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Fox '09

Task Force 121 pack by Fox '09

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  PurePassion said:
WooW i actually always waited for units like that

is it part of your concept to add them a little bit more equipment like holsters, camelbags and especially radios and this sort of stuff in the future?

These kind of small additions have a huge impact on the immersion

comm equipment is indeed a priority, but it wont be seen for another week or so. We do have stuff in the works.

Camelbaks will be seen for sure, either in a molle panel or in a backpack type. No set date but they will be there for sure.

In regards to holsters and drop legs, I am trying to figure out the most efficient way to deal with it.

It's not a matter of "will it be in" it's just when.

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I don't want to say Great, Super, Impressive

Because i already say that :) and you know that.

But insted i will ask about modern day SF :p

On the blog you wrote:

"2011 - Army SF (AOR)"

You mean SEALS ? Because AOR is used by SEALS.

Thank You and Regards,

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and Army SF :)

i know a lot of you are waiting for modern stuff but I'm working my way from the bottom up, so that will come last.

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Looks great Fox.

Don't really agree about them looking odd ingame..looks normal.

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and Army SF :)

I'm pretty sure AOR is exclusive to NAVSPECWAR, and by pretty sure I mean I know peeps from back in my ol' weekend warrior days ;)

But either way, I'm desperately waiting. And by desperately I mean I have this page and your blog bookmarked and read it first before I check the news. I was more up to date on this than I was UBL's death.

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  The Spaceman said:
@Fox, Mind if i ask what pack the M4's in the pics are from?

they are lennards, check his thread about them. I think I also used nzdf crash's stuff but i cannot recall. both are just for show for o2, they are not part of my addon set. although lennard's weapons and face pack will probably see usage :)

in regards to AOR1, I do realize it is mostly used by the navy, but I'm gathering from this:


Okay.....a few months back Hooviedude (Mike) was offering for sale a couple sets of Paraclete AOR-1 that was used by a soldier from the 19th SFG. He was attached to a Marine unit in the Helmand Province during the 2010 campaign there. So....it was used on a limited basis by US Army SF.



other stuff in there that leads to my conclusion. I probably will end up just making them DEVGRU operators (in specific) since it isn't really widely used. But it's not out of the question

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Some AOR1 sets were also seen on AFSOC operators in A-stan. So not so exclusive :)

I probably will end up just making them DEVGRU operators (in specific)

Or any SEAL Team you want. And I don't think DEVGRU is running in camo uniforms most of the time...

Edited by Max255[PL]

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Ahh, yes, it is well known that SEALs, Army AS, and AF SF wear uniforms of the units they're attached too. SEALs in ACU when attached to US Army infantry brigades in Iraq and AF SF always wear the uniforms of the units they're attached too since CCTs are almost always tagging along ;)

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Not sure if they are for these units specifically, but something I started working on for Fox.

DAPS and Groin pad. Just beginning to detail the arm protection. Kind of testing how to do the molle straps, might just model them on like I originally planned on doing so the normals have a lot more depth to them.


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not specifically for this addon set but since i dont have another it's all good :)

thanks as usual :)

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Looks good Drmidnight.

I like your modelling work.

What programm do you use for modelling? 3dsMax?

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  Lennard said:
Looks good Drmidnight.

I like your modelling work.

What programm do you use for modelling? 3dsMax?

My workflow varies depending on the model, but I usually do a super basic mesh in 3ds Max, then bring it into zbrush, then back into max to retopologize and create the low-poly.

Currently I am doing my work 100% in Zbrush, especially since it can handle hard-surface modelling quite well and shadowbox is amazing for making little tid-bits and detail pieces. You can create a top, side and front silhouette image of something in photoshop, import it in to shadowbox and you'll get a perfect high poly model. It's great for rapidly creating things that would take quite awhile in max, but it still has limitations. I think it would work wonders in vehicle modelling, but I have never had the patience or attention span to try.

I would recommend trying it out, especially if you are more of a visual person like myself. You either love it or hate it.

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Looks good Fox. Your stuff has really come a long way. Keep it up.

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blog post with nothing to add

Hopefully by the end of this weekend I will have something out. I can't make any promises , but If i were to guess by tonight. I'm serious this time i swear heh. Check my blog for it, i will not post it here.

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I can't extract these files for some reason. WinRAR keeps giving me an error, stating some unknown method or some shite.

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  Laqueesha said:
I can't extract these files for some reason. WinRAR keeps giving me an error, stating some unknown method or some shite.

yeah same for me. I don't think the files have fulled uploaded yet or something.

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