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An appeal for help - show BIS what VON means to you

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VON potentially offers great functionality. Whether you play public or clan matches having a functional voice casting greatly eases the logistics of play.


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+1 The group I play with prefers VON to communicate ingame over third partty software.

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+1 The group I play with prefers VON to communicate ingame over third party software.

Tbh I could only understand that if it was a cost issue.

The biggest issue I have with ingame voice is that its ingame... when you CTD or similar you also lose coms, people cant help you if you have issues with the game and so on.

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We have been experiencing VON problems in almost every session:

  1. If a player joins in progress during the briefing, everyone can hear him but that same player is not able to hear anyone till the mission is started
  2. Direct Chat especially bugged for random people, some hear it, some don't
  3. Bad quality
  4. High latency

Obviously this has been a major problem along the years and should be fixed if not re-done, at least for Arma 3. These are game play breaking issues.


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If a player joins in progress during the briefing, everyone can hear him but that same player is not able to hear anyone till the mission is started

Could you post that as an issue on the community issue tracker?

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Voted on all tickets.

Same. I would love to not have to use a separate application (TS3) to get decent VoN. ArmA2 VoN is usable with a small number of players (sometimes) but falls way short of TS3 + ACRE.

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Thanks for the effort Dsly.

If BI is looking for more accessibility, that's something to look at.

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Communication is imperative in a game such as the Arma series. Having VoiP integrated into the product itself is a real bonus, especially for public servers.

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Nothing is a "must" because of PR.

Please don't let the thread degenerate into a PR vs A2 community issue. If the PR players are interested in showing their support for this, that's what matters. Have a bit thicker skin. PR didn't make this a "must" (it's been an issue for the duration of A2's release), but PR needs this very badly since the PR playerbase doesn't even have the ACRE option to sort out their comms.

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Communication is imperative in a game such as the Arma series. Having VoIP integrated into the product itself is a real bonus, especially for public servers.

I think the reason for public server to disable VoIP is simply bad setup of missions. In particular Warfare BE ist often set up with parameters that no hardware can handle well. In turn VoIP becomes laggy and malfunctioning. Admins think it's VoIP fault but its simply bad setup of mission.

On the other hand especially on public VOIP is missused a lot I cal it "Noise Spam" because sometimes the chatter is too much...and too much nonses is told in there. It's in no way the radio discipline someone would exspect.

On public TS is way better...voip is simply often missused for private talk, music noise camoflage bullshit and bad language in general.

Edited by Beagle

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Players who JIP during briefing cause all kinds of weird bugs, usually in an inconsistent way so can't really be easily reproduced (not unless you sit down and make a lot of tests to figure out exactly what it bugs out and in what situations). I know for sure respawn system (base, group, bird...) has an effect on the bugginess, but I think it's bugged in one way or another with all respawn systems anyway (again, bugged overall, not just for VOIP).

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Please don't let the thread degenerate into a PR vs A2 community issue. If the PR players are interested in showing their support for this, that's what matters. Have a bit thicker skin. PR didn't make this a "must" (it's been an issue for the duration of A2's release), but PR needs this very badly since the PR playerbase doesn't even have the ACRE option to sort out their comms.

+1 Sir!

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I finally got a mic. Arrow up.

Welcome to the 21st century! And 20th for that matter :p

+1 for the OP though. Would love to have a nice VON especially would love for it to sound right in terms of immersion (beeps, clicks, static and noise in the voice). Some don't necessarily need the complexity of ACRE, but in my view if you make it "sound right" it will add ++ to immersion.

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someone said "PR made this a must" And while I agree with OP that "No PR didnt make this a MUST" It sure did catapult it with rocket boosters and warp drive to the forefront of every ones "MUST FIX" list.

Its not about PR but about communications on a large, consistent, Multi teared scale. Something that until now [PR:ARMA] has never existed.

+1 OP, would love to never start TS again lol. (kidding but you get my point.)

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Its not about PR but about communications on a large, consistent, Multi teared scale. Something that until now [PR:ARMA] has never existed.

no comprende? Platoon level comms on cooperative ops? Company level 60-70 person comms like the joint operation VCB and 16AA are carrying out tonight? The kind of large scale stuff groups have been doing since Operation Flashpoint days using TS Whispers and channels? How has this only just become existent now that there's a slightly modified Advance and Secure PvP mod with a big name attached to it?

I would use BIS VON if it had a similar feature set (or was modifiable to the extend that such a feature set could be created) to something like ACRE (with regard to the ability to use radio-style channels that are independent of the player's group or side), and must agree that right now it's a bit shonky

Edited by DaveP

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I think the reason for public server to disable VoIP is simply bad setup of missions. In particular Warfare BE ist often set up with parameters that no hardware can handle well. In turn VoIP becomes laggy and malfunctioning. Admins think it's VoIP fault but its simply bad setup of mission.

On the other hand especially on public VOIP is missused a lot I cal it "Noise Spam" because sometimes the chatter is too much...and too much nonses is told in there. It's in no way the radio discipline someone would exspect.

On public TS is way better...voip is simply often missused for private talk, music noise camoflage bullshit and bad language in general.

I understand that an integrated VoIP system will have an overhead on the server. What ever reasons are behind the technical issues with VON, I do not know.

I'm just in support of it being improved.

I also consider an integrated system to be more convenient. In my experience in public servers many players may not join a 3rd party solution. Servers can enforce this via admins of course.

As for unwanted noise in say Side chat, it's just a simple matter of asking those to clear comms and use other methods. Most people will respond positively. For those with comms bringing nothing to the game, a simple mute is in order.

My apologies if this is going off topic. Although there is some relevance.

All a matter of preference I guess.

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Hello all

Slightly OT but...

I think VON is great when handled well, I like hearing enemy chatter just over a wall from me, which you dont get with TS.

It really helps with immersion and adds a tactical element to the game with "silent running" so to speak (or not!).

But, what about those of us who cant use voice comms, due to situation or disability and other reasons beyond our control?

VON is important, but a decent basic command/comm set would be good for us silent folks, the existing one is a little cumbersome, some kind of onscreen dial like in the unmentionable PR mod would be nice.

Sorry about that, back to original topic.



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Ticket here.

Could you post that as an issue on the community issue tracker?

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The kind of large scale stuff groups have been doing since Operation Flashpoint days using TS Whispers and channels? How has this only just become existent now that there's a PvP mod with a big name attached to it?

Surely your mistake is that you didn't realise Arma didn't exist before PR?

I would definitely support better VON, because it's the easiest way to bring public server communities together. A large portion of public players remain averse to being on TS.

What would be even nice is if VON aimed to fully integrate all the functions of ACRE, as a standard part of the game.

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