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BAF coop mission pack

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Current version: 2.9 with 64 coop missions

The BAF coop mission pack contains a number of multiplayer coop missions that can be used with Combined Operations (Arma II and Operation Arrowhead) and the British Armed Forces downloadable content.

Files included in the initial release:




Crash Tackle is a mission in Takistan in which a recce patrol has to inspect and destroy a downed coalition UAV

High Beams is a mission in Chernarus featuring a parachute unit dropped behind enemy lines to gather intelligence on a new radar

Travel Restrictions is a mission in Chernarus in which an infantry squad has to ambush enemy reaction forces

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Edited by sander

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Thanks for the mirror.


Version 1.1 has some minor corrections to existing missions as well as three new ones. This brings the total of included coops to six.

New files:




Stalin Organ Grinders features a raid by a mounted recce patrol against an enemy MLRS battery

Dead HEAT has an infantry squad beating off attacks by enemy armour and airmobile infantry

Residential Section features the defence of a patrol base by an infantry section

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Hey, thanks, we're definetly gonna try them out - had a blast playing ur missions for regular OA, they are still on our server :)

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I was very happy to see a BAF mission pack and downloaded the lot for regular Sunday coop. Couldn't resist trying "Crash Tackle" in singleplayer this evening and was very impressed. It's a really well-scaled mission, quite authentic, tactical, great terrain, with just the right balance between movement and engegement. Very well-deployed enemy AI and mission objectives.


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The only small glitch is an ArmA problem, not the mission designer's, which is that the game does not handle disengagement and tactical withdrawal at all well and it is difficult to corral stragglers who hang around targeting enemies when you want them to GTFO. Obviously this is not a problem in coop.

Always great to see a helo extraction work perfectly.


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That's just about the most gramatically correct post I've ever seen on an ArmA board. You must be officer class.

I played the mission in coop this morning with three friends but we got our a$$es handed to us at the first objective. Twice. I am humbled.

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Version 1.2 brings the total of missions to 10 with the addition of four new coops.

New files:





Strike Camp features a night raid on a Russian command post

Withdrawal Symptoms has a recce patrol seize AT weapons before eliminating a Tunguska that is blocking their extraction

Front Nine features an attack on an enemy held town by British and Chernarussian forces

Squad Thrust has light infantry clearing the way for the advance of mechanised forces

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My bad, there was a broken one included, please redownload.



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"Strike Camp" is a great mission, very well balanced, but in two attempts, one of them seemingly 100% successful, none of the task accomplished triggers worked. This prevented the Red counterattack I suspect you programmed from materialising.

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Thanks for the feedback. The mission was played this morning and the objectives ticked off for all team members. The triggers worked allright, but the test did however reveal an error in the briefing.html text that has been corrected. As a bonus I added a BAF conversion of Escort Agency to the updated version 1.21.

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Excellent missions Sander :rthumb:.

I haven't gone through them all, but they are very well designed scenarios with great briefing's.

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Version 1.3 adds four missions and includes an alteration to an existing mission.

New files:





Knock For Six has a patrol ambush enemy armour and infantry before capturing a village

Premium Raid features a night time raid by a British squad on two locations

Engaging Company has an engineer squad defeat an enemy attack before withdrawing from Chernarus

Fish Tank features an armoured infantry section involved in seizing and holding an enemy held village

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Version 1.4 has three new coops and includes various alterations to existing missions to fix minor problems.

New files:




Cornered Market features the defence of Vybor by a recce section against attacks from multiple directions

Downward Mobility has a combat engineer squad destroy AT defences and obstacles to allow the advance of friendly forces

Shooting Stary is a night raid by a British patrol to locate and destroy caches of MANPADS at Stary Sobor

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Best wishes for the holidays and regards,


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Version 1.5 of the BAF coop mission pack contains minor updates to a couple of missions as well as four new coops to bring the grand total to 22.





Ad Lib Dems features a raid by British forces on the Chedaki held airfield at Balota

Dasht Hopes has a British squad defeat a Takistani air assault on Shapur

Pull-out Section has British troops investigate an ambush site and ensuring the safe return of any survivors

Ally Ways features British airmobile troops engaged in clearing Chernogorsk with the aid of US Marines

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Edited by sander

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Version 1.6 brings the total number of missions to 24 with the addition of two new coops as well as adjustments made to a couple of existing missions.

New files:



Dump Struck features a raid by a British section with the aim of destroying several caches of ATGW launchers and missiles

Union Carjack has British troops seizing insurgent vehicles and intelligence in the city of Zargabad

Full details of the contents of the coop pack can be found in the included readme.

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Hi Sander, great mission packs, loving them loads!

Found a bug on 'Dump Struck';

When I try to blow/shoot the caches of ATGW launchers and missiles, 2 out of the 3 stacked crates at each location disappear way under ground, (If I ask my squad members to target them, they all point downwards when standing on top of their location.) thus not allowing the Obj's to complete.



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Thanks for the feedback.

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Re: Your spoiler, I did place the satchel right next to the bottom crate, but no dice. I was playing in Single player mode, but other than that no mods were being used.

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An ammo crate will only burst into flames and proceed to sink into the ground after the damage has reached 1. It will not do so for a smaller value. Therefore if the bottom crate has sunk into the ground for each of the pair of caches the condition for the trigger is met (damage of 1 indeed being larger than 0.99). Both triggers have properly kicked off once the four caches in Sakhe have been blown multiple times in both SP and MP tests (

), so I would chalk it down to chance.



Edited by sander

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Aloha :)

After I already downloaded a lot of versions we just recently came around to finally play some of your missions. We liked them all so far, thanks a lot for the pack and all the updates.

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