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General Kong

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Posts posted by General Kong

  1. Need help with a popup error fro some custom vests:



    107410_20180503012846_1.png 107410_20180503012447_1.png

    here is the code:

        class RC_Vest_F: V_Press_F
            displayName = "Ballistic Vest (Black)";
            author = "GeneralKong";
            scope = 2;
            picture = "VE_Essentials\Data\equip_RC_vest_01_co.paa";
    		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"VE_Essentials\Data\equip_RC_vest_01_co.paa"};
    		class ItemInfo: ItemInfo
            containerClass = "Supply100";
        class AATU_Vest_F: V_Press_F
            displayName = "Ballistic Vest (AATU)";
            author = "GeneralKong";
            scope = 2;
            picture = "VE_Essentials\Data\equip_AATU_vest_01_co.paa";
    		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"VE_Essentials\Data\equip_AATU_vest_01_co.paa"};
    		class ItemInfo: ItemInfo
            containerClass = "Supply100";
        class Olive_Vest_F: V_Press_F
            displayName = "Ballistic Vest (Olive)";
            author = "GeneralKong";
            scope = 2;
            picture = "VE_Essentials\Data\equip_olive_vest_01_co.paa";
    		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"VE_Essentials\Data\equip_olive_vest_01_co.paa"};
    		class ItemInfo: ItemInfo
            containerClass = "Supply100";




  2. @oOKexOo: Thank you for the mod man, I cant Zeus without this, I wanted to ask, if you might either expand upon the AI animation tool to be able to use mod animations and poses? or even create a new tool altogether so that we can put static animations and such on the AI for screenshot purposes?

  3. Righty, so I have gotten to the point of retexturing some vanilla assets, however, while my vehicle retextures are so far fine, the uniform retexture I have done is not showing up

    Here is the code relevent to the Uniform, the unform is meant INDFOR and OPFOR units, but I also want to have it available to be used by CIV and WEST

    class CfgVehicles 
    	class B_Soldier_F; 
        class RC_Uniform: B_soldier_F {
            author = "GeneralKong"; 
            _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F"; 
            scope = 0; 
            displayName = "Custom Soldier"; 
            identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "G_NATO_default"}; 
            genericNames = "NATOMen"; 
            faction = "RC2035_FACTION";
            model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_01.p3d"; //Default NATO
    		modelSides[] = {0,1,2,3};
            uniformClass = "RC_Camo"; 
            hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Insignia"}; 
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"VE_Essentials\Data\RC_SoldierFatigue_CO.paa"}; 
            weapons[] = {"arifle_TRG20_ACO_Flash_F","Throw","Put"}; 
            respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_TRG20_ACO_Flash_F","Throw","Put"}; 
            magazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; 
            respawnMagazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"};
            linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; 
            respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; 
    class CfgWeapons
        class ItemCore; 
        class UniformItem; 
        class Uniform_Base: ItemCore 
            class ItemInfo; 
        class RC_Camo: Uniform_Base 
            scope = 2; 
            displayName = "Combat Fatigues(Red Cell)"; 
            picture = "VE_Essentials\Data\RC_SoldierFatigue_CO.paa"; 
            model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_01.p3d";
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"VE_Essentials\Data\RC_SoldierFatigue_CO.paa"};		
            class ItemInfo : UniformItem { 
                uniformClass = "RC_Uniform"; 
                containerClass = "Supply50"; 
                mass = 50; 


  4. 42 minutes ago, stburr91 said:



    You assumed incorrectly. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that BI has stated that only those that purchase the DLC will have the content.

    Wait, BI are dropping their DLC model when it comes to Third Party DLC?

    So we are going to see divided multiplayer communities now?

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