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Everything posted by drebin052

  1. I certainly don't like Reforger's design choices with not having an editor on day one (no, Workbench does not count) and lacking content both for the sandbox and in the SP side of things, but it's not a surprise considering what it's supposed to be. I think Genesis' doom & gloom about it being the same for Arma 4 is a bit overblown in that regard...at least for now anyway. Not all hope is lost TBH. Even though it still has bugs and got abandoned not long after release with the excuse of being an "experiment", Old Man showed that BI is willing to devote some amount of time* into making fresh SP content that aren't generic Operation Arrowhead-style campaigns. (*) And effort too! It shows that BI has learnt something from trainwrecks like Manhattan.
  2. drebin052

    [Poll] ArmA Reforger / Arm4

    Bought straight away just for access to the tools. Sure there's no in-game mission editor but the Workbench (while complicated to use) is fantastic compared to tools of the past. As for Reforger itself...meh. Not a fan of the generic Cold War-gone-hot setting or the MP-only focus. Story-wise, Reforger makes even less sense...not to mention that just like Malden, Everon's magically been teleported to the mid-Atlantic...
  3. drebin052

    New informations or announcement soon?

    No 2D mission editor of the past. No Arma 3 style 3D Eden Editor. All you have is the Game Master (Reforger's Zeus), which is considered a game mode and not an editor. No method of pausing so everything you do is in real time (placing objects, setting waypoints, assigning scenario factions, etc.).
  4. drebin052

    New informations or announcement soon?

    No time for a video but I can post a few screenies to give you an idea of what it looks like:
  5. drebin052

    New informations or announcement soon?

    It's only the Game Master. There's no 2D/3D editor so you're pretty much stuck to using Reforger's Zeus equivalent. I guess a proper editor might be coming in the future (hopefully)?
  6. drebin052

    New informations or announcement soon?

    That's not exactly new though. BI's always wanted to jump onto the console bandwagon since Arma 2 but hasn't been able to because of hardware limitations: (source) Whether or not this leaked game ends up becoming a flop is a different matter, of course. OFP Elite: Electric Boogaloo 2 inbound? 😁
  7. drebin052

    Western Sahara flag textures

    "lxws\data_f_lxws\img\flags" is the filepath. flag_argana_co.paa for the nation's flag. flag_ion_co.paa for ION Services' flag (black background/white font). flag_sfia_co.paa for the SFIA's flag. flag_una_co.paa for the UNMA's flag.
  8. Have a look at Bohemia's Game Content Usage Rules. Intending to port things from BI games (Arma, DayZ, etc.) into a non-BI game very much falls into reverse engineering which is a big no-no since you are clearly not making your own stuff that are inspired by BI's assets: Some (not all) music is an exception but you're better off checking with BI's legal team for permission:
  9. Considering OP's posting history and the source of the "list" (if you can even call it that...), I wouldn't take them too seriously.
  10. *Vanguard making sad noises in the background* It's only Warfare 3.0 Warlords or nothing nowadays. End Game's niche is already filled by KotH anyway so no ones going to jump back into a dead game mode.
  11. From Dwarden on the official Arma discord WRT Argo stuff becoming available: https://discord.com/channels/105462288051380224/105465217185538048/916364602500083734 Might as well throw it into the same pile as samples for vanilla content at this point...
  12. It's still encrypted but you can access the classes through the Config Browser. Go into the Eden Editor and select the Tools tab -> Config Viewer.
  13. @PetrovDumass Just find these following classes and copy how they're set up: CfgWeapons U_C_FormalSuit_01_tshirt_black_F CfgVehicles C_Uniform_FormalSuit_01_black_F C_Uniform_FormalSuit_01_tshirt_black_F You can use the vanilla Editor's Config Browser to take a look. POLPOX also has a custom browser that can be used to search through it as well.
  14. They're not even the same company. BISim (VBS) had nothing to do with Arma 3's development.
  15. Apex's RPG-7 supports mag proxies. It was added as far back as 1.92. The problem is that Apex's PG-7 grenade (mag_rpg7_pg7v_1rnd.p3d) doesn't have camo selections defined so you can't retexture it unless you hex edit its path. In which event, you might as well just make your own model or port RPG rounds from Arma 2. Using RHSAFRF as an example, you can retexture its PG-7VL round and load it into the Apex RPG-7. The retexture works just fine since the RHS team have selections defined for the mag proxy's model:
  16. I think you're misunderstanding the whole point of the CDLC programme. It's for third party developers to make original content, not create remakes of assets/missions from past games that you can already get for free through mods like CUP/CWR3 on the Steam Workshop.
  17. drebin052

    Retexturing config

    ^ as Jackal said. But if you intend on giving your vest different levels of protection from vanilla, then you need to add a HitPointsProtectionInfo property to your custom vest's ItemInfo class. I would strongly suggest reading up on how to do this on the BIKI: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Soldier_Protection Getting the texture from Contact's EBOs requires the filepath of the model's texture (through the Config Browser) and using the in-game GUI Editor. It's a little convoluted so I would suggest not attempting it until you know the basics of how to customise your vest first.
  18. drebin052

    Retexturing config

    You are looking at the wrong item. That is a CfgVehicles classname for the placeable version of the Kipchak vest (used for Zeus/Eden editor). Take a look in CfgWeapons for V_SmershVest_01_F. Note how the actual vest doesn't have a "Vest_" prefix assigned.
  19. drebin052

