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PvP Animation replacement/enhancement pack

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Sounds cool! Maybe you could take a hint or two from Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear.

Something about the combat stance animations there is still more convincing than any other game i have seen so far. Raven Shield, ArmA 2 and such all suffer from a wooden stick-figure stance imo. Just doesnt look right.

Rogue Spear operatives however move very believable, and were based on actual SF members with motion capturing. The way they walk, crouch-walk, hold their weapons while moving etc is just superb, even after all these years. Very smooth.

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Another shot at fast paced walk / semi jog move

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Another shot at fast paced walk / semi jog move

Very nice! I can't see from the video how "bouncy" the gun is, it seems a little too stiff, as if the upper body was still while the lower part was moving..but it might be the video not giving the exact idea.

I don't think you want steady aim with that (and the result seems on the right track) it should be a compromise between running (=no weapon-ready position) and walking (=weapon-ready but slow movement), right?

Great job again :)

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Looks nice but definitely needs a new sound ;)

Also the feet seem to go slightly too close together.

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Not entirely sure I like that last one. Not because it shouldn't be possible to run with the weapon up, but it *is* bloody tiring to have a weapon at high ready, and since there is no built-in stamina penality for having the weapon at high ready I think it was a good compromise to not allow the player to run with the weapon up. Then there was some point for the player to actually carry the weapon normally, where it isn't just voluntary (like lowering the weapon when standing still/walking is).

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there is no built-in stamina penality for having the weapon at high ready

This is what you think mate. I actually set the aim precision so that the more tired the soldier is, the more bouncy the aiming becomes. I know what does it mean to keep your weapon at high ready for long time, believe me:)

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This is what you think mate. I actually set the aim precision so that the more tired the soldier is, the more bouncy the aiming becomes. I know what does it mean to keep your weapon at high ready for long time, believe me:)

That's all good. But does the soldier GET tired from having the weapon at high ready? ^^

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Awesome! That I've been missing sorely from the game! Then I have no issue what so ever with running at high ready! :D

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i would love to see more variety in the kill anims. everyone falls over the same way at the moment. keep up the good work snookie.

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Does the soldier get tired in the same way he gets tired from running? Because running for 1 minute and then holding a weapon for 1 minute shouldn't be the same as running for 2 minutes or holding the weapon up for 2 minutes. You know what I mean?

The game really needs a new system to deal with those things (aka more than 1 value for stamina), but that might be beyond the scope of the mod?

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If I'm not mistaken, there's config entry for anims stating the induced fatigue, or smtg of that order

EDIT : damn, I am being mistaken, see below :)

Edited by whisper

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unfortunately yes, although I don't mind this system. It's a simulator, a virtual platform, not real life:)

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Smookie, go vote here : http://dev-heaven.net/issues/4374 ;)

Thanks for the link. *Some* kind of additional control over stamina definitely needs to be in the game. I agree with galzohar that the same fatigue for high ready as for running is sad (at least with an assault rifle. With a machine gun I can understand it), but when it is all or nothing it's kind'a worse... =/

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@Inkompetent's comment on CIT - mate, you got decimal control over stamina. What i meant, and hoped you mean it too, is that I cannot possibly force the unit to lower his gun when he's dead tired. That doesn't mean i can't make him wear out faster when running than when holding the gun.

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My bad. Completely misunderstood you. And I had the impression from earlier tirades with ACE2 that stamina control was more or less non-existant as well. But okay, stamina level is controllable. Stamina EFFECTS are not. ^^

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First off, great stuff! This is looking awesome!

Secondly, I'm not sure if it is possible, but I've always wanted the possibility to swap the stock of the rifle from my right shoulder to the left (as if I was shooting as a left handed person). As that is something I find useful in CBQ, but is lacking from arma. Is this something you have given any thought?

Kind Regards


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Yes I have but this will be limited to positions only (not moves).

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Again... amazing!!!! :yay:

BIS is either going to have to hire you or steal all of your animations.

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Again... amazing!!!! :yay:

BIS is either going to have to hire you....

+1 x1,000,000

Seriously, every video makes me all the more excited. Even though normally I play co-op more than PVP, I'm definitely going to use this and know many in my group are wanting to as well. Everything just seems much more lively and a lot better overall. You've managed to do things I didn't think a person could do with animations for arma.

I was just curious with all that you have done or maybe have planned, are you going to do anything perchance with/for the rifle lowered/patrolling animation?

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