FatalError 10 Posted December 14, 2011 haha thx yeah didnt read the first comment because in the readme (I may be mistaken) it doesnt say where to put the numbers for the different camo types. Sorry thx Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FatalError 10 Posted December 17, 2011 I also have a request for a camo net for the AH6 and the MH6 if that is possible Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_William 0 Posted December 17, 2011 HcPookie: thanks for making the nets "artillery proof". While toying around with these nets for artillery, I ran into the problem that three differently sized nets have the same display name in the editor: "Vehicle Net: Snow (West-Medium)" is displayed for "generic" vehicles, for tanks and for trucks. Suggestion: use Tank Net and Truck Net for the tanks and trucks. Regards, William Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vengeance1 50 Posted December 17, 2011 I may be doing something wrong but if I deploy more than one CamoNet and Stow any one of them they all Stow? How can I get around this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted December 20, 2011 (edited) _William, thanks for that feedback! I overlooked that when I was making the config... DUH moment on my part! :) Easily corrected; I'll see about getting that fixed up in the next release. I like the idea about renaming; I was never sold on the S-M-L naming structure because it was too confusing. If anyone has a request for new patterns, please let me know! NEXT RELEASE may also bring additional camo patterns (waiting on a few replies) and I'm open to additional camo patterns. :) @FatalError - MH6 - noted ;) @vengeance, are you using more than one VEHICLE net? If so, then you will need to copy/paste the script (with a new name of course!) and edit each of the vehicle's INIT lines so that vehicle1 = script1, vehicle2 = script2, etc. This way every vehicle has their own net (not a "shared" net). Example for 2 vehicles: In the MISSION folder, you should have these 2 files: camonetvehicle1.sqfcamonetvehicle2.sqf VEHICLE 1 INIT: this setVariable ["vehicle_camonetDeployed", false, true]; this addAction ["Deploy Camo Net", "camonetvehicle1.sqf", ["Deploy"], 51, false, true, "", "!(_target getVariable 'vehicle_camonetDeployed')"]; this addAction ["Stow Camo Net", "camonetvehicle1.sqf", ["Stow"], 50, false, true, "", "(_target getVariable 'vehicle_camonetDeployed')"]; VEHICLE 2 INIT: this setVariable ["vehicle_camonetDeployed", false, true]; this addAction ["Deploy Camo Net", "camonetvehicle2.sqf", ["Deploy"], 51, false, true, "", "!(_target getVariable 'vehicle_camonetDeployed')"]; this addAction ["Stow Camo Net", "camonetvehicle2.sqf", ["Stow"], 50, false, true, "", "(_target getVariable 'vehicle_camonetDeployed')"]; This will give vehicle1 the camonetvehicle1 script, and vehicle2 the camonetvehicle2 script. The different vehicles both do their own thing! It is easy to see that if you did this to an airfield, FARP, etc. you could have DOZENS of scripts in the mission folder! :) Edited December 20, 2011 by hcpookie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vengeance1 50 Posted December 21, 2011 Thanks hcpookie, Yes I believe I did, maybe I missed something do you have a sample mission that works? I put one on a Helo, called it camonet_helo.sqf and one on a Tank called it camonet_tank.sqf. Now I did test it in the editor so maybe that affected it? I will try again. Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted December 21, 2011 Be sure you also alter the init fields to point to the different nets. AH6/MH6 beta preview (net textures will be remapped to remove stretching issue). As with the other nets, this one has a view geometry to help prevent AI detection behavior. I'm waiting to release until I make some progress on possible new textures for some different islands. If it works out there will be some new camo textures in addition to the fixes :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted December 21, 2011 The wait is over! IceBreakr kindly provided textures for Lingor and Duala. Very effective textures I might add! When I started the mission to view the textures in-game, I thought I had screwed up the config and didn't realize I was starting