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Been playing the game for about a month (SP) having fun but same old routine. Did the whole Boot camp thing - it helped out a lot.

Jump into MP - all I seem to be able to do is look foooorever to find a ride.. finally get a vehicle.. drive like hell to the objective (task).. just to find out objective met.. new order.. drive like hell to the other or get whacked and have to respawn back at a place that is a million km from the objective.

Also, just about every game I play there is a server issue.. is this that common?

I'm not a nay-sayer.. I wish to enjoy the game.. but between my noobishness and the amount of lag (on all servers).. I'm getting very frustrated.

Any words of wisdom?

Much appreciated..


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Try something other than Domination. The gameplay you get depends on the mission you play, and the popular missions just happen to be ones where you spawn at an airfield and do stuff.

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I see the same problem. Server Admins with some assumed "NASA computers" these days seem to ignore this: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/6963 and set up misssiosn that are unplayable for the majority of clients. If you point at this issue you usually get kicked and they say: "No lag here for me!"

That's the main problem why ArmA 2 Multiplayer sucks compared to Armed Assault. it's mainly due to Server Admin Hybris and Missiosn that no sever can run for all clients in ammanner that does not make you headaches due to 10fps.

Multiplayer is only enjoyable on two servers worldwide currently (XR-DAO Warfare BE with low remote and Gossamer's warfare in TV2), all the others can't get over the fact that you can't have 300 remote A.I. running around at once in CTI missions with 56 Player slots.

And it does not get better, it constantly gets worse.

ArmA 2 Multiplayer on this scale is dead. I personally prefer small teambased COOP Missions currently. CTI and Domi simply do not run well in ArmA 2 with the current paramaters that are choosen most of the time.

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Then I guess it is finally time to upgrade your rig :cool:

A six year old system which can barely run the game might be your main problem (personally I would not even install the game on such an old PC).

The ArmA series needs lots of horse power, something which an AMD 6000 simply can't provide.

Next time, before writing yet another of your weird posts, think about it.


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Then I guess it is finally time to upgrade your rig :cool:

A six year old system which can barely run the game might be your main problem (personally I would not even install the game on such an old PC).

The ArmA series needs lots of horse power, something which an AMD 6000 simply can't provide.

Next time, before writing yet another of your weird posts, think about it.


I can run warfare BE without problem on my own PC and have better performance. I get easily 30+ fps in benchmark E08 and CTI runs well on servers that are set up the right way...and its not just me I get reports of client capped FPS even from coplayer with Win7 and quad core PCs with better GFX and fourfols the RAM.

Again: try to read:


It's a bit stange when I see that I can play 4 hours with 4000m Viewdistrance on one(XR), but cant even get decent Frames with 500m at another server in the same mission(WASP).

The difference is always remote A.I. and I get the bad frames even when I sit in the desert empty east of zavarak.

Why sghould I need a better PC as long as I can run any SP scenario just fine, just not MP with high remote A.I.

maybe becausse of http://dev-heaven.net/issues/6963 and most Admins simply not getting it into their head.

Edited by Beagle

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Xeno: I see your name in a lot of the MP designs.. where should I go to get the best advice on MP.. My rig is very up to date 8GB/ATI Radeon newer model (at work - I don't remember) FPS always right on..

do you have any suggestions: reading, sites, servers -some better than others?

Again, thanks..Bill

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Xeno: I see your name in a lot of the MP designs.. where should I go to get the best advice on MP.. My rig is very up to date 8GB/ATI Radeon newer model (at work - I don't remember) FPS always right on..

do you have any suggestions: reading, sites, servers -some better than others?

Again, thanks..Bill

It's mainly a question of server setup. Whenever a server stalls itself due to remote A.I. you have a bad game experience...just skip that server and look for a better set up one, thats the only solution. Most Admins set "features" well over "performance" and that makes playing therem often impossible.

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I feel your pain. I created a account just to agree with the frustration. This game has so much potential that its sad that its dead, or full of weirdos (sometimes). I just dont simply understand why there are no DM/S&D/TD/Infil/etc etc severs up. At least bohemia should put some up just to have. Also I hate that its a chore to find someone to play coop with. Im not a dev or whatever but I feel BillSirKill is right. I noticed on this TAW server or whatever those 2 popular ones are this problem. I think its a sick joke to play on a server like that i tried and tried to enjoy myself. I have a question to the ARMA community which totally blows my mind why anyone would even play with this issue. THE WARPING/TELEPORTING. It is unreal. WHY would to play with this issue? Im not sure if its on every server but it seems most (ill have to check out the servers that BilSirkill is talking about). Why play when you cant even snipe effectively? There is no melee in this game (stupid for realism (at least give a stupid knife animation or something). So your forced to medium/long range firefights 75% of the time. Why are those servers full when you can even use a sniper rifle or have a decent long range rifle firefight?

