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ATI cards

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can you keep people informed on how you're going with this card ?

i'm thinking of the same card

(and later on perhaps place a second in crossfire)

thanx in advance,


I have the HD 6950 and not having Any problems with it in Arma2CO.

No lod switching or clitches.

Running well on 1920x1080 resolution, with everything Very High (except AA which is off, not needed at all, really) and draw distance 3000.

And the game looks sooo Pretty :popcornsmilie:

Video memory set to Very High aswell, Default causing problems.

PS. Some additional specs: Phenom II X4 940 BE (not overclocked), 2 GB RAM (800Mhz), Catalyst 10.12, XP 32 bit ...

Edited by Azzur33

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Video memory set to Very High aswell, Default causing problems.

@ RunForrest

I had similar problems with my 4870X2 with lod detail until I switched Video Memory to high or very high from default.

That Default setting caused nothin but problems for me and I never use now. Also try setting A.I. catalyst to off at the same time and try it.

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I repeat my specs and settings again (slightly changed settings since first post)

my specs:

Quadcore Q9400 (default@2,67Ghz) oced to 3,2 Ghz without touching Vcore

Club3D ATI 5770 HD 1GB

MSI P35 Neo2

2x2GB Aeneon DDR2 800Mhz (running at ca 770 due to multiplier and RAM devider) Is the RAM maybe the bottleneck causing low detail and popping trees?

HD: WesternDigital 500GB WD5000AAKS 7200U/m 16MB cache

LG Flatron L227WTP @1680x1050

WinXP 32 Win7 64 better?

Catalyst 10.4

-the OS is installed on an other partition than ArmA (will change to other HD whit new OS install)

-2048MB pagefile running on another HD (good? no idea)

-the OS was new installed just for a clean A2/OA install

-ArmA2 is installed on his very own 100GB Partition-frequently defraged

-im aware off the meaning of a fast SSD or a RAMDrive - but im not Richie Rich

Driver settings via ATI tray tools:

AA: application controlled

AF: Quality/16x

Textures: HighQuality

MipMap: HighQuality

Vsync: Default off

Prerenderlimit: 1 (also set in ArmA2OA.cfg)

Catalyst AI: OFF

-is there something i need to keep in mind? im new to ATI !



ArmA2 settings:

Viewdistance on ground 1600-3000 (inside big towns ca 1000)

Viewdistance inside Zargabad 700

Viewdistance in Air 3000-4000

Viewdistance on Sahrani 4000+

Overall Quality: Very High

Res: 1680:1050

3D-Res: 1920:1200(114%)

TextDetails: Very High

Memory: Very High ( i read often to set it to default but that will cause HEAVY grafic fractales on the screen (lines coming from 1 object filling the screen in white,grey and black)

AF: Very High


Landscape: Normal or Low

Objects: High (would love to VeryHigh but to FPS consuming in certain scenes)

(normal is a NOGO because of goddamn low LOD details of some objects like vehicles or mg bunkers, vehicles miss tires and look ridiculous even on less than 30m distance; bunkers have a WALL where should be a HOLE etc... u all know what i mean, im still waiting for a patch that will fix this.. because imho NORMAL details shouldnt cause gameplay problems or eye cancer!!!)

Shadows: High (would love to VeryHigh but to FPS consuming in certain scenes)

HDR: normal

Post Processing: normal

Start parameters:

"-mod=G:\ArmA2;Expansion;ca;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@xtra_ukf_l115a3;@xtra_bb_mercs;@xtra_oa_ukf_ukweaps;@xtra_british3rifles;@xtra_british3rifles_repl_oa_baf;@xtra_pmc_repl;@cba;@add_tracerswar;@add_vaportrails;@fix_landtex;@fix_sakulightfx;@fix_sakusun;@fix_sap_clutter;@fix_sthud;@fix_stmovement;@fix_tbr;@fix_bd_mgfix;@fix_neo_satchel;@fix_oa_weapfeatures;@fix_inko_oa;@fix_oa_tgw_thermalscopes;@fix_oa_tgw_veh;@fix_oa_tgw_zeroing;@gdt_oa_tgw_glsights_extend;@gdt_compass;@gdt_nopopgrass;@gdt_ub_gl_sights;proper_oa;@s_eliassound2oa;@csm2baf;@jsrs-e;@jsrs-v;@jsrs-vw;@jsrs-w;@hifi_gau;@gl4;@dfs_3rdperson;@vd_oa;@trueuser;@truegameplay;@ai_vfai_asr;@s_vfsu25" -nosplash -noFilePatching -maxMem=2047 -cpuCount=4

And i repeat again the addons are no problem, they run VERY well. This startline is the smallest setup that i use! Because imo all those fixes are really needed and should be in an official patch.

