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bad benson

Afghanistan-Uruzgan-Shahidi Hassas

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Looking forward to a nice Uruzgan map as I spend some time in the Deh Rawod district.

Looks really natural. good job!

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Wanted to also second those recommending wheat fields... having some agriculture built up around settlements really does add that believable edge to the maps... :)

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Great very good looking,,,,, ty m8

n the best part is it dosen't require any extra add on,,, like caa1, afghan village and sum kind or vegetation addon... (well i got them all, installed too) but getting ppl to use mod is hard enough, getting them to get more addon for a mod, is like telling them to die or sum thing. even their pc is about 50% or more of the time is sitting idle, connected to internet doing nothing.

great decision to not require more mod....

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I took a good look at the map when it was Arma 2, and was impressed. I am extremely happy that you decided to stay with this project, as an army of fans currently await its release, and it is so very needed. Warfare Benny on the Takistan map? Please. I'm looking forward to working missions into this one. Thanks.

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Please. I'm looking forward to working missions into this one.

i hope this will be the case for many people. my dream is to play Warfare or Domination on this with alot of people some day.

Looks nice. How many villages?

there are about 20 villages and one small city. but basicly the whole green zone is clustered with compounds and small groups of buildings.

all village names are original. the only exception is the city cuz i think there isn't a real city in real life where i put it right now. everything else is placed by the satellite information to keep everything as authentic as possible.

there will be some new screenshots of the poppy and wheat fields later this week (around friday) so stay tuned everyone.

EDIT: oh and i forgot to mention that the map fully supports alice and silvie moduls now! just managed to get it to work today.

Edited by Bad Benson

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20kby20k is alot benson. Im sure everyone wouldnt mind if you chopped it down a bit to make work easier on yourself. A 10kmby10km green zone map would make people fucking chuffed as is.

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i personally like it 20x20 cause then unlike zargabad your not limited to a small AO to work in! oh and a quick question is the city gonna be in its proper place in later updates?

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I'm with Stagler on this one. I'd be well happy with a 10x10 green zone/villages map, 20x20 is huge!

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i vote for 20x20, it's a great size if you like to simulate response time to support , or a sense of scale.

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I like 20x20 aswell, of course, but if the workload gets to heavy, you can just focus on the centre part of the map and the most important areas, and leave the surroundings, then you can still fly around and the map won't feel as small. That's the problem for me with the proving grounds and shapur-maps, they just sort of.. end, and you see the end too clearly.

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don't worry guys!

the map will stay 20x20km. basta!:p there's no voting going on here this is a dictatorship.;)

the whole layout of the map is perfect how it is now. i want large engagement distances and a need for logistics. that's why i chose this size.

there's a lot of sand around the green zone. so don't worry about the workload. the worst is already behind me:o.

here is a crappy map so u can see how the whole thing is shaped. i'm still searching for a name for the city. i think i'll maybe name it Shahidi Hassas. so it can be some kind of capital of the district.


one thing u can vote for is the location of the airport. i plan to make it improvised without asfalt but really long so all kinds of big birds can be used for bomb runs:D. so gimme some suggestions.

and some new screens:


is the city gonna be in its proper place in later updates?

it is in a place where there are a lot of buildings in real life. but it's not a city on any map i saw of the area. i just made it into a city cuz i dunno what it is and because the place is perfect.

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That looks truly awesome. I'm eagerly awaiting the release of this one

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a little something i got carried away with tonight. i had the idea when watching that ross kemp video u posted. it's a shitty arma video combined with a real audio track from a youtube video. if i knew how to make AI engage with javelin at long distance i would have used a more realistic camera angle:o

Edit: i'm not gonna burn out or something. promised. i've been fiddling with my baby for a very long time now. and i'll perfect it and release it for sure. in about 3 weeks i have all my exams behind me and i have 2 months vacation. with this kind of time on my hands i'll get stuff done;)

Edited by Bad Benson

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This is looking just awesome, any chances of putting a BAF FOB in there at all?

Cant wait to play on the finished map, keep up the good work.

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nice video ;) you have two season of ross kemp ! you can make lot of video =)

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