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Battlefield BC2: Vietnam

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I am totally enjoying this, I only wish there were more maps although the ones that are there are really good fun and the atmosphere is incredible.

Anyone else playing?

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I shall be come Christmas morning, I hope. It does indeed look pretty damn awesome. :D

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It's really good, I've been playing it pretty much solidly since launch hehehe :D

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i am liking it too, i just wish it had more maps, vehicles, and weapons. maybe they'll add more if enough people purchase it.

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I forgot it was coming out... just bought, d/l now. It's about the only other FPS I can stand. The sounds are awesome too.

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Yep, the sound really is A1, especially with 'War tapes' on and a decent set of headphones. It's almost too much sometimes :D

Edited by BangTail

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it looks absolutely awful. the screenshot with the two trike bikes chasing each other is the stuff of slapstick comedies.

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Do you like anything, zachanscom? :rolleyes:

2 more days. :butbut:

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it looks absolutely awful. the screenshot with the two trike bikes chasing each other is the stuff of slapstick comedies.

Good thing I didn't base my purchase on one screen shot. Instead I went with solid advice and several reviews, bought the game, and enjoy the hell out of it.

But, as pointed out above, you don't seem to have anything good to say about... well, anything. :rolleyes:

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the screenshot with the two trike bikes chasing each other is the stuff of slapstick comedies.

then you dont know how DICE do things

that as a TV ad? if this doesnt sum up DICE, i dunno what does :P

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Generic, it may well be, but it's also great fun (especially when you find good team oriented servers).

The fact that it has an available 'hardcore' mode also makes it appealing as you don't have to empty half a magazine into someone to down them :D

Edited by BangTail

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Out of the modern FPS games released recently, Bad Company 2 is really the only one I can stand playing in an MP environment for extended periods. Sure, it's nothing revolutionary or entirely new, but does it have to be? Especially when it never advertises itself that way? It's pretty balanced, fun, and out of all its competitors, encourages teamwork the most, rather than Ramboism. The Call of Dutys quickly lost their appeal, and the new Medal of Honor was hardly worth mentioning at all.

Edit: Got it today as I'd hoped ( :D ) and... Wow. I'm going to be playing this for a while!

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Its not bad but man I wish someone would make a middleground game somewhere between this and an Arma. These's just something wrong here tho when I take out a guy defending the flag and while I am lowering/switching it, the same guy can snipe me because of course he's knows I'm there.

Action's fast and furious yet I just dont care when I die and thats not right.

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I wish someone would make a middleground game somewhere between this and an Arma.

Would be great indeed!

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Its not bad but man I wish someone would make a middleground game somewhere between this and an Arma. These's just something wrong here tho when I take out a guy defending the flag and while I am lowering/switching it, the same guy can snipe me because of course he's knows I'm there.

Action's fast and furious yet I just dont care when I die and thats not right.

There's In Country Mod for RO2 being developed. So that should be a realistic Vietnam shooter if thats what you looking for.

Personally I love BC2 Vietnam, alot of fun, just needs more maps and guns.

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If you like the BF2 pr mod, theres a version of it on the way for Vietnam.


Edited by sparks50

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There's In Country Mod for RO2 being developed. So that should be a realistic Vietnam shooter if thats what you looking for.

Personally I love BC2 Vietnam, alot of fun, just needs more maps and guns.

Sounds good. I am eagerly awaiting that release!

Yes it's not a bad game, just lacks gravity of situation. Too much quick spawning that it almost feels more magical than strategic as enemies can just seem to appear anywhere which ruins that -"We've captured an important hill/building/whatever" objective that I crave.

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its not bad but man i wish someone would make a middleground game somewhere between this and an arma.


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I'm not sure that would be such a good idea. It might be nice if they would make such a game as a completely new franchise, and not as a sequal.

Even if DR would have been a better game, it still wouldnt have been a good OFP and thus the game still sucks. It would be much better if it was a new IP.

But even then i dont know if i would like something like that, as the saying goes: "Jack of all trades, master of none" or something like that. If you try to be a bit of everything, there might be one thing i like and two i dislike, and that could go for everyone.

It would be a very, very fine line to walk on.

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