From my observation and testing Blastcore WarFX is making the lod switching worse , so i have to skip it unfortunatley.

I was able to improve the FPS and lod switching since i wrote my first post here, and im almost satisfied with the outcome. (im almost every time over 30 FPS or even 35 FPS on settings posted above, on takistan even better. The really bad low detail trees (as to be seen on the screenshots) are gone - thank god - however, as i already wrote, i dont know what exactly i did to get this results. (as a last try i changed alot and started from beginning - as i already did a few times the last months - if this would have failed this time i would have deleted arma forever).

BUT still i have very noticable switching of trees LODs (not always but often enough) and other players tell me, they dont have that.

So... what is causing this? Is it my RAM? Would i see improvement if i buy DDR2 1066Mhz (OCable). Or might it be better to buy a SSD HD? Or in the end is it maybe still the ATI card - even when other people with exact the same model dont have that problem ?

*edit another thaught: is it maybe WinXP32? might Win7 64 help?!

Edited by RunForrest
corrected wrong spelling

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Objects: High (would love to VeryHigh but to FPS consuming in certain scenes).

That is CPU intensive.

-CpuCount=4 is not needed anymore AFAIK. The game is set to that compared to previously when it was set to dual core.

Post processing=NORMAL eats quite more FPS compared to LOW (on my pc anyway). Of course you lose the distant blur, but keep the blur effects like running/tired/suppression - and save FPS.

And you should not have memory to default (as you mentioned - problems) - it is for memory over 1GB. You have 1GB so you should be HIGH or VHIGH as you have. Just to clarify. ;)

I would put @CBA first in the modlist as well. Not a performance saver, but according to the creators it should be first to avoid any problems.

Maybe not much help, but some pointers. :)

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jea i know all that :), but saving fps doesnt help with my main problem: very noticeable switching LODs. even when i have high FPS (40+) i can see the switching or low LODs on bushes and trees ot farer distances (as i already mentioned i dont see that at all with CAA1 mod on sahrani).

Objects on normal is unplayable, as i wrote above - so objects on high is a MUST - that is definately an enigne problem

i quote myself :

(normal is a NOGO because of goddamn low LOD details of some objects like vehicles or mg bunkers, vehicles miss tires and look ridiculous even on less than 30m distance; bunkers have a WALL where should be a HOLE etc... u all know what i mean, im still waiting for a patch that will fix this.. because imho NORMAL details shouldnt cause gameplay problems or eye cancer!!!)

Of course post processing eats FPS, sometimes i change it to low (mostly on chernarus)

i know cba should be first, but everything that i have before cba is not depended on it, but i will change it

thx for the pointers anyway :)

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I updated my pc the past days either.

I got a 5870HD Vapor-X and a SSD Vertex2.

And i must say i got same issues to the texutures at the trees, as RunForrest posted a few sites before.

The system is brand new installed.

I tried Cat10.12 at first which gave me a lot of those washing textures.

Changing to 10.4 made my fps drop markable.

Right now i am at 10.10.

It doesent makes me satified ,but i can live with it as the washed texutures are not that muchas with other drivers.

ingame settz.

texture details: high

object details: normal

AF: normal

AA: normal

land details: normal

shadow: high


post P.:deactiv

vsync: deactiv

resolution 1920x1200

3d resol.:1920x1200

Frames are throughout above 45.

Remaining system:

I7 920@3.01ghz

8gig Ram ddr3.

So the fps arnt a problem, but the washed textures annoy a bit.

I deactivated catalystAIwithout success.