I bought these games and I was so excited to learn it and play. But it just sucks to try and find someone to play with (all my friends are COD noob). It great and like I has TONS of mplayer potential. Also battleye is nice. But why is EVERY server custom? Why not just the regular scenario/camp missions that are really good? I wanna play those, but it sucks solo!

Oh well....maybe theyll learn from their mistakes for arma 3......This game is fine tho they should still be working on this! (which i think they are). I think the turn-off is lack of "user friendly" mplayer. That is why it is dead. I dont want anything crazy like console.

And server admins, UPGRADE your servers! Its actually funny that you guys even run that crap with enemies teleporting everywhere. Then you want realistic coordination? How they hell are you suppose to do that with everyone teleporting?!?! I love the #1 response when I ask about it. "You get used to it". What?!?!?!?! I wont get used to that even if someone paid me, its clearly a sick joke. That goes for those servers running that domination map that clearly need to upgrade. Oh, and the "no cursing" on most servers is kinda dumb when your killing people...just my 2 cents. (funny people still get offended by fuck)

But if anyone wants to do some good coop missions/camp..add me on steam NukMasta!

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At least the warping/teleporting will be GONE in the next patch. If you don't believe me, check the beta section. As for the public MP being dead, not much can help that now...

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At least the warping/teleporting will be GONE in the next patch. If you don't believe me, check the beta section. As for the public MP being dead, not much can help that now...
Warping is gone for months with last 20 betas.

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Warping is gone for months with last 20 betas.

Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. I've been playing every single one. But he doesn't care about that, does he?

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The best thing for People, who are new to Arma MP, is to keep looking after an Player Community with an own Server, and asking for playing with them.

The most of them alloud you to play with them as a "free" Player for checking out, so you got the ability to look for the Com who matches up the most to you.

It´s a total different Expirience to Public, which is chaotic most of the time (no Coms, all one-men-armies etc. etc.).

Exceptions in Public Play are sadly rare, so this could be an Alternative.

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yeah BIS has done a great job with getting rid of warping AI.

I truly am pleased with that as I all ways play as sniper and before the warping was fixed tbh it was a pain in the ass to be sniper.

Any way stick with it this game is the muts nuts :)

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we are working hard on improving the game experience for both SP and MP ...

as can be seen in the beta builds ... You can take part http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?f=82

with constructive feedback, providing crashdumps, logs and repro cases for problems we can't nail ourself

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Let us be practical. If you look for a good MP game, organized, serious, cooperative, that calls for teamwork and communication, play missions that were tested before to ensure you won't waste your time, with nice guys that respect you, click the banner on my signature.

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Warping is gone for months with last 20 betas.

Warping is gone when patch gets out of beta as only a handfull of servers running the beta due to incompability with nonbeta clients. And hopefully thats very soon.

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Yea, ive heard the warping will be gone in next patch. Thats good im looking forwad to it. However I just played OA with a friend and the experience is amazingly fun. I finally got to snipe with a friend with NO teleporting. NONE. tons of fun. So who is right? Is it the server admins? (running shitty hardware with resource hog maps?) Or is it the mappers? (making maps that are simply too populated?) Or is it the games netcode/engine/whatever? What is the issue with these servers online running customs?

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Thanks to the few that answered and BI for taking the initiative to realize this is a great game but needs some tweaking..

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Dorph;2058612']Warping is gone when patch gets out of beta as only a handfull of servers running the beta due to incompability with nonbeta clients. And hopefully thats very soon.
Only the latest few betas are incompatible with v1.59, you don't have to run the latest.

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i would be very happy if more of community adopted for this weekend usage of todays 1.60.86476 beta (or newer)

would really help with resolving the last remaining issues

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Let us be practical. If you look for a good MP game, organized, serious, cooperative, that calls for teamwork and communication, play missions that were tested before to ensure you won't waste your time, with nice guys that respect you, click the banner on my signature.

You should listen to Variable's "promotion" here, CIA is a great place to play small-scale focused coop missions

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You should listen to Variable's "promotion" here, CIA is a great place to play small-scale focused coop missions

Mcraze, and you should listen to your own advice and get back to participating in coop nights! :)

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