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SAM / Nordin addons

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Yes you can use it on a soldier, add unitname to safdslist in safds.sqf.

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these made me happae :D

The image size in the first post will make W0lle most unhappae.

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Great release! Any chance of an non ACE version? ^^

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Great release! Any chance of an non ACE version? ^^

+1 for a non-ACE version...if possible.

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The script uses ACE munitions and ACE invisible targets...

If someone can fix alternatives for those its a 1 minute fix.

BUT I have a lot of work with my MP problems to take care of first.

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As usuall...all problems disappeared without me doing anything logical....dedicated works = )

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This would be even cooler if you could get bombers to be "on station" awaiting orders like with Draper's "Rum assets" Maybe you guys should team up!

How about having the apaches utilize standoff attacks with LOAL and maybe get some more heavier ordinance like a 2000 pounder for the bombers.. Just some ideas. :-)

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Nice thinking, I dont know how to use LOAL with AI in ACE but if I can figure it out....everything is possible.

All bombs in addons can be added but I dont know if 2000 pounders are available.

I have been thinking about on station aircraft and I have half the code done... maybe in the future.

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Dont miss this, update and fully functional as a script....



Small arms fire detection system (SAFDS) are based on BBN BOOMERANG.

SAFDS calculates the shooters position by analizing the sound from the

rifle and bullet. SAFDS works both on soldiers and vehicles.

My systemspecs are based on a 2007 BOOMERANG system.

New script version that works fine in MP.


Edited by Nordin

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Links dont work for me... :confused: (Think it´s because of the "..." in the url.)

EDIT: Thx for fixing this issue!

Edited by MadMike[Brig2010]

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As Myke said looking forward to a Non-Ace version if possible, hope you can come up with something later.

Nice Work! :)

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As Myke said looking forward to a Non-Ace version if possible, hope you can come up with something later.

Nice Work! :)

Is there a trend here??

All that comes, dependent on ACE is requested to be NON aceified.

But as soon as we ACE Fanboys request a A2 standard to become

ACEified all hell breaks loose...:eek:


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;1767013']Is there a trend here??

All that comes' date=' dependent on ACE is requested to be NON aceified.

But as soon as we ACE Fanboys request a A2 standard to become

ACEified all hell breaks loose...:eek:


Well, on my DVD box it says the name of the game is "ArmA 2", not "ACE2". Also i didn't requested a non-ACE version, i kindly asked if it would be possible to have a non-ACE version alongside. You might find it hard to believe but there are a lot people out there which decided not to use ACE for whatever reasons.

IMHO an addon should be as less dependant on other addons as possible. If it can't be done without ACE, then be it.

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Gee sorry for the request, didn't mean to cause a stir. Kind of a negative reaction Anderson for someone who was just complimenting you on your AddOn and looking to make it available to more players with less AddOn dependency.


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Non ACE version on first page....should work ok but dont expect updates every time I update the ACE version.

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Oooops, must been some missunderstanding here...

DISCL: I have nothing to do with these addons..

I just use them...


If the creater see fit to comply with a Stock Game version, Fine, up to him.

What i said, is, i feel there is a trend.

Whenever someone makes something that depends on something its

almost ALLWAYS wrong. In this case as in MANY, it´s about ACE.

If i ask politly a creator for a STOCK game addon, if he possibly

could make an ACE version, the answer is almost allways 10 replys


Here i question that trend and AGAIN, the replys are in a NEGATIVE tone.

And im not trying to stir something i just question the trend.

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;1767381']Oooops' date=' must been some missunderstanding here...

DISCL: I have nothing to do with these addons..

I just use them...


If the creater see fit to comply with a Stock Game version, Fine, up to him.

What i said, is, i feel there is a trend.

Whenever someone makes something that depends on something its

almost ALLWAYS wrong. In this case as in MANY, it´s about ACE.

If i ask politly a creator for a STOCK game addon, if he possibly

could make an ACE version, the answer is almost allways 10 replys


Here i question that trend and AGAIN, the replys are in a NEGATIVE tone.

And im not trying to stir something i just question the trend.[/quote']

Everyone uses ArmA 2, OA or both as CO. Not everyone uses ACE2. Now guess how you could possibly reach the biggest possible audience. If an addon can't be done without involving ACE 2 then be it. So the question for a non-ACE version can be simply answered with a "no".

And a proper made addon shouldn't have been made compatible with another addon if "another addon" would have been created proper aswell.


thanks for the non-ACE version, really appreciate your effort and surely understand that updates wont be as regular as the ACE2 version.

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I know and understand what your point is Myke, all im questioning

is the trend..And im not trying to be sarcastic or rude or something...

Its a darn good thing you made Nordin, and i bet the rest will be


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Firstly I'd just like to say that since OFP I've tried many, many support scripts and this is by far the best I've used. It strikes a lovely balance between fun and realism given that it doesn't involve simple map clicking to designate a target. However I was wondering if the following was tweak-able in the scripts?

On ordering a gun run aircraft are identifying and engaging targets other than those within the immediate target area of the grid I'm giving. For example an A-10 will strafe the desired compound but will also engage enemy in compounds about 3-500m away (not good as there are also civilians in these other compounds)! I'm making the assumption that the aircraft is engaging the troops and not a spawned target? Are there any values I can change to ensure aircraft only engage targets within the immediate area of the given grid?

I also have a couple of suggestions for your consideration;

1) Would it be possible to have aircraft already 'on station' and / or aircraft on the ground? These aircraft could be deleted when they are down to x value of fuel to simulate them RTB. I love the fact the aircraft are stationed on an airbase and take off and return but i'm currently working on a scenario in Zargabad which is meant to be entirely under insurgent control. The fact i'm using the air base to call in support is a bit of an immersion killer!

2) Is it feasible to include the ability to set the approach direction for aircraft?

3) With regards to the initial question about aircraft engaging away from their designated target area could aircraft engage a spawned and named, invisible infantry target rather than infantry themselves? As far as I'm aware fast moving aircraft generally engage identified features on the ground given the difficulty in identifying troops from the air. Once the aircraft had identified the target in-game, it could spawn a marker where it's going to engage allowing the player to confirm and adjust the target before the plane / heli goes weapons hot. This would also alow the player to queue up gun runs against areas where no enemy are present (ie empty vehicles, building etc).

Thanks again for a great support pack.

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