I changed the mipmap in CCC without success on the texuture wash.

So this problem seems indeed to be a problem to ATI cards or maybe the drivers.I knew those washed textures slightly from my 4890 aswell.

Worst result gave me the 10.12 driver, which was the first i tested.

I dont know in how far the devs are really interested to get a bit deeper into that problem, but maybe we could create a little "database" to collect information about settings,driver and ATI card and the washed textures.

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Well the small 4xxx series have a complete different chip than the 5xxx series.

So comparisions between those cards and used drivers are more or less senseless.Neverthelss posting the card with used driver and settz may help other users.

Although i also had almost none probs with my 4890hd.

To state this clear, i dont have real probs wit hthe 5870, i am glad to made the chnage, the texture of some trees and a certain distance are sometimes just washed in a kind a never knew before.

As the system is completely new and the installation HD is a ssd and ssystem itslef is strong enough with an i7920 i guess it has sth to with certain driver/ingame settz and the driver version on the card.

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Hi RunForrest :)

First about your overclocking. How you get 3.2Ghz with 8x400FSB or ... If you just raised the FSB to 400 put FSB/Memory ratio to 1:1 and your memory will work at 800Mhz.

2048MB of pagefile is ok. About the position of pagefile read this:

1 Drive with 2 or more Partitions - Make sure the Pagefile is placed on the first primary partition as this is the fastest partition on hard drives.

2 Drives or more (similar speeds) - If all your drives are similar in terms of their rated speed, you should put the main portion of the Pagefile on the drive that doesn't contain your Windows installation and applications/games, e.g. put it on a general data drive. If you've already separated your Windows installation from your applications/games, then place the Pagefile on the drive which doesn't contain your applications/games, even if this is the Windows drive.

2 Drives or more (different speeds) - If one drive is notably faster than the others,use HD Tune or HD Tach to determine, you should put the main Pagefile on that drive, regardless of whether it is the system drive or not. This is particularly important if you have low system RAM, since the Pagefile will be accessed more often, and thus needs to be on the fastest drive.

I have VTX3D HD5750 1GB OC to 880/1250 with 10.12 Catalyst and this is my settings in ATT for ArmA2 and OA:

AA: application controlled

AF: application controlled with enable high quality AF

Textures: Quality

MipMap: High Quality

Vsync: Always On

Catalyst AI: High Quality (for 10.4 use Quality ;) )

Texture LOD Adjustment: -0.4

Prerenderlimit: 0 (also set in ArmA2OA.cfg)

Force VSync (Vista workaround): On with Force to use Triple Buffers

ArmA2 settings:

Viewdistance: 3000

Overall Quality: Very High

Res: 1680:1050

3D-Res: 1680:1050(100%)

TextDetails: Very High

Memory: Very High

AF: High

AA: Normal

Landscape: Low

Objects: Very High

Shadows: High

HDR: normal

Post Processing: Disable

Try these settings and see if you have some improvement :D



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hey Horus, long time no hear :)

OCing: jea i know, its not exactly running on 3,2 more like 3.15 or so, because i cant get it running stable without increasing the voltage, so the RAM has to run slower.

position of pagefile: i think i read that before, thats why i have it on a not used HD.

about ur settings:

im surprised u can set objects on very high and vsync on, for me that would be the ultimate fps killer in environments with just a few trees and objects around.

resolution on 100% is a NOGO, no sir, NEVER EVER :D

where do i find "Texture LOD Adjustment: -0.4" ?

and catalyst AI options for me are: disabled, default or advanced ? no high or low or something

regarding the memory setting:

i also believe, like mentioned by others in other threads, thats the main problem.

at a certain point i have fps drops and i can notice how the engine is loading new data, not only when zooming, also when running around in towns, and the stutter is very bad.

Edited by RunForrest

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Lo all, try catalyst 11.1a, in combination with latest beta best performance and visual quality :)

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attarmaprofile.jpg@RunForrest you need to create a game profile in ATT for ArmA OA. For Catalyst AI, if you use 10.4, use default.

If I use Vsync Off I have tearing but with ATT you have option to use Triple Buffers and VSync On without problem with reduced/drop FPS.

