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Libyan Revolution Helmet Cam

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@ Sppoky Lynx - you still have not read UN 1973 have you? It authorised a no fly zone AND whatever means necessary to prevent attacks on civilians by Gadaffi troops in response to crimes against humanity by Gadaffi. The items listed in the International Criminal Court document concerning the indictment against Gadaffi all occurred before UN 1973 came into existence.

So why countries envolved in keeping no-fly zone bombed only pro-Quaddafi forces and provided fire support for rebels? And why pro-Quaddafi civilians suffered heavy losses after airstrikes of NATO planes?:rolleyes:

This war started when 1/2 of Libya rebelled as part of the North African (Arab Spring) uprising. UN 1973 and the involvement of the security council came much later. The involvement of other countries was authorised by UN 1973.

And why Bahraini army hadn't been bombed? It used heavy armor against protesters, their compounds were destroyed by army and police with the help of Saudi troops. And Bahrain's head of the state is just the same tyrant as Quaddafi... Why is he still in power? Absolute monarchy is the same as dictatorship in Libya but it's still existing and being supported by US and EU... Maybe it should be overthrown? What's the difference between Gulf monarchs such as Bahraini and Saudi ones and Quaddafi?

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So why countries envolved in keeping no-fly zone bombed only pro-Quaddafi forces and provided fire support for rebels?

Pro Gadaffi forces are the only ones that deliberately attacked civilians. The evidence for that is contained in UN 1973 and the ICC documents.

And why pro-Quaddafi civilians suffered heavy losses after airstrikes of NATO planes?:rolleyes:

There is no evidence of that. If you have some please provide it - I will require something better than Syrian TV or Gadaffi's spokesman who has made all sorts of wild accusations only for them to be proved false.

And why Bahraini army hadn't been bombed? It used heavy armor against protesters, their compounds were destroyed by army and police with the help of Saudi troops. And Bahrain's head of the state is just the same tyrant as Quaddafi...
Well that got close to the wire and I would also say that Bahrain's crack down was too harsh. You can't compare the Bahraini leader with Gadaffi though, he is not in the same league.
Why is he still in power? Absolute monarchy is the same as dictatorship in Libya but it's still existing and being supported by US and EU... Maybe it should be overthrown? What's the difference between Gulf monarchs such as Bahraini and Saudi ones and Quaddafi?

Well they have not supported international terrorism for 40 years, bombed airliners, carried out assassinations all over the world, declared 'lines of death' in international territory, fired on ships and aircraft in international territory, stockpiled WMD etc. etc. The list of countries where Gadaffi has either provided arms and money to terrorists, promoted radicalisation, carried out killings etc is very, very long. The others are not in the same league.

This is why when asked to vote against Gadaffi the UN provided a greater than 2/3rds majority in all cases. Everyone is fed up of his trouble causing. He even attempted to create a Maori terrorist organisation in New Zealand!

Libya Latest Headlines:

Mass Grave discovered in Tripoli

Officials think some 1,270 prisoners were buried after what is known as the Abu Salim massacre, one of the darkest chapters of Col Gaddafi's rule.

Libyan NTC fighters breach Gaddafi city Sirte from east

NTC fighters entered Sirte through the main gates, and pulled down the green flags of Gaddafi's regime on the main roundabout.

Chemical and Nuclear stockpiles discovered

Lynn Pascoe, the UN's top political official, told the Security Council that control must be established over sophisticated arms including ground-to-air missiles and chemical weapons.

He said destruction of chemical-weapons stockpiles stopped in February when international inspectors left the country.

Last week NTC forces uncovered a stockpile of yellowcake - a powdered form of uranium ore that can be used for nuclear weapons.

Edited by PELHAM

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Medics confirm the mass grave site of Abu Saleen Prison is fake

During this scam there is still genocide happen in libya comited by NATO Mercs am.., i mean Al Quaida aam.., i mean... Freedome Fighters, Protesters and Opposition.

Libyan Rebels Accused of "Ethnic Cleansing," Black Genocide

AU urges Libya's new masters to halt racist attacks

Yeaaah, Bloodshed, Genocide, Death and Terror. Obama realy deserves the nobel peace price :yay:

Guess what. I bet they told us in a few years we need an invasion in libya because al quaida is there, which they installed. Same as they did in afghanistan.

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Minutemen, do you have a reputable source that says that the mass grave is fake? Some random blog doesn't count.

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Well you never know it could be fake.......we just have to consider what else is around 6ft tall, has 2 arms, 2 legs, has 5 fingers and toes and wears prison clothes and shoes......???

Could be the Libyan 5 toed desert ground sloth??? Then again these CNN medics (if they really existed) might need to seek urgent medical help to cure the sudden onset of rapid degenerative blindness. As a 30 second search of the Internet finds hundreds of news sites with these pictures.

The International Committee of the Red Cross says it has helped with the recovery of remains from 13 mass graves across Libya. It accuses the Gadaffi Regime of human rights abuses during the last days it was in control of the areas.

Abu Salim mass grave site.

The human jaw bone is very distinctive:



Edited by PELHAM

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A report from occupied Libya:


People on the street support Khadaffi.

"All the people here love Muammar Khadaffi"

"Do you remember Ehab, the black guy, he was arrested the other day after he appeared on TV."

Inside Bani Walid, Free Libya.


Saif Ghadaffi holding a speech for the Libyan resistance:


NATO bombed residential houses to protect civilians:


Civilians film French and UK liberals bomb civilian neighbourhoods:




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A report from occupied Libya:


People on the street support Khadaffi.

