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foot trails

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I've always found their to be a lack of foot trails in arma2 and previous. I think they are good for immersion and simple to do. You can make maps with them in arma2, but why not the stock maps in arma3?

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I've always found their to be a lack of foot trails in arma2 and previous. I think they are good for immersion and simple to do. You can make maps with them in arma2, but why not the stock maps in arma3?

By foot trails do you mean the shape left on the ground by your shoe/boot?

Secondly, how would you know about ArmA 3?

Thirdly, I got a PM from the wishlist thread in which it complained that you ignored it. The wishlist thread is very sad now because of you :mad:

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I guess he means hiking trails.


This would perhaps be more noticeable if there was more detailed microterrain, as long as its just a sticker without grass on it(like roads), or it doesn't offer a speed advantage because you don't have to step through vegetation, it doesn't matter much to me.

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i think he means literal foot prints in mud or snow, could be interesting, depend on weather but i have never seen it in any game. it would have to modify textures in real time, imagine 100 soldiers walking in line formation, I doubt it is doable.

maybe with caching, small draw distance etc and other optimizations

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I dont know, it will be much job if we want the tracks to remain so long they can be of use, and if we implement that hundreds of soldiers got footprints it will be demanding. And if we want it to be more than just cosmetic changes BIS need to adapt the AI so they notice them and behave correctly.

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I bet, the AI is all-knowing again..so why is there a need for footprints? hiking trails would be good though.

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Tracking, aesthetics. Lol. Footprints currently stay on for like 30 seconds then vanish. I'm fine with it.

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If your talking about footprints well I don't think it's really necessary.

If your talking about trails that you can walk on, well I guess there is nothing wrong with them and create the possibilities for more ambushes and patrol routes. But it would require more micro terrain.

By the way, is more detailed "micro terrain" going to be implemented on limnos. I really hope so because it could add a lot more possibilities for cover in firefights.

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He's obviously talking about foot trails as a map feature, not footprints. Clue: "... You can make maps with them in Arma2..."

And I agree, footpaths would be a nice touch.

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Oh trails, that would be cool. So would small waterways/streams. Microterrain would go down well.

Edited by Rye

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It would be a great feature if the AI were to use these paths like they use the road network

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Foot trails, or more befitting Lemnos (Limnos) Goat trails, would be a welcome addition. Here is an actual pic of the island of Limnos


In it you can see various tracks created by animals. These tracks are also used by people due to their ease of use.

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A foot trail, is a trail used to walk. You can use a foot trail to navigate and stay stealthy while maintaining a decent speed.

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Do you mean some sort of hiking trails which are not maintained or even abandoned? How you will know that the opponent isn't aware of them - maybe he has prepared a more stealthy surprise somewhere along this track/path? ;)

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How you will know that the opponent isn't aware of them - maybe he has prepared a more stealthy surprise somewhere along this track/path? ;)

And that may just be the gist of the OP's post.

Oh, look, a handy path! I'll use it to outflank my enem--BOOM

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I agree there should be foot trails, and I can see some neat ambushes going down around them, or patrols walking along them. But there would need to be something that actually makes you want to use these trails instead of just walk through the forest or off the path to get a more direct or safer path to your destination. Maybe slightly faster movement while on these paths, or more dense foliage that will actually slow your movement when moving through it off the trails. I don't know but In real life it is much harder to move through a forest without a trail than it is in arma so trails are necessary. In arma it is just as easy to cut through the forest as to take a trail (assuming they existed). This needs to be fixed so trails will actually see use.

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I actually think there are some in ArmA II. Lopatino (west of airport) has one coming in from the north-west I believe. Or at least it seemed like one to me. It was more of just a rock ground texture or something with no grass on it leading up to the town but I figured it was supposed to be a trail.

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Thre are a few trails in Arma 2, but its just a texture without any deeper meaning

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I agree there should be foot trails, and I can see some neat ambushes going down around them, or patrols walking along them. But there would need to be something that actually makes you want to use these trails instead of just walk through the forest or off the path to get a more direct or safer path to your destination. Maybe slightly faster movement while on these paths, or more dense foliage that will actually slow your movement when moving through it off the trails. I don't know but In real life it is much harder to move through a forest without a trail than it is in arma so trails are necessary. In arma it is just as easy to cut through the forest as to take a trail (assuming they existed). This needs to be fixed so trails will actually see use.

IRL foot trails are more comfortable to walk on compared to walk "offroad". Using them could slightly reduce stamina drain. This way they would be usefull for traveling long distances by foot. Of course this should then allso be true for roads and streets.

I actually think there are some in ArmA II. Lopatino (west of airport) has one coming in from the north-west I believe. Or at least it seemed like one to me. It was more of just a rock ground texture or something with no grass on it leading up to the town but I figured it was supposed to be a trail.

Yeah, there are several foot trails on Chernarus and on Utes. For example at UTES-044017 (Lighthouse on the hill) and CHERNARUS-104057 (leading west-east). You can easily spot them by activating textures in the editor or when flying above them. But if you stand right on top of them as an infantryman they are barely visible. (I like them anyways :))

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