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Your questions are quite welcome!

It was a happy accident. I liked them a lot as well!

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Thank you! You know how it is, you post for the first time on a forum and a part of you expects the reception to be... less-than-genial. Should have known better, I suppose, but I digress. XD

I don't know how you folks do it, but even your accidents are awesome! At first, I was wondering how the heck a buncha Russian soldiers stuck in the middle of nowhere on a fictional island chain had managed to steal jackets from a fictional force from an equally-fictional landmass that also happened to be a few dozen years in the future, but it really just added to their allure, if you ask me! I mean, what OTHER force is badass enough to steal from the future? Not many!

Ah, but now, I'm gushing like a schoolgirl. Though it saddens me that the Cherna-Russians (Oh-hoho. So clever.) were not meant to be, I thank you for the answer!

Edited by DiscountAnubis

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I see the 2 new Spetsnaz are replacements and not extra, i liked the originals just quietly, anyway this addon is fantastic, really great work to all involved, thanks!

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Have a question for CWR developers if you wouldnt mind if I edit some of the missions from original story so we can play them cooperatively with my clan? No distributing them etc. Just playing them on our server.

Thanks for the reply

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Have a question for CWR developers if you wouldnt mind if I edit some of the missions from original story so we can play them cooperatively with my clan? No distributing them etc. Just playing them on our server.

Thanks for the reply

No problem here at all, though you should keep in mind that if played on a server everyone who connects there and plays the missions also will have it - so you are actually distributing them. ;)

I see the 2 new Spetsnaz are replacements and not extra, i liked the originals just quietly, anyway this addon is fantastic, really great work to all involved, thanks!

We still have the old textures, eventually we can make a 3rd Spetsnaz with the old camo.

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Updated on Six Updater.

84.9 MB delta for the patch, 14.5 MB delta for the hotfix.

Edited by Sickboy

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Graphical improvements are part of our design goals. In this case, we wish to use the information available to us to create or use models of greater fidelity. Part of that fidelity is accuracy, which is important to us. Vilas prides himself on creating models of very high accuracy. If you can point us to more accurate information than was available to vilas, we would, and I'm sure he would, be grateful for it.

You can place a BIS one and the vilas's one side by side(T-72 BMP2)then compare them ,you will find that the height between the hull bottom and the ground of the vilas model is a little higher than the BIS one, I compare these model in the game to some pictures of real vehicles as well as some model's.I can reliably says that the BIS's one is more accurate.If you need some provement I can upload some picture to show these

PS:in the new patch the main gun of T80 has no muzzle flash.

Edited by E.rommel

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I am in trouble. After installing the patch and then the hotfix, the 3.rd/out of vehicle view is dissapiered, just as the command view.

Any ideas guys ???

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I noticed CZ75 pistol is being held like 10cm above hands and pic of it does not show up in gear menu. Anyone else getting this?

One small thing, on classnames\faces page names should be switched.

Edited by 11aTony

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ahh got it to work now with the new new hotfix.

I''m not a fan of your OFP menu screen. I recognized it right away ...but some of those in my clan have never played OFP. Is there a way to just have the ordinary A2:CO Menu screen. It's easier to explain to those n00b's.... hihi

btw: CWR2 COOP 04 Clean Sweap - can not play / edit mission beacuse of missing cwr2_tractor, but I guess you already have that error.

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ahh got it to work now with the new new hotfix.

I''m not a fan of your OFP menu screen. I recognized it right away ...but some of those in my clan have never played OFP. Is there a way to just have the ordinary A2:CO Menu screen. It's easier to explain to those n00b's.... hihi

btw: CWR2 COOP 04 Clean Sweap - can not play / edit mission beacuse of missing cwr2_tractor, but I guess you already have that error.

Can't you just remove the UI.pbo? I did that and all seems well. Matter of fact I just remembered I did that after reading this post. ;)

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Hi guys, been playing some of the scenerios in the demo, and wanted to make some missions in the editor.

Might have been asked already so i looked quite a few pages back and didn't find anything, was wondering what

the deal is with the editor as I cannot do anything, cant place units, or groups, the 3d mode is cool but cant do nothing,

is this still WIP, or am i missing something?

