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First steps to increase performance????

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Get Arma 2 because this occasion brought a new zotac 480,pc specs: Intel q9550- 3.55ghz, 4gb ram but still performance of game are scary, what would be firs steps to increase performance, could it be that pc not capable run hd with all settings high???


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high end hardware does indeed still have trouble with this game. lower the settings, and in your videocard configuration utility, for this game's profile, force off vsync, aa, anistrophic filtering, ambient occlusion, etc.

my theory has always been that the engine has trouble optimizing large clumps of polygons(forests, cities, etc)

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Depends, what view distanced and 3d Resolution are you trying to run the game at? Are you trying to run with Anti Aliasing turned on? And to put it out there, never will you have a perfectly smooth experience with this game all the time. At some point, be it a cpu heavy mission or some other factor, you'll get a slow down here and there.

Anywho I don't see why you couldn't run the game on all high/very high so long as you keep AA off, your view distance at a moderate setting of between 2000 to 5000, and then take your 3d Resolution, start it at 100%, and gradually raise it to the next level to see what your hardware can handle before your framerate becomes unplayable by what ever standards you hold yourself to while gaming.

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Step one

rob the Rockefellers for all their net worth

Step two

travel into the future

Step Three

download newest patch



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Thx for post, but I have my opinion, bach and I confused, why? That cous I just checked how much my graphic card are busy with that game, I newer she reach peak, only 70 percent load, so why not if she can render only 20-30 fps??? Does this game optimized for gtx 480?


Edited by robexas

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Arma2 is mostly CPU and HDD-heavy (it streams textures, etc. That's why ramdisk or SSD makes such a big difference for stuttering).

Also, as someone said, try out the latest beta patches.

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On 1920x1200 resolution with everything high except AA, extract 30-40 fps which is pretty playable in arma2, happy enough, looking forward to get ssd :)

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So you have solved the problem? It's not very surprising though that you have bad performance on a monitor the size of my window.

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My solution: Man up.

Screw performance, I whack it all to full (apart from AA which is on low and 3D resolution which is on 125%). I rarely get unplayable fps, and then it is my CPU taking the pain (lots of AI, urban areas), normally I get a good 30, same as for Crysis maxed out with 4xMSAA and high-res texture packs ;) (I'm at 1680x1050, soon to be upgrading to 1920x1080, though I can't see that being much of a problem as my PC handles 150% 3D res fine)

Edited by Dynamic Echo

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i am using terrain setting lowest , no need grass for me (OFP used)

and i turn shadows (not shaders) mid, and i turn off post processing etc.

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I can't see that being much of a problem as my PC handles 150% 3D res fine)

You say that, but you could be in for a nasty surprise.

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I think the game overall runs great at very high settings, but as with ARMA 2, if there is ever alot of water in the scene, the game lags. The water looks great and all, but I would have hoped it would be less taxing.

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I think the game overall runs great at very high settings, but as with ARMA 2, if there is ever alot of water in the scene, the game lags. The water looks great and all, but I would have hoped it would be less taxing.

"I bought this Elephant, it looks great and all but frankly I wasn't expecting it to punch holes in my walls when it was hungry"

Arma 2 omnoms your system regardless of your specs unless you are running the game on Deep Thought.

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Hey Guys, I just got the game and I'm terribly disappointed with the optimisation... again :(

My rig:

Win7 Home 64bit

I7 860 (4x2,8GHz)


GTX 260 960MB

The game has constant (low) FPS for me, it doesn't matter if I set it to medium or high. Right now I'm playing it on medium, no aa, no anizo, no posteffects 1680/1050 and my FPS is between 20-30 , the aiming lag and inertia makes it unplayable for me :(

I get solid FPS only when I launch empty island with editor. When I play mission or campaign it becames unplayable :(

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Yeaaa GTX 260....

Is that DDR2 ram?

Yes, it's DDR2.

The requirements test from site placebo sugested is maxed out with my hardware.

You are not telling me that my rig is not good enough to run this game on medium/low settings with playable FPS, right? :D

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Yeaaa GTX 260....

Is that DDR2 ram?

I use ddr2 800mhz and i have everything veryhigh, PP is off but i can have it veryhigh, 5000 view at 1680x1050,100% 3D, 32fps and no problems with the water or in the towns, i do get slow downs but thats mosty when i'm using a scope and its not at all times maybe 10%, i play mostly online with a lot of flying off line and i use these settings and have never any problems owning the AI, so dont blame the ddr2, works fine for me

GTX285 oc2

quad Q9400 2.6mhz

4 gig ddr2 800mhz

xp pro 32bit

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Hope this is the right thread for this but I think i found something that can

help outside of the settings adjustments and or hardware, and for ingame performance.

A good idea for those that make their own missions but have problems with lag, and performance.

For those whom are familier with a local Modder - Rommel, and maybe some of you may

recognize this and for the new guys you may not.

Anyways i found this script/program Rommel made that seriously raises the fps in your game

no matter what number of AI you got in the mission, I ran across it the other day,

and dam I wish I knew about it sooner, way sooner.

heres the link to it on Armaholic:


Its called the Reducer, you can read it yourself.

It is very easy to add to your missions, plus in the download is an example mission

where you can use what he has there if you wish, but basically you do this in your mission:

1.create a mission sp/mp/editor -(works in all 3)

2.find your mission folder and add all the files except the sqm in the sample mission he has.

3. in the mission add a gamelogic, and name it Reducer

4. in the gamelogics Initilization field put:

_h = [this, 600, 900, true] execvm "scripts\init_Reducer.sqf"


Now the two numbers you see in the code the 600, and the 900 are not in stone, that means

you can change those numbers to what you want, they represent 600 as in meters away

when Ai will spawn in, and the 900 meters the AI will despawn, basically

they wont be in the mission til they are within 600m from you!

5. Lastly go to F7 Modules in the editor and add a functions module, you just add it and thats it.

6. with the gamelogic you will need to syncronize every group

to sum up this whole process:

The reducer will 'fill' the group with its original number of AI,

re-filling vehicle crew positions.

it will remove the AI again, leaving them with only drivers for their

vehicles and their group leader.

This is all based on the distance you are from them.

thats pretty much it.


Now i tried this test with a mission I had on chenarus, I had about 20 inf squads, and a

few squads with vehicles in a mp all over the place within a 1200x1200 radius, now when i tried this,

it was laggy as shit, i was still able to play but it wasn't fun because of the lag, obviously.

I implemented the reducer into my mission, adding the appropriate files to my mission's folder,

and then adding the above steps, saved, exported, tried the mission, and I have

to say Holy SH%T!!!! Lag is reduced quite a bit!

This is worth your time to seriously check this out!

If you build missions with the editor for sp, mp, or liek to just play

your missions in the editor like me, then this is for you!

Hope that helps.

Edited by Gnter Severloh

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