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Everything posted by a2012v

  1. a2012v

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    To fix The moaning, groaning and fuzzy screen can be changed in the JR_fnc.sqf file the string RYD_JR_Wait = { ***** RYD_JR_isWaiting = false; }; RYD_JR_Wait = { if (RYD_JR_inStealth) exitWith {hint "You can't wait - enemies nearby."}; RYD_JR_isWaiting = true; _health = (floor((1 - (damage player)) * 1000))/10; //Health in % from 0 to 100 _items = items player; _txt = format ["Waiting...Health %1%2",_health,'%']; if ("FirstAidKit" in _items) then { if ((_health >= 75) and (_health < 100)) then { player setDamage 0; player removeItem "FirstAidKit"; //player addItemToBackpack "FirstAidKit"; _health = 100; //100% } }; //_txt = format ["Waiting...Health %1 %",_health]; 0.5 fadeSound 0; TitleText [_txt,"BLACK OUT",0.55]; sleep 1; skipTime 1; 0.5 fadeSound 1; TitleText [_txt,"BLACK IN",0.55]; _txt = format ["One hour later...Health %1%2",_health,'%']; sleep 0.6; TitleText [_txt,"PLAIN",0.55]; RYD_JR_isWaiting = false; }; replace all
  2. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Hello to all pilgrimage! I have one method file JR_fnc.sqf Replace string RYD_JR_Wait = { if (RYD_JR_inStealth) exitWith {hint "You can't wait - enemies nearby."}; RYD_JR_isWaiting = true; _health = (floor((1 - (damage player)) * 1000))/10; //Health in % from 0 to 100 _items = items player; _txt = format ["Waiting...Health %1%2",_health,'%']; if ("FirstAidKit" in _items) then { if ((_health >= 75) and (_health < 100)) then { player setDamage 0; player removeItem "FirstAidKit"; //player addItemToBackpack "FirstAidKit"; _health = 100; //100% } }; //_txt = format ["Waiting...Health %1 %",_health]; 0.5 fadeSound 0; TitleText [_txt,"BLACK OUT",0.55]; sleep 1; skipTime 1; 0.5 fadeSound 1; TitleText [_txt,"BLACK IN",0.55]; _txt = format ["One hour later...Health %1%2",_health,'%']; sleep 0.6; TitleText [_txt,"PLAIN",0.55]; RYD_JR_isWaiting = false; };
  3. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    If you are tired of a noisy and moaning player in file JR_fnc.sqf to find string RYD_JR_Wait = *** RYD_JR_isWaiting = false; }; replace After resting one hour, you can anoint the scratches with iodine
  4. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    for 2.5 years I have never seen parachutists So it was in version 1.94 [_heli,_pos,_gp] spawn { _heli = _this select 0; _pos = _this select 1; _gp = _this select 2; became in version 1.95 [_heli,_posL,_gp] spawn { _heli = _this select 0; _pos = _this select 1; _gp = _this select 2; Is this correct?
  5. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Pilgrimage.Malden ® https://yadi.sk/d/bQlMQHeC3RGFv4
  6. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Rsoftokz Do not spread the error on! File decoy.sqf Erase everything after the line !!! 162 // RYD_JR_FuelFund Or return the old decoy.sqf file.
  7. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Rydygier (Pilgrimage_1_95_wip1.Altis) Error File decoy.sqf Line 173 _amnt = 3 + (random 3); _positions = []; for "_i" from 1 to _mant do _center = markerPos "PatrolMarker"; _size = markerSize "PatrolMarker";
  8. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Rydygier Is it possible to? How? playing with TPW If you run "Commandeer Vehicle" File: tpw_mods.pbo >> tpw_cars.sqf //Add ability to commandeer car Commandeer Vehicle if (random 100) < (30 + (10 * RYD_JR_Difficulty)) then civil armed and aggressive Minus player's reputation like GTA
  9. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Rydygier Control Terminal B_UavTerminal allows you to immediately see the UGV stomper on the map to connect to it and control it. how to fix?
  10. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Using arsenal of ARMA (Selection Menu). Random selection depending on the difficulty level link Pilgrimage.Altis https://yadi.sk/d/DmPDXdFAq5q2T Pilgrimage.Stratis https://yadi.sk/d/eq40OKl1qmvyb Pilgrimage.Tanoa https://yadi.sk/d/hPwY6zfjt2T68 as well as on the first page
  11. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    It can be set dependent on the level of complexity in this way? _chancedifficulty = 80 - (15 * RYD_JR_Difficulty); if ((random 90) > _chancedifficulty) then { if ((toLower _class) in _blacklist) exitWith {}; };
  12. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Rydygier After the update APEX is too much can be found Night-vision device thermal sight O_NVGoggles_ghex_F NVGogglesB_grn_F NVGogglesB_gry_F Laserdesignator_02 Laserdesignator_02_ghex_F and others How to restrict or remove?
  13. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    alky_lee ‎Попробуйте‎‎Pilgrimage.Tanoa‎ ‎http://yadi.sk/d/hPwY6zfjt2T68‎ ‎ЕÑли вы заметили, что что-то подобное, напишите.‎
  14. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    File Init.sqf after ////// //player setCaptive true; //player allowdamage false; //RYD_JR_AI setDamage 1; ////// add highlighted in blue RYD_JR_AI allowdamage false; File MainLoop.sqf after if not (RYD_JR_AIRogued) then { RYD_JR_AIRogued = true; RYD_JR_AI addRating -100000; RYD_JR_AI setCaptive false; add highlighted in blue RYD_JR_AI allowdamage true;
  15. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Small copy of a great adventure. Pilgrimage- I made the following changes You are a doctor friend of yours engineer. The island has only infantry and civilian vehicles. The cost of repairs, and purchase information above. The corpse has a UAV terminal. Perhaps buy loot from civilians. Civilians are more aggressive, not kill them. Tanks and other military vehicles blocked the use of the player. Added setting the duration of the game is SMALL, AVERAGE, MUCH, OVERMUCH, ALL. Added arsenal of ARMA (choice of menu). Pilgrimage.Altis ® https://yadi.sk/d/DmPDXdFAq5q2T Pilgrimage.Stratis ® https://yadi.sk/d/eq40OKl1qmvyb Pilgrimage.Tanoa ® https://yadi.sk/d/hPwY6zfjt2T68
  16. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Rydygier Marker labels on the map are saved when you save and load games. Marker drawing a line on the map is not saved?
  17. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    At Altis island is quite flat and empty landscapethere are no errors Here are all fixedhttps://forums.bistudio.com/topic/163307-sp-pilgrimage/?view=findpost&p=3070118 You can insert in your version Mission without errors (for example)Pilgrimage.Tanoa https://yadi.sk/d/hPwY6zfjt2T68 Pilgrimage.Stratis https://yadi.sk/d/eq40OKl1qmvyb Can you disassemble and explore
  18. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Those units are not spawned with this function....I know. BIS_fnc_findSafePos Be careful when setting the parameters, should be a sufficient number of valid positions, or there might be errors during the installation of the object. In the case of an erroneous calculation of the position of the object is located in the center of the map, or at the point specified in the ninth parameter. This can be seen on the video.
  19. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Correct errors with the function BIS_fnc_findSafePos!!!
  20. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    rsoftokz Correct errors with the function BIS_fnc_findSafePos!!!
  21. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    rsoftokz Why do you patrol on the water? Most of the time I spend on the island in the jungle. He will simply consume computer resources. add better patrolling forest paths. There are many and they are all empty​.
  22. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    "Land_Bucket_F" it does not confuse you :P
  23. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    RYD_JR_IntelItems = [ "Land_Laptop_unfolded_F", "Land_FMradio_F", "Land_Suitcase_F", "Land_SatellitePhone_F", "Land_HumanSkeleton_F", "Land_HumanSkull_F", "Land_Bucket_F" ]; It does not sink into the floor texture.
  24. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    be careful "Place FF decoy" calling function All military will come running to you Garrisons, hidden camps, checkpoints