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Tu22M3 Backfire bomber for ArmA2/OA

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Tu22M3 Backfire bomber

Beta 2 for ArmAII/OA by Gnat



Beta 2

- Original by Footmunch !

- Uses XEH (CBA Extended Event Handlers)

- Uses latest version of Mykes Missilebox addon

- GPS/INS bombing or strike possible

- 2 seater, pilot, gunner

- 2 colour schemes

- Customisable roundels, 3 nationalities.

- Multi source textures into merged format

- AI have significantly improved strike/evasion skills

- Damage model and Textures

- Countermeasures

- Unarmed universal version available

- Includes demo SP mission

Full Tu22M3 README


Anti-Ship - Kh22 (Uses GPS/INS)


Precision Attack - KAB1500, 500, 250


Precision Strike - Kh15 & Kh31 (Uses GPS/INS)


Area Attack - FAB500, 250


Beta2 Download

Armed Assault





Big thanks to Myke for tweaking his Missilebox.

Bug reporting always appreciated.

Read the Readme before posting feedback.

.... if you already have ArmAII, Operation Arrowhead is cheap, buy the bloody thing!

Have fun ..... and remember, I do this shit for free! No donations required ;)

Edited by [APS]Gnat

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For further info about the GLT Missilebox: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=103470

Direct download link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9367994/GLT_Missilebox_complete.7z

This link always lead to the latest version.



- AI can't hit anything with Free Fall Bombs

Bug with current release of Missilebox.

Wait for an update

Expect update/bugfix in the upcoming week.


excellent work mate. Already had the pleasure to try this baby and i'm deeply impressed. Keep it up.

Oh, and regarding this:

Have fun ..... and remember, I do this shit for free! No donations required

Send donations to me instead. :p *ducks and runs*

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I'm speechless.... wow. :eek:

Thanks so much, looks incredible.

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this is the exact word to explain everything right now:yay:

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One word


I have pitted two of your antiship armed Backfires (AIs) in your Waves map against a task force composed of my driveable LHD and two of your Oliver Hazard Perry Frigates and the poor ships don't stand a chance.

Two of three times the Backfires achieve a total annihilation of the task force unless I add a couple of fighters doing CAP

Now I can recreate Red Storm Rising (Tom Clancy's novel from the mid 80's for you younglings)

These planes rock!!!!

Only one question:

Have you made the Antiship missiles susceptible to be spoofed by countermeasures?

Otherwise it is too easy to destroy enemy ships from stand off distance

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Yay backfires! Its time to reenact Red Storm Rising!

Thanks again for another wonderful creation Gnat!


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Looks a beaty, I'll have to give it a try soon :cool:

Gnat, I hate to barge in begging for more after such a fine release, but I got to ask. If it's not too much bother, could you please add a smashed to pieces wreck model, like the one 3DArtist has been planning for his Tu-95MS? Seems it will be a while before he can get back to work with his plane.

We need more wrecks and clutter in our maps :) Can't make aircraft graveyards without plenty of wrecks ;)

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wooaaahahaha awesome !

I know an airbase that will be pleased to see this monster on its runways :rolleyes:

Thanks a lot Gnat !

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nice work gnat... glad you finally released her

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Nice work Gnat used it all evening, love the way the AI use the weapons DEADLY! :)

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This is Ausome Gnat, been waiting for a plane like this for some time, we definately need strickly a bomber!

Reminds me of the F-111. great work!

looking forward to further updates, and the B1B!

Thank you for your work!

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CBA is hard to get working with steam version of AMRA2 or Operation Arrow head, even harder with CO.......... Great Model of the TU-22M though mate.

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Looks a beaty, I'll have to give it a try soon :cool:

Gnat, I hate to barge in begging for more after such a fine release, but I got to ask. If it's not too much bother, could you please add a smashed to pieces wreck model, like the one 3DArtist has been planning for his Tu-95MS? Seems it will be a while before he can get back to work with his plane.

We need more wrecks and clutter in our maps :) Can't make aircraft graveyards without plenty of wrecks ;)

He updated his thread, go look up on it.

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Thanks for the comments guys, appreciated :D

If it's not too much bother, could you please add a smashed to pieces wreck model, like the one 3DArtist has been planning for his Tu-95MS? Seems it will be a while before he can get back to work with his plane.

We need more wrecks and clutter in our maps :) Can't make aircraft graveyards without plenty of wrecks ;)

The readme contained the classname for the wreck, "RKTTU22M3Wreck"

If you spawn that, you have a wreck.

And no sorry, I'm not going to as much trouble as 3DArtist did ;)

CBA is hard to get working with steam version of AMRA2 or Operation Arrow head, even harder with CO

Sorry mate, I can't help you with Steam stuff, but I don't understand why it would be hard.

Theres threads in this forum that may help.


FYI, I use Beta Patch 77777 or higher because BIS improved the bomber AI code a bit. But not mandatory.

Edited by [APS]Gnat

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