This is my ArmA OA profile settings in ATT:



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i never used that menus in ATT before, i dont get that profile stuff with ATI, with Nvidia that was very much easier

is the profile also loaded when i start arma with a launcher or bat file? or do i need to launch arma via the profile? what if i use beta patch? i select other armaoa.exe location?

what happens when i close arma? do i get the default settings, or better said, what I defined as default settings?

the "texture LOD adjustment" i can only set to full numbers -1, 0 , 1, 2 etc... :confused:

ill try ur settings, but i dont think vsync will work for me

with vsync off theres already enough situations (a few more trees) where FPS drop below 30, and theres no settings that can change that, unless i chosse settings that make arma look like ofp

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is the profile also loaded when i start arma with a launcher or bat file? or do i need to launch arma via the profile? what if i use beta patch? i select other armaoa.exe location?

what happens when i close arma? do i get the default settings, or better said, what I defined as default settings?

Just make a profile for ArmA:OA (armaoa.exe) in ATT and leave it, ATT, in the background :bounce3:

the "texture LOD adjustment" i can only set to full numbers -1, 0 , 1, 2 etc... :confused:
Download last version :D

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I am getting some strange artifacts with the latest Betas regarding grass and trees' textures when Anti Aliasing is enabled. Can post screenshots if required...

It's not there with 1.57 stable.

Anyone else experiencing something similar?

GPU: HD6950

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I am getting some strange artifacts with the latest Betas regarding grass and trees' textures when Anti Aliasing is enabled. Can post screenshots if required...

It's not there with 1.57 stable.

Anyone else experiencing something similar?

GPU: HD6950

Yes, its for sure due to ATOC setting in anti alliasing mode. Tinker with the values 0-7 till it fits or disable ATOC [0] or AA completly.

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Anyone know roughly when the 1.58 patch will be out?

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Can some one confirm that the 5970 will be able to perform with the new patch?

Cause it fucking sucks not being able to play this game with a card like the 5970 without lagg, OK in other words(if any beta players could respond) will I be able to use this card or should I just buy a nvida card?

Edited by TOFIR

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Can some one confirm that the 5970 will be able to perform with the new patch?

Cause it fucking sucks not being able to play this game with a card like the 5970 without lagg, OK in other words(if any beta players could respond) will I be able to use this card or should I just buy a nvida card?

I've been playing with 5850s (first one, crossfire'd later) with no problems for quite a few months now. Same architecture as your card. The only hiccups were the initial wait for ATI to provide a crossfire profile (long since done) and some LOD switching issues with the ~10.8-10.10 drivers.

If you're getting low performance with a 5970, you likely need to either update your drivers (11.2's would be a good choice) or you have a performance bottleneck somewhere else in your system. It's also not something that BI is likely able to patch; much more likely a driver issue than a game one.

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This is what I´m running:

Corsair TX 750W PSU

AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Black Edition

Corsair SSD Force Series 2,5" 80GB

Corsair Dominator GT DDR3 2000MHz 6GB

ASUS Crosshair IV Formula, Socket-AM3

ASUS Xonar Essence STX

Asus ATI Radeon HD 5970 2GB

And I do have Catalyst 11.2

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This is what I´m running: ...

That system should be able to beat the living daylights out of the game.

I'm really surprised you're having performance problems with that build. :confused: My only thoughts would be:

-You might be expecting a little too much. ArmA2/OA seem to eat good systems for breakfast. For comparison, I have i7-860 (OC'd to 3.8Ghz), 8GB DDR3 RAM (~1400MHz), two 5850s and a 7200rpm 1TB HD. Your system should be beat mine cleanly in everything except possibly CPU (clock speed typically beats cores for gaming).

Most of my settings are at Very High, except PP (low), AA (normal), HDR (high); 3D resolution @1920x1080. On Takistan, that gives me 60+ fps in quiet, non-urban areas and an average of about 40fps in some of the bigger cities or busy fire fights. Only drops below 30 in the most extreme situations.

-Possible overheating? With that kind system, I'd imagine you'd be pretty savvy with the guts of your machine, but could something be clocking down during a long session? That power supply should be more than adequate unless you're overclocking heavily.

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