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Faysh khabur beta release

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great to hear someone enjoy's it :)

but its stil far from finnished found some issue's mostly config related wich i have to get rid off and have a clean base to go on with.

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It looks great so far! I love the sat-map and terrain, just needs more details :) Looking forward to the next version!

(it's good to see a flatter map aswell! nice change from the mountains of takistan. Even though I love mountains).

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yeah i can see your point i think there are many beautifull usermade mountain terrains out there but i tought yet another mounatin terrain would be to much running up hill down hill, always in a perfect position while sniping i wanted to build one where it would be hard not to be detected.

abouth the detail yes im finaly done with the roads,..

i got soow tired of placing them all by hand but i got it in now.

northern town "fayshkhabur" is in complete with sidewalks, power cabels crossing the streets, markets, tall buildings but will be expanded from 1/3 to 3/3 when its done

i need permission from opx to use his buildings to make the town larger.

i builded a forward observation base

the border has changed a little

airbase has been changed

placed reeds alongside the river

weeds in the acres (farms) or watever :)

have to do a few more villages (Mudbrick)

and give them more detail

satalite map is changed "again"

got 6 surfaces in

some stones might go in

its its still a looong todo list but it starts to look like something

just made a nice mission very similar to "One shot one kil" infact it is that mission but with a longer evasion route u walk in while its still dark but u have to evade while it becomes day so u are spotted quit easy.

i will put it in the next beta.

i would love to see "THE" escape and evade mission on this terrain

23 januari 1991

a 8 man SAS squad callsign "bravo two zero"

Flying in from the spot where the chinook made a stop to refuel, fly across the border, get out, find a desent spot to stash the loadout, disable the communication landlines (atleast try to do) get overwhelmed by opfor, fight backwards/stay alive, escape and evade, cross the border/get captured/die of hypothermia/tortured, saved... hold the hotel, escape the country with airplane...stop... ofcourse with voice acting :)

Edited by =KCT=BlackMamba

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well.... now i feel a little honored :D

thank u next beta will be betTer..

Edited by =KCT=BlackMamba

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You mean better right ? :D

Just keep working slowly and take it easy. Do not feel yourself hasty.

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Downloaded tha island and all I have to say that it was above my expectations. At first I hesitated because of the size but was suprised by the quality.

I believe this island or map has the potential of being one of the great made by the community. I will follow the development from now on and wish you all the best :).

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Had another look at the map yesterday, and I still like what I'm seeing! A couple of suggestions though (although it's probably things you already plan):

- The farm areas (that I looked at) just has regular grass on them, which doesn't make them appear like farms.

- Maybe you could add those "borders" the farms on Zargabad has? you know those.. inverted-ditches, or whatever you could call them, haha. But maybe that would be to tedious to place manually.

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indeed im putting more attention to the borders of those acres farm land or wat ever :)

i use those lower stone walls wich look pretty ok, gives u some cover as well.

and for the land itself im using weeds clutter from chernarus.

ive tried to do it with poppy's wich also grow in iraq now, (must be a new trend or something).

i looked it up in wiki pages yes they actualy grow poppy's in iraq.

but ingame it starts to lag cause the fields i was trying to occupie with poppy's was huge.

the most terrain in real life is flooded in spring, so it becomes swamp but dry's very quickly so they have a short season to grow stuff.

and arma 2 has very limited plants variation when it comes to eastern style terrain.

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Love the progress so far! This island feels real and i like the fact there arent so many objects yet as the FPS is amazing even at large VD.

Some bushes, rocks etc out in the open here and there would be nice (if it fits with the area), and the BIS effects module made to work with your island (creates dust blowing around - tested it but got no effects). I guess you have villages/objects left to add, but if the performance can be checked to not fall too much i think you have a winner. Love the realistic look, colors and area with the big river.

Good job! :)

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Hey i downloaded Beta 3. Now i got 2 Faysh khabur maps in the editor list. Dunno why.

Any ideas ? I have only one Faysh khabur pbo in my game's directory...

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I've been using the island a little now and I do have one suggestion (as if you didn't have enough already). Actually 2. And as I said, they are suggestions. Not demands or telling anyone what to do. Just ideas. Don't mistake my details as anything more than me just wanting to be understood properly.:)

The first is minor. I won't get into much detail, I think i'll make it a thread to get other opinions. But, your bases are really good as is. I see too many maps where the maker ruined alot of bases by detailing them. They end up scenario specific and sometimes make them useless. Let us make the FOB's and let us put up camo nets and fortifications. BI set a good example. They put up buidlings and walls and let us decide what goes in them. Putting up a camo tent that will fit a tank, when if it wasn't there, we could put 2 in and move the net so it fits. Or put a fortification in it's place, or a helicopter. You already have some up and for your map it's not so bad. It's big enough so that I can just make one where I want.

This is the important one.The main base runway and taxi.

Right now you have it set up so planes taxi in front of the aircraft shelters. I would like to suggest moving it to the other side. I don't know how difficult it is to change something like that but I think it would be better that way if it's at all possible for you to change.

Or maybe you can have both sides working runway/taxiways.

It's all AI related. AI can only taxi out of 2 of the shelters (3 if it's a small plane, A10 could not but Grippen could). So if you want AI to fly, then they can't start out in the shelters (mostly). And any mission that will want alot of jets, you can't put more than 5 or 6 in front of the shelters and have them not get stuck. And not everyone is a scripting genius, so people like me would rather line up everything I need for a mission and start with it rather than to magically spawn things there. Also having aircraft in postiton at the start of a mission will help the randomness of things. They will be prone to destruction and such. Could change the outcome of a mission. Especially MP.

The area in front of the shelters is not too big and will be limited to how many jets can be there. C130's or anything bigger than an A10 won't be able to taxi at all.

If you change it to the other side, you can have any size aircraft take off. Even B52's (and nobody better say "just start out in the air"). You can have more aircraft controlled by AI to get in the air. And that huge section allows room for all kinds of things.

You can leave the aircraft shelter side for Human pilots. After all we are really the only ones who need to protect our aircraft. Screw the AI. That way I can always have a jet safely parked waiting for me to use it no matter what happens.

Just having the working runway over there just adds more potential. Mission makers and me, can put up industrial shelters or even aircraft shelters in that big area. It gives us room to play with and add our own mission specific things there and still have the ability to taxi AI.

Anyway, that's my pitch. I personally think that moving it will greatly increase the playability and overall quality of the map. After all it's an ideal map for aircraft. So making it friendlier to AI is always needed.

Great map so far. I've been all around it and its great. Maybe making a couple spots in the river crossable would be good. I haven't found a spot that vehicles can cross other than the bridges. And maybe some areas could use some rocks or something to provide some kind of cover. But if you didn't change anything it is still awesome.

Oh, and thank you for having a bridge that can be driven on. All bi maps suck in that department. I had a tank drive underwater and not get destroyed in Chernarus, even though the bridge was clear a few feet away.

Excellent work

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its been a long time since ive touched Arma 2 and the tools,

so decided to upload the content of Fayshkhabur to the community.

all source files are included.

u can pretty much do with it wat u want,

as long as u use it for the arma 2/3 series and give me credits for my work.

no further permissions needed.

have fun with it hope some one else can turn it in to something beautifull.

Download link will be up when its uploaded..

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Well I still play with your island and I believe there is great potential do do something extraordinary with it.

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well.. feel free to do so :)

it is nice to hear people are still enjoying this island.

links will be up in a few hours im uploading 3gb to multiupload.

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I might be tempted to turn this into the Border between Takistan and Chernarus ala Jakerod and his GSEP. Would people be up for me doing this?

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yes i love to see wat u can turn this in to

take in account that loads of vegetation ala provingground or chernarus would dramaticaly decrease fps as the map itself is twice chernarus..

by the way ill try to upload it again tommorow, last time i accidentaly shut down i-explorer....

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I believe that this map is the most realistic of them all. Especially when you fly a plane from high altitude the textures are like real. Very nice map especially for air combat.

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where do i upload a 3gb file?

multi upload down

filefactory only stores up to 2gb


but i found one i think..


download link tba 4 hours..

Edited by =KCT=BlackMamba

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