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About winterbornete

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. winterbornete

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    You have full unrestricted access to the Arsenal.
  2. winterbornete

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Zbug, I haven't seen anything in my server logs to indicate what could be causing it, but I ran into the "enemies stop spawning after a certain time period" issue on Tanoa and almost without fail it seems to be happening when a battlegroup is spawned to attack an objective and that objective is on another island. They get confused and disperse and eat up active groups and end up eventually stopping other stuff from spawning in. If this is the issue it would certainly explain why it only happens on some maps and not others. A possible solution would be to put each island under a large marker and if the attack target for a battlegroup is also in that area, then only opfor spawn points also in that area are eligible for generating the battlegroup. This will keep the groups moving over land only and stop them possibly getting confused and disappearing.
  3. winterbornete

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    That shouldn't happen, not sure what's up. Also I noticed a bit back you were talking about how you can't build on water. You actually can, but anything you want to be able to build on water needs to be in the boats_list section of class names.sqf - this will allow you to place any of that stuff in water.
  4. winterbornete

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    The preplaced one is always just the default HQ building from making a FOB, no composition at all, and it just goes randomly at an OPFOR spawn point.
  5. winterbornete

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Factories raise your fuel cap, small capture points raise your manpower cap, military points provide ammo and unlock vehicle for building from the Elite Vehicles list, radio towers provide Intel on enemy movements within 2.5km, and big cities win you the game. Game ends automatically when all big cities are captured. I changed this on my own custom Tanoa version so that to win you need all big cities, all military zones, andmore than half of the total capturable points.
  6. winterbornete

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Hi there, I noticed that an old bug popped up with the new version: Some helos (AH/MH9 for example) have their sounds fade out to nothing in first person view when piloting.
  7. winterbornete


    Hi there, noticed something: When giving a helicopter a waypoint of type "ACE Fastrope", everything works fine, but the hover altitude during roping is only like 5-10m. This means if doing a fast rope action, the heli will fly into trees, buildings, etc. The ropes are about 30m long, so you could likely safely set it up to do it from 20-25m, that way things like jungle insertions, roping onto roofs, etc could happen.
  8. winterbornete

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Weird, I haven't noticed anything of the sort. Perhaps just bad luck on what missions you're getting? I also don't have any issues with AI, but that's probably due to playing on a dedicated server with headless clients. But even if nobody else is on but me, I don't have any issues completing stuff.
  9. winterbornete

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    The difficulty hasn't increased. You just need to adapt. Some tips: Early on, you should not expect to capture and hold points. Your goal should be to get in, take something, steal as much gear from the dead as you can, and get out before the retaliation strike hits. Do this to build up your gear and resources. Also do Logistics missions. You get good rewards for them with little to no danger, and this makes citizens happy and will convert towns to your cause. When this happens, your money income and manpower incone greatly increases. You need to do all of this, and spend enough on Upgrading your AI, having a squad, and having AI squads before you can hope to capture and hold major objectives. For easy to manage stuff, clear roadblocks and outposts, ambush convoys, and do hit and run attacks on outposts and other things. Additionally, all Reinforcements cone from bases so before you attack something, you can set up mines on roads to disable the vehicles before they arrive, giving you a fighting chance at keeping things. You can't play this lime an easier mission like say, Liberation or similar CTI maps, it is for a long time about building your resources, more than it is about holding objectives.
  10. winterbornete

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    I would love to see towns that convert over to supporting you have a "rebel leader" in that town that can give you missions the same way that Petros does, that are specific to that town and raise that town's influence further.
  11. ~/.local/share/Arma 3 - Other Profiles/yourprofilename/yourprofilename.Arma3Profile is the file read. Make sure that you set it to be executable with chmod +x or it doesn't seem to work right.
  12. winterbornete

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    No worries. To give an idea of what I would like to do with the most basic functionality, all I would want would be to have an arsenal box with X amount of things in it unlocked, and then add other stuff to the arsenal as enough were gathered. Unneeded for my purposes would be the dressing of NPCs or similar. I guess I would need to be able to empty a vehicle into the arsenal for the sake of avoiding the item limit. I will poke around but any hints on where to look would be helpful, I don't want to eat up a ton of your time with it.
  13. winterbornete

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Would you consider releasing your dynamic arsenal script and your transfer vehicle contents to ammobox script?
  14. winterbornete

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    With the last version uploaded to dropbox, I don't seem to ever go into revive anymore, just instant death? Same for others on my server.
  15. winterbornete

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Any chance of adding the ability to set the game to Autosave periodically? I play this mission regularly on a dedicated server I host and it'd be great to have it autosave periodically so that when the server restarts, I didn't have to log in to manually save first.