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Can't you just remove the UI.pbo? I did that and all seems well. Matter of fact I just remembered I did that after reading this post. ;)

Yeah I did that at first.

But I get "Warning Message: Picture \cwr2\general\cwr2_ui\data\cwr2_logo.paa not found

" and I hate error messages.

I think there is nothing serious with this message, but it should noe be there.

So some other addon tries to load that image.

Just starting with A2:CO, BAF and PMC other that CWR2

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Hi guys, been playing some of the scenerios in the demo, and wanted to make some missions in the editor.

Might have been asked already so i looked quite a few pages back and didn't find anything, was wondering what

the deal is with the editor as I cannot do anything, cant place units, or groups, the 3d mode is cool but cant do nothing,

is this still WIP, or am i missing something?

AFAIK, 3D Editor option is just a "shortcut" for Alt + E - not complited 3d editor that came with arma 2.

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Hi guys, been playing some of the scenerios in the demo, and wanted to make some missions in the editor.

Might have been asked already so i looked quite a few pages back and didn't find anything, was wondering what

the deal is with the editor as I cannot do anything, cant place units, or groups, the 3d mode is cool but cant do nothing,

is this still WIP, or am i missing something?

The best thing to do is a search in this section for the 3D Editor thread(s). There's one that has tutorial videos and a few others that explain the basics really well. It works but there's still a ton of development needed to get the kinks out. Unfortunately BIS has never really shown any interest in updating it. It's a perpetual WIP.

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Ok, Im asking in general though aside the 3d editor, I mean I cannot place any units or groups or anything,

CWR upgraded the editor the normal one and theres no way that i can see to place units or groups or whatever.

When you double click to insert a unit theres nothing in the list to insert, same for groups, so im asking is this

still wip or am i doing something wrong, and im not new to the editor, i been uisng the editor since OFP CWC release in 2001.

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Ok, Im asking in general though aside the 3d editor, I mean I cannot place any units or groups or anything,

CWR upgraded the editor the normal one and theres no way that i can see to place units or groups or whatever.

When you double click to insert a unit theres nothing in the list to insert, same for groups, so im asking is this

still wip or am i doing something wrong, and im not new to the editor, i been uisng the editor since OFP CWC release in 2001.

That is indeed a very strange issue. I have not been able to replicate it. Have you tried selecting the editor in the single player sub menu?

It could have been clearer, I think, but the 3d editor is not a replacement for the 2d editor. It is something extra.

---------- Post added at 11:30 ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 ----------

I am in trouble. After installing the patch and then the hotfix, the 3.rd/out of vehicle view is dissapiered, just as the command view.

Any ideas guys ???

I don't have the same behaviour. Check in the difficulty settings for the difficulty you're playing at. I find that on expert, external views are not enablea... enabe... enablable? You can't enable them.

If you find they are enabled for your difficulty setting, we'll have to take a closer look.

---------- Post added at 11:40 ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 ----------

ahh got it to work now with the new new hotfix.

I''m not a fan of your OFP menu screen. I recognized it right away ...but some of those in my clan have never played OFP. Is there a way to just have the ordinary A2:CO Menu screen. It's easier to explain to those n00b's.... hihi

I don't understand. Is the menu too difficult to use for 'those n00b's'?

btw: CWR2 COOP 04 Clean Sweap - can not play / edit mission beacuse of missing cwr2_tractor, but I guess you already have that error.

If we did, I didn't know about it. But your error is confirmed. I was able to replicate it.

@All. Please make sure your errors exist when you are running only CWR2 and no other mods or addons when you are posting bug reports, and thank you to everyone who is doing this already.

Edited by Max Power

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Okay, the game was on Expert mode. I do not know why, i did not set it to expert...

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That is indeed a very strange issue. I have not been able to replicate it. Have you tried selecting the editor in the single player sub menu?

It could have been clearer, I think, but the 3d editor is not a replacement for the 2d editor. It is something extra

Haha, im an idiot, sorry, apparently the new UI through me off and all I saw was editor at the top and went into it without thinking.

Well the 3d editor you cant do nothing in it, that I know, but the reg editor is fine, sorry for the mistake.