"All the people here love Muammar Khadaffi"

"Do you remember Ehab, the black guy, he was arrested the other day after he appeared on TV."

Inside Bani Walid, Free Libya.


Saif Ghadaffi holding a speech for the Libyan resistance:


NATO bombed residential houses to protect civilians:


Civilians film French and UK liberals bomb civilian neighbourhoods:




First two videos - I don't doubt Gadaffi has supporters as he made sure life was very comfortable for certain people. The question of support of a democratic majority was never allowed to be put to the test. Hence this uprising which now controls 90% of the country. We could trade videos of rival supporters but it's meaningless.

At some point there will be elections, those members of the Gadaffi family not on trial at the ICC will be free to form a political party and get themselves voted back into office. If they have genuine nation wide support, it could happen and no one could argue with that.

Last 3 videos, the circumstances, who was killed, if any and who bombed what cannot be determined in any of them. E.g. in the last vid those are definitely NATO bombs but where are they landing and what are they targetting? It could be in open ground outside the city or it could be on houses, you can't tell because it is filmed from far away. It looks like it is filmed from the centre of the city looking out.

The video of the tall white multi storey building certainly looks like it was hit by a NATO bomb. But who was there at the time, it's high ground, was it occupied by Gadaffi forces or not? You can't tell.

The Tarhuna video. That is a small explosion and could be a rebel rocket? It certainly isn't a 250 / 500lb bomb. You also can't tell what it falls on. Is it houses or industrial units with military equipment hidden inside? It could be a NATO missile or it could be an NTC rocket.

So I can't really tell if anything is genuine or not. I guess time will tell.

There is also a language problem for me as I don't speak German or Arabic so can't really comment further.

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They had their own version of democracy in Libya before.

I doubt that there can be fair elections in what's basically a EU-puppet. The war is not about protecting civilians, freedom or democracy as they put it, it's about natural resources and oil contracts. There's always an opposition in any country, and with some money it can be used to start a rebellion, especially if there are ethnic or religious splits.

I agree with the rest.

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Hi all

Libyans chanel the A Team with their armoured anti sniper bulldozer.


Kind regards walker

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The final battle for Sirte got ugly. Many forget the way Misrata was put under siege and destroyed by Gadaffi in February / March.

On 24 February 2011, early in the 2011 Libyan civil war the city fell under the control of the Libyan opposition.[7][8] The battle was renewed with shelling on 20 March as pro-Gaddafi tanks pushed forward, and, according to an eyewitness report aired on BBC News, razing the city to the ground. Eyewitnesses also reported that pro-Gaddafi soldiers were shooting, killing and injuring unarmed civilians.[9] For over 70 days, the city was shelled by artillery, tanks, and snipers, and for over 40 days had its water supply intentionally shut off by Muammar Gaddafi's forces. As supplies ran short, hundreds of thousands were at risk of death.[10] With NATO support, the rebel forces managed to fight off loyalist troupes and secure control of most of the city by mid-May. Thereafter, forces from Misrata played an important role in other theaters of the war, such as the Battle of Tripoli and the Battle of Sirte.


It is said that the guy who shot Gadaffi was from Misrata and it is likely they carried out the above killings as well. They were out for blood and revenge and no one could have stopped them. It isn't a centrally controlled or professional army.

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It is said that the guy who shot Gadaffi was from Misrata and it is likely they carried out the above killings as well. They were out for blood and revenge and no one could have stopped them. It isn't a centrally controlled or professional army.

Indeed. I would be more concerned by the future evolution of this country than by the way the war ended.

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I don't want to celebrate anyone’s death but it’s better for Libya and for Col. Ghadafii that he passed away because now it’s just over and Libya can turn a clean page without any court proceedings, memories and all that. Besides, he would either get sentanced to life enprisonment or get tortured in jail or sentenced to death anyway.

Although its happy time for Libya now with the victory and all that, I don't think that this time next year or a few years down the line people will be so joyful and some may even remember Col Ghadaffi if the new government doesn’t turn out the way people think it will. I've seen it happen in my own country so I'm not so optimistic - but I really hope to be proven wrong.

But I do congratulate Libya on their victory and for successfully doing what they set out to do even if they had help from NATO and I hope that all the lives lost were not lost for nothing and I hope that Libya will not become just a pawn on NATOs checkerboard but that we will see lots of improvements, development and a country that the world can be proud of.

Edited by -Martin-

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Next up....Iran!

probably but when?

The US couldn't put it together any time soon, Iraq would look like a stroll in the park compared to Iran.

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Hi all

To solidsnake2384 and Eble I have replied in the Iran thread.

Post moved to here:

Post moved

Reason: To reduce the chance of draging the thread off topic.

Kind Regards Walker

Edited by walker
Moved post to more correct thread

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Doubt it, Syria has nothing worth fighting for (I mean resources)

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Doubt it, Syria has nothing worth fighting for (I mean resources)

You presume people are only interested in resources - they want stability more. Syria is next - that will isolate Iran and make it easier to deal with.

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You presume people are only interested in resources - they want stability more. Syria is next - that will isolate Iran and make it easier to deal with.

Well, in fact, Lebanon, Iran and Syria are three parts of the same problem. Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah are helping the Syrian government to crush the actual revolt, to defend common shi'ite interests. You cannot deal with Syria without dealing with Iran, i'm afraid. And that would be a very big deal.

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