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CM Operation Flashpoint 3 announced | "Oops, they're doing it again..."

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The EGO engine really is designed for console. And thats the bottom line, Great game, Great engine... so long as you're talking about consoles. And thats what it all comes down to in CM's new OFP series. Bringing it to consoles.

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The EGO engine really is designed for console. And thats the bottom line, Great game, Great engine... so long as you're talking about consoles.

And this is the reason why I have already suggested that you should buy a console Ben, it would be right in line with your tastes and abilities.

Do you remember posting this comment -

Well, I'm going to be buying a new system before any new games. I still havn't got ArmA II OA.

I seriously get like 10 FPS playing even DR. (settings=800x600 res, all low settings)

It sucks, Pentium 4 is getting too old. lol

Yeah you posted it earlier on this here thread. I found it very interesting (and amusing) because it was a real insight into the true nature of your ability to judge the difference between Dragon Rising and ArmA2.

It's kinda like a little kid pedaling his tricycle along the Autobahn.

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because it was a real insight into the true nature of your ability to judge the difference between Dragon Rising and ArmA2.

It's kinda like a little kid pedaling his tricycle along the Autobahn.

While this may be true its very :couch:

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It's kinda like a little kid pedaling his tricycle along the Autobahn.

I dont think theres any need for that...

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on the plus side for those living in the UK.... once RR is released and you've played it you can return it for a full refund for the undoubtly large amount of bugs it will have, max'd out GPU's etc...

Imagine the fun people could have had just pointing out the flat out lies on the DR packaging, standalone server lol


Trading Standards has told IncGamers that anyone who buys a buggy game should be entitled to a refund or damages.

With the latest Black Ops patch posing more problems with the PS3 version of the game, and other titles such as Fallout: New Vegas also suffering from issues, many users would like to get their money back on these buggy games.

Speaking to IncGamers, Joint Lead Officer Sylvia Rook from the Trading Standards Institute said: “When consumers buy goods their rights are always against the retailer, so if there is a problem with a game, the consumer should return it to the retailer.

“The Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended) states that goods should be of satisfactory quality, fit for their purpose and as described. If the game is faulty, then the consumer should be entitled to a refund from the retailer (although it is not unreasonable for the retailer to return it to the manufacturer in order to ensure it is, indeed, faulty and it is not operator error, or a problem with the consumer's computer).â€

Rook added that users wanting a refund should stop using the game immediately, otherwise they may only be entitled to claim for damages.

“If consumers wish to exert their statutory rights, they should stop using the game immediately as if they continue to use it they might lose the right to reject it and might then be entitled only to damages,†Rook said.

“If the consumer wishes, they can also request a repair or replacement, but they don't have to accept this if they do not want to.â€

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Unless you buy from Steam. I'm stuck with my own non-functioning BlOps because I made the stupid mistake of not only buying the game, but buying it on Steam. :(

I like Steam, I just don't like that you sign away the ability to refund your games after they're released...

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I dont think theres any need for that...

Well considering that he is Codemasters most prominent advocate on this forum and has posted outrageous comments on this thread like Dragon Rising's AI is better than Arma2's AI and Operation Arrowhead isn't worth the money bla bla bla... then I think it's important for people to understand that he hasn't even played the game yet.

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And this is the reason why I have already suggested that you should buy a console Ben, it would be right in line with your tastes and abilities.

Do you remember posting this comment -

Yeah you posted it earlier on this here thread. I found it very interesting (and amusing) because it was a real insight into the true nature of your ability to judge the difference between Dragon Rising and ArmA2.

It's kinda like a little kid pedaling his tricycle along the Autobahn.

Yes I do remember posting that. "Unless you have multiple HD6870's and an i7, you've still not 'played' any game either. So you can shut up."

See what sense that makes? :rolleyes:

Seriously, PC gaming is about the community, experience and gaming, not the overdone bloom, overhyped PvP and graphics. Otherwise I would have gone PS3/Xbox and followed that sheepish croud instead. Though, I seriously doubt whether 1/2 of you "diehard" ArmA fans realise you don't need a £1000 computer to have fun. Obviously, It may be better with a £1000 computer, because you get better graphics and a better framerate, But that doesn't mean I can't play it. And I can't have fun.

The day I stop having fun on computer games, I will go to console, And, I can't see me going to console any day soon. Not that theres anything wrong with consoles, I just prefer PC games. I've played more CoD4 than I have DR, Before you try any "CM fanboi" crap either.

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Whats wrong with Black Ops?

On the PC? 'Nuff said. It's the shittiest and, sadly, most expensive console port I've had the displeasure of playing this year, and that says a lot. Well, that on top of the fact that I've played it on the PS3 (runs perfectly fine, I wonder why) and I don't actually think it's that good of a game anyways. Definitely not worth the non-refundable $60 I stupidly paid for it... I won't make the same mistake twice.

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Seriously, PC gaming is about the community, experience and gaming

Experience, also known as procedural knowledge, is gained through involvement and exposure. When you can actually play ArmA2 and operation Arrowhead properly, and accumalate some hands-on experience of those games, I will take your comments about those games seriously.

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On the PC? 'Nuff said. It's the shittiest and, sadly, most expensive console port I've had the displeasure of playing this year, and that says a lot. Well, that on top of the fact that I've played it on the PS3 (runs perfectly fine, I wonder why) and I don't actually think it's that good of a game anyways. Definitely not worth the non-refundable $60 I stupidly paid for it... I won't make the same mistake twice.

I played only the campaign (Imho the story was better than in MW2) but thats it. And I didn´t buy it, but borrowed it from a good friend who is a total fan of the series :j: (5 Hours of gameplay, definately not worth 60€)

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Experience, also known as procedural knowledge, is gained through involvement and exposure. When you can actually play ArmA2 and operation Arrowhead properly, and accumalate some hands-on experience of those games, I will take your comments about those games seriously.

Do you realize that same absurd argument could be applied to RR as well? It's not out yet so why do we have any right to judge it? We have a right to because we've seen how DR went, some of us played it, and we know what RR will be like. It's completely within our authority to judge it.

I played DR on maxed settings (not saying much since it's a blatant console port), I hated it, and RR looks like it will be much worse. There's no possible way it could be better unless drastic changes are made before the release.

I played only the campaign (Imho the story was better than in MW2) but thats it. And I didn´t buy it, but borrowed it from a good friend who is a total fan of the series :j: (5 Hours of gameplay, definately not worth 60€)

The campaign was okay but, for a game supposedly about Black Ops, there was nothing black about the operations in the campaign. That or they were the least subtle black ops in history. And yes, whatever you do, do not buy it for full-price. I'd recommend against buying it entirely, but if you must have it, wait a few... Years, given Activision's price drop methods.

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Do you realize that same absurd argument could be applied to RR as well? It's not out yet so why do we have any right to judge it?

We can predict, we can presume, but we can't judge something that is nonexistent.

ArmA2 and Operation Arrowhead on the other hand are finished and released, therefore we can reflect our experiences and cast judgement upon them.

I played DR on maxed settings (not saying much since it's a blatant console port), I hated it, and RR looks like it will be much worse.

I share your prediction. :)

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I expect OpF RR's graphics to be much better in terms of performance. Just as OA's was.

It's going to be a desert enviroment so the engine will have a lot less stuff to draw.

On the otherhand it will be a shitty desert enviroment like OA is. So it will be more ugly and textures will be far too apparent without enough objects on the screeen to distract from them.

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I didn't see anything in DR that would have been at least a bit demanding graphics wise.

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on the plus side for those living in the UK.... once RR is released and you've played it you can return it for a full refund for the undoubtly large amount of bugs it will have, max'd out GPU's etc...

I didn't get any bugs in the orignal. Nor maxxed out GPU's.

I don't expect to see any in the second either.

The company has a strong Q&A ethic.

For bugs you need BIS games! LMAO.

Also for maxxed out GPU's.

Maxxed out GPU's however is actually a good thing. I want a scaleable engine so that I can max out my GPU rather than still be playing a console port on PC GPU that can easily manage displaying 4 copies of the game simulaneously.

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It was the CPU load, and all versions of DR with the 2nd patch were affected. If you didn't patch DR to the 2nd (and final) patch then no wonder you never had the issue. If you did, then you were doing something weird, but not monitoring your CPU load.

And what's hard about doing QA with a game as basic as DR was, let alone RR?

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Yes I do remember posting that. "Unless you have multiple HD6870's and an i7, you've still not 'played' any game either. So you can shut up."

See what sense that makes? :rolleyes:

Seriously, PC gaming is about the community, experience and gaming, not the overdone bloom, overhyped PvP and graphics. Otherwise I would have gone PS3/Xbox and followed that sheepish croud instead. Though, I seriously doubt whether 1/2 of you "diehard" ArmA fans realise you don't need a £1000 computer to have fun. Obviously, It may be better with a £1000 computer, because you get better graphics and a better framerate, But that doesn't mean I can't play it. And I can't have fun.

Ben, my PC was 600 Euros and runs Arma2 fine with high and very high settings. To use a soccer term, "you don't need to bust the net to score a goal". People who say you need a 2500 Euro supercomputer to appreciate today's games have no f***ing clue as to how the PC buisness works. DR and RR can be played on 4 year old PC's because the platforms they are made for are 4 to 5 years old.

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Ben, my PC was 600 Euros and runs Arma2 fine with high and very high settings. To use a soccer term, "you don't need to bust the net to score a goal". People who say you need a 2500 Euro supercomputer to appreciate today's games have no f***ing clue as to how the PC buisness works. DR and RR can be played on 4 year old PC's because the platforms they are made for are 4 to 5 years old.

My point exacly....... you don't need a £1000 computer to play games and enjoy them. Because mine can't reach top settings and run a perfect framerate I suddenly can't like the games, and suddenly not allowed to have an opionion or have fun. :rolleyes:

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And what's hard about doing QA with a game as basic as DR was, let alone RR?

It's nothing like a basic game. Neither is ArmA.

RR won't need any less Q&A than DR.

What's hard about Q&A is paying for it I expect.

If it wasn't hard, ArmA 2 wouln't have been sold with broken campaigns. But clearly it is hard to juggle adding new features with getting them to work properly.

When do you stop developing and start testing? How long will the testing take to find all the faults? How much of your budget do you need to assign to it? What is an acceptable standard of quality that will not hurt you in the reviews or get your product returned to you?

CM have an excellent Q&A ethic. BIS has much to learn from them. Very much.

Maybe the final patch for DR was the one with console fixes only? It's quite possible I never applied any patch at all. If a game works on my LAN I don't usually patch it unless the patch adds something or fixes a problem I have experienced.

Having to patch just means the Q&A process sucked.

I fully expect RR to work right out of the box and not need any patches. I'm sure there will be patches, but I doubt it will need them.

Edited by Baff1

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My point exacly....... you don't need a £1000 computer to play games and enjoy them. Because mine can't reach top settings and run a perfect framerate

Perfect framerate? Ben your framerate is utter shit, obviously sluggish framerate has an enormous impact on game performance. Even a mediocre computer by todays standards can run ArmA2 reasonably well, but your PC is waaaaaay outdated.

You need to get real Ben, people around here are running multiple mods like Optical snare's blastcode and ACE2 and Zeus, how the hell can you say Operation Arrowhead isn't worth the money, you wouldn't have the faintest idea about how awesome it is.

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Ben, my PC was 600 Euros and runs Arma2 fine with high and very high settings. To use a soccer term, "you don't need to bust the net to score a goal". People who say you need a 2500 Euro supercomputer to appreciate today's games have no f***ing clue as to how the PC buisness works. DR and RR can be played on 4 year old PC's because the platforms they are made for are 4 to 5 years old.

I have variety of gaming PC's on my LAN.

While there is clearly a minimum entry For ArmA 2, there is no maximum.

So I can play the game enjoyably on a reasonably priced machine... but I can also push to the limits more or less anything I am intrested to build.

You don't need a £3,000 computer to play ArmA 2, but you might need ArmA 2 to play a £3,000 computer.

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I said that before all those extra DLC's were announced.

Yes, WarFX and ACE and Zeus AI and stuff. So? My framerate is *not* utter shit, I can play it with a 30 +/- FPS most of the time. During something like an LGB with WarFX, then I get a drop of FPS.

Seriously, The only part of my PC that is outdated is my CPU, ArmA is more optimized for the low-end computers than you think.

So, what are your specs?

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Perfect framerate? Ben your framerate is utter shit, obviously sluggish framerate has an enormous impact on game performance. Even a mediocre computer by todays standards can run ArmA2 reasonably well, but your PC is waaaaaay outdated.

You need to get real Ben, people around here are running multiple mods like Optical snare's blastcode and ACE2 and Zeus, how the hell can you say Operation Arrowhead isn't worth the money, you wouldn't have the faintest idea about how awesome it is.

It wasn't exactly a bargain.

About 4 SP missions and I was done. (I played it through twice though).

I would need to buy an extra copy if I wished to play it LAN co-op. Which multiplies the price by the amount of players.

So I haven't ever and don't play it multiplayer.

COD lasted longer.

Presuambly all those mods are available for vanilla ArmA 2?

I did buy a couple of copies of that for MP. Although again not the full four my LAN would require to compete with OpF DR.

I really enjoyed OA, but it didn't last long and it didn't have much replay value.

It would do if I bought four copies I suppose.

But then if I had, it wouldn't have been worth the money

Edited by Baff1

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