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Getting this error when I run the game with this addon, I made a few changes in my userconfig file.

File x\asr_ai\addons\sys_aiskill\fnc_GetUnitSkill.sqf, line 9
Error in expression <");
_skill = asr_ai_sys_aiskill_sets select _sc;

_i = 0;
if ((typeOf _t>
 Error position: <select _sc;

_i = 0;
if ((typeOf _t>
 Error Zero divisor

Here's my userconfig:

ASR AI settings
this file must be found in <game folder>\userconfig\asr_ai\
for most settings, 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled

All config entries are turned into global variables following a standard naming scheme. For example:
asr_ai_sys_airearming_feature = getNumber (configFile >> "asr_ai" >> "sys_airearming" >> "feature")
Mission makers can control these features by setting these global variables in init.sqf or by setting
a similar class in description.ext

class asr_ai {

class sys_airearming {
	feature = 1;      // All the other settings of this class matter only if we have 1 here
	run = 1;          // Enable rearming at mission start
	radius = 50;      // Rearming search radius - how far will AI go to grab stuff
	civ = 0;          // Civilians will try to arm themselves
	sidearm = 1;      // Units will take handguns
	binocs = 0;       // Units will take binoculars

	// List of secondary weapons that any unit may take. Other launchers not in this list will only be picked by specialists
	launchers[] = {
	// List of frag grenades that units will look for
	grenades[] = {
	// List of smoke grenades that units will look for
	smokes[] = {

class sys_aiskill {
	feature = 1;                   // All the other settings of this class matter only if we have 1 here
	civ = 0;                       // Enable advanced skills for civilians
	radionet = 1;                  // AI groups share known enemy locations over radio
	radiorange = 500;              // Maximum range for radios
	nightspotting = 0.2;           // Spotting range night reduction coeficient
	gunshothearing = 1;            // Gunshot hearing range coefficient (applied to shooter's weapon sound range; 0 will disable the feature)
	                               // If using the JSRS sound mod, set it to 2-3 because of the scripted long range sounds, the limit is 500m for all weapons in the config
	buildingSearching = 0.8;       // Chance the AI group will search nearby buildings when in combat mode (0 to 1 values, 0 will disable the feature)
	buildingSearchingAlwaysUp = 1; // Force UP stance (value: 1, default) when doing the house search or let AI choose automatically (value: 0)
	throwsmoke = 1;                // AI throws smoke when hit
	join_loners = 1;               // Groups left with only one unit merge with nearest group of the same side or faction (1-enabled, 0-disabled)
	join_loners_sameFaction = 0;   // Single units will only join groups of the same faction, if join_loners = 1 above (1-faction, 0-side)
	serverdvd = 0;                 // Dynamic dedicated server viewdistance adjustment
	setskills = 1;                 // Configure AI skills based on their unit type (faction, training etc.)
	setskills_debug = 0;           // Log skill assignments to RPT
	Units are classified into skill sets between 1 and 10
	By default, a lower level number means a better skilled unit
	Levels 8-10 are special:
	 - 8-9 are for pilots, very good by default, but some of their skills are now automatically reduced when they leave the aircraft (accuracy, courage)
	 - 10 is for trained snipers
	class sets {
		// only classes of arrays under this
		class level_0 { // perfect (only used for testing)
			aimingAccuracy[] = {1.00, 0.00};
			aimingShake[]    = {1.00, 0.00};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {1.00, 0.00};
			spotDistance[]   = {1.00, 0.00};
			spotTime[]       = {1.00, 0.00};
			endurance[]      = {1.00, 0.00};
			courage[]        = {1.00, 0.00};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {1.00, 0.00};
			commanding[]     = {1.00, 0.00};
			general[]        = {1.00, 0.00};

			units[] = { // add class names to this to override their default (or inherited) skill set

