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Everything posted by lumnuon

  1. lumnuon


    You should make sure to ask for permission from every mod author whose work you include in your pack. Last time I talked to Dezkit he didn´t allow repacking. That was quite a while ago though, so if you have reached out to him in the meantime and he gave permission I apologize.
  2. lumnuon

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I think he means the Commander´s ability to override the gunner´s turret control.
  3. lumnuon

    Senkaku Islands

    Release of Version 1.2 Added: -Additional minor military camp on Uotsuri-jima -Minor dirt road leading up to the Radar station Changed: -Had to change the position of the Radar slightly to make place for the road Fixed: -Shed near the Radar station was sunk into the ground just a little Note: I consider the map complete but I am considering adding another artificial Island in the empty North-Western corner of the map, inspired by the countless ones China has created in the East and South China Sea. It would provide expansive military installations and an airfield. Having said that I am not sure if it is a good idea since it would detract from the realism of the map. User feedback would be very welcome in that regard.
  4. lumnuon

    Senkaku Islands

    I used gachopin´s JSDF mod (Japanese Self Defense Forces) for the picture. Thought it would be fitting since the Senkaku´s are currently considered to be territory of Japan. Also thanks for the compliment :)
  5. lumnuon

    New York City

    Real life stuff has been rough for me in the last few months so I barely worked on the map. I´d like to progress further but I am at a point where I would need people with 3d-modelling expertise to help me out with buildings that fit into New York. Effectively the map is not playable and on hold right now and that will probably remain to be the case until I can find people that are interested in helping me out. I am not doing this because I lost interest in it but rather that it has become a project that is too large to handle alone or even just with 2 people that are not doing this professionally.
  6. lumnuon

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Attention! Lots of speculation below: To me the Horizon Islands Defence Force seems to be inspired by the Philippine Defence Forces but that´s just my reading of things so the helicopter in the beginning might have been a UH-1?
  7. lumnuon

    AAF Virtual Navy Mod

    Good luck :) I think other mods have shown that larger ships are most useful as static objects with the current capabilities of the engine (CUP LHD, FFAA B.A.M, etc.) so I am very much looking forward to it
  8. lumnuon

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I don´t want to beat a dead horse, but wouldn´t it be possible to add the overhead shield with the vehicle customization options? That way the vehicle doesn´t get any taller except in instances where the mission maker wants it to.
  9. The solution seems to be to smooth out the terrain. I used the 2 smoothing modifiers provided by L3DT.
  10. I have run into the same issue now. The origin is still unknown to me since the only thing I did between the last time it worked was to place a few more objects. Things I did so far to try to fix the issue: -Generated new .wrp -Generated new tiles -New project folder with only the old source, shapes and object placements (transfered via .txt) -New terrain.xyz file done via L3DT -Packing the terrain without any objects placed -Using .asc instead of .xyz Additional notes: -Tried it with Addon Builder, doesn´t work either -Other projects still pack fine -If the heightmap is replaced with a completely flat HF the project can be packed I will investigate further and report back when I´ve found the root of the problem and a solution to fix it. EDIT: If anyone has any other ideas how this could be resolved I would be grateful for any suggestions. Notes regarding my terrain, the issue seems to appear on other projects aswell (see OP): Size: 8x8km Heightmap: 4096x4096 Sat: 8192x8192
  11. lumnuon

    New York City

    The map is still being worked on, although a more fitting term would probably be "the map is being reworked". I don´t want to show pictures yet but overall the authenticity should improve greatly. Having said that there won´t be any updates for a relatively long time since we are planning to give pretty much all areas an overhaul. If anyone feels interested in the project and is capable of helping out (especially 3d-modellers are badly needed) feel free to join our discord server. https://discord.gg/MeA8CBQ
  12. Yes, there should be a module in the mission editor. Its under the name "map set up", you just list the class names in an array form. You can also sync the modules to triggers and have the module take effect during the mission.
  13. lumnuon


    Ah thx. I didn´t know that. Certainly very interesting :)
  14. lumnuon


    Please correct me if I am wrong because you are way more knowledgeable in regards to tanks then me, but as far as I know the Bundeswehr isn´t using the Leopard 2A7V but the 2A7 (not the same as the Rheinmetall designation 2A7 since not optimized for UrbOps). Furthermore the Bundeswehr is considering the 2A7+ which would then be the most advanced MBT in the Bundeswehr arsenal.
  15. lumnuon

    Nassau 1715

    Damn, the musket looks incredible. I thought it´s a real life picture until I took a better look at the backdrop
  16. Don´t forget the Apex buildings, now that everyone will be able to use terrains that were previously dependent on Apex. BI is really going out of their way this time.
  17. lumnuon

    German Armed Forces Mod

    Red Storm Rising is an awesome book. I already thought about recreating the area of Iceland that is described in the book but didn´t yet manage to find time for it :) Mondkalb´s map will most likely be a real treat, maybe someone with sufficient video editing skills could even try to recreate some of the scenes of that book that take place in the Fulda Gap when the map is released.
  18. Yup, it´s gets just annoying having to download the exact same files 3 times even though CUP is a perfect All-in-one solution. This discussion is kind of derailing the thread though so we should probably take it elsewhere unless we want the mods to do some of their "vanishing-magic"
  19. lumnuon

    Nassau 1715

    We could try Red Bull, couldn´t we?
  20. lumnuon

    Nassau 1715

    I think to reach a decision in that regard the "surroundings" need to be clear first. If the sailing takes the wind direction and strenght into account (to give an example) a more basic driving in regards of the ship itself might work very well, while the ship itself might have to be more complicated if depth in the surroundings is missing. That´s also where terrain creation comes into play: If the terrain is very hard to navigate already a very complex sailing mechanism will turn many people off. If the terrain is incredibly easy to navigate a more complex simulation needs to fill the "gameplay gaps". -> see our previous conversation. I think I´ve got a better perspective on the importance of certain terrain features now.
  21. lumnuon

    Nassau 1715

    I think I would go for 1, max. 2 player(s) to "drive" the ship, X number of players man the cannons, one player can man the lookout. Keeping it decently simple for the masses On the other hand, an elaborate sailing "simulator" would have it´s merits for sure.
  22. If I am not mistaken the CUP Team has got the source files for the terrain so you will have to wait until they announce something in that regard.
  23. M92s would be awesome imo because right now your mod allows for a very slim addition to RHS that nontheless makes an entirely new faction (Bundeswehr) possible (at least SF guys working together with US troops).
  24. The Ops-Core covers for Tropentarn and Flecktarn gear seem to become more common in the Bundeswehr. Only problem as far as I know is that they had some Flecktarn shortages for the new gear (exercise in norway) but I would guess that those are solved by now.
  25. Well, if you have no issue with requests, would you be able to add a Flecktarn/Tropentarn Booniehat and Ops-Core Helmet?