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ArmA 2 site hacked

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Not necessarily, I think many engines of today are more than capable of rendering lifelike graphics but they prefer 'realistic'. That is to say more bloom, overly brighter skies etc...or the overuse of brown.

Yes, that's "realism" all right. :D

Forget about ArmA3, this won't happen... that's just not possible.

^^ I'm going to hold on to this quote just in case. :)

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Infidel! 19th of May '11 is a date of the end of the world. You will kiss my feet in the hell tomorrow ;)

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Yes, that's "realism" all right. :D

I think at this point Realistic gets used too much and for the wrong thing.

Lifelike- As close to pure representation of the real world, this includes softer normal maps and less IN YOUR FACE bloom and specular shaders.

Realistic- made to be very similar to the real world but 'gamified', normals map is heavy thus making it look 'wet' and specular is too strong making it look too "cartoony" for example if you drive past a white tin roof on a sunny day and look at it, it may hurt your eyes a bit but it doesn't cast a vibrant glow.

Hell? you mean we're going to 4chan? :O

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I prefer it to be authentic, rather than realistic.

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normals map is heavy thus making it look 'wet'

Actually, it's overuse of specular effects that give things a "wet" look. :)

Otherwise I agree though. The main issue with "realism" in todays games is that the designers seem to be trying too hard. Every effect is "dialed up to eleven", giving the world an exagerrated look.

More subtelty would be nice for more lifelike visuals. Maybe BIS has really managed to do that. :)

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Actually, it's overuse of specular effects that give things a "wet" look. :)

Otherwise I agree though. The main issue with "realism" in todays games is that the designers seem to be trying too hard. Every effect is "dialed up to eleven", giving the world an exagerrated look.

More subtelty would be nice for more lifelike visuals. Maybe BIS has really managed to do that. :)

Agree with you in every respect.

---------- Post added at 10:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 AM ----------


I think it's a bit odd that in one sentence, BIS are hinting that the ARG is over, yet in another, they give us curious, unnecessary detail - the name and position of the insider and that the name has meanings buried in it.

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I'd be glad to host it if you'd rather not. I mean, you do have the domain for a good year why not keep it up :icon_rolleyes:.

I think it would be good for all kinds of speculation concerning the ArmAverse. Unless this could all be better suited on the BIKI?

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I'd be glad to host it if you'd rather not. I mean, you do have the domain for a good year why not keep it up :icon_rolleyes:.

I think it would be good for all kinds of speculation concerning the ArmAverse. Unless this could all be better suited on the BIKI?

It's not just about hosting - that's practically free, as you say - it's also about the wiki being maintained, making sure it isn't simply forgotten about and ending up as a playground for ad/spam bots. I could disble editing entirely, of course, but then what would be the advantage over simply putting a summary in the BIKI and taking it down altogether?

I have no problem hosting it, but only if it is actively used. The BIKI probably isn't a good place for general speculation on the Armaverse, so perhaps that's what the AEWiki could become. :)

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I think the wiki should stay online - maybe expand it with some informations about the Games and the maps ... But Not from "outside" - more about the ArmAverse!

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whatever it will be i cant wait and i have faith in bis that it will be worth it

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about wiki, keep it, you should decide what to do later, overall we don't know what calliber bomb those "hackers" gonna drop tommorow...

My speculation: from "little boy" up to "Tzar"...

P.S. can't wait for tommorow >.<

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can't wait for tommorow >.<

Same here, I'm totally hyped. It's been a while since I've been giddy with excitement about something. :)

As for the wiki, I guess I'll just keep it running and see what happens. If tomorrows announcement turns out to be a whole new game, there will certainly be more than enough reason for speculation.

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I'm so happy I got a day off tomorrow. :)

Can't wait for that announcement.

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As long as this statement is met... : "The world will change!"

I will be happy....:)

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As long as this statement is met... : "The world will change!"

I will be happy....:)

Unless it is "Codemasters buys BIS".

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Unless it is "Codemasters buys BIS".

Stop it...Stop it... lalallalalalalal.... I don't hear anything...:eek:

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"The world will change!"

Interpretations that come to mind, in ascending order of awesomeness:

#1: New map, perhaps a modified Chernarus as some have speculated.

#2: Something amazing is coming to the Armaverse, i.e. a major in-universe world changer.

#3: BIS are about to unveil something of such never-before-seen greatness that the world will truly change.


Personally, I think it's #2. If it were #3, it would have to be something huge.

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#3: BIS are about to unveil something of such never-before-seen greatness that the world will truly change.


Personally, I think it's #2. If it were #3, it would have to be something huge.

Or they have made enough money to Buy a Greek Island.... which they are now retiring too.. so bye all.....

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Or they have made enough money to Buy a Greek Island.... which they are now retiring too.. so bye all.....

Yes, Greece is cheaper ATM :D

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Or they have made enough money to Buy a Greek Island.... which they are now retiring too.. so bye all.....

Also, they now own an Astute class Submarine. :p

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Meybe they wont to smulgle weed to greece using submarines like big cartels in mexico...

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Woah hold the phone guys. Einherjer has a picture on his page that is the same as from the 2nd hack.

HOWEVER it doesn't have the submarine and has morse code embeded (einherjer at me dot com) and there are coordinates on the billboard. I'm sure there are others just quick glance.

Maybe you just decided to take the exact picture (same spot) and put random crap on it. Or...... :O

The QR code in his profile leads HERE


Coordinates are:

+48 18' 20.95"

+8 14' 12.27"

If I'm putting them into google right, it puts me near Wolfach, Germany?

Abt 8 to 10 km north of that location is "Hackershof" dont know the place, but i think the name stands out..

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Abt 8 to 10 km north of that location is "Hackershof" dont know the place, but i think the name stands out..

It also lies in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, which I've just realized is an anagram for:

The game is fucking OVER!


http://www.arma3.com/ is down... how odd...

If it stays down for the rest of the day I think I just might wet the bed with excitement tonight.

Edited by MadDogX

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Unless it is "Codemasters buys BIS".

Are you crazy??? i almost faint!:eek:

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