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Okay, the game was on Expert mode. I do not know why, i did not set it to expert...

We'll keep an eye on that in case anyone reports the same issue.

Haha, im an idiot, sorry, apparently the new UI through me off and all I saw was editor at the top and went into it without thinking.

Well the 3d editor you cant do nothing in it, that I know, but the reg editor is fine, sorry for the mistake.

Naw, if the UI is confusing, it's a UI problem. Your report is helpful. This UI is a bit experimental and it's something we're working on.

Edited by Max Power

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I don't understand. Is the menu too difficult to use for 'those n00b's'?


It's not confusing for me, as I have played OFP before and know where all the stuff are.

But we have a lot of casual gamers and they get "crippled" when they don't recognize the UI... Not a big deal, but if there is a way to just have standard A2:CO UI it would be nice.

Less mess for those that only play now and then.

BTW: love this addon, we have played a lot of coop this evening.

Only "big" problems we had is doors and ladders inside buildings.

AI where placed inside rooms and we could not get into them. Since we could not open doors or use ladders.

But I must say, Everon looks and runs REALLY GOOD!!

Can I please ask for Malden.....

Great work all of you!!

EDIT: client RPT

String STR_SN_CWR2_AK74 not found

String STR_SN_CWR2_LAW not found

String STR_SN_CWR2_CG not found

cwr2_M60A3: HatchCommander - unknown animation source HatchCommander

cwr2_M1A1: HatchCommander - unknown animation source hatchCommander

Edited by NoBrainer

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It's not confusing for me, as I have played OFP before and know where all the stuff are.

But we have a lot of casual gamers and they get "crippled" when they don't recognize the UI... Not a big deal, but if there is a way to just have standard A2:CO UI it would be nice.

Less mess for those that only play now and then.

We will take this input under advisement. However, we at CWR mod are humanists in that we believe that your server users will be able to survive and adapt to the challenge this menu presents.

BTW: love this addon, we have played a lot of coop this evening.

Only "big" problems we had is doors and ladders inside buildings.

AI where placed inside rooms and we could not get into them. Since we could not open doors or use ladders.

But I must say, Everon looks and runs REALLY GOOD!!

Can I please ask for Malden.....

Thank you for the kind words.

Malden will not be a part of this demo. It will be included as part of a later release.

Great work all of you!!

EDIT: client RPT

String STR_SN_CWR2_AK74 not found

String STR_SN_CWR2_LAW not found

String STR_SN_CWR2_CG not found

cwr2_M60A3: HatchCommander - unknown animation source HatchCommander

cwr2_M1A1: HatchCommander - unknown animation source hatchCommander

Thanks for the reports!

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the 2D and 3D editor come bundled with the game. 3D is the 'secret' or 'hidden' editor accessed, as someone has pointed out, via ALT-E. We simply made it available in an ordinary way (along with standard 2D)

To place units you use F5 (not F1).

It is an absolutely brilliant and positive step by BI to supply an editor that allows you to place units *exactly* where you want them, without guesswork.

Missions created in 3d editor are not transferrable to 2d and vice versa because 3d uses scripting, 2d uses classes. There are community addons out there to convert between the two.

Yes. the 3d editor from bis is buggy and fulll of holes. It's current status is a 'stunning' experiment. We are alerting 'noobs' to it's possibilities.

There's no way on God's earth our front panel is 'confusing to noobs'. What is confusing is having the 3D editor there, to avoid that, it will *probably* be replaced by 'Campaign' or nothing at all. (we'll make it available somewhere else).

what's valuable here, is the feedback we're getting.

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There's no way on God's earth our front panel is 'confusing to noobs'. What is confusing is having the 3D editor there, to avoid that, it will *probably* be replaced by 'Campaign' or nothing at all. (we'll make it available somewhere else).

what's valuable here, is the feedback we're getting.

Don't get me wrong. It's just a suggestion that you make it possible to not use your GUI and just have the standard BIS interface.

I have been through a lot of different GUI's over my 9 years with BIS games and addons.

It feels like I stepped on somebody's toes here, that was not my intention.

If you don't want to change it, then it's up to you. You guys make this addon and you guys have all the power to make it what you want it to be.

I only asked.


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