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Hello to all, I present you a mod Frenchman OFrL: operation French Life Rôle Play.

*Mod OFrL* has for vocation to propose a universe Role Play has the French community of Arma II.

Mod consists of several things:

* A forum which allows has the community to exchange on differ and which allows to continue the RP in the dela of the waiter(server) of game(set,play).

* A mission based on the mission Chernarus Life of an Australian community and to modify by our care.

* A pack of addons, consisted of addons creates by authors extern(day pupil) has our community for Armed(Equipped) 2. Addons of Armed(Equipped) 1 create by authors extern(day pupil) has our community and that we converted for worked on Armed(Equipped) 2. And finally addons create by us same. Most of the addons were adapted by our care to be useful in a context RP.

* A waiter(server) of game(set,play) who allows has all the members of the community to come to play in this universe Role Play thanks to addons and has the mission.

* A waiter(server) Teamspeak who allows the members of the community of communiqué easily via Helmet / Microphone(Microcomputing).

Besides, The OFrL community in summer creates by 3 players around the mission Tchernarus Life on ArmA II.

This mission is a mission of role plays ( RPG) between the inhabitants and the Police of Tchernarus.

The OFrL community in for purpose to gather(collect) players' maximum French speakers and only French-speaking around this mission.

Why only French-speaking? Because we were able to notice that a good many of you are kicker or banished English-speaking waiters(servers), very too often inequitably because most have, either not understood(included) their fault, or that he(it) cannot justify themselves of their error given that ' they do not speak about a word of English.

We have to notice also that these waiters(servers) are almost never administered what results by a fair in matters what, even of the hackage or the deathmatch big person(main part) style CS.

Where from the new creation of a community

We propose you a completely redone card(map), with vehicles and new units, new technologies, new scenarios, new places, new civilians, new units of Police...

Concrete example: money(silver) in Euro, New Cars and Vehicles Aerials, Gendarmes, Menu and Inventory in Frenchman(French people)...

To know about it + about what we offer (Addons, Waiter(Server) of game(set,play), Access to the forum) register you if you are motivated!





Edited by Actarus

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Oui le mod fonctionne depuis le début de l' année !!!

Il faut se rendre sur le forum, envoyer sa candidature à un admin en prenant les mêmes pseudos sur le forum / en jeu et sur le teamspeak + donner son ID ARMA pour que les ADMINS t' enregistrent.

Ce mod est une communauté avec des joueurs qui doivent parler Français et avoir le TS d' allumé avec un micro.

Le reglement est aussi à lire et a signer.

A bientôt.


Yes the mod works since the beginning of the year!!!

It is necessary to go(surrender) on the forum, to send its application(candidacy) to an admin by taking the same pen names on the forum / in game(set,play) and on the teamspeak + to give sound ID ARMED(EQUIPPED) so that the ADMINS t ' registers(records).

This mod is a community with players who have to speak French and have the TS of lit(switched on) with a microphone.

The reglement also is to be read and has to sign.


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You guys should not limit it only to french players. Therefore, think to carry out a Stringtable.csv, with at least, an english version.



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No, it's complete, they will just only allow French players to download/play. IMHO they shouldn't have even started a thread then.

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No, it's complete, they will just only allow French players to download/play. IMHO they shouldn't have even started a thread then.

Yeah, kind of going against the whole "community spirit", I guess. Maybe it would have been easier if they posted in the squads section appealing to other French players then or something.....eh, I dunno. :icon_wink:

Just kind of lame opening a thread like this, if things are going to be that way. :confused_o:

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Seconded and thirded, no point in establishing such a thingie which is exclusively dedicated to only 1 branch of the community. Makes no sense.

Even being a frog myself, I can't support this way of thinking.



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Yep, wrong forum. Moderators move please.

Also, releasing a mod for French only in an international community? You aren't air traffic controllers by trade are you?

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I agree, you should share your mod with the rest of the world (not that I really care since I'm French but still).

Restricting your server to french people sounds fine by me, but why not sharing your addons ? It's a shame keeping those high quality addons just for you... :(

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I can only agree with what says TB, I'm French also, and I feel very uncomfortable to see that.

If it's not for the rest of the community, why post on international board ? Just to show add-ons/mod ? Then it's not the place.

Kind of behaviour that will not help for French bashing.. :(

Personally, haven't seen Italians, Spanish, British or other doing that...

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Yep, communauty-wise, this attitude leaves to be desire...

Edited by jibemorel

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Ce n'est pas exact le mod n'est pas reservé au français, mais aux francophone

Pour la simple raison que nous faisons du RP en français et que l'on discute énormément.

Ensuite la présence sur teamspeak étant obligatoire je ne pense pas qu'un public qui ne parle pas français puissent pouvoir s'intégrer.

Cependant il existe des Mod "RP" uniquement Anglais.



It s not exact ... We dont accept only FRENCH player but only people that can speak french :)

For the simple reason that we play with lot of roleplay and talk a lot and it would be difficut for people who don't speak French to follow the discutions between other player.

So sorry for those who can't understand french but there is a lot of RP mod that allow only English .


Edited by Guillaume

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What you are saying here would make sense if *only* the server was restricted to the french speaking people.

But why restricting the addons too (the vehicles, the soldiers,etc.) ?

How would it be a problem non french speaking people were using them outside of your server ?


Restreindre l'accès au serveur seulement aux francophones me paraît logique.

Mais pourquoi interdire aux autres d'obtenir les addons ?

En quoi ça poserait un problème que des non francophones jouent avec du moment qu'ils ne sont pas sur votre serveur ?

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you have to consider that the WWW is mainly english. One could say, english is the native language of the internet. Therefor, if i have something that possibly could be interesting for a lot of people all over the world, i don't choose german as language or french. Also suaheli would be a bad choice. I would do it in english as this is the main language on the internet.

Also i fully understand that you keep your servers for french-speaking people only, no problem with this part.

But when it comes to the addons and/or the mission(s), you should consider to create a stringtable for it with at least frechn and english.

But even here i would understand if you don't want to give out the missions for whatever reasons.

Right now i would say, this thread belongs more into the Squads and fansites section of the forum since at this moment, the addons aren't freely available, therefor makes no sense to have it in mods & addons sections.

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Et bien nous n'avons poser aucune restriction sur les addons cependant nous n'avons jamais discuter de cela au sein du staff c'est pour cela qu'il ne sont accessible que apres l'inscription.

En outre la sortie du pack addons V2 nous permettra d'en discuter.


There are no restriction on addons for the mod but we didn't talk about that with the other members of the staff.

The V2 release will certainly renew the status of the Addons


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wheres your community spirit?

Edited by weedman

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stupid thread and stupid OP, wheres your community spirit

This forum doesn't tolerate bashing and flaming, you should know that if you defend the "community spirit" :mad:

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I think people get offended to quickly and think we are doing things against others.

But the simple reason is that the status of the addons are not defined yet.

thanks not to crush our work so easly.

If you have question MP me thanks


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rectified and full apology to OP

Edited by weedman

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as said before, fully understand that you restrict your servers to french speaking people. Also the rest of all the people posting surely understand this point (sorry guys, i just assume it for now) and doesn't have a problem with this.

Also regarding the mission, although it surely would be a loss for the community, to a certain point i can understand you don't want to give it away.

But at the addons, i see no point in keeping them closed as they are now. Just think about, it would be good advertisement for your Mod as having these addons could make people curious about the mission/RPG-mod itself and therefor attract even more people.

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