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COOP 20 Takistan Force (OA)

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Hi ya guys, I'm loving this mod mission pack, the way each missionis dynamically created is awesome. I'm having troubles when I spawn as a pilot getting into the blackhawk. It won't let me in? I undersrand that the are locked to pilot class only, but I am spawning as a pilot, why do they not let me in?

Also I'm interested in modifiying the missions slightly but know only a little scripting. Would anyone with the knowhow please be able to assist me with the following;

- In the mission manager is the list of missions in the 'pool', I'm interested in just having only one mission (rescue pilot). I've // out the missions that I dion't want, however unless I have 'mark AA' included, I can't get it to work. How do I get it so that I only have the one mission to play?

- I'm hoping to add another mission success parameter, collect a briefcase from the Blackhawk wreckage. How would I go about adding it so that unless the pilot is rescued, the backhawk destroyed AND the briefcase bought back to base the mission is not a success?


Edited by DragonflyFan

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Hmm it might be the upgrade path maybe? E.g. you have to have done so much to be able to fly.

It's really easy to edit that out of the mission and the creator helped me as I was having a similar issue.

(Also was playing offline so I kinda needed to be able to do most of the stuff. Since the AI like to do sweet FA!)

In one of the text files in the PBO you change edit what solider classes can do what. You can delete everything

inside of the " { } " for example pilots {} or something similar.

Sorry for the vague description I'll get back later and edit this to be more inclusive. Also the author left some

comments about this here —


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Guys, would you mind helping me out a little more please?

I've got TFOR to work with just the one mission, I've modified the 'relievesquad' mission a little to include a VIP, he spawns inside a building that is no more than 100m away from an ambushed vehicle convoy, this convoy only spawns within 800m of the centre of Zargabad and the mission is successful when he is extracted to base. I'm just wanting to add some more complexity to it and am hoping for some more technical advice. I've inserted a copy of the mission file so hopefully you can look through it and suggest scripting stuff for me. :)

- I'd like to make it so that the VIP is injured and that I have to apply first aid to him (or her) before the 'rescue' action menu is activated. How can I make this happen?

- Currently the animation is for the VIP to be standing with hands on head, which is great for if they are a prisoner not a VIP. Where do I find a list of different animations that I can try?

- In the mission I have a couple of friendly units spawn at the ambushed vehicle convoy. How can I make it so that they can join my squad (much like the rescue action menu for VIP) when I approach them? Is there anyway I can make it a mission success condition to get remaining surviving friendly units back to base, not just the VIP?

- I've tried to get one bodyguard to spawn with the VIP but I'm not having a lot of luck with getting him to stick to the VIP (real close) any suggestions on what I can do differently?

- Now the big one! Is there anyway that I can get the enemy to want to 'capture' the VIP themselves (fight through his body guard) and then take him away in a vehicle to another village away from Zargabad, if they reach it then the mission is a fail? I know this one is a huge ask but it's where I'd love to take the mission so I thought I'd ask it now. :)

Thanks so much in advance for your help, perhaps I could invite Bon to answer my technical questions? :p

Mission code is below in spoiler.

// by Bon_Inf*

if(not isServer) exitWith{};

private ["_randompos","_isFlat","_attacker1","_attacker2","_attacker3","_attacker4","_attacker5"];

_location = _this select 0;
_pos = position _location;

for "_i" from 1 to 10000 do {

_randompos = [(_pos select 0) + 250 - random 500,(_pos select 1) + 250 - random 500,0];

_isFlat = _randompos isflatempty [10, 1, 0.1, 5, 0, false, ObjNull];

if(if(count _isFlat > 0) then{_isFlat set [2,0]; true} else{false}) exitWith{};

if(count _isFlat == 0) then {_isFlat = _randompos};

While{{side _x == tfor_friendly_side} count nearestObjects[_isFlat,["Man","Air","LandVehicle"],5000] == 0 && tfor_deathcount <= tfor_max_death_per_mission} do{sleep 5};

_grp = [tfor_friendly_side,3,_isFlat,20] call spawnInf;
_x setCaptive true;
_x allowDamage false;
_x addEventHandler ["Fired",{(_this select 0) setVehicleAmmo 1}]; // <- Hollywood mags yay
} foreach units _grp;
(_grp addWaypoint [_isFlat,5]) setWaypointType "HOLD";

//_arrow = "Sign_arrow_down_large_EP1" createVehicle _isFlat;_arrow setPos [_isFlat select 0,_isFlat select 1,15];

_landrover1 = "LandRover_TK_CIV_EP1" createVehicle [(_isFlat select 0) + 10 - random 20,(_isFlat select 1) + 10 - random 20,0];
_landrover2 = "SUV_PMC" createVehicle [(_isFlat select 0) + 10 - random 20,(_isFlat select 1) + 10 - random 20,0];
_landrover3 = "LandRover_TK_CIV_EP1" createVehicle [(_isFlat select 0) + 10 - random 20,(_isFlat select 1) + 10 - random 20,0];
_landrover4 = "LandRover_TK_CIV_EP1" createVehicle [(_isFlat select 0) + 10 - random 20,(_isFlat select 1) + 10 - random 20,0];
{_x setDir random 360; _x setDamage (random 0.9); _x lock true} foreach [_landrover1,_landrover2,_landrover3];

_grp1 = createGroup tfor_friendly_side;
_pilot = _grp1 createUnit [tfor_rescuepilot_pilottype, _pos, [], 0, "FORM"];
_pilot setCaptive true;
_pilot setHit ["hands",1];
_pilot setHit ["head_hit",0.4];
_pilot setHit ["body",0.5];
_pilot playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon";
_pilot disableAI "MOVE";
_pilot disableAI "ANIM";
_pilot setVehicleInit "
this addAction ['Rescue','scripts\capture.sqf'];
"; processInitCommands;
removeAllWeapons _pilot;

_houses = [position _landrover2,100] call getEnterableHouses;

if((count _houses) > 0) then {

_house = _houses call getRandomElement;

_buildingpos = 1 max (round random (_house select 1));
_house = _house select 0;

_pilot setPos (_house buildingPos _buildingpos);
} else {
_pilot setPos [(_pos select 0) + _size - round random (2*_size),(_pos select 1) + _size - round random (2*_size),0];

_Bodyguards = [tfor_friendly_side,1,position _pilot,1] call spawnInf; 

_Bodyguards allowFleeing 0;
(_Bodyguards addWaypoint [position _pilot,0]) setWaypointType "HOLD";
_Bodyguards setFormation "DIAMOND";

_suitcase = "suitcase" createVehicle [(_isFlat select 0) + 10 - random 20,(_isFlat select 1) + 10 - random 20,0];
_suitcase setVehicleInit "
this addAction ['Pickup Case','scripts\collect.sqf'];
"; processInitCommands;

_marker = createMarker ["Marker",position _pilot]; _marker setMarkerType "mil_dot"; //for testing

_marker2 = createMarker ["Marker2",position _suitcase]; _marker2 setMarkerType "mil_unknown"; //for testing

_get_attacker_pos = {

_pos = _this select 0;
_ang = _this select 1;
_rad = _this select 2;

_a = (_pos select 0)+(sin(_ang)*_rad);
_b = (_pos select 1)+(cos(_ang)*_rad);

_pos = [_a,_b,_pos select 2];


_attacker = [];
for "_i" from 1 to 5 do {
_spawnpos = [_isFlat,(360/5)*_i,100] call _get_attacker_pos;
call compile format["_attacker%1 = [tfor_enemy_side,3,_spawnpos,10] call spawnInf; {_attacker = _attacker + [_x]} foreach units _attacker%1",_i];
{_x setCaptive true} foreach _attacker;

While{{side _x == tfor_friendly_side} count nearestObjects[_isFlat,["Man","Air","LandVehicle"],5000] == 0 && tfor_deathcount <= tfor_max_death_per_mission} do{sleep 5};

{_x setCaptive false; _x allowFleeing 0} foreach (_attacker + units _grp);
{(_x addWaypoint [_isFlat,5]) setWaypointType "SAD"} foreach [_attacker1,_attacker2,_attacker3];
{(_x addWaypoint [_pilot,0]) setWaypointType "SAD"} foreach [_attacker4,_attacker5];

While{{alive _x} count _attacker > 0 && alive _pilot && _pilot distance getMarkerPos "respawn_west" > 100 && tfor_deathcount <= tfor_max_death_per_mission} do{sleep 5};
{_x allowDamage true} foreach units _grp;

tfor_commandchat = "More enemy units are heading to your position. Hold and Defend.";
publicVariable "tfor_commandchat";
player commandChat tfor_commandchat;

_amountattacker = 3 max (ceil (playersNumber tfor_friendly_side max 1)/2);
for "_i" from 1 to _amountattacker do {
_spawnpos = [_isFlat,(360/_amountattacker)*_i,350] call _get_attacker_pos;

call compile format["

_attacker%1 = [tfor_enemy_side,3,_spawnpos,10] call spawnInf;
if(random 2 < 1) then {
	_cargrp = [tfor_%2_car call getRandomElement,tfor_enemy_side,_spawnpos,20] call spawnVehicle;
	(units _cargrp) joinSilent _attacker%1;
	sleep 1; deleteGroup _cargrp;
{_attacker = _attacker + [_x]} foreach units _attacker%1;
(_attacker%1 addWaypoint [_isFlat,5]) setWaypointType 'SAD';
(_attacker%1 addWaypoint [_PILOT,5]) setWaypointType 'SAD';


{_x allowFleeing 0} foreach _attacker;

([_arrow,_landrover1,_landrover2,_landrover3,_landrover4,_suitcase] + units _grp + _attacker) spawn tfor_cleanup_after_mission;

While{alive _pilot && _pilot distance getMarkerPos "respawn_west" > 100 &&                                                                                                              tfor_deathcount <= tfor_max_death_per_mission} do{sleep 5};

{_x allowFleeing 1} foreach _attacker;

if(alive _pilot) then {
tfor_missionstate = "SUCCESS";
} else {
tfor_missionstate = "FAIL";

Edited by DragonflyFan

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Quick question, Bon. I'm trying to use your bon_getbackpack script in a mission I'm making. I have the "bon_getbackpack" folder in my mission folder, and in my "description.ext" I have:

#include "bon_getbackpack\dialog\Common.hpp"
#include "bon_getbackpack\dialog\getbackpack.hpp"

on the backpack pile I have this in the init line:

this addAction ["<t color='#FFFFFF'>Get Backpack</t>","bon_getbackpack\openmenu.sqf"];

I can even select "Get Backpack" from the action menu. I see the list of packs and their pictures, but when I click on the picture nothing happens. Nothing is equipped.

Am I missing something? I think it may have to do with me calling the "common.hpp" in the backpack folder instead of another folder, but I don't know.

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Are the units you're using capable of using OA backpacks?

To test, open the ingame editor, place a backpack on the ground and try to pick it up.

Quick question, Bon. I'm trying to use your bon_getbackpack script in a mission I'm making. I have the "bon_getbackpack" folder in my mission folder, and in my "description.ext" I have:

#include "bon_getbackpack\dialog\Common.hpp"
#include "bon_getbackpack\dialog\getbackpack.hpp"

on the backpack pile I have this in the init line:

this addAction ["<t color='#FFFFFF'>Get Backpack</t>","bon_getbackpack\openmenu.sqf"];

I can even select "Get Backpack" from the action menu. I see the list of packs and their pictures, but when I click on the picture nothing happens. Nothing is equipped.

Am I missing something? I think it may have to do with me calling the "common.hpp" in the backpack folder instead of another folder, but I don't know.

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Bon, I've got a C4 satchel charge in my gear but I don't get the action menu to use it, why is that?

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I'm at a loss. Can you please help? I'm trying to get one more unit to spawn next to the pilot and then join his squad so that when I rescue the pilot I rescue them both. I've been at it all night and this is what I have. The guard spawns at the centre of the map but does not join the pilot. Can you please advise?


_guardloc = [position _pilot,2];

_grp2 = createGroup tfor_friendly_side;
_guard = _grp2 createUnit [tfor_rescuepilot_guardtype, _pos, [], 0, "FORM"];
_guard setPos (_guardloc);
_guard allowFleeing 0;
//_guard setRank "CAPTAIN";
//_guard setCaptive true;
//{_x joinsilent group _pilot} foreach units _guard;

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Try this:

_grp = createGroup tfor_friendly_side;
_pilot = _grp createUnit [tfor_rescuepilot_pilottype, _pos, [], 0, "FORM"];
if((count _houses) > 0) then {
[color="#0000FF"]_pilot2 = _grp createUnit [tfor_rescuepilot_pilottype, position _pilot, [], 0, "FORM"];[/color]


I'm at a loss. Can you please help? I'm trying to get one more unit to spawn next to the pilot and then join his squad so that when I rescue the pilot I rescue them both. I've been at it all night and this is what I have. The guard spawns at the centre of the map but does not join the pilot. Can you please advise?


_guardloc = [position _pilot,2];

_grp2 = createGroup tfor_friendly_side;
_guard = _grp2 createUnit [tfor_rescuepilot_guardtype, _pos, [], 0, "FORM"];
_guard setPos (_guardloc);
_guard allowFleeing 0;
//_guard setRank "CAPTAIN";
//_guard setCaptive true;
//{_x joinsilent group _pilot} foreach units _guard;

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Thanks very much for that Bon. I tweaked the code slightly and the pilot2 now spawns right next to the pilot. What I'd really like to happen is for pilot2 to join pilot one and guard him. When I arrive to rescue and use action menu to rescue the pilot, pilot2 joins my squad too. I tried adding the last line of code but that holts the script and does not work.

Can you suggest how I get pilot2 to join pilot please?


_grp2 = createGroup tfor_friendly_side;
_pilot2 = _grp2 createUnit [tfor_rescuepilot_pilottype, position _pilot, [], 0, "FORM"];
{_x joinsilent group _pilot} foreach units _pilot2;

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How do I remove the vehicle limitation?

For example, Rifleman enters Tank, He get's kicked because "Only crewmen can operate this vehicle" ?


Never mind, found it.

Cheers :)

Edited by ColinM9991

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Hey guys! I'm fairly new to ARMA2 and I've just downloaded this awesome map which is btw all I ever wanted when it comes to military games (spawning in a base and then performing random missions with endless replayability) but I got a huge problem here. I spawn in the airfield base and I see all kinds of vehicles (humvees / stryker / blackhawk/m1abrams) however I can only enter and drive the stryker.. whats up with that? I've tried spawning as a crewman and a pilot and I still cant even get into a humvee.. please help!

I've also tried spawning in the FOB and I cant enter any of the humvees parked there either..

Edited by ReconRego

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right.. now I feel like a complete noob.. so let me guess the vehicles I see around the base and FOB are not supposed to be enterable right? just as static scenario? and you get vehicles via the commander construction menu right? DOH :j:

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Is there a possibility to add a MLRS to the vehicle construction interface? And maybe some mortars and/or howitsers?

TFOR is awesome, nice mission to train with a clan. And ACE wounds is not working on TFOR. ACE wounding system works in editor...

Edited by nitroman7

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hi bon,

Thanks for this great missions, they are real fun and for me the best way playing arma 2 with friends.

me and my mates are playing tfor almost every day ;) so after a while we wanted something new :) so i started editing it.

added new units, especially for CFOR - we wanted woodland skins there (KSKmod, bbOAmercs for SEALS, BIS USMC) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11129 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13732

added new weapons ( some RH packs ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11789 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11374 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10540

added RQ-11 raven - wich is a real cool gadget (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?134031-RQ-11-Raven-A)

added the great support script from neokika - wich enables AI controlled Heli Transport with respawning choopers 5 minuter after getting shot down needed that one because we all prefer playing inf, and defnetly needed AI controlled Transport Choppers :D (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15906)

and finally we started to make TFOR playable on other Maps.... so Far wee got a LFOR variant on Lingor Island and an IFOR alternative in Fallujah :)

I just wanna ask if its ok to release them

and again thx for ur great work.. its the best of ARMA 2 for me ;)

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Thanks Bon "TFOR" is a fantastic job,

It is possible port this mission to the island of Faysh Khabur?, Then copy the elements enough with the new map?

Thanks and regards.

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This is my first post in these forums. I made an account just to post this question as I'm so eager to play this mission without funds.

Me and a buddy has been playing this for some hours but we haven't received enough funds to make heavy tanks or aircrafts.

I'm no coder, but I checked the mission file and found these lines;

tfor_advanced_vehicle_funds = 5;

tfor_advanced_vehicle_list = ["T72_RU","T90","M1A1","M1A2_TUSK_MG","M2A2_EP1","M1A1_US_DES_EP1","M1A2_US_TUSK_MG_EP1","T72_TK_EP1","M6_EP1","BAF_FV510_W","BAF_FV510_D"];

tfor_max_vehicle_at_once = 3;

tfor_advanced_aircraft_funds = 1;

tfor_advanced_aircraft_list = ["AH64D_EP1","A10_US_EP1","Mi24_D_TK_EP1","BAF_Apache_AH1_D","Ka52","Mi24_P","Mi24_V","AV8B"];

tfor_max_aircraft_at_once = 3;

I changed the value of "tfor_advanced_aircraft_funds = 1;" to 0. I did the same with "..advanced vehicle..".

Are these the correct values that should be changed?

I'm glad with any response regarding this. (The subject should of course be "..funds").

Thank you!

Edited by Uhpam

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Hi Uhpam,

glad to see you joined this great community. First post for me since, well, feels like forever - had a lot of stuff going on in 2012. Apart from this...

...and regarding your question:

The variables tfor_advanced_*_funds define the funds available to your team, so setting them to 0 would make you not being able to request any special vehicle anymore. A natural way seems to be to reduce the costs for a vehicle to 0, but I just checked, this I did not make generic (the costs for a vehicle are always 1, period). So why not just setting tfor_advanced_*_funds to a very high value, lets say

tfor_advanced_vehicle_funds = 9999;
tfor_advanced_aircraft_funds = 9999;

That should do the trick. Also make sure you select "Advanced Aircraft/Vehicles Available" in the mission parameters.



This is my first post in these forums. I made an account just to post this question as I'm so eager to play this mission without funds.

Me and a buddy has been playing this for some hours but we haven't received enough funds to make heavy tanks or aircrafts.

I'm no coder, but I checked the mission file and found these lines;

tfor_advanced_vehicle_funds = 5;

tfor_advanced_vehicle_list = ["T72_RU","T90","M1A1","M1A2_TUSK_MG","M2A2_EP1","M1A1_US_DES_EP1","M1A2_US_TUSK_MG_EP1","T72_TK_EP1","M6_EP1","BAF_FV510_W","BAF_FV510_D"];

tfor_max_vehicle_at_once = 3;

tfor_advanced_aircraft_funds = 1;

tfor_advanced_aircraft_list = ["AH64D_EP1","A10_US_EP1","Mi24_D_TK_EP1","BAF_Apache_AH1_D","Ka52","Mi24_P","Mi24_V","AV8B"];

tfor_max_aircraft_at_once = 3;

I changed the value of "tfor_advanced_aircraft_funds = 1;" to 0. I did the same with "..advanced vehicle..".

Are these the correct values that should be changed?

I'm glad with any response regarding this. (The subject should of course be "..funds").

Thank you!

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Hi Uhpam,

glad to see you joined this great community. First post for me since, well, feels like forever - had a lot of stuff going on in 2012. Apart from this...

...and regarding your question:

The variables tfor_advanced_*_funds define the funds available to your team, so setting them to 0 would make you not being able to request any special vehicle anymore. A natural way seems to be to reduce the costs for a vehicle to 0, but I just checked, this I did not make generic (the costs for a vehicle are always 1, period). So why not just setting tfor_advanced_*_funds to a very high value, lets say

tfor_advanced_vehicle_funds = 9999;
tfor_advanced_aircraft_funds = 9999;

That should do the trick. Also make sure you select "Advanced Aircraft/Vehicles Available" in the mission parameters.


Hi Bon,

I edit the value to 9999 and when I Host a multiplayer session the game crashes with this error: "Data file too short 'MPMission\co20_tfor_south_airfield.Takistan.pbo'. Expected -1411636136, got 1105070 B"

Note: It does not crash when I select the mission, it crashes when I press "new"/"host" (the small box that will let you transist to the mission selector).

Would you know what the problem might be?


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Hey Bon, great mission concept! Actually I'm pretty much playing tfor all the time.:)

I'm currently working on a small port of tfor to the Sahrani terrain. It's all working fine except for one thing: For the life of mine I can't get civilians and civilan cars to spawn.

I found out that the BIS modules ALICE and SILVIE don't work either, so it's not an error in the mission. It seems like the towns of Sahrani aren't actually towns, but mere collections of houses (that aren't defined as houses). That way no civilians or cars can be spawned since the modules don't find any locations to spawn civilians in.

But the mission feels so empty without civilians. I thought maybe you'd have an idea on how to fix that? (Especially since I'm not a genius at mission scripting. ;))

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Looks amazing! Gonna try this out on a dedi server.

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I've got another question: There seems to be some sort of restriction for using launchers. Everytime I pick up a launcher (maaws or something like that), it says "You're not allowed to use that." As there's no group of units inside the config.sqf that somehow relates to launcher-usage, I wonder which variable has to be changed to let every player use launchers... #edit: Problem solved, it was a mod interfering, not the mission. ;)

Edited by Pergor

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