    Retexturing config

    You need to look for the CfgVehicles classname that's tied to the uniform in CfgWeapons. Using the Tracksuit/Granit as an example... U_O_R_Gorka_01_camo_F is the classname of the uniform in CfgWeapons. By taking a peek into ItemInfo's properties, O_R_Gorka_camo_F is revealed to be the name of the uniform's class in CfgVehicles. Now in CfgVehicles, scroll all the way down the list until you find O_R_Gorka_camo_F. Click on its classname and look for the "model" token. You should see the filepath of the actual uniform model used for the Tracksuit/Granit.
  20. drebin052

    Retexturing config

    You can use the Editor's Config Browser to take a look at classes. There's also a bunch of other (addon based) config browsers on the Workshop that you can download to make viewing things a bit easier since the vanilla Config Browser is a bit clunky to use.
  21. drebin052

    Retexturing config

    The filepath for the Tracksuit/Granit's model is \a3\characters_f_enoch\uniforms\gorka_01_f.p3d With regards to the duplicate uniform...not sure. The config you've provided has no classname listed for "Odin_Gorka_White_1" so I suspect you may have another config packed elsewhere in your addon. Double check to see if you can find that classname in any of your other configs. By the way, I would recommend that you change your CfgPatches loadorder to the following setup: class CfgPatches { class OdinUniformRetextures { requiredAddons[]= { "A3_Data_F_AoW_Loadorder" }; requiredVersion=0.1; units[]={}; weapons[]= { "Gorka_White", "Gorka_CSAT_White", "Odin_Harness_White_1", "Odin_Harness_White_2", "Odin_Avenger_White_1" }; }; }; A3_Data_F_AoW_Loadorder should be the value for requiredAddons[] as the Art of War DLC is the latest loadorder in Arma 3's hierarchy and ensures that everything in vanilla gets loaded first before your addon does (A3_Characters_F is for stuff from the Alpha). weapons[] array needs to be populated with the classnames of your custom uniforms, vests and helmets to prevent potential issues with the Virtual Arsenal and Zeus.
  22. Your custom uniform still inherits its ItemInfo properties from the vanilla LDF uniform (U_I_E_Uniform_01_F) hence why it remains restricted to INDEP units only. You need to include your own ItemInfo class that inherits from the vanilla outfit but overrides its uniformClass value to link it to your custom uniform in CfgVehicles: NOTE: Pay close attention to the inheritance structure! class UniformItem; class Uniform_Base; class U_I_E_Uniform_01_F: Uniform_Base { class ItemInfo; }; class U_I_E_Uniform_01_F_B: U_I_E_Uniform_01_F { author="brendob47"; displayName="Combat Fatigues [LDFx]"; class ItemInfo: ItemInfo { uniformClass="L20S_Rifleman_B"; }; }; Also, the modelSides array isn't used in CfgWeapons for uniforms. The side checks only matter to the CfgVehicles side of things so there's no need to include it in the CfgWeapons class.
  23. drebin052

    Retexturing config

    Nope. gorka_01_F.p3d only uses one selection (camo_1) but it's named differently from most other models so it's easy to get it mixed up. As for the missing missing pouches on the LBV, you need to have a second texture based on tech_co.paa defined in the hiddenSelectionsTextures[] array. This also applies to any uniforms based on the CSAT Fatigues since it also uses camo1 and camo2: In CfgWeapons (for the vest classes): class CfgWeapons { // ... hiddenSelections[]= { "camo1", "camo2" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\Data\clothing_co.paa", "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\Data\tech_CO.paa" }; // ... class ItemInfo: ItemInfo { // ... hiddenSelections[]= { "camo1", "camo2" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\Data\clothing_co.paa", "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\Data\tech_CO.paa" }; // ... }; // ... }; In CfgVehicles (for the uniform class): class CfgVehicles { // ... hiddenSelections[]= { "Camo1", "Camo2", "insignia" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\Data\clothing_co.paa", "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\Data\tech_CO.paa" }; // ... };
  24. drebin052

    Retexturing config

    1. The "camo" selection doesn't exist for those models. Your vests are missing two selection definitions hence why it defaults to the coyote brown colour scheme. The LBV Harness/LBV Grenadier Harness models (equip_o_vest_gl.p3d and equip_o_vest01.p3d) utilise camo1 and camo2 for selections; camo1's texture is based on clothing_co.paa while camo2 is based on tech_co.paa. 2. You see identical versions of the same uniform because you're using the same displayName for both of them. Also, you are using the wrong model for the CfgWeapons uniform class; that should only be a suitpack model and not the actual uniform model (that should only be used for the CfgVehicles entry). Additionally, it has a second .p3d suffixed after it which is not necessary and will most likely give you an error since no model for "o_soldier_01.p3d.p3d" exists. I also noticed that you have both uniforms based on the same uniformClass (Gorka_White_1) while Gorka_CSAT_White_1 goes completely unused.
  25. There's a wishlist thread. Aside from the Live Ops team doing fixes, optimisation, and adding tweaks to the scripting system, development on Arma 3 has ended for a few years now so any major asset additions like this have zero chances of happening. The Art of War DLC was an exception but that was only because the competition didn't have as many entrants in the 3D category. Even then, we only got a handful of new (and very small) things like backpacks and outfits which don't come close to the amount of work required to make a full size ship. Creator DLCs exist for this very reason. If there's enough interest in the subject and there's a team that wants to make a pitch to Bohemia for said content (or already has) then it'll happen. If not, then you're SOL and you'll have make do with CUP's LHD. Not sure why you'd want another static ship anyway considering the Liberty and Freedom are already sufficiently large enough for amphibious ops...