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I cant just change the status of the addons on my own. because I need The aproaval of the others Staff member. I assure you that you will be informed soon.

(sorry for my english)

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I cant just change the status of the addons on my own. because I need The aproaval of the others Staff member. I assure you that you will be informed soon.

(sorry for my english)

Understand. Anyway, thank you for all your effort. And your english is fine. Seen worse from people where english actually is the native language. ;)

Let me add the following: this community is a lot of "making a name". Would i download a new addon from <insert popular addon creator here>? Aye, blindly. Would i download a new addon from <insert unknown addonmakers name here> aswell? Uhmmm...depends if it interests me but surely i would test it for longer than the previous example addon.

Don't get me wrong, as far i could see, this community welcomes every new member pretty unbiased, regardless of his origin, race, language spoken or anything. Everyones forms his own reputation by how he acts and what he releases.

You, sir, have so far a "slightly above neutral" reputation for me. You seem to be nice, your wording is polite all the time (even when noticing some rather negative comments) and you listen to the advices given (if you follow them is up to you and not as important for reputation).

So all in all, so far we're interested in what comes out and you and your Mod are on a good way. Keep it up.

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the main problem is posting in the addons/mod section, when this is not available to download for anyone outside the said community.

You are not the only one who has a community mod around here.

Most of the enclosed communities and tournaments have a mod developed + gathered by their own, created to suit their needs and available only for their members. But all of those are posting in the squad subforums, advertising their community rather than their addons content..

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