right at them! That was an "awesome" moment for me :D There are actually 4 nets in the Lingor pic: 3 in the duala pic: v1.3 released; see first post Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slatts 1978 Posted December 22, 2011 the lingor ones are spot on duala nets could be a tiny bit brighter to blend in more but other then that they are really nice :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted December 22, 2011 New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. Deployable Camo Nets v1.3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FatalError 10 Posted December 23, 2011 Thats great awesome new camo's just wondering did you patch the ace problem where you cannot use the backpacks? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FatalError 10 Posted December 23, 2011 heyy i just noticed that in the script it doesn't have the mh6 under helis Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icebreakr 3140 Posted December 23, 2011 hcpookie, that looks awesome - I'm suprised how well the "lingor jungle" camo works - it can be even used with great efficiency in Panthera ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted December 23, 2011 Indeed! Those textures you sent me work out quite well. The problem with the textures is they *usually* need to be darkened to blend in with the way the graphics engine lights things up otherwise they will appear to glow and look shiny. I think the Duala could be lightened up some because it seems that texture doesn't need to have the brightness fixed. Kind of tedious to test some textures requires lots of time. I am having company over for Christmas weekend so it won't be until next week before I get some testing done. ACE testing too :) The MH6 nets the same as the rest, just put in "MH6" for the model number: pook_camonet_airheloMH6_eastpook_camonet_airheloMH6_west Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dysta 10 Posted December 24, 2011 ACE testing too Really? That's a brilliant idea, I would love to see it become deployable with interaction key. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_William 0 Posted December 24, 2011 Hcpookie, all: I've just updated my PlannedAssault mission generator to order defending AI units to deploy your camo nets when hiding or taking up (defensive) guard positions (Arma2:CO only). The crew served weapons, static artillery, AA vehicles and light-armored AT vehicles are given matching camo nets (size, color, net style). The screen shots below all show AI units in action. In the generated missions, a camo net equipped group is given a scripted waypoint that triggers the following script (deploy_group_camo_nets.sqf): comment "Deploy group's camo nets of a given type, using hcpookie's camonets add-on if present."; comment "William van der Sterren, www.plannedassault.com, 2011"; comment "_scr = [grpAlpha, 'pook_camonet_med_west2'] execVM 'planned_assault\weapons\deploy_group_camo_nets.sqf';"; private ["_script", "_group", "_net"]; _group = _this select 0; _net = _this select 1; _script = 'planned_assault\weapons\deploy_group_deploy_camo_nets.sqf'; _debug = 0; if (_debug >= 1) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - started", time, _script, _group, _net]); }; if ( !isServer || !isClass(configFile/"CfgPatches"/"pook_camonets") ) exitWith { true }; private ["_deploy_vehicle_camo_net_Fn"]; _deploy_vehicle_camo_net_Fn = compile loadfile "planned_assault\weapons\deploy_vehicle_camo_net.sqf"; comment "select the vehicles and wait for all vehicles to be static for a while"; private ["_vehicles"]; _vehicles = []; { private ["_v"]; _v = vehicle _x; if ( (_v != _x) && not(_v in _vehicles) ) then { _vehicles = _vehicles + [_v]; }; } forEach units _group; if (_debug >= 3) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] vehicles: %5", time, _script, _group, _vehicles]); }; private ["_moves"]; _moves = 5; while { _moves > 0 } do { sleep 2; if ( 0 == { speed _x > 1 } count _vehicles ) then { _moves = _moves - 1; } else { _moves = 5; }; }; if (_debug >= 3) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] vehicles STATIC", time, _script, _group]); }; comment "for each vehicle, deploy the given net"; { if (_debug >= 2) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] spawn: %5", time, _script, _group, _net, [_x, _net]]); }; private ["_net_script"]; _net_script = [_x, _net] spawn _deploy_vehicle_camo_net_Fn; comment "complete the scripts one-by-one to prevent the same soldiers from mounting multiple nets simultaneously"; waitUntil { sleep 0.2; (scriptDone _net_script) }; } forEach _vehicles; if (_debug >= 1) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - exited", time, _script, _group, _net]); }; true The above script calls for each vehicle the following script (deploy_vehicle_camo_net.sqf): comment "Deploy vehicle camo net of a given type."; comment "William van der Sterren, www.plannedassault.com, 2011"; comment "_scr = [alpha01, 'pook_camonet_med_west2'] execVM 'planned_assault\weapons\deploy_vehicle_camo_net.sqf';"; private ["_script", "_vehicle", "_net"]; _vehicle = _this select 0; _net = _this select 1; _script = 'planned_assault\weapons\deploy_vehicle_deploy_camo_net.sqf'; _debug = 0; if (_debug >= 1) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - started", time, _script, _vehicle, _net]); }; comment "wait for vehicle to be in position"; if ( !(_vehicle isKindOf "StaticWeapon") ) then { if (_debug >= 3) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - waiting for vehicle to get in position", time, _script, _vehicle, _net]); }; waitUntil { sleep 1; if (_debug >= 10) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - vehicle mode == %5, vel = %6", time, _script, _vehicle, _net, (expectedDestination _vehicle) select 1, speed _vehicle]); }; (speed _vehicle < 1.0) && ((expectedDestination _vehicle) select 1 in ["DoNotPlan", "VEHICLE PLANNED", "FORMATION PLANNED", "DoNotPlanFormation"]) }; if (_debug >= 3) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - vehicle in position", time, _script, _vehicle, _net]); }; }; if (_debug >= 2) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - picking somebody to put up the net", time, _script, _vehicle, _net]); }; comment "try finding someone to set-up the camo net, preferable someone in this group and dismounted"; private ["_dismount", "_dismount_vehicle"]; _dismount = objNull; _dismount_vehicle = objNull; _dismount_role = "Cargo"; { if ( _x == vehicle _x ) then { _dismount = _x; _dismount_vehicle = assignedVehicle _x; break; }; } forEach (units group ((crew _vehicle) select 0)); if (_debug >= 2) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - dismount = %5", time, _script, _vehicle, _net, _dismount]); }; comment "if we don't have a dismount, see if we can make one: ideally cargo or somebody other than the gunner. However, crew bails out when the driver exits, and the formation moves when the commander exits. That leaves the gunner..."; if ( isNull(_dismount) ) then { private ["_cargo"]; _cargo = assignedCargo _vehicle; if ( count _cargo > 0 ) then { _dismount = _cargo select (count _cargo - 1); _dismount_vehicle = _vehicle; _dismount_role = "Cargo"; if (_debug >= 2) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - vehicle dismount roles= %5", time, _script, _vehicle, _net, assignedVehicleRole _dismount]); }; }; if ( isNull(_dismount) && !isNull(assignedGunner _vehicle) && ((leader group _vehicle) != (assignedGunner _vehicle)) ) then { _dismount = assignedGunner _vehicle; _dismount_vehicle = _vehicle; _dismount_role = "Gunner"; if (_debug >= 2) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - vehicle dismount roles= %5", time, _script, _vehicle, _net, assignedVehicleRole _dismount]); }; } }; if (_debug >= 2) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - vehicle dismount = %5", time, _script, _vehicle, _net, _dismount]); }; comment "if a dismount available, have him set up the camo net"; if (not isNull(_dismount) ) then { if ( !isNull(_dismount_vehicle) ) then { unassignVehicle _dismount; [_dismount] orderGetIn false; waitUntil { sleep 0.2; vehicle _dismount == _dismount }; }; if (_debug >= 2) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - dismount %5 running animation", time, _script, _vehicle, _net, _dismount]); }; comment "move into position unless dismounted from vehicle"; if ( !isNull(_dismount_vehicle) ) then { private ["_position"]; _position = getPos _vehicle; _dismount commandMove _position; _deadline = time + 15.0; waitUntil { sleep 0.2; (2.0 > (_dismount distance _position)) || (time > _deadline) }; }; comment "face the vehicle, then perform the 'action'"; _dismount lookAt (getPos _vehicle); sleep 0.5; _dismount playMove "ActsPercSnonWnonDnon_carFixing2"; sleep 34; }; comment "create the net"; if (_debug >= 2) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - deploying net", time, _script, _vehicle, _net, _dismount]); }; private ["_vehicle_camonet"]; _vehicle_camonet = _net createVehicle [0,0,0]; _vehicle_camonet setDir (formationDirection _vehicle); _vehicle_camonet setPos [ getPos _vehicle select 0, getPos _vehicle select 1, 0]; sleep 0.2; comment "remount the _dismount"; if ( !isNull(_dismount_vehicle) ) then { if ( _dismount_role == "Gunner" ) then { _dismount assignAsGunner _dismount_vehicle; } else { if ( _dismount_role == "Commander" ) then { _dismount assignAsCommander _dismount_vehicle; } else { _dismount assignAsCargo _dismount_vehicle; }; }; [_dismount] orderGetIn true; waitUntil { sleep 0.2; vehicle _dismount != _dismount }; }; if (_debug >= 1) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - exited", time, _script, _vehicle, _net]); }; true Again, thanks for your work! William Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
islesfan186 83 Posted January 30, 2012 are there classnames for the backpacks? i didnt see it in the ReadMe on another note, any progress with the ACE testing for the backpacks? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted February 1, 2012 (edited) Yes, class names are present in the first post - look under the spoiler titled "NET TYPES". Havne't done any Ace testing yet. ---------- Post added at 10:46 ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 ---------- Wow I don't know how I missed this but that looks awesome! Good work! Hcpookie, all:I've just updated my PlannedAssault mission generator to order defending AI units to deploy your camo nets when hiding or taking up (defensive) guard positions (Arma2:CO only). The crew served weapons, static artillery, AA vehicles and light-armored AT vehicles are given matching camo nets (size, color, net style). The screen shots below all show AI units in action. ... In the generated missions, a camo net equipped group is given a scripted waypoint that triggers the following script (deploy_group_camo_nets.sqf): comment "Deploy group's camo nets of a given type, using hcpookie's camonets add-on if present."; comment "William van der Sterren, www.plannedassault.com, 2011"; comment "_scr = [grpAlpha, 'pook_camonet_med_west2'] execVM 'planned_assault\weapons\deploy_group_camo_nets.sqf';"; private ["_script", "_group", "_net"]; _group = _this select 0; _net = _this select 1; _script = 'planned_assault\weapons\deploy_group_deploy_camo_nets.sqf'; _debug = 0; if (_debug >= 1) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - started", time, _script, _group, _net]); }; if ( !isServer || !isClass(configFile/"CfgPatches"/"pook_camonets") ) exitWith { true }; private ["_deploy_vehicle_camo_net_Fn"]; _deploy_vehicle_camo_net_Fn = compile loadfile "planned_assault\weapons\deploy_vehicle_camo_net.sqf"; comment "select the vehicles and wait for all vehicles to be static for a while"; private ["_vehicles"]; _vehicles = []; { private ["_v"]; _v = vehicle _x; if ( (_v != _x) && not(_v in _vehicles) ) then { _vehicles = _vehicles + [_v]; }; } forEach units _group; if (_debug >= 3) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] vehicles: %5", time, _script, _group, _vehicles]); }; private ["_moves"]; _moves = 5; while { _moves > 0 } do { sleep 2; if ( 0 == { speed _x > 1 } count _vehicles ) then { _moves = _moves - 1; } else { _moves = 5; }; }; if (_debug >= 3) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] vehicles STATIC", time, _script, _group]); }; comment "for each vehicle, deploy the given net"; { if (_debug >= 2) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] spawn: %5", time, _script, _group, _net, [_x, _net]]); }; private ["_net_script"]; _net_script = [_x, _net] spawn _deploy_vehicle_camo_net_Fn; comment "complete the scripts one-by-one to prevent the same soldiers from mounting multiple nets simultaneously"; waitUntil { sleep 0.2; (scriptDone _net_script) }; } forEach _vehicles; if (_debug >= 1) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - exited", time, _script, _group, _net]); }; true The above script calls for each vehicle the following script (deploy_vehicle_camo_net.sqf): comment "Deploy vehicle camo net of a given type."; comment "William van der Sterren, www.plannedassault.com, 2011"; comment "_scr = [alpha01, 'pook_camonet_med_west2'] execVM 'planned_assault\weapons\deploy_vehicle_camo_net.sqf';"; private ["_script", "_vehicle", "_net"]; _vehicle = _this select 0; _net = _this select 1; _script = 'planned_assault\weapons\deploy_vehicle_deploy_camo_net.sqf'; _debug = 0; if (_debug >= 1) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - started", time, _script, _vehicle, _net]); }; comment "wait for vehicle to be in position"; if ( !(_vehicle isKindOf "StaticWeapon") ) then { if (_debug >= 3) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - waiting for vehicle to get in position", time, _script, _vehicle, _net]); }; waitUntil { sleep 1; if (_debug >= 10) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - vehicle mode == %5, vel = %6", time, _script, _vehicle, _net, (expectedDestination _vehicle) select 1, speed _vehicle]); }; (speed _vehicle < 1.0) && ((expectedDestination _vehicle) select 1 in ["DoNotPlan", "VEHICLE PLANNED", "FORMATION PLANNED", "DoNotPlanFormation"]) }; if (_debug >= 3) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - vehicle in position", time, _script, _vehicle, _net]); }; }; if (_debug >= 2) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - picking somebody to put up the net", time, _script, _vehicle, _net]); }; comment "try finding someone to set-up the camo net, preferable someone in this group and dismounted"; private ["_dismount", "_dismount_vehicle"]; _dismount = objNull; _dismount_vehicle = objNull; _dismount_role = "Cargo"; { if ( _x == vehicle _x ) then { _dismount = _x; _dismount_vehicle = assignedVehicle _x; break; }; } forEach (units group ((crew _vehicle) select 0)); if (_debug >= 2) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - dismount = %5", time, _script, _vehicle, _net, _dismount]); }; comment "if we don't have a dismount, see if we can make one: ideally cargo or somebody other than the gunner. However, crew bails out when the driver exits, and the formation moves when the commander exits. That leaves the gunner..."; if ( isNull(_dismount) ) then { private ["_cargo"]; _cargo = assignedCargo _vehicle; if ( count _cargo > 0 ) then { _dismount = _cargo select (count _cargo - 1); _dismount_vehicle = _vehicle; _dismount_role = "Cargo"; if (_debug >= 2) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - vehicle dismount roles= %5", time, _script, _vehicle, _net, assignedVehicleRole _dismount]); }; }; if ( isNull(_dismount) && !isNull(assignedGunner _vehicle) && ((leader group _vehicle) != (assignedGunner _vehicle)) ) then { _dismount = assignedGunner _vehicle; _dismount_vehicle = _vehicle; _dismount_role = "Gunner"; if (_debug >= 2) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - vehicle dismount roles= %5", time, _script, _vehicle, _net, assignedVehicleRole _dismount]); }; } }; if (_debug >= 2) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - vehicle dismount = %5", time, _script, _vehicle, _net, _dismount]); }; comment "if a dismount available, have him set up the camo net"; if (not isNull(_dismount) ) then { if ( !isNull(_dismount_vehicle) ) then { unassignVehicle _dismount; [_dismount] orderGetIn false; waitUntil { sleep 0.2; vehicle _dismount == _dismount }; }; if (_debug >= 2) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - dismount %5 running animation", time, _script, _vehicle, _net, _dismount]); }; comment "move into position unless dismounted from vehicle"; if ( !isNull(_dismount_vehicle) ) then { private ["_position"]; _position = getPos _vehicle; _dismount commandMove _position; _deadline = time + 15.0; waitUntil { sleep 0.2; (2.0 > (_dismount distance _position)) || (time > _deadline) }; }; comment "face the vehicle, then perform the 'action'"; _dismount lookAt (getPos _vehicle); sleep 0.5; _dismount playMove "ActsPercSnonWnonDnon_carFixing2"; sleep 34; }; comment "create the net"; if (_debug >= 2) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - deploying net", time, _script, _vehicle, _net, _dismount]); }; private ["_vehicle_camonet"]; _vehicle_camonet = _net createVehicle [0,0,0]; _vehicle_camonet setDir (formationDirection _vehicle); _vehicle_camonet setPos [ getPos _vehicle select 0, getPos _vehicle select 1, 0]; sleep 0.2; comment "remount the _dismount"; if ( !isNull(_dismount_vehicle) ) then { if ( _dismount_role == "Gunner" ) then { _dismount assignAsGunner _dismount_vehicle; } else { if ( _dismount_role == "Commander" ) then { _dismount assignAsCommander _dismount_vehicle; } else { _dismount assignAsCargo _dismount_vehicle; }; }; [_dismount] orderGetIn true; waitUntil { sleep 0.2; vehicle _dismount != _dismount }; }; if (_debug >= 1) then { diag_log (format ["time: %1 [%3, %4] exec '%2' - exited", time, _script, _vehicle, _net]); }; true Again, thanks for your work! William Edited February 1, 2012 by hcpookie quoted images removed, please do not quote images Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_William 0 Posted February 1, 2012 Wow I don't know how I missed this ... Yeah, that's the problem with camo nets. They cause you to _not_ see things : ) In the meanwhile, I've updated my mission generator so it has all net-equipped AI units default to 'snow' camo nets when playing on a winter map. With your snow nets, it because much more interesting to play against woodland units on those winter maps. p.s. With your know-how of these nets and of vehicle attachments, would it be possible to dress up heavy armor with foliage (branches with leaves) as was common for NATO forces operating in Germany? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
greywolf907 20 Posted February 2, 2012 Hello I was wanting to have a sniper hide option for awhile now. Stumbled upon your addon today nice its just what I have been looking for. I to can not get it to deploy on ACE trying it in the editor hope you can figure it out so I can try this in game. I have a question I am running a domination map 2.60 with the ace mod how can I get this to work in the map where the sniper can deploy the sniper net like the machine gunner who can deploy a machine gun nest or the medic that can deploy a med tent? I would be happy with finding out how I can just add the camo net backpacks to the backpack ammo box. Also how could we get the option in the load out editor for Arma "LEA" in the ruck section? Thanks keep up the gd work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
greywolf907 20 Posted February 8, 2012 Is there anyone who can answer my above questions? I would really like to use these nets in my maps just need some help on some things. Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted February 9, 2012 @ William - I'm glad to see the snow camo works :) The addition of foliage would take some research; I'm not sure where the tree models are stored in the Arma1 samples. If I can find them that could be done. @ grewolf - Greywolf, this won't work iwth ACE and I'm not sure I'll get around to making an ACE version. I don't think I've had enough coffee because I can't understand your shorthand so I can't answer the rest - what is "Arma LEA"? As far as other classes using backpacks, normal Arma2 backpack logic applies - if they can carry a backpack they can carry a sniper net backpack. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R0adki11 3949 Posted February 9, 2012 @hcpookie - Arma LEA - i think greywolf907 is refering to this http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15767 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
greywolf907 20 Posted February 11, 2012 Thanks roadkill yes that's the LEA I was talking about. Hcpookie thanks for the response hope you reconsider making a ace version for this, if not maybe they will have this option in Arma 3 its a great idea and snipers should be able to make a hide instead of sitting out on the side of a hill. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted February 24, 2012 p.s. With your know-how of these nets and of vehicle attachments, would it be possible to dress up heavy armor with foliage (branches with leaves) as was common for NATO forces operating in Germany? Made a test LOd to see how it would fare - looks promising! Using Arma1 foliage of course: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites