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About a2012v

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  1. a2012v

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    To fix The moaning, groaning and fuzzy screen can be changed in the JR_fnc.sqf file the string RYD_JR_Wait = { ***** RYD_JR_isWaiting = false; }; RYD_JR_Wait = { if (RYD_JR_inStealth) exitWith {hint "You can't wait - enemies nearby."}; RYD_JR_isWaiting = true; _health = (floor((1 - (damage player)) * 1000))/10; //Health in % from 0 to 100 _items = items player; _txt = format ["Waiting...Health %1%2",_health,'%']; if ("FirstAidKit" in _items) then { if ((_health >= 75) and (_health < 100)) then { player setDamage 0; player removeItem "FirstAidKit"; //player addItemToBackpack "FirstAidKit"; _health = 100; //100% } }; //_txt = format ["Waiting...Health %1 %",_health]; 0.5 fadeSound 0; TitleText [_txt,"BLACK OUT",0.55]; sleep 1; skipTime 1; 0.5 fadeSound 1; TitleText [_txt,"BLACK IN",0.55]; _txt = format ["One hour later...Health %1%2",_health,'%']; sleep 0.6; TitleText [_txt,"PLAIN",0.55]; RYD_JR_isWaiting = false; }; replace all
  2. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Hello to all pilgrimage! I have one method file JR_fnc.sqf Replace string RYD_JR_Wait = { if (RYD_JR_inStealth) exitWith {hint "You can't wait - enemies nearby."}; RYD_JR_isWaiting = true; _health = (floor((1 - (damage player)) * 1000))/10; //Health in % from 0 to 100 _items = items player; _txt = format ["Waiting...Health %1%2",_health,'%']; if ("FirstAidKit" in _items) then { if ((_health >= 75) and (_health < 100)) then { player setDamage 0; player removeItem "FirstAidKit"; //player addItemToBackpack "FirstAidKit"; _health = 100; //100% } }; //_txt = format ["Waiting...Health %1 %",_health]; 0.5 fadeSound 0; TitleText [_txt,"BLACK OUT",0.55]; sleep 1; skipTime 1; 0.5 fadeSound 1; TitleText [_txt,"BLACK IN",0.55]; _txt = format ["One hour later...Health %1%2",_health,'%']; sleep 0.6; TitleText [_txt,"PLAIN",0.55]; RYD_JR_isWaiting = false; };
  3. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    If you are tired of a noisy and moaning player in file JR_fnc.sqf to find string RYD_JR_Wait = *** RYD_JR_isWaiting = false; }; replace After resting one hour, you can anoint the scratches with iodine
  4. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    for 2.5 years I have never seen parachutists So it was in version 1.94 [_heli,_pos,_gp] spawn { _heli = _this select 0; _pos = _this select 1; _gp = _this select 2; became in version 1.95 [_heli,_posL,_gp] spawn { _heli = _this select 0; _pos = _this select 1; _gp = _this select 2; Is this correct?
  5. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Pilgrimage.Malden ® https://yadi.sk/d/bQlMQHeC3RGFv4
  6. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Rsoftokz Do not spread the error on! File decoy.sqf Erase everything after the line !!! 162 // RYD_JR_FuelFund Or return the old decoy.sqf file.
  7. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Rydygier (Pilgrimage_1_95_wip1.Altis) Error File decoy.sqf Line 173 _amnt = 3 + (random 3); _positions = []; for "_i" from 1 to _mant do _center = markerPos "PatrolMarker"; _size = markerSize "PatrolMarker";
  8. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Rydygier Is it possible to? How? playing with TPW If you run "Commandeer Vehicle" File: tpw_mods.pbo >> tpw_cars.sqf //Add ability to commandeer car Commandeer Vehicle if (random 100) < (30 + (10 * RYD_JR_Difficulty)) then civil armed and aggressive Minus player's reputation like GTA
  9. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Rydygier Control Terminal B_UavTerminal allows you to immediately see the UGV stomper on the map to connect to it and control it. how to fix?
  10. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Using arsenal of ARMA (Selection Menu). Random selection depending on the difficulty level link Pilgrimage.Altis https://yadi.sk/d/DmPDXdFAq5q2T Pilgrimage.Stratis https://yadi.sk/d/eq40OKl1qmvyb Pilgrimage.Tanoa https://yadi.sk/d/hPwY6zfjt2T68 as well as on the first page
  11. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    It can be set dependent on the level of complexity in this way? _chancedifficulty = 80 - (15 * RYD_JR_Difficulty); if ((random 90) > _chancedifficulty) then { if ((toLower _class) in _blacklist) exitWith {}; };
  12. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Rydygier After the update APEX is too much can be found Night-vision device thermal sight O_NVGoggles_ghex_F NVGogglesB_grn_F NVGogglesB_gry_F Laserdesignator_02 Laserdesignator_02_ghex_F and others How to restrict or remove?
  13. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    alky_lee ‎Попробуйте‎‎Pilgrimage.Tanoa‎ ‎http://yadi.sk/d/hPwY6zfjt2T68‎ ‎ЕÑли вы заметили, что что-то подобное, напишите.‎
  14. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    File Init.sqf after ////// //player setCaptive true; //player allowdamage false; //RYD_JR_AI setDamage 1; ////// add highlighted in blue RYD_JR_AI allowdamage false; File MainLoop.sqf after if not (RYD_JR_AIRogued) then { RYD_JR_AIRogued = true; RYD_JR_AI addRating -100000; RYD_JR_AI setCaptive false; add highlighted in blue RYD_JR_AI allowdamage true;