dragon zen 16 Posted December 20, 2010 Sorry I meet some trouble. I only setup AA2 for this period. And CBA 0.71 report a XEH bug: File extended_eventhandlers\initothers.sqf. line 242. _ha=_unit |#|getVariable [_xeh, []]; ---------- Post added at 07:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 PM ---------- In my mission, if I close all mod, it run OK. But only if I use CBA, it gets trouble. ---------- Post added at 07:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 PM ---------- Alright, it seems trouble has been solved. I find your changelog and download a relative file. It seems that this file is OK, no bug reports yet. But it radio channel chat that "CBA require XEH [3.0.5] or higher, your version is [3.0.3]. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted December 20, 2010 Please put back the previous situation which caused the errors, and create a ticket with your RPT file http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/RPT, after starting the mission and receiving the error again. http://dev-heaven.net/projects/cca/issues Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted December 20, 2010 Improved Extended Eventhandlers pbo available at; http://dev-heaven.net/issues/16132 Especially those playing Warfare and have noticed (~random) initialization problem (0 towns) please try it out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted December 23, 2010 CBA v0.7.2 Official Release This release is, like the v0.7.1 release, intended for users of all three variations of ArmA 2. Key Changes IMPROVED: Many XEH initialization improvements - solving Warfare initialization issues etc. FIXED: Some XEH events not working depending on exclude settings FIXED: HandlerData error on resuming save games Internal fixes and improvements Full documentation is available at DevHeaven. Issue Changelog is available at DevHeaven Download The addons, manual, functions reference and complete sources are included in the release. DevHeaven Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted December 23, 2010 Updated CBA version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. Community Base addons v0.7.2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alikchi 10 Posted December 27, 2010 I am getting an error message saying I have used the wrong folder even though I have installed CBA properly. http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/4306/help1j.jpg http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/2589/help2gl.jpg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4086 Posted December 27, 2010 Thanks for the update Sickboy, I'm seeing notible differences and features come to life more with A2WarMod on my server, appreciate your hard work. What are you working on for your future versions? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted December 28, 2010 Thanks for the update Sickboy, I'm seeing notible differences and features come to life more with A2WarMod on my server, appreciate your hard work. What are you working on for your future versions? Glad to hear! General roadmap is here; http://dev-heaven.net/projects/cca/roadmap and open isuses here; http://dev-heaven.net/projects/cca/issues No (other) concrete plans atm, but optimization and improvements continuously happen. If you have requests or feedback, please feel free. ---------- Post added at 13:15 ---------- Previous post was at 13:14 ---------- I am getting an error message saying I have used the wrong folder even though I have installed CBA properly.You need to do as said; don't run @CBA_OA modfolder, nor any of it's addons, if you have combined ops. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Choki 10 Posted December 28, 2010 Hi, I have arma 2 and OA (convined Ope) Im Playing whit Ace,SLX,GL4, and many more mods. In SLX mod I only have some effects, visuals cosmetic aspects of SLX are working. The more detailed bits, such as wounding,surrender, and morale, seem to be completely off.I notice who CBA have only ACE things, can be this the problem?¿ I play it before but now is not working! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted December 28, 2010 Tried the latest version? Perhaps you have duplicate (old) versions of cba/extended_eventhandlers installed, please create a ticket with your rpt (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/RPT); http://dev-heaven.net/projects/cca/issues/new Not sure what bits of SLX and ACE are or aren't compatible though, perhaps you can find such info in the SLX thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Choki 10 Posted December 28, 2010 Thanks, I was tinking who are the CBA, I going to reinstall it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fritz160 wolf 0 Posted December 30, 2010 i am having issues with CBA for some reason there is no longer any smoke from the cannons when i tanks Fire there main cannons i wonder if this is a glitch or its suppose to be like that ??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted January 10, 2011 Now I know there have been plenty of threads on mod order but I wanted to post my findings regarding CBA. When CBA is placed at the start of the -mod= line I get the CBA loading screens (black screens saying CBA hashes etc by xxx) and when in game I get XEH missing alerts! However if CBA is placed at the end of the mod line then I don't get the annoying black screens and CBA works properly without any XEH errors. Does it matter where CBA goes? I have found that it does. Or am I going mad? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CptBBQ 10 Posted January 15, 2011 Hi all! I know this isn´t the right forum, but I don´t want to open a new thread. I´ve got a bloody noob question regarding cba_functions. I can´t get cb_fnc_globalExecute to work. Here´s what I tried: if (isServer) then { waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"}; [-1, {sleep 5; hint _this}, "TEST"] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute; }; When I host the mission locally the hint appears. But hosted on our dedi, nothing happens. I´m pretty clueless about all this, don´t even know if the bis_fnc module is necessary. I guess there´s some basic info I´m lacking, but the forum search is useless in this regard. Thanks & Sorry =) bbq Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted January 15, 2011 Hi all!I know this isn´t the right forum, but I don´t want to open a new thread. I´ve got a bloody noob question regarding cba_functions. I can´t get cb_fnc_globalExecute to work. Here´s what I tried: if (isServer) then { waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"}; [-1, {sleep 5; hint _this}, "TEST"] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute; }; When I host the mission locally the hint appears. But hosted on our dedi, nothing happens. I´m pretty clueless about all this, don´t even know if the bis_fnc module is necessary. I guess there´s some basic info I´m lacking, but the forum search is useless in this regard. Thanks & Sorry =) bbq The client is probably not yet connected; try to add sleep 5; before executing globalExecute. The sleep inside the execute could also be problematic, try _this spawn { sleep 5; hint _this } ---------- Post added at 18:06 ---------- Previous post was at 18:06 ---------- Now I know there have been plenty of threads on mod order but I wanted to post my findings regarding CBA. When CBA is placed at the start of the -mod= line I get the CBA loading screens (black screens saying CBA hashes etc by xxx) and when in game I get XEH missing alerts! However if CBA is placed at the end of the mod line then I don't get the annoying black screens and CBA works properly without any XEH errors. Does it matter where CBA goes? I have found that it does. Or am I going mad? Please remove all CBA_*** addons from all other mod folders, download the latest @CBA version and retry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CptBBQ 10 Posted January 15, 2011 Thank you, Sickboy! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
granQ 293 Posted January 17, 2011 please can you stop changing loading screens and stuff, CBA is used to be the power behind, not what we see infront.. /* upset addon maker that whish to make addons using CBA without CBA interfering */ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted January 17, 2011 (edited) please can you stop changing loading screens and stuff, CBA is used to be the power behind, not what we see infront../* upset addon maker that whish to make addons using CBA without CBA interfering */ Sorry but the loading screen etc has been removed since 2 public versions ago; http://dev-heaven.net/projects/cca/news Removed LoadingScreen, PostInit replaced with Xeno's killed-eh method Addresses issues with MP Armory, and other missions using a loading screen Credits are now randomly displayed in Main and Pause menu instead. Besides, it had a well documented and important purpose, the credits were just secondary function, luckily we were able to achieve the same with Xeno's killed-eh method, without interfeiring. Edited January 17, 2011 by Sickboy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
granQ 293 Posted January 17, 2011 (edited) yeah but do you NEED to show your credits during the main and pause menu? Is it an important part of the package? Basicly when I create addons, I want to give my players the feelings its real, its swedish soldiers fighting in Sweden.. and having names that reminds "its all made by addon makers" spoils it.. personal opinion here but yeah I don't want CBA to do anything, unless I want it to.. basicly its like that. CBA is for support, not for show. (well atleast that was what I thought when I made SFP addons but I am starting to regret it) EDIT. Ah speaking of that, sure people run different versions, but again do you need to update people on the fact? 99.999% probably work just as fine even if you two, three different old versions and again its spoils the immerisions and just become a pain in the a$$ when people join during a game. I want to play the game, not be reminded about the CBA.. (sorry bit unclear, i mean the "SERVER!! MISMATCH!! OMG THERE IS 0.001 UPGRADE! PLEASE DOWNLOAD NEW VERSION AND DONT PLAY THE GAME UNTIL YOU FIXED IT!!") Edited January 17, 2011 by granQ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted January 17, 2011 (edited) yeah but do you NEED to show your credits during the main and pause menu? Is it an important part of the package? Basicly when I create addons, I want to give my players the feelings its real, its swedish soldiers fighting in Sweden.. and having names that reminds "its all made by addon makers" spoils it.. personal opinion here but yeah I don't want CBA to do anything, unless I want it to.. basicly its like that. CBA is for support, not for show. (well atleast that was what I thought when I made SFP addons but I am starting to regret it) What CBA is is building blocks for the community to build addons with, and provide multiplexing interfaces to otherwise non multiplexible events and features. The main menu is a shared object, and as such we provide a multiplexible interface for any addon maker to add his mod version and information, and have it displayed on the main menu, without the problem of having versions and names listed all over the place, and overwriting eachothers information. There should at least be an override method to block the behaviour if it is unwanted, I will double check, and get back to you, if it's not possible now, I will make sure it will be soon. ---------- Post added at 19:48 ---------- Previous post was at 19:46 ---------- EDIT. Ah speaking of that, sure people run different versions, but again do you need to update people on the fact? 99.999% probably work just as fine even if you two, three different old versions and again its spoils the immerisions and just become a pain in the a$$ when people join during a game. I want to play the game, not be reminded about the CBA.. (sorry bit unclear, i mean the "SERVER!! MISMATCH!! OMG THERE IS 0.001 UPGRADE! PLEASE DOWNLOAD NEW VERSION AND DONT PLAY THE GAME UNTIL YOU FIXED IT!!") You can override the behaviour if you think it wise, we believe it isn't wise to play with different versions. If you don't mind chasing tails as to why something isn't working (properly) (we don't), then I suppose that's your choice. class CfgSettings { class CBA { class Versioning { class CBA { level = 0; }; }; }; }; ---------- Post added at 19:58 ---------- Previous post was at 19:48 ---------- Additionally, for next CBA version I have implemented the CBA_display_ingame_warnings variable, default true. To suppress the ingame warnings; if (isServer) then { CBA_display_ingame_warnings = false; publicVariable "CBA_display_ingame_warnings" }; Edited January 17, 2011 by Sickboy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
granQ 293 Posted January 17, 2011 I dont want to override.. ok I will explain how it works for me. I am making Swedish forces Pack since like 10 years ago, back then we made awesome scripts and Operation Frenchpoint made even more awesome stuff.. sadly we couldn't take advantage of stuff like single use M136 scripts since it was connected with the fireeventhandler... what a shame. One day I read there is a project to fix these type of stuff.. finally different addons might run smoothly together. Its great news cause once in a while you want "new allies" or new "opfor".. but for 99% of the time, I still play around with my friends with just the Swedish addons, everything runs smooth and nice. You see we don't even use CBA really, not "really really", just the eventhandlers and so for us, 99% of all CBA versions work perfectly with our addons, we just want to be part of the community build and the possibilites... so whats in it for me? Right now only a annoying message about missmatch because people join with different versions and we not 100 player group with weekly training and strict rules, we are just casual players that want things to run smooth and some are very n00bs.. and I rather have one bug in 1 of 500 games, then a 500 reminders there is missmatch during 1 game.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted January 17, 2011 There wouldn't be any warnings if all them players are up2date, but that's besides the point. My suggestion would be; create a server side addon, config.cpp contents: class CfgPatches { class GQ_CBA { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredAddons[] = { "Extended_EventHandlers" }; requiredVersion = 1.0; }; }; class Extended_Init_EventHandlers { class QC_CBA { serverInit = "CBA_display_ingame_warnings = false; publicVariable 'CBA_display_ingame_warnings' "; }; }; Which will suppress the messages, once the next CBA version is out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SeaVee 10 Posted January 24, 2011 I have Arma2 and Operation Arrowhead as one merged install. I have version 7.2.145 of CBA installed. Using Six Updater vers 2.0.0 rc1, it appears to have updated ACE, ACEX, ACEXSM, ACEX RU and ACEX USNAVY. When I launch for example either the EO8 benchmark, or open the armory to try a weapom I get this message at the beginning: ACE REQUIRES CBA_MAIN [@CBA] AT VERSION (0,7,3) (OR HIGHER). YOU HAVE VERSION (0,7,2,145) But checking Devheaven the latest version of CBA IS the one I have 7.2.145... Any suggestions on what to do or am I set up right with Six Updater? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted January 24, 2011 (edited) Please remove @CBA 0.7.2, and let it install over Six Updater. New official CBA and ACE Stable releases are imminent. Edited January 24, 2011 by Sickboy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SeaVee 10 Posted January 25, 2011 Thanks Sickboy - that did it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites