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About rsoftokz

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  1. rsoftokz


    If you don't know Pilgrimage, you miss the best mission never ever written for SP Arma 3 missions. and if you don't know about scripting, don't touch a single line.
  2. rsoftokz

    [WIP] French Army Mod : ArmaModFrance

    actually it is a prototype, manufactured on own funds by the french company ARQUUS for the VBAE project.
  3. rsoftokz

    Arma 3 Apex: Old Man Feedback

    nothing new for me neither since DEC 18th
  4. rsoftokz

    Arma 3 Apex: Old Man Feedback

    I've played this mission several times I experienced several bugs as mentionned in previous posts by other players. It is a cool scenario, largely inspired by Rydygier's Pilgrimage mission on many aspects. (that's fine for me, my almost only way to play Arma is Pilgrimage ) As Said by others, Saving method is not the best choice and it kills action on my opinion. I noticed you can be killed by objects if you stand to close of them, that is boring. (crate, sofa, beds, etc....) I firstly played this mission on Arma with all DLC activated ( Contact and GM) and then you cannot have acces to the phone menu and action ( unable to call for the bomb activation ) so I played it only with Apex and some other mods. BTW it is a nice mission that needs tweaks and improvements remember that is a Beta version.
  5. rsoftokz

    Pilgrimage Ported Variations

    Dependencies fixed ( Unlocked Uniform deleted from mission file) sorry for the matter you can reupload the mission from the updated link known issues: - might spawn naked with equipement (one listed Contact uniform can be from OPFOR class only) - Lot of abandoned vehicles spawned on the same point (Lukow airfield), and burning at mission start Modifications : - radio chat adapted to Livonia/Contact story background - new telephon calls ..... - what else ?........
  6. rsoftokz

    Pilgrimage Ported Variations

    PILGRIMAGE CONTACT by Rsoftokz Hi Guys and Girls... Here is my own version of LIVONIA ported Mission : Pilgrimage 1.951 based missions ported to ENOCH/LIVONIA terrain from the latest Arma3 DLC CONTACT contents tweaked for LIVONIA CONTACT DLC: - Contact uniforms at mission start - Boat replaced by a car and mission end fixed : body have to be transfered in the original mission start spawned car to end mission ("move body in the car" command) - Livonia Army stand as "green faction" in camps and checkpoints - Russian Spetsnaz stand as "red faction" with the help of chinese army for armored vehicles ( TANOA DLC) - WARZONE option added to start menu (like I add Black out and Incognito options): this add several military camps and structures all over the map if WARZONE is ON. - Light vehicles on Checkpoints changed to UGVs for Green and Red Factions. RED and GREEN UGVs are possibily spawned all over the map even far from the checkpoints. They are not self decisive and autonomous like the Pilgrimage UGV that killed Alex 's bro. need latest "ARMA 3 CONTACT" version with CONTACT and TANOA DLCs at least. here it is enjoy. Here on Google Drive UPDATED FILE: Unlocked Uniform dependency fixed (Sept 4th 2019)
  7. rsoftokz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    PILGRIMAGE CONTACT by Rsoftokz Hi Guys and Girls... Here is my own version of LIVONIA ported Mission : Pilgrimage 1.951 based missions ported to ENOCH/LIVONIA terrain from the latest Arma3 DLC CONTACT contents tweaked for LIVONIA CONTACT DLC: - Contact uniforms at mission start - Boat replaced by a car and mission end fixed : body have to be transfered in the original mission start spawned car to end mission ("move body in the car" command) - Livonia Army stand as "green faction" in camps and checkpoints - Russian Spetsnaz stand as "red faction" with the help of chinese army for armored vehicles ( TANOA DLC) - WARZONE option added to start menu (like I add Black out and Incognito options): this add several military camps and structures all over the map if WARZONE is ON. - Light vehicles on Checkpoints changed to UGVs for Green and Red Factions. RED and GREEN UGVs are possibily spawned all over the map even far from the checkpoints. They are not self decisive and autonomous like the Pilgrimage UGV that killed Alex 's bro. need latest "ARMA 3 CONTACT" version with CONTACT and TANOA DLCs at least. here it is enjoy. Here on Google Drive
  8. rsoftokz

    White Phosphor NODs (NVGs)

    quite simple I play a mission on arma 3, for example " Pilgrimage". it's night time and I got my brand new WP NVGs !!!! for some reason I have to leave the mission and the game.so I save and exit. when I'm back on my mission with the save game, my NVGs are green, no more WP. It is the same if I got shot to death and I'm back in the mission on the last save. so it seems the WP effect is no longer activated. you might need to keep it "alive" on saves with eventhandlers or extended eventhandlers ( but once again, I'm not expert in scripting ) thank anyway for the reply and what you can do to fix this as I really like the effect you did (I use NVG's in the real life sometimes and have a chance to test WP once and it looks like exactly what you did ) EDIT: sorry I didn't mentioned I use the NON ACE WP version. EDIT 2: I just came back in the mission, the green night effect last about a minute and then I was back to white phosphor effect. it seems the WP effect need some time to come back after the mission restart from a save game.
  9. rsoftokz

    White Phosphor NODs (NVGs)

    HI I just loaded your mod and I have to say it is awesome WP effect.... The only matter I had experienced is the NV color is back to green when I get back in the mission on a saved game. as far as I remember it is a known issue on some mods and Eventhandlers on mod init. ( but I'm not expert in scripting ) is there a way to fix it in a further update of your mod? thank you and keep on the good work.
  10. rsoftokz

    Pilgrimage Ported Variations

    Weferlingen ported Missions have been tweaked and updated: Pilgrimage 1.951 based missions ported to Weferlingen GM terrain from the latest Arma3 DLC on summer terrain on winter terrain four versions: two standard Pilgrimage on summer and winter maps two RHS mod tweaked Pilgrimage on summer and winter maps winter version tweaked for winter clothing at mission start boat replaced by a car mission should end when brother's body is loaded in the car (not enought time to test it to the end of the mission) some previous mistakes fixed ( wrong spawn points coordinates, wrong churc coordinates) need to fix: random Ryd_JR_Cars spawning points ( all similar cars spawned in the river ) next goal: to tweak a Pilgrimage version with GM uniforms, units and cars only as I was requested by private message. here it is enjoy. Here on Google Drive
  11. rsoftokz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Weferlingen ported Missions have been tweaked and updated: Pilgrimage 1.951 based missions ported to Weferlingen GM terrain from the latest Arma3 DLC on summer terrain on winter terrain four versions: two standard Pilgrimage on summer and winter maps two RHS mod tweaked Pilgrimage on summer and winter maps winter version tweaked for winter clothing at mission start boat replaced by a car mission should end when brother's body is loaded in the car (not enought time to test it to the end of the mission) some previous mistakes fixed ( wrong spawn points coordinates, wrong church coordinates) need to fix: random Ryd_JR_Cars spawning points ( all similar cars spawned in the river ) next goal: to tweak a Pilgrimage version with GM uniforms, units and cars only as I was requested by private message. here it is enjoy. Here on Google Drive Files updated @ 10.00 Paris/Madrid Time May 8th error in scripting line 431 in RYD_JR_Init.sqf..... missing a simple ,
  12. rsoftokz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    yes... this and that.... RHS version has to be tweaked. It seems I have one wrong spawning point where the player is somewhere and the car is....... I don't know 😁😂 I plan to make a Weferlingen winter version too .... I'll upload and update the links further in the week.
  13. rsoftokz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    yes it is the new terrain with the latest DLC Global Mobilisation Weferlingen. https://arma3.com/dlc/creator
  14. rsoftokz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Hello Guys I made two GM - Weferlingen "Pilgrimage" missions (beta test ), just finished a few hours ago and barely tested. if you want to test/play with it. boat replaced by a Car, N, E, W, S or Random spawning points Mission should be completed once you put the body into your spawning car Here on Google drive one is standard Pilgrimage mission the other one is a RHS custom mod. booth are latest 1.95 release version with my usual upgrades (included INCOGNITO mod, Holster weapon, push car.... ect.) might have some errors or mistakes as I made it quick. enjoy !!!
  15. rsoftokz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Hi Guys Merry Christmas to all of you from my special location of" Pilgrimage in real Life " might be the chopper burning down on this one ... or an armoured vehicle, or maybe the UGV ??????? Grapewines fields on Malden