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A workable compromise for the locking issue - input needed

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Are you serious about BVR ?? :D :D

Where is the radar on plane's instrument ? and where are long range missiles ?

Besides,the biggest map we have is very small for this mode.

Let's stay on topic dude .

PvPscene's workaround is good,but if BIS could work on a better solution either for arma 2 or arma 3 it would be better.

In LockOn FC2 most engaments in MP are 30-15km. anything >10km is considered WVR. the two largestArmA 2 maps are only 13x13km landmass

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Excellent,but in vanilla game there are no aim7 or r27,and as stated above distances are very smal on arma 2.

Wympel R-73, Range = 30km. ;)

Regarding ArmA 2, i think everything beyond set viewdistance can be considered BVR.

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Myke;2071729']Wympel R-73' date=' Range = 30km. ;)

Regarding ArmA 2, i think everything beyond set viewdistance can be considered BVR.[/quote']

Yes i agree,but long distances could allow us some cool maneuvers .(split-s,crank etc ...)

But again,this is not the subject :D

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ok Pilot never able to lock anything on his own.He got target from other system.If you implement such system in game (I don't mind to TAB to LOCK from laser or similar) will be real good idea.One player detect target and input coordinates into target device and other player receive them and using them lock target.We are talking about static targets.

But current system woks not even similar.

Similar system for tanks.Read documents regarding problems during Gulf war 1991.Most loses m1a2 and M2A2 suffered from friendly fire.They able to detect and kill targets from 4km but identify enemy only 2km.Easiest way to implement such simulation is to ad flir view to tanks and remove TAB lock at all as well.

Edited by kotov12345

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ok pilot never able to lock anything on his own.

edit: aww, that smilie is gone...


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Myke;2071729']Wympel R-73' date=' Range = 30km. ;)

Regarding ArmA 2, i think everything beyond set viewdistan5ce can be considered BVR.[/quote']Theoretical maximum range is not practical range.

Down low against a beaming or turning target the range will decrease down to 5km as like the AIM120 will only reach 20km in real conditions not 60km fired a loft at 55.000 feets against a closing bomber size target.

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In Lock On I can't hit shit with R-73s and AIM-9s beyond a mile or two.

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In Lock On I can't hit shit with R-73s and AIM-9s beyond a mile or two.
Well yes I know, altitude an d head on will extend the raqnge a lot but that 30km is a completly theoretical value...as much as the 4.6 Liters per 100km a 320d BMW is supposed to consume.

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From the linked thread:

Possible changes for TKOH/A3

This simple tweak should still be done for OA.

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But can't this be fixed by a simple addon config tweak? It's not perfect I know, but as most of my missions already have a mission specific addon, it'd be simple to add this in.

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But can't this be fixed by a simple addon config tweak? It's not perfect I know, but as most of my missions already have a mission specific addon, it'd be simple to add this in.

You can achieve many things with addons, this thing probably too, but the main point is that this has to work properly in vanilla, read up on all the discussion on the subject, there's many pages, many tickets ;)

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Balance price/availability in the mission.

---------- Post added at 20:26 ---------- Previous post was at 20:22 ----------

A comment by kotov:

Voted yes - but not very agree.

Locking itself is good idea.But auto locking in Veteran is bad idea.

Needed separate things.Radar should have limitation and locking should have limitation.

Air vehicles:

should have able to autolock air targets within angle and maximum range.

Ground targets should be only Right-click unless they laser using another player or ai.

Moving (max speed with Trees or urban areas ) ground targets should have probability of hit (GM) equal probability of hit personal aa launcher (0.1-0.2).

Ground Vehicles:

Autolock on only for laser targets.

Radar in ground vehicles should be limited by angle and surrounding area.

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We all know that NLAW in real life can't lock vehicles instantly ... so maybe BIS can make it's lock a bit longer than what it is now . especially that NLAW can disable any OPFOR vehicle in one shot,and that player can carry up to 3 nlaw bullets.

And concerning right click for air,it's a good idea but cursors (like those in kamov with mando mod) should be added on HUDs to give players a reference,otherwise it will be just a guess work especially for some opfor aircrafts.

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Which OA plane/chopper does not have HUD/MFD cursors? Even most A2 ones should have.

You may want to give info/state facts rather to talk in clouds all the time.

Create a CIT ticket about the NLAW. You can do it I am sure.

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I'm not talking in clouds,i'm sure you know what i'm talking about (you managed to lock on the central target among 5 tanks one next to the other ? :D)

Well for, A10,av8B,mi24 series the HUD is very clear because it has a certain symetry.

When it comes to SU34 HUD,you really get confused ,you don't know which part of the hud you can use to lock things ... the center of it or that little cursor that changes position when you change weapon.I hope i'm clear enough.

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it's a kind of feature to add an centered cursor to the pilot's helmet so we avoid all bugs that can be relatedto this.

Yes,only su34 is affected.

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