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pvt. partz

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Everything posted by pvt. partz

  1. pvt. partz

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    I have yet to find the shop, lol
  2. ...he did? ...but to answer the comment/question, it works just fine. No issues but I can only vouch for SP
  3. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Quick test create MP scenario play scenario, toss smoke, see smoke, save, save & exit close Arma3 restart Arma3 using the launcher resume mission I do not see smoke FYI: I have seen this phenomenon happen many many times in the past. The fix that I found was to (weirdly enough) toss a smoke, exit only the mission (not Arma3) then resume. Not only was my smoke from the smoke I just tossed visible again but so were any other smoke effects that might have been present. as far as the host seeing smoke and player not, or vice versa as you mentioned earlier, I have no opinion. : Since you let me have the stage ...another quirck I have had since the very first days of Arma3, Whenever I quit playing a mission and go to desktop, within a few clicks I cannot click on anything so I have to CTRL/Alt/DELETE to infreeze the mouse function. I have have two mouses since Arma3 release. ...You might contact ShackTac (since he is one of the most MP players that comes to mind) and see if he has ever come across this issue.
  4. pvt. partz

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    ...ha, yup, it's just so easy. ...getting it right is the hard part!!
  5. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I've been playing Ryd's Sp Altis, (slightly modded but only through Editor) and I have not seen the smoke not showing issue after numerous save and resumes. Everyting runs fine at least in my case. If you are having issues in MP I suggest playing the Altis coop version see what happens there.
  6. pvt. partz

    smoke particles fail

    ...doesn't necesarily mean that the bug is Pilgrimage since it is the Arma "game engine" that creates the save and thus corrupts it. Would be interesting to scour the forums to see if other long played missions are having this issue.
  7. pvt. partz

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    @Hertz_85 I get that there are a lot of new assets not to mention the terrain. I've heard that the terrain is tough on the frame rates. I always want Pilgrimage to run smoothly but with the ability to really turn up the features in Pilgrimage, particularily ambient combat, it can run pretty badly. Also, porting is a lot of work and I've already done Cambodia which is as close as you can get to what Prairie Fire offers, that is, a tropical jungle in south east asia. Second, I suppose each person might have their own preference when it comes to ones favorite terrian. I was intrigued with Wester Sahara "because" it is so wide open. One, the frame rates will be through the roof and secondly, being exposed with few places to hide provides a new challenge.
  8. pvt. partz

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    So I guess once you've been bitten by the Arma bug, you never really recover. I'm wondering how many players are still looking for their brother these days. I see a new DLC called Western Sahara, (actually pretty cheap @ $6.00) and thoughts are running through my head for another port. Porting is a lot of work so if players still can't get away from Pilgrimage, just "Like" and let me know.
  9. @badanov I just jump in said vehicle and fire off a shot and this will get rid of the flash cone, that is if you don't startle the enemy‼️
  10. pvt. partz

    smoke particles fail

    One thing I've noticed without hard documentation is... ...if I see that the particles aren't working, I will toss a smoke grenade, save & exit, then restart (resume) ...it seems if I do that, the smoke always returns. I can't be sure as I'm only basing this on memory, not always paying strict attention, just trying not to get killed!
  11. pvt. partz

    smoke particles fail

    ...so just a corrupted save? Well that's not so bad. My original post I said I couldn't get the smoke back but then the next time I started the game, my smoke was back. 😉
  12. Hey CUP Team Just a shout out to the ongoing work you guys do for us. In paticular, your Chernarus conversion is really good. Thanks!
  13. pvt. partz

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    ...Well, As Arma would have it, not so much. ...here is a Chernarus_SP port https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2592843034 ...enjoy.
  14. pvt. partz

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Humphyashernicetry https://imgur.com/DAjF7Wz
  15. ...yup totally agree. ...@TPW, you could just put something like , discuss this mod here
  16. pvt. partz

    +7-10 FPS on Livonia/+15 on Tanoa

    Doesn't this do the exact same? just in different way? https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=837729515
  17. pvt. partz

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    I've temporarily locked up my guns but if by chance you've overlooked it, try the Pilgrimage in Cambodia in my sig. You can play SP or Co-op versions. If you enable the ambient combat, you'll be in a world of trouble, but so much fun!
  18. pvt. partz

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Alky_lee has stated that ports in this thread are not being updated. Some may still work, some may not. The link to Vidda on the first page is likely giving you problems because it is based off an older version of Vidda. To play on a stable version you should use the one in my signature.
  19. @Mr_john1 Yes, just enter zeros to disable anything you want.
  20. pvt. partz

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    @neofit ...I checked my version that I have stored down in the vault and it still works Ok. It's been a while but I may have made a few changes since the name of the terrain was changed. I can't confirm whether the name change makes any difference but nevertheless, I re-upped to DropBox. PS: Just goes to show the timelessness of this mission.
  21. Long overdue. Even stopping to have a smoke would be really cool. Thank you TPW! PS: I would assume your update could or probably will conflict with other AI mods?