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ArmA 2 site hacked

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no i got it now too perfectly,

using Macromedia fireworks - overlay them in order, use XOR filter on all, then group and invert colour. and wala

1. http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm167/Grimfist1/pic5bygrim.jpg

2. http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm167/Grimfist1/pic5bygrim2.jpg

3. http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm167/Grimfist1/pic5bygrim3.jpg

4. http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm167/Grimfist1/picbygrim4.jpg

Edited by Grimfist

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Personal opinion: it's an image doctored by BIS to give the impression of Eastern bloc hardware occupying a Mediterranean airfield.

Agreed. I've been looking at Greek Airbases on Google Earth. Some look similar, but no definite hit so far. :)

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This is definitely not Greece - they apparently don't have airbases near the sea (unless that there is a lake).

Doesn`t look like Greece to me either,however there are airbases next to the sea.Aktio ,located opposite of Lefkas is used by NATO also I think.

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His forum posts says he has 7 post, in 6 years. Yet only two show up on his profile.

Im only looking around :-X

Not as active as you or I, perhaps? Maybe he has posted in forums that you can't access or they were deleted. He is just another user.

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I knew it was Lemnos!

Hack #5 mentioned Hephaestus and the center of his cult was in Lemnos.lemnos.th.jpg

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This is definitely not Takistan, i have never seen the buildings there.

This is definitely not ARMA2, i have never seen the Graphics there.


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Personal opinion: it's an image doctored by BIS to give the impression of Eastern bloc hardware occupying a Mediterranean airfield.

I agree with that assesment. Although there is no real reason why there couldn't be Russian helicopters there. Although it could be a Chinese helicopter rip off of a havoc/kamov/hamov/kavov.

---------- Post added at 02:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:44 PM ----------

Lemnos Airfield (Nice work Blu3sman)


Same terminal building (300kb)


Edited by Jakerod

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I knew it was Lemnos!

Hack #5 mentioned Hephaestus and the center of his cult was in Lemnos.lemnos.th.jpg

A lot of military installations there.Agios Efstratios plant clue ,also matches.

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i knew it was lemnos!

Hack #5 mentioned hephaestus and the center of his cult was in lemnos.lemnos.th.jpg

YOU are a fucking STAR man! =D

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This is definitely not Greece - they apparently don't have airbases near the sea (unless that there is a lake).

If the helicopters are faked into the picture it could be souda airbase on crete... at least the have the same powerpoles there...

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am i the only one that sees the link in the codeding

Steganography = Greek


'Another ancient example is that of Histiaeus, who shaved the head of his most trusted slave and tattooed a message on it. After his hair had grown the message was hidden. The purpose was to instigate a revolt against the Persians.'

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So... Russian occupation of Lemnos?

Probably not Russian. Maybe though. More likely Chinese or Iranian I would think.

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Yep, it's definitely Lemnos. The road in the bottom of the screen from Google Earth is the same as the road from the picture. The orange roofed building are the same, and there is water behind the airport.

Oh, and do you remember the picture of Anthemis werneri we got couple of days ago? One of the few locations where it exists is also Lemnos.

Edited by szarki

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It's a 30x25km island, will be very impressed if they're able to reproduce it to such scale!

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I have to say, that has a very cool outline. Little lights just started flashing in the tactical part of my brain.

There's a Corazol style choke point separating the west and east halves, a central airfield, a land bridge on the east coast, a second choke point to the south, and a western coastal town. Perfect.

Edited by Daniel

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