		class level_1 { // sf 1
			aimingAccuracy[] = {0.40, 0.20}; // skilltype = {<min value>, <random value added to min>};
			aimingShake[]    = {0.40, 0.20};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {0.55, 0.20};
			spotDistance[]   = {0.65, 0.30};
			spotTime[]       = {0.40, 0.20};
			endurance[]      = {0.80, 0.20};
			courage[]        = {0.80, 0.20};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {0.80, 0.20};
			commanding[]     = {0.80, 0.20};
			general[]        = {0.80, 0.20};

			units[] = {
		class level_2 { // sf 2
			aimingAccuracy[] = {0.35, 0.20};
			aimingShake[]    = {0.35, 0.20};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {0.50, 0.20};
			spotDistance[]   = {0.60, 0.30};
			spotTime[]       = {0.35, 0.20};
			endurance[]      = {0.70, 0.20};
			courage[]        = {0.70, 0.20};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {0.70, 0.20};
			commanding[]     = {0.70, 0.20};
			general[]        = {0.70, 0.20};

			units[] = {
		class level_3 { // regular 1
			aimingAccuracy[] = {0.30, 0.20};
			aimingShake[]    = {0.30, 0.20};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {0.45, 0.20};
			spotDistance[]   = {0.55, 0.30};
			spotTime[]       = {0.30, 0.20};
			endurance[]      = {0.60, 0.20};
			courage[]        = {0.60, 0.20};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {0.60, 0.20};
			commanding[]     = {0.60, 0.20};
			general[]        = {0.60, 0.20};

			units[] = {
		class level_4 { // regular 2
			aimingAccuracy[] = {0.25, 0.20};
			aimingShake[]    = {0.25, 0.20};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {0.40, 0.20};
			spotDistance[]   = {0.50, 0.30};
			spotTime[]       = {0.25, 0.20};
			endurance[]      = {0.50, 0.20};
			courage[]        = {0.50, 0.20};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {0.50, 0.20};
			commanding[]     = {0.50, 0.20};
			general[]        = {0.50, 0.20};

			units[] = {
		class level_5 { // militia or trained insurgents, former regulars
			aimingAccuracy[] = {0.20, 0.20};
			aimingShake[]    = {0.20, 0.20};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {0.35, 0.20};
			spotDistance[]   = {0.45, 0.30};
			spotTime[]       = {0.20, 0.20};
			endurance[]      = {0.40, 0.20};
			courage[]        = {0.40, 0.20};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {0.40, 0.20};
			commanding[]     = {0.40, 0.20};
			general[]        = {0.40, 0.20};

			units[] = {
		class level_6 { // civilians with some military training
			aimingAccuracy[] = {0.15, 0.20};
			aimingShake[]    = {0.15, 0.20};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {0.30, 0.20};
			spotDistance[]   = {0.40, 0.30};
			spotTime[]       = {0.15, 0.20};
			endurance[]      = {0.30, 0.20};
			courage[]        = {0.30, 0.20};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {0.30, 0.20};
			commanding[]     = {0.30, 0.20};
			general[]        = {0.30, 0.20};

			units[] = {
		class level_7 { // civilians without military training
			aimingAccuracy[] = {0.10, 0.20};
			aimingShake[]    = {0.10, 0.20};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {0.25, 0.20};
			spotDistance[]   = {0.35, 0.30};
			spotTime[]       = {0.10, 0.20};
			endurance[]      = {0.20, 0.20};
			courage[]        = {0.20, 0.20};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {0.20, 0.20};
			commanding[]     = {0.20, 0.20};
			general[]        = {0.20, 0.20};

			units[] = {
		class level_8 { // pilot 1
			aimingAccuracy[] = {0.40, 0.20};
			aimingShake[]    = {0.40, 0.20};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {0.55, 0.20};
			spotDistance[]   = {0.65, 0.30};
			spotTime[]       = {0.40, 0.20};
			endurance[]      = {0.60, 0.20};
			courage[]        = {0.60, 0.20};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {0.60, 0.20};
			commanding[]     = {0.60, 0.20};
			general[]        = {0.60, 0.20};

			units[] = {

		class level_9 { // pilot 2
			aimingAccuracy[] = {0.35, 0.20};
			aimingShake[]    = {0.35, 0.20};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {0.50, 0.20};
			spotDistance[]   = {0.60, 0.30};
			spotTime[]       = {0.35, 0.20};
			endurance[]      = {0.50, 0.20};
			courage[]        = {0.50, 0.20};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {0.50, 0.20};
			commanding[]     = {0.50, 0.20};
			general[]        = {0.50, 0.20};

			units[] = {
		class level_10 { // sniper
			aimingAccuracy[] = {0.75, 0.20};
			aimingShake[]    = {0.75, 0.20};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {0.60, 0.20};
			spotDistance[]   = {0.70, 0.30};
			spotTime[]       = {0.75, 0.20};
			endurance[]      = {0.70, 0.20};
			courage[]        = {0.70, 0.20};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {0.70, 0.20};
			commanding[]     = {0.70, 0.20};
			general[]        = {0.70, 0.20};

			units[] = {


Never mind, figured it out. I didn't have proper semi-colon placement!

Edited by Duckmeister

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Hi Robalo, will you be using this new setUnitRecoilCoefficient command in your mod to stablize the MG gunner or snipers?

Hi, I will probably make use of it at some point, but haven't thought about it yet. It's most useful for mission designers I think, and if I can get away with just configs for some features it would be best.

---------- Post added at 11:15 ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 ----------

Never mind, figured it out. I didn't have proper semi-colon placement!

Glad you did :)

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This is a great AI mod, I've been enjoying it now for quite some time. I have a question, is there a way to disable the AI scripting on certain groups or units? For example, I need to stop the AI from moving from positions inside a house or from behind sand bags. Is there perhaps a exclude command, I didn't see it in the readme file or in any section of the "asr_ai_settings.hpp"



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This is a great AI mod, I've been enjoying it now for quite some time. I have a question, is there a way to disable the AI scripting on certain groups or units? For example, I need to stop the AI from moving from positions inside a house or from behind sand bags. Is there perhaps a exclude command, I didn't see it in the readme file or in any section of the "asr_ai_settings.hpp"



There are valuable bits of info in the changelog ;)

Can skip skill assignment for some units by setting the exclude variable, eg: _unit setVariable ["asr_ai_sys_aiskill_exclude", true];
Units can be individually prevented from rearming by setting a variable like this:

_unit setVariable ["asr_ai_sys_airearming_pause", 1]; (set back to 0 to resume rearming).

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AWESOME! To cool. I guess I should learn to read better instead of just glancing over Readme files huh? Maybe I still suffer from ADHD as I did when I was a kid, lol. Thanks for the info Robalo! :)

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Thanks for the great mod, its definitely the best AI mod out there:). I tried running it with latest beta patch and AI seemed a lot worse than in 1.60, i based this conclusion on few replays of my small test mission. Beta had no significant AI changes listed, so i thought it should be alright. Pls anybody else have noticed a problem with running this AI mod with a beta patch? Im having hard time to getting back to 1.60, cause FXAA with sharp filter makes the game look so superior :rolleyes: . Thanks

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I didn't notice a single change in AI behaviour since 1.60 with ASR

Also I hope Robalo is on that "reacting to artillery fire" update :>

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Alright, thx for reply. Did u run it with beta patch, right? It's likely that the problem is on my end then. Basically what i noticed is that with beta patch AI was staying more out of cover and had diffrent shooting pattern, werent even shooting under barel guns and they were staying behind. (1 or 2 would be ignorant to regroup order in almost every mission, it was basically matter of time) Also insurgents were kicking ass of my AI marines :) which wouldnt happen before in clean 1.60:j:

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KaneSVK: your best bet is to use the latest beta (unless there are reports of instability) and use ASR AI mod

I can also recommend the SLX CO mod which was just updated

Personally I find that JSRS, BlastCore, WarFX, noBlur, ASR AI & SLX CO are a perfect combination

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Robalo, can you add a AI ability in group to make 'Supressing Fire' for targets, can be ordered by AI commander, group leader?!

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BTW this is a good idea.

Robalo is it possible for you to create an invisible target at the cursor when ordering "suppressive fire!" to AI which AI should then engage unless ordered 'no target'?

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KaneSVK: your best bet is to use the latest beta (unless there are reports of instability) and use ASR AI mod

I can also recommend the SLX CO mod which was just updated

Personally I find that JSRS, BlastCore, WarFX, noBlur, ASR AI & SLX CO are a perfect combination

Thanks for tips, im using ACE already though, so im not sure if its a good idea to add SLX Co. I might try it with SLX but without Ace and see what i like better:cool:

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BTW this is a good idea.

Robalo is it possible for you to create an invisible target at the cursor when ordering "suppressive fire!" to AI which AI should then engage unless ordered 'no target'?

That would be pretty cool. Might be a good idea to remove the BIS command altogether and replace it, to avoid weird inheritances. It would have to be an area target, however.

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Thanks for the great mod, its definitely the best AI mod out there:). I tried running it with latest beta patch and AI seemed a lot worse than in 1.60, i based this conclusion on few replays of my small test mission. Beta had no significant AI changes listed, so i thought it should be alright. Pls anybody else have noticed a problem with running this AI mod with a beta patch? Im having hard time to getting back to 1.60, cause FXAA with sharp filter makes the game look so superior :rolleyes: . Thanks


I always play with beta, both server and client side, and it works as expected. Not sure what happened there, I recommend trying with the default userconfig settings and recommended difficulty settings (linked in first post). Things changed with the mod between versions, perhaps you upgraded it and are still using an old config.

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I always play with beta, both server and client side, and it works as expected. Not sure what happened there, I recommend trying with the default userconfig settings and recommended difficulty settings (linked in first post). Things changed with the mod between versions, perhaps you upgraded it and are still using an old config.

And so i've tried it again today after cleaning the mod completely along with userconfig, re-downloaded and all is running great. I bet it had to be something with the userconfig. Thanks

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Any chance for an update allowing to use your really handy addon together with RHs Weapon packs without having that fire mode mess as I reported earlier in this thread? I really don't want to miss any of your addons.

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In SixUpdater there is ASR and ASR AI. Do I download and use both, or just JSR AI.

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Updated to 1.14.1, maintenance release:

- Improved AI rate of fire - extra burst modes for a few more weapons, with better compatibility with other mods

- Improved support for latest Lingor units

- Morale boost for lone units when they join other groups (cancels fleeing)

- Units occupying buildings spend a bit more time inside them (meant more like fight from there, than a sweep)

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Robalo can you make a feature for AI: can engage building or covers with rocketlaunchers and grenades when enemy covered inside

And posible add ability to use ACE mines and explosives features, its be perfectly great?!

For example: AI on Domi can put mines or M86 in camps when it be captured, or if AI covered in building, have chase to put Claymore or other mines likes this!

Thank you :)

Edited by J-Guid

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Updated to 1.14.1, maintenance release:

- Improved AI rate of fire - extra burst modes for a few more weapons, with better compatibility with other mods

- Improved support for latest Lingor units

- Morale boost for lone units when they join other groups (cancels fleeing)

- Units occupying buildings spend a bit more time inside them (meant more like fight from there, than a sweep)

Thanks a lot for upgrade!

Config for 1.14 need to be changed or I can use my old one (based on your 1.14) tweaked for warfare ?

btw I will chech new config to see if something is different :)

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Thanks for the update, Robalo. Your AI addon is one of the best I've played with.

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