Ranwer135 308 Posted April 4, 2013 I'm looking for the link too bro. I have blender too but i just recently heared about this plug-in. Its a shame they removed it. :cryy: Ranwer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crate 1 Posted April 4, 2013 I'm looking for the link too bro. I have blender too but i just recently heared about this plug-in. Its a shame they removed it. :cryy:Ranwer Who removed it? Why? Somebody must have a copy they can post a link to! I have a model ready for export from blender. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mach2infinity 12 Posted April 4, 2013 I havw both addon_leopotam_export_p3d_mlod.py and addon_leopotam_import_p3d_mlod.py on my HDD if Leopotam is willing me for me to upload them. They were made for Blender 2.62 where as the current version(s) is 2.66/2.66a. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beton 2 Posted April 7, 2013 Well, it´s a shame this plugin was removed. I wish leopotam would at least have let the download persist. The 2.63 version seems to work with the latest 2.66 blender. So if there was an ok by leopotam i could upload them too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted April 7, 2013 (edited) Think these were the last ..... * link dropped because of author * EDIT @Leopotam Just saw your first post (update) Disappointing you've already decided to judge ArmA3 .... when its only an Alpha Hope you reconsider / revisit it in the future. Your skills would be appreciated (as are your tools STILL are) Edited April 8, 2013 by [APS]Gnat removed dl link Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leopotam 11 Posted April 7, 2013 (edited) Link removed. Edited April 8, 2013 by Leopotam Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted April 8, 2013 (edited) I think, you understand, that I do not give you permission to public my work Oh .... I see, you deliberately removed them. That is VERY disappointing. Links removed. so I'll do the same. LINK REMOVED Dont care .... this is the internet, you can rarely un-publish a public release. Anyhow, I'm sad for you. Edited April 13, 2013 by Max Power Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crate 1 Posted April 13, 2013 (edited) Gnat;2367843']Oh .... I see' date=' you deliberately removed them.That is VERY disappointing. Links removed. Dont care .... this is the internet, you can rarely un-publish a public release. Anyhow, I'm sad for you.[/quote'] I have a copy of the publicly released now lost plugins REMOVED Also see this thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?97889-O2-light-to-Blender-to-O2-light Edited April 13, 2013 by Max Power Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leopotam 11 Posted April 13, 2013 (edited) Crate, I provided rights to rework my plugins to only one man. I hope, you will be banned due IP violation - I dont allow distribution of my work. Edited April 13, 2013 by Leopotam Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crate 1 Posted April 13, 2013 I am not distributing anything. I just know where its located. I guess you will need to ban the person distributing it. Because it isnt me so! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leopotam 11 Posted April 13, 2013 Crate, its not my problem, you provide link to my work, so, you criminal. If you respect law - remove it. I say again: I dont allow distribution of my work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crate 1 Posted April 13, 2013 Crate, its not my problem, you provide link to my work, so, you criminal. If you respect law - remove it. I say again: If I can google and find it then ANYBODY can google and find it! I cant remove the files I didnt post! Perhaps you should of thought about all this before you posted the link in a public forum free to download! You posted it 15 AUG 2010! Thats your problem! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
max power 21 Posted April 13, 2013 User suspended. Links removed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leopotam 11 Posted April 13, 2013 I cant remove the files I didnt post! I said only about your link. Max Power, thanks. I hope, that new developer will do more useful plugins version to community. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
odyseus 19 Posted June 26, 2013 Nooooooo! :( why did i format my computer. I guess i m doomed :/ does any one know any solution to import from O2 to blender and vise versa? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chal00 12 Posted July 23, 2013 (edited) Crate, I provided rights to rework my plugins to only one man. I hope, you will be banned due IP violation - I dont allow distribution of my work. What do you mean Leopotam ? Is there someone actually working to update your work ? Is it someone or a software trademark ? If it's someone, why don't you tell us who is working on ? (we will be able to follow his work, if has a topic, siteweb, or other!). And to finish, i don't understand exactly 2 things : 1- why don't you want people provides the work you have done before the mar 9 2013 at 15:02 (your first edited post date) ? Your work was public before this, and i guess you can choose what you want to do after for the next updates, but i don't believe you can prohibite exchanges within community for a work which was public when published!! I never saw that, and i don't think so that there's law to allow you to do that! Author can publish a private work if he wants, but a public work (if it has no changes) can't be privated by Authors! You can only unpublish updates if you want to get your work privated! That the first thing! 2- the second one, is about your philosophy ? O2 is a free software provided generously by Bohemia ; and Blender is "being made by 100s of active volunteers from all around the world; by studios and individual artists, professionals and hobbyists, scientists and students, vfx experts and animators, and so on. All of them are united by an interest to have access to a fully free/open source 3D creation pipeline. Blender Foundation supports and facilitates these goals - even employs a small staff for that - but fully depends on the online community to achieve this goal." ... then .... Why do you want to work on a script, destinated for 2 free software provided generously, in private?? :confused: If you want to stop work on it, why don't you give your actual work to the blender community, which will be able to improve it, and by the way improve their own software for all !.. you benefitted from their work without one wondering nothing in return, and today you have the opportunity of returning the ascencor... You, and blender community, and all people who will use your work in future, will be winners for ever. You have the possibility of adding your contribution to the building... I would like have your chance! Cordially, chal00 Edited July 23, 2013 by chal00 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
road runner 4344 Posted July 24, 2013 Unfortunately he is in dispute I believe with Bohemia and Arma3 over this, he threw his teddies out of the pram, and hasn't been back since, it's a shame really, but someone else will come along and write a similar script, that's just the way things are. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chal00 12 Posted July 24, 2013 (edited) In reality, i wanted to know why he took this decision!.. And i hope he will answer me!!... But in reality, he's not the only guy knowing scripting, and I found somebody who worked on a similar script already for a very long time and improved it since!!... He's working on to improve it again!... But I wanted to know why Leopotam did this! because, as I said about philosophy, it is not correct towards the community to prohibit the data exchange after those were made public ! He is free to not publish his updates, but what is done is done, and the administrator would have to think of that before banishing a member !! This guy didn't steal anything! Edited July 24, 2013 by chal00 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted July 24, 2013 Suggest you just drop it. I was a big supporter, did not open anything of his, yet he ripped open my addon, reverse engineered it, then published it for all to download. Vindictive and not straight thinking IMO. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chal00 12 Posted July 24, 2013 Before i give everybody the link i found about this guy, i wanted Leopotam tell us exactly why doesn't he work anymore on his script :( I find damage to leave like that ! => @Leopotam : tell us more about your decision !?! what it arrived to you ? Please :butbut: => @[APS]Gnat, while waiting I give it to you by MP ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
road runner 4344 Posted July 24, 2013 Gnat, what he did was bad news indeed.. I don't think we will see him back here, but if Chal00 posts the link, then all we can say is Leopotam who?? ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macser 776 Posted July 30, 2013 (edited) Seeing as I had to re register,I can't post a link. But check the A3 community made utilities section.Look for Alwarren's Arma Toolbox for Blender - Arma 2/3 exporter script Although it's not perfect,that works very well.And I think Alwarren mentioned it was either inspired by, or was based on Leopotam's work. I haven't tried it in A3.But it certainly works in Ofp/Cwa and A2.With the exception of mass being applied to multiple components,it will do everything else. Edited July 31, 2013 by Maczer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chal00 12 Posted July 30, 2013 Then if you tell it! I can't wait Leopotam anymore!!... Yes, i found two links!... in order : 1- http://friedenhq.org/?page_id=236 2- and after, i found his thread : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154289-Arma-Toolbox-for-Blender-Arma-2-3-exporter-script So !... :j: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
norsk2277 96 Posted October 16, 2013 i got a problem! When i try to export it as arma 2 P3D it dosent save, it works with everything else but not this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlameR 10 Posted March 7, 2015 Hi, i'm a new user on blender Tryin' to open a p3d file but my blender crash. This file appears red on the select files bar. How can i resolve that ? Thanks a lot ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites