? It's incredibly detrimental to my group from a command standpoint to be unable to see them any longer.

Possibly, Military Symbols module, in init of that place: setGroupIconsVisible [true,false];

click here for more info: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Military_Symbols

I use a script from F2 framework that does sort of the same to have markers on the map..just make sure u disable the FBCB2 module when doing the marker stuff.

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Hi !

Got a problem here!

When ai is on prone position doesn't open fire against enemy. They only open fire if i give em order to crouch.

I'm using arma 1.62 patch, no beta version..

Tnx mate

Solved with patch 1.63

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LoL, I just wanted to know if anyone from ACE ever gave in and mentioned what the freakin banana is for? Endurance?

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i have never figured it out! how do you even interact with the banana?

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I'm new at modding ArmA 2 game. My first addon for ArmA 2 CO are new textures for CHKDZ, but when I activate ACE mod my addon/textures doesn't work. So can somebody please help me make my textures compatible with ACE mod. Again I'm new at modding ArmA 2. But I'm experienced modder when comes to Battlefield 2. I made a mod for Battlefield 2 called "Global Storm" mod. But when comes to ArmA modding, coding is not as easy as in BF2. So please help me.

My addon can be found here:


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IS there something that I need to re-enable in the aceclippi in order to get "Sidechats", "Groupchat" or "vehiclechat" working again? I've already re-enabled the radio feature, but that's mostly for chatter. Globalchat still works but that's it and that won't work for some of the missions I have made. Greatly appreciate any help. ☮

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Not sure what you mean... is ACE disabling those channels? Are you sure the mission doesn't have disableChannels command in description.ext?

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Not sure what you mean... is ACE disabling those channels? Are you sure the mission doesn't have disableChannels command in description.ext?

ACE disabling them is all I can think of since they work fine for vanilla A2 and CO. As for the description, no, there is very little in that at the moment.

EDIT- Just to be more clear, all I am referring to is the actual text appearing onscreen and nothing else. I don't mean anything audio.

Edited by Genpatton043

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I download my mods from play with six and i always have. About a year ago i uninstalled all my mods and i recently have tried to download ace and when i launch OA i get this error

file x\ace\addons\settings\identities\cfgidentities.hpp, line 1: /cfgidentities.ace_original_identity:undefined baseclass ´identity´

i have looked this up and i have tried everything and i am completely out of options. I have uninstalled the game and uninstalled it many times, same for mods. i have opened the clippi and selected my user and many other things. Please help me, i have no idea what to do.

Edited by luke90

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You mention "launch OA" - have you tried running Combined Ops (a2 + oa) instead of just OA?

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You mention "launch OA" - have you tried running Combined Ops (a2 + oa) instead of just OA?

i can launch Combined ops through six and it works, but i was trying to find a server with my friends and it wasn`t there. I didnt know if it was just bad luck or because of how i was launching it even though i know it shouldn't be.

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Ok so my friend tried to help me with my ACE Goggles by going into aceclippi and setting the identity but when I tried launching ArmA it would come up with this error message: File x\ace\addons\settings_external\CCfgIdentities.hpp, line 4: '/CfgIdentities/ACE_Original_Identity.Voodoo': '"' encountered instead of '=' I've tried deleting and re-installing ACE and ArmA but the error message keeps coming up whenever I try to start ArmA with ACE on....If someone could help it would be much appreciated

P.S. I am often referred to as 'Voodoo'...so I tend to put that as my in-game identity....so thats why it say '_Identity.Voodoo'

Does this still happened to you? A few days ago this has started happening to me when i was re installing all my mods(i had uninstalled them a few months Prior) as of now i have been unable to figure out what to do.(i realize this is an old thread, i just thought you might understand the issue now.)

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Im using the latest version of ARMA 2 OA and the latest version of A.C.E. 2 mod the 522 i think. The major bug is that the tanks and armored vehicles have no ammo in their main guns.. Pls help this is a major bug and there is very little information on the net and forums..

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Yeah all the armored vehicles, both russian and us, im using only a few mods, CBA, USMC units mod thats it..

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My community had to roll back to 1.62 to continue playing as we would, due to the latest update breaking a lot of things for us.

This has resulted in the ACE settings no longer saving by themselves, and the ACE Clippi being needed to save our settings. (Before, as long as identity was set in Six it would remember)

and this doesn't even work for some people, who must reset their settings every time they launch the game.

Any way to circumvent this?

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Has no one ever reported this no ammo thing ? seems like a huge problem.. In the launch options i only have CBA mod, Fallujah map, ACE 2 ACE2 extras ACE2 RU and the EXPANSION thing to syncronise ARMA 2 with OA. thats it.. the USMC units its not even in the launch options its just copied pbo's. I tried turning off ACE 2 and it worked fine the tanks had ammo...

Edited by Hamonto

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ACE does not handle voice channels at all, AFAIK.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

If I'm not using actual sounds/voices, is having the text appear on screen still considered a channel? By that I mean, setting a plane named plane1, that's airborne at the start of a mission and I also set a trigger that activates when said plane flies through it, In the "On activation" box of the trigger I type the following, Plane1 sidechat "This is your captain speaking, blah, blah, blah" the text for those words should appear, regardless whether of whether or not I have actual voices attached to them. But in ACE, they don't. In Vanilla A2 they appear, as well as OA, CO, etc. So if its not ACE what else could it be? If you change it to globalchat, it works. But sidechat, groupChat, and vehicleChat do not.

Not sure how else to explain it.

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Has no one ever reported this no ammo thing ? seems like a huge problem

Played a few hours of ACE MSO over the weekend and all tanks had ammunition. Also was able to use all chat channels (someone had this issues a page or two back). Mods were all the ACE ones plus ACRE, Fata, clientside stuff.

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