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Delta Hawks Crown Vics. For Arma 2 w/Updates

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I will be Releasing a Verison to the public.

There was work done on the New Vics by a few people. it will be in the credits when you download the files please keep them there.

The model was made by Delta Hawk

The Lightbar and the Lighting Effects and Rader on the model now is made by Catz

The New Stealth Lightbar Being made at this time for the crown vic..

K-9 Cage Made By Gunner

New Textures Designed By Gunner

Scripts will be credited to the people who has put time into the model it will be in a txt file..

More Credits in the download..

The model will be re looked at by Delta Hawk today before we release the model.

This model was given to me for a mod i was apart of i was banned from the mod tonite and like to let you guys have a peice of the models with out have permission from the mod baycity. you dont need it because im the one who is in Charge of the model of the Crown Vic. Delta Hawk has decided not to work on his model anymore i asked to work on his models because im his friend and was helping out with something and he hand it over to me. and trust me with his models...

Edited by EcOGunner
Delta Hawk

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id like to see delta hawk himslef say you have premission to work on these

dont take this as an insult..just cause of the past topics involving the crown vic

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lol why would you think i have the unpbo verison of the new crown vics lol

Edited by EcOGunner
Delta Hawk Asked...

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Proper permission is required prior to publish any addon or you risk a permaban on this forum and other sites aswell. You see, it is in your own interest to get permissions right.

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At this time i was asked by Delta hawk himself to hold intill this afternoon. for the release.

Edited by EcOGunner
Asked By Delta Hawk

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It would be best to have an email showing the permission from delta hawk in my opinion

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You will see his permission he will be posting today when he get home. im a really good friend of his. we work on models together. i asked to help with his models... and he was cool with letting me hold and work on the Crown Vic. Like i said before i dont steal. and i dont do anything with out permission. the models he release are locked. pbo's. the one i have is Unlock pbo.

The model will not be release into he looks over the work and agrees with the work.. and that will be later tonite...

this topic is not the download this is just saying we a thinking of release a public verison to you all.

Edited by EcOGunner

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Today 12:35 PM


id like to see delta hawk himslef say you have premission to work on these

dont take this as an insult..just cause of the past topics involving the crown vic


Delta Hawk

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Maybe two thumbs up means he is okay with it? Are you really that slow or is it just another post to raise your postcount?

It's obvious that EcOGunner has permission from Delta Hawk so we can stop the discussion about permission or not here and now.

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right well that answers that :)

good luck :D

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OMG! DeltaHawk is Chuck Norris!

So what is the current status?

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If I was Chuck Norris the mods wouldn't tell me what I could and couldn't do, I'd tell them what they could and couldn't do!

btw, thanks RH, I saw that picture and somehow I got a black eye. Thanks.

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I take it that since it's three days later and no news this is not going to happen.

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I take it that since it's three days later and no news this is not going to happen.

Man I hope so. This is a great addon. I would be forever grateful.

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I take it that since it's three days later and no news this is not going to happen.

He'll post news when he wants to. Just because he hasn't so far, doesn't mean it's not being worked on. Patience is key.

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Man I hope so. This is a great addon. I would be forever grateful.

youll soon find out that these things dont come quick

errors pop up everywhere

so give the nam some time yeah?

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Finish Stages are coming i will be online sometime sunday to talk to delta more. before i do anything with the model... please wait i will give you the news...

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He'll post news when he wants to. Just because he hasn't so far, doesn't mean it's not being worked on. Patience is key.

Ohh by all means no rush at all, I'm just saying he kinda had me worried.

Finish Stages are coming i will be online sometime sunday to talk to delta more. before i do anything with the model... please wait i will give you the news...

Awsome man, glad to hear your still working on them, thought something went wrong, thanks.

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Hey Ecogunner,

In your original post you mentioned included scripts. Just curious, what kind of scripts will be included? Thanks

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Hey Ecogunner,

In your original post you mentioned included scripts. Just curious, what kind of scripts will be included? Thanks

The version he has also had working wipers and radar too. :yay:

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The version he has also had working wipers and radar too.

Are there working cupholders and cigarette lighters? :p

In all seriousness, this amount of attention to detail is unprecedented in any kind of car mod seen for